Shooting Sports Athletic Program

Shooting Sports Athletic Program
Our Shooting Sports welcomes students from any major who express an interest
in shooting sports as a recreational or a competitive activity. The team promotes
responsible use and ownership of firearms while attempting to further a spirit of
competition and community service.
RSCC is excited to welcome new shooters for an exciting year. Your success has
reached us and has sparked our interest to add you to the program here at
Roane State Community College. Due to this year's anticipated amount of
participation, students will be expected to earn their spot on this prestigious
team. Shooting athletes will represent the school at various competitions across
the state and the country.
Shooting sports athletes will not be offered any academic or athletic
scholarships based on selection and participation the RSCC shooting
sports athletic team. Further, each shooting sports athlete must be a
Roane State Community College student in good standing and maintain
a minimum of a 2.25 grade point average to participate.
The vision of the shooting sports teams is to promote continuing interest and
competitive aspirations for shooting sports athletes. The shooting sports team
will compete at the state, regional and national levels against other collegiate
shooting teams. All student athletes are provided an environment that promotes
safe and responsible firearm use and are offered the opportunity for instruction,
coaching and competition.
Shooting Athlete Responsibilities
• Maintain good standing by paying shooting fees to the Shooting Sports
•Abide by the Range/Facility and Shooting Team rules
• Provide one's own firearm and purchase team approved ammunition
• Pay range fees and or target fees and ammunition (if purchased from club)
before shooting
• Prepare, store and clean equipment and facility
• Conduct oneself in a safe/appropriate manner at all times
**Note: Due to liability issues members, will not be allowed to shoot unless/until
shooting coach or designated individuals (club advisor/sponsor, coach/instructor
and/or a representative from the range/shooting facility) are present.
Shooting Athlete Acknowledgement
I have read the above and the Shooting Guidelines and Etiquette page and
understand that I assume responsibility to conduct myself in accordance with the
Shooting Club rules and guidelines for membership. I acknowledge by my
signature that failure to adhere to the rules and guidelines will result in my
dismissal from the club and loss of shooting privileges. I understand there are
inherent risks in using firearms, and I assume those risks and will not hold the
Roane State Community liable for any bodily injury I may suffer in taking part in
this activity.
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date
Signature (PRINT) _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Phone# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e-mail (print) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Shooting Guidelines and Etiquette
The following guidelines are in place to ensure that each participant will have a
safe and successful experience.
Alcohol and drug use will not be tolerated by any individual
participating in RSCC Shooting Sports. Individuals who fail to abide by this
will be subject to disciplinary action, loss of shooting privileges and dismissal
from the shooting team.
Members at all times will abide by and adhere to the Firearms & Other Deadly
Weapons section of the Student Code of Conduct, published in the Student
1.) Absolutely no inappropriate behavior while on the firing line. Failure to
understand and apply the following guidelines could result in injury or worse to
yourself and/or others.
2.) All guns must have the action open and contain no live or empty rounds at
any time, except while the shooter is on the firing line. A break-open gun's action
may be closed when it is in a gun rack, but still shall not contain a live or empty
3.) Shooters must wear eye and ear protection at all times.
4.) Shooters shall place a round of ammunition in their gun only when ready and
it is their turn to shoot.
5.) Wait until it's your turn to shoot to load and mount your gun.
6.) ALWAYS walk behind anyone who is on the firing line and be COURTEOUS to
others by avoiding any actions that may cause a distraction to those still
General Student-Athlete Information
Last Name
Sport # 1
First Name
Sport #2 (if applicable)
Social Security Number
Spo11 #3 (if applicable)
Birth Date
(circle one)
Emergency Contact Information
Primary Emergency Contact
Last Name
Secondary Emergency Contact
____ _ _
Home Phone
_ ___ _ _
Work Phone
Last Name
______ _
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
l__)_ _ __
E-mail Address
E-mail Address
Relation to Student-Athlete
Relation to Student-Athlete
_ _ _,.,,.
Medical Information
!._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __
2. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
4,_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Current Medications
!._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
- - - - - -- - - - - -
3. _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
Insurance Information
Primary Insurance
Secondary Insurance
L _ )_ _ _ __
Phone Number
L _ ) _ _ _ __
Phone Number
Plan Number
Plan Number
Po licy Number
Policy Number
Policy Holder
Policy Holder
Last Name
Last Name
ID Number
ID Number
Bi11h Date
Birth Date
Primary Care Physician
Primary Care Physician
Primary Care Physician Phone Number
Primary Care Physician Phone Number