University of Oklahoma EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE NEL 215 - Seminar

University of Oklahoma
NEL 215 - Seminar
August 21, 2014
Committee Members:
Will Wayne
Tricia Rahal
Mary Ann Pascucci
Debbie Copp
Krista Pettersen
Jannie Porter
Suzanne Harrell
Renda Passek
Terri Lunday
Angela Hawpe
Lindsay Mitchell
Chase Massie
Breion Rollins
Ruth Donahue
Les Hoven
Jessica Cadotte
Kevin Breslin
Approval of minutes
Motion to approve June minutes by Porter and second by Passek. Approved with changes to page 1 and
3 by unanimous vote.
2014/2015 EBC Chair
(Copp) Moved to elect Don Clothier as Chair by acclimation and second motion was made by Wayne.
Motion accepted by unanimous vote.
(Harrell) Moved to elect Wayne as Vice Chair. Motion accepted by unanimous vote.
Amending Bylaws to add Cameron University
(Copp) Made motion to for Cameron to have an official Seat. Motion was passed by unanimous vote.
2015 Renewal
Segal has entered into discussion with BCBS to negotiate the medical plan renewal:
Prescription Drug Trend- Due to emerging national experience and several OU members
using Sovaldi, a new high cost prescription drug used for treatment of Hepatitis C, BCBS
was unwilling to change their assumptions.
ACA Fees- The projected ACA fees were calculated using a companywide formula used
for all clients. For this reason, BCBS was unable to modify this assumption.
Margin- Negotiations were made in the risk margin assumption to be reduced from 2%
to 1%. The goal was originally for negotiations to be reduced down to 0%. However,
June 2014 claim data was not favorable for OU and the decision was mutually to settle
at 1% with the exclusion of the June 2014 claim data.
The self-funded renewal consisted of the following two premiums/rates:
Individual and aggregate stop loss premiums- Both are on the low end of what Segal’s
other clients are paying and believe that the proposed premiums are competitive.
Administrative services only (ASO) fee- Negotiations with BCBS resulted in an agreement
to reduce the proposed ASO fee from $28.52 to $26.83 (a 6.3% reduction).
The 2015 Fully-Insured Renewal Methodology was based on data from June 1, 2013 –May 31, 2014.
Rates for PPO had a 10.3% increase and for HCA a -68.4% decrease. The combined increase of the PPO
and HCA comes out to 7.9%. Rates for the HMO had an 8.1% increase and the Indemnity Plan had a 7.4% decrease. The projected Grand Total for all the plans is a 7.5% increase.
(Hawpe) The 7.5% increase is the worst case scenario. There will be no difference in how the plans
function between being fully insured or self-funded. The only difference will be how the claims are paid.
(Donahue) The experience of the employees will not change.
(Hawpe) Moving to Self-Funded will change the group number requiring new insurance cards to be
mailed out to all plan members. Projected goal to have cards mailed out is by Dec 15, 2014.
Strategic Plan Update
There is a meeting set up with the Strategic Planning Committee on August 22, 2014. Recommendations
include a proposed $25 No Tobacco surcharge and the elimination of the $50 health insurance waiver.
Any benefit changes must be approved.
(Hoven) Will the $25 No Tobacco use benefit be for smoking only?
(Rollins) No. It will include all tobacco products such as vapor and chewing tobacco. Lindsay Mitchell
submitted language to communications about adding vapor to the staff handbook.
ACA Update
(Hawpe) HR will be working with the various governance groups over the next few months to explain the
changes to reporting and tracking requirements.
HR has been working on an ACA Memo for the campus.
(Copp) Employees are calling with concerns and questions.
(Harrell) There are also questions about payroll procedures.
Wellness Update
Fun Run set for September 27th. Online registration is open now.
We have started the “Move More” challenge encouraging exercise to employees. The challenge is 5
weeks and we will try to do a random drawing for those who do at least 30 minutes of exercise four
times a week. Challenge begins on September 29th and already has 80 participants registered.
Intermural Sports have started out of Fit-Rec. This has continued to grow on the Faculty/Staff side and
has now been opened up to all sports.
Health Screenings are also set as well.
Updates from Director
We have reviewed enrollment in the carious benefit plans. Over the last three years there has been a
10% decrease in enrollment in the HMO plan. Open Enrollment is coming up. Any feedback for campus
communications is welcomed.
(Porter) The HR News Letter mentioned that HSC is moving to a biweekly pay schedule. Does that have
change have to do with ACA? Would we consider moving all of Norman to a biweekly pay schedule as
(Hoven) All employees at HSC, whether hourly or salaried, are currently paid on a monthly basis. There
are several reasons why the HSC is implementing a new Time Attendance and Leave System. No decision
has been made to implement a similar system in Norman and any project plan would involve the various
departments and identification of operating requirements.
Other business
(Copp) When is Open Enrollment?
(Hawpe) November 3rd – 21st are the dates for all employees including retirees. However, retirees will
have a little longer to make changes after November 21st.
Next meeting 9/18/14