Tuesday, 13 December 2005 Roll call Approval Special order of the Day

Tuesday, 13 December 2005
2:00 p.m., Dobo 202
Meeting 06-04
Roll call
Approval of the November minutes
Special order of the Day: Election of Senate President for 2006-2007
Individual reports:
1. Krista Tillman, Chair, UNCW Board of Trustees
2. Chancellor DePaolo
3. President of the Senate Spaulding
Old Business:
Given that the Faculty Senate supports an ecological management plan for campus habitats, it
also is proposed that we set aside a large area of this habitat for wildlife, research, teaching,
and recreation as a permanent reserve. Support of the following motion would recommend
that the current draft Master Plan resite proposed athletic fields and the Millennial Campus,
and reduce the impact of Phase II housing, that would further compromise the ecological
value of the wooded habitats now located in this area. To this end, the Building & Grounds
Committee moves that:
The Faculty Senate supports a designation of the ‘UNCW Forest Reserve’ comprising ~200
acres of wooded and wetland habitat now present in the back of campus, to be managed for
its ecology, educational activities, recreation, and other low-impact uses that will maintain
this property as a permanent conservation area.
[Motion 2006-03-08]
Given that the current Master Plan does not call for a reduction in parking on campus, but
rather an increase, and given that we currently have considerable traffic problems on Randall
and Racine with no plan offered to mitigate this problem, the Building & Grounds
Committee moves that:
The Faculty Senate supports a Master Plan that incorporates a change in university parking
policy that promotes a reduction of cars and parking on campus.
[Motion 2006-03-09]
Committee reports:
1. Report by Tim Ballard, Chair of the ad hoc Faculty Senate Basic Studies Review
2. The UCC makes the following motions:
To approve the following new prefixes:
a. In the Cameron School of Business:
[Motion 2006-04-10]
1. INB to designate all courses within the school with international content.
2. EBD to designate configuration of already existent courses as
Entrepreneurship and Business Development.
b. For African American Studies courses:
[Motion 2006-04-11]
1. Change the Prefix from AFA to AAS
c. For the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature:
[Motion 2006-04-12]
1. RUS for a new series of courses for Russian language study.
d. Approve an existing course as a Basic Studies course:
[Motion 2006-04-13]
under E. Natural Sciences and Mathematical Sciences
1. Natural Science
b. Physical Science
GLY 125 Natural Disasters (3) [non lab course]. Examination of the causes, effects, and
options available to mitigate actual disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
landslides, subsidence, flooding, severe weather, and meteorite impacts. Case histories are
used to demonstrate scientific principles and socioeconomic issues.
e. Approve RUS 101 & RUS 102, as new Basic Studies courses.
[Motion 2006-04-14]
under C. Humanities
4. Language
RUS 101-102 Introductory Russian (3-3). Introduction to Russian language and culture.
Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language through a communicative
f. Approve listing choice of MUS 105 or MUS 106 in Basic Studies, rather than
giving credit forboth courses.
[Motion 2006-04-15]
D. Fine Arts
MUS 105 or 106, 111, …
g. Approve preexisting course, CLR 301 (3) Basics of Clinical Research, as the
computer competency course for the School of Nursing.
[Motion 2006-04-16]
h. Approve new course in College of Arts and Science as the oral competency
course in Antropology.
[Motion 2006-04-17]
ANT 440 Seminar in Southeastern Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANT 207 and any 300-level
ANT course. Integrates southeastern archaeology, archaeology theory, and contemporary
issues in archaeology. Emphasis on the southeast as a regional unit and the interplay of local
environment and culture throughout the region.
i. Approve the creation of a new Certificate Program in Creative
[Motion 2006-04-18]
Certificate in Publishing
Requirements for the Certificate in Publishing: 10 hours. Majors only. Current practice,
theory, and history of publishing industry taught in conjunction with the UNCW Publishing
Laboratory. Requirements include CRW 321 Book and Publishing, CRW 322 Editing Fact
and Fiction, CRW 323 Bookbuilding; with three additional elective hours from CRW 324
Special Topics in Publishing [may be repeated twice under different subtitles] or CRW 460
publishing Practicum.
New business