Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Two Dimensional Neutral Difference Systems Thiagarajan Revathi

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Appl. Appl. Math.
ISSN: 1932-9466
Applications and Applied
An International Journal
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013), pp. 585 – 595
Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Two
Dimensional Neutral Difference Systems
Thiagarajan Revathi
Department of Mathematics
Queen Mary’s College
Chennai-600 004, Tamil Nadu, India
Received:September 07, 2012; Accepted: July 8, 2013
In this paper we obtain sufficient conditions for the asymptotic properties of solutions of two
dimensional neutral difference systems. Our result extends some existing results in the literature.
An example is given to illustrate the result.
Keywords: Difference system, neutral type, Nonoscillotory, asymptotic
AMS-MSC 2010 No.: 39A10
1. Introduction
The problem of oscillation and nonoscillation of second order nonlinear difference equations is
of particular interest because they are discrete analogues of second order differential equations
with physical applications (Kocic et al. (1993), Potts (1981)). It is an interesting problem to
extent an oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear difference equations to the case of
nonlinear two dimensional difference systems since such systems include, in particular, second
order nonlinear, half linear and quasilinear difference equations as special cases.
In the qualitative theory of difference equation, oscillatory and nonoscillatory behavior of
solutions plays an important role. Further these types of solutions are associated with many
physical and biological phenomena such as vibrating mechanical systems, electrical circuits and
Thiagarajan Revathi
population dynamics. Thandapani et al. (1996), considered the following neutral difference
equation of the form
(an  ( xn  pn xn  k ))  qn ( xn 1l ) = 0, n  N (n0 ).
They obtained the oscillation criteria of the equation. Further they classified all nonoscillatory
solutions of the same equation into four classes and established conditions for the existence and
nonexistence of solutions in these classes. Szafranski et al. (1990) considered the two
dimensional difference system of the form
( xn ) = bn yn
yn = an f ( xn ) n  N (n0 ).
They established the condition for the oscillation and asymptotic behavior of solutions of the
above system. Graef et al. (1999) considered the two dimensional difference system of the form
( xn ) = bn g ( yn )
yn =  an f ( xn ) n  N (n0 ).
They obtained conditions for all solutions of the system to be oscillatory. Huo and Li (2001)
considered the following Emden-Fowler difference system
( xn ) = bn g ( yn )
yn = an f ( xn )  rn n  N (n0 ).
They established some criteria for the oscillation of the system.
Motivated by the above, in this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of two dimensional
nonlinear difference system of neutral type. Consider the nonlinear two-dimensional difference
systems of neutral type
 ( xn  an x ( n ) ) = pn yn
yn =  qn f ( x ( n ) ), n  N ( n0 ).
and (n0 ) = {n0 , n0  1,} , n0 non-negative integer.
The following conditions are assumed:
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013)
1. {an } is a positive real sequence. { (n)} and { ( n)} are sequences of integers and are
increasing with lim n  ( n) = lim n  ( n) =  .
2. { pn } and {qn } are nonnegative real sequences with qn  0 for infinitely many values of
n and
n = n0
pn =  .
3. f :    is continuous, uf (u ) > 0 for u  0 and | f (u ) | K | u | where K is a positive
Let  = max{inf n > n0  ( n), inf n > n0  ( n)} . By a solution of the system (1) we mean a real sequence
X = ({xn }, { yn }) , which is defined for all n  n0   and satisfies the system (1) for all
n  N (n0 ) .
Denote by W the set of all solutions X = ({xn }, { yn }) of the system (1) which exists for
n  N (n0 ) and satisfy
sup{| xn |  | yn |: n  N } > 0 for any integer N  N 0 .
A real sequence defined on N ( N 0 ) is said to be oscillatory if it is neither eventually positive nor
eventually negative and nonoscillatory otherwise.
A solution X W is said to be oscillatory if both components are oscillatory and it will be called
nonoscillatory otherwise.
Some oscillation results for difference system (1) when an = 0 for n  N ( N 0 ) and  ( n) = n have
been presented in Graef et al. (1999), Huo and Li (2001). In particular when pn > 0 for all,
n  N (n0 ) the difference system reduces to the second order nonlinear difference equations
 1
  ( xn  an x ( n ) )  = qn f ( x ( n ) ).
 pn
Also if pn = 1 for n  N (n0 ) and if f (u ) =| u | sgnu , the above equation becomes
 1
 ( xn  an x ( n ) )  =| x ( n ) | sgnx ( n ) .
 pn
The oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of the equations of type (2) and (3) are studied by Hoker
and Patula (1983), Stemal et al. (1998), Thandapani (1992), Thandapani et al. (1995), Zang
Thiagarajan Revathi
2. Some Useful Lemmas
Denote A(n, s) = t = s pt , n > s  n0 . For any xn we define zn by
n 1
zn = xn  an x ( n ) .
We begin with the following lemma
Lemma 1.
Let (C1) - (C3) hold and let X = ({xn }, { yn })  W be a solution of the system (1) with {xn } either
eventually positive or eventually negative for all n  N1  N (n0 ) . Then ({xn }, { yn }) is
nonoscillatory and {z n } , { yn } are monotone for n  N ( N1 ) .
Let X = ({xn }, { yn })  W and let {xn } be eventually positive. Then from the second equation of
the system (1) we have yn  0 for all n  N1  N (n0 ) and y n and y n are not identically zero
for infinitely large values of n . Hence, { yn } is either eventually positive or eventually negative
n  N 2 . Then, ({xn }, { yn }) is nonoscillatory. Further from the first equation of the system (1) we
have z n > 0 or z n < 0 eventually. Hence, {z n } is monotone for all n  N  N 2 . The proof is
similar when {xn } is eventually negative.
Lemma 2.
In addition to conditions (C1) - (C3) assume that 1  an for all n  N ( n0 ) . Let {xn } be a
nonoscillatory solution of the inequality
xn ( xn  an x (n ) ) > 0
for n sufficiently large.
If  ( n) = n  k for n  N (n0 ) where k is a positive integer then {xn } is bounded.
Moreover if 1 <   an , n  N (n0 ) for some constant  then limn xn = 0 .
If  ( n) = n  k for, then there exists a positive constant C such that | xn | C for all
large n .
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013)
Let {xn } be a nonoscillatory solution of the system (1). Without loss of generality we may
assume that {xn } be an eventually positive solution of the inequality (5), the proof for the case
{xn } eventually negative is similar.
Assume that 1  an .
1. Let xn > 0 for all n  N (n0 ) . In view of 1  an and  ( n) = n  k we have
xn  k <
xn  xn for all large n , which implies {xn } is bounded. If 1 <   an ,
n  N (n0 ) holds for some positive constant  , then we have xn  k <
xn < xn . Then,
xn  jk
< lim j    xn  0 as j   which implies that lim n xn = 0.
 
Let {xn } be a nonoscillatory solution of the system (1). Let xn > 0 for all
n  n1  N (n0 ) . In view of 1  an and  ( n) = n  k we have xn  an xn k > 0 . This
implies xn  k > xn , which implies that there exists a constant C > 0 such that | xn | C
for all large n .
3. Asymptotic Behavior
In this section we present a sufficient condition for the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the
system (1).
Theorem 3.
Assume that
1 <   an , (isaconstant )
 ( n) = n  k and  ( n) = n  l with k < l ,
n 1
limsup  K  As (n, s  1)qs / as  k l  > 1,
n  
s = n  k l
n = n0
 pn 
as  k  l
= .
Then, for every nonoscillatory solution X = ({xn }, { yn })  W , limn xn = limn yn = 0 holds.
Thiagarajan Revathi
Let ({xn }, { yn })  W be a non oscillatory solution of the system (1). Without loss of generality
we may suppose that xn > 0 for all n  n1  N (n0 ) . By the second equation of the system (1) and
the hypotheses, we have yn  0 for all n  n2  N (n1 ) .
In view of Lemma 1, we have two cases for sufficiently large n3  N (n2 ) ;
(I) yn > 0 , for n  n3 ;
(II) yn < 0 , for n  n3 .
Case (I) We consider two possibilities.
(A): Let z n < 0 for n  n4 where n4  N (n3 ) is sufficiently large.
We prove limn z n = 0 . Since {z n } is non-decreasing
limzn =  L, L > 0 is a constant
n 
z n   L for n  n4 .
Since xn > 0 , by (4), we have
 xn l <
zn  k  l
, n  n4 ,
an  k l
 L  zn  k l  an  k l xn l , n  n4 .
By the hypotheses and the second equation of (1)
 KLq n
  Kqn xn l   qn f ( xn l ) = yn forn  n4 .
an  k  l
Summing (12) from n to n* and then taking n*   we obtain
as  k  l
 yn , n  n4 .
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Multiplying the last inequality by pn and using the first equation of the system (1), we have
KLp n  s = n
as  k  l
 z n , n  n4 .
Summing the last inequality from N to n  1 and letting n   , we obtain
KL n = N pn s = n
as  k  l
 L  zN < zN .
This contradicts (9) consequently limn z n = 0 .
Since {z n } is bounded, there is a constant B > 0 such that z n   B for n  n4 and by (4), one
xn = an xn  k  z n  an xn  k  B  xn  k  B for n  n4 .
We claim {xn } is bounded. Let {xn } be unbounded then {xn  k } is unbounded and there is a
sequence {n j } such that n j   as j   and lim j  xn  k =  and xn  k = max n4  s  n j  k xs .
By (13),
 xn j  k  xn j  k  B ,
j k
, j = 1,2,.
 1
This is a contradiction to lim j  xn  k =  , and, hence, {xn } is bounded.
Next we claim that limn xn = 0 .
Let limn xn  k = c > 0 . Then, limn sup xn = c . Let {n j } , j = 1,2,  be a subsequence such
that lim j  n j =  and lim j  sup xn  k = c . Then, lim j  xn  c . By (4), we have
z n  xn  xn
 k , j 1,2,  and xn
By the last inequality, we have
j k
xn  z n
, j = 1,2,.
Thiagarajan Revathi
c = limsup xn
j 
j k
limsup xn j
j 
which holds when   1 , a contradiction to (6). This means that limn xn  k = 0 and also
limsupn xn = 0 . Further, xn > 0 holds for n  N (n0 ) , so limn inf xn = 0 and this leads to
limn xn = 0 .
Next we prove limn yn = 0 . Let limn yn = D > 0 . Then,
yn  D, forn  n3 .
Summing the first equation of system (1) from n3 to n  1 and using (4) and (14), we have
n 1
z n  z n  D  ps .
s = n3
By (15) and the hypothesis, limn z n =  , which contradicts the fact z n < 0 for n  n4 . Hence,
limn yn = 0 .
(B): Let z n > 0 for n  n4 where n4  N (n3 ) is sufficiently large. By Lemma 2, limn xn = 0 .
holds. We prove similarly as in the above proof that limn yn = 0 .
The relation (15) implies limn z n =  . Therefore, by (4) we have z n < xn for n  n3 and that
contradicts limn xn = 0 . Hence, limn yn = 0 .
Case (II)
In this case ,
yn   L for n  n3 , L is a positive constant.
Summing the first equation of the system (1) from n3 to n  1 , and using the inequality (16),
we have
n 1
zn  zn   L  ps n  n3 .
s = n3
By (17) and the hypothesis, it follows that limn z n =  and z n < 0 for n  n4 , where
n4  N (n3 ) is sufficiently large. By (4) we have z n >  an xn  k , n  n4 . Then,
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xn  k >
zn  k l
, n  n4 .
an  k  l
Since | f (u ) | k | u | , for u = xn  k , we have
xn l 
f ( xn  l )
, n  n4 .
Multiply (19) by Kqn and using (18) we have
 Kqn
zn  k  l
 Kqn xn  l  qn f ( xn l ), n  n4 .
an  k  l
Using the second equation of the system (1) and (20), we have
n 1
n 1
n 1
t =s
A(n, t  1)yt = A(n, t  1)qt f ( xt l )  K A(n; t  1)qt
zt  k  l
, for n > s  n4 .
at  k l
Using summation by parts formula we have
n 1
A(n, t  1)y
=  zn  zs  A(n, s ).
Combining (21) and (22), we have
n 1
n 1
t =s
A(n, t  1)yt = zs  zn  A(n, s) ys  K A(n, t  1)qt
zt  k l
n > s  n4 .
at  k l
Since z n < 0 , yn < 0 , and A(n, t )  0 , n > s  n4 , we have
n 1
zs  K A(n, t  1)qt
zt  k l
, n > s  n4 .
at  k l
Let s = n  k  l and using the fact that z n  k l < 0 and non-increasing, by (24), we obtain
1 K
n 1
t = n  k l
A(n, t  1)qt
at  k l
, n  n5 .
This contradicts (8). The second part of the proof for the case xn < 0 eventually is similar to the
previous one and hence the details are omitted. Hence, the proof is complete.
Thiagarajan Revathi
Example 4.
Consider the difference system
( xn  3 xn 1 ) = 2(n  1) yn
y n = 
xn  3 n  1 .
,  ( n) = n  3 , f (u ) = u , K = 1 ,
A(n, s ) = n( n  1)  s ( s  1) . Then all the conditions of Theorem 3 are satisfied. Hence, every
nonoscillatory solution ({xn }, { yn }) of (25) satisfies limn xn = limn yn = 0 .
Here an = 3 ,  ( n) = n  1 , pn = 2(n  1) , qn =
4. Conclusion
The sufficient condition for the asymptotic behavior of the two dimensional neutral difference
system have been discussed. The example considered in this work supports the results of the
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