Faculty Welfare Committee Summary of activities 2012 – 2013

Faculty Welfare Committee
Summary of activities 2012 – 2013
Meeting on a monthly basis, the Faculty Welfare Committee focused its activities on
actions that were likely to make the most impact on faculty welfare and that were within
the scope of the committee’s charge. To generate a list of issues that were most important
to faculty, the committee invited all university faculty to attend bring-your-own lunch
meetings in order to discuss concerns most directly related to faculty welfare. Although
not well attended by full-time faculty, the meetings generated discussion by part-time
faculty about parking fees, office space, and other working conditions. Accordingly, the
committee proposed revisions to the parking fee structure to lessen the burden on parttime faculty and to promote recognition of their contributions to the university as a
whole. Other committee actions included suggestions to publicize defibrillators on
campus and recommending that each academic department implement policies on
compensating faculty for non-remunerated teaching activities.
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel Johnson
Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee