Document 12064241

Policy Area: School of Pharmacy – Business Subject: Approvals Prior to Purchase Office Effective Date: 07/09/2014 Page Number: 1 Approved Date: 07/09/2014 Approved by: Administration Revision Date: 1. Rationale or background to policy: To establish policy for ensuring funds are available for all expenses that are to be charged to the General account or Departmental accounts. 2. Policy Statement: All faculty shall follow the established procedures for requesting approval prior to incurring an expense. 3. Procedures: 1. Prior to incurring an expense that will be charged to the general pharmacy account or the individual departmental accounts, an email shall be sent to the Business Office Manager at 2. The Business Office Manager will verify that the funds are available and will confirm the account the expense shall be charged to. 3. The faculty member will be notified once the expense has been approved. 