STAFF SENATE Meeting Minutes Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 Friday Annex 136

STAFF SENATE Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 12th, 2015
Friday Annex 136
2:00 – 4:00
Call to Order 2:05
Confirmation of Quorum (16 members needed for quorum) 2:06
In attendance: Melissa Cox, Dawn Brown, Terry Ismert, Tara Romanella, Zach Morgan, Daniella Murray, Mindi
Miller, Erin St. Ledger, Beth Valdrighi, Jennifer Mackethan, Charley Ferguson, Kimberly Cockrell, Brenda Jarrell,
Jordan Hinkley, Ashely Cribb, Lauren Auton, Colleen Opalka, Amelie Brogden, Megan Allred
Approval of minutes from July meeting 2:08
Reading of Conflict of Interest Statement: 2:08
We are being included in part of the search process. Look for invitations to meet the candidates for the Chief
of Staff.
We need alternate for Staff Assembly Representative. This will be on our September Agenda and we will
vote in October.
Getting turnover metrics from HR. Once I get it, I will share by email and add to agenda if discussion is
As a result of responses to email, I have reached out to two speakers (Pat Leonard and Janine Iamuno) to
come in September to discuss UNCW policy for information sharing and using social media.
In consideration of the responses and the discussion in the communications meeting, Tara Romanella added
that the focus of the Staff Senate will be to build our website and use it as our official channel for
information on Staff Senate.
Tara also added that the Leadership council met today and shared:
o SWOOP resumes
o Broadband improvements
o The Chancellor’s strategic plan development is moving forward and being shared with Leadership
council groups for feedback. Expectation is for plan to be completed within two weeks and for the
mission statement to be revised to one or two sentences.
o State Budget is still pending.
o Chancellor encourages all staff to attend convocation.
No changes to budget. We are still waiting for budget to be allocated.
Annual Veteran’s survey went out recently
Disability survey will come soon
Open enrollment will be delayed a couple a weeks.
EPA hiring is moving to People Admin.
Smart Time implementation is schedule for the early 2016.
Communications-met and gathered thoughts regarding website and social media.
Orientation-meeting soon.
Faculty Senate-meeting in September.
GUEST SPEAKER: Marilyn Sheerer, Interim Provost
After introductions, Provost Sheerer shared thoughts on Chancellor, her first perception of UNCW, and her goals.
Call for ideas:
o Community Service and Outreach to Staff
o Discussion on food drive and/or other possible projects
o Email Dawn ideas and bring items to next meeting for discussion
Staff Priorities Presentation: Purpose of Staff Priorities List
o Biggest issue is action. What can we work on? Discussion followed.
o Passed out possible survey questions to Senators for discussion. Decisions made:
 Survey to go out after Labor Day and be open for two weeks.
 Discussion of paper vs. electronic survey.
 Any suggestions/changes should be emailed to Lauren Auton as soon as possible.
Jeff Janowski will be available to take professional headshots of Senators To be rescheduled
One card for staff and faculty are not being processed at the current time because of high volume of student
one cards. Will begin again after new semester rush.
Military Resource Lounge will open this week in Warwick. Open House is Wednesday August 19th at 4:30.
For more information:
We now have some parking spaces reserved for Veterans.
Chick Fil-A will open this week and the remodeled Dub’s Cafe will open soon.
UG Catalogue was printed in July and has custom pages for divisions. Please check this publication for items
that need updating and send that information to Zach Morgan. This does not apply to website catalogue.
The reservations calendar for campus life spaces opened yesterday (8/11).
Athletics asked for suggestions for avenues to reach students with information about events.
Adjournment 4:08