Regional Nursing Workshop 2015


Updated October 22, 2015

Regional Nursing Workshop 2015

Sheraton Cavalier Hotel, Saskatoon

November 24 th – 26 th , 2015

* Speakers and times subject to change*


Tuesday, November 24 th

1230 – 1300 (30 min.) Registration

1300 - 1320


(20 min.)

(75 min.)

Welcome - Opening Remarks

Introduction of Planning Committee

Greetings: Mary Ellen Andrews, Acting Associate Dean North and North-Western SK, College of Nursing,

University of Saskatchewan

Alexander Campbell, Regional Executive Director, FNIHB-SK

Katherine Hennessy, Director, Primary Care & Clinical Services, FNIHB-SK

Opening Keynote:

Resilience Fitness - Dr. Wayne Corneil, Ottawa, ON

This session will discuss:

• Developing critical thinking, knowledge, and skills to overcome challenges, mature, and bounce back from adversity in a variety of settings

• Techniques to assist people in coping with stress events and circumstances

• Way to improve the ability to respond to stressful events

• Six areas for fitness that have been clinically proven to increase resilience including physical, interpersonal, emotional, thinking, behavioural, and spiritual.

• Activities that focus on stress and energy management

1435 – 1455 (20 min.) Health Break/ Display Viewing: Beverages and Snacks provided


Updated October 22, 2015

DAY ONE - Continued

1455-1540 (45 min.)



(1 hr.)

Plenary I:

It Takes a Team: Improving patient safety and service in TB medication administration, delivery and management - Cathy Hartsook, TB Prevention & Control Saskatchewan & Celine Czernick, FNIHB,

Health Canada

This session will discuss:

• The various roles and responsibilities regarding TB medication administration, delivery, and management

• The importance of teamwork, communication, and documentation in Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)

Plenary II:

Issues in Dementia Care Among Indigenous Populations: A Partnership with File Hills Qu'Appelle

Tribal Council - Dr. Carrie Bourassa, First Nations University of Canada, & Community Partner representative (TBA).

This session will discuss:

• The purpose of this 5 year funded project including goals and objectives

• The nature of the partnership with File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council and work being undertaken concurrently by Co-PI Dr. Kristen Jacklin with First Nations partners in Ontario

• An update on the project to date will be provided and a discussion regarding ethical research processes will be outlined

End of Day One


Updated October 22, 2015


Wednesday, November 25 th





(30 min.)

(15 min.)

(10 min.)

(50 min.)

Continental Breakfast (provided), Registration, Display Viewing

Welcome Back

Relocation Break

Concurrent Sessions - Set 1

1A Functional aids and their use in a home environment – Andrea Zary Occupational Therapy, Saskatoon, SK

This session will discuss:

• The role of OT and how it differs in acute care/outpatients/home settings, and when to refer

• Home transfer/mobility aids covered thru NIHB funding/limitations of funding options/appeal process/repair process

• What type of assessment should go into prescribing a transfer/mobility aid prior to ordering (i.e.: practical considerations of how to assess for bathroom aids/poles/cushions/wheelchairs/lifts)

• How mobility aids can enhance function and prevent falls when used correctly.

• How to follow up/set up equipment once it arrives and what to do the equipment is not working/no longer required

1B How to Teach Sex Ed: Tips for Working with Youth and Sexual Health – Dr. Brian Parker, Compass Centre for Sexual Wellness,

Edmonton, AB

This session will discuss:

• How to be a sex-positive and approachable professional

• The importance of comprehensive sex education

• Effective strategies for talking to youth about abstinence, safer sex, and contraception

1C Wanuskewin: Restoring harmony, reconciliation, and health outcomes in Indigenous communities – Sid Fiddler, Waterhen Lake

First Nation

This session will discuss:

• Historical examination of world events including contemporary life events and the concept of Wanuskewin

• Stages and process of Indigenous reconciliation, community inclusion, & outcomes of ceremonies, language, and cultural practices

• Shifts in overall Indigenous health outcomes and moving forward


Updated October 22, 2015

DAY TWO - Continued

1D Addiction in the Workplace – Brenda Senger, Physician Support Programs Director, Saskatchewan Medical Association

This session will discuss:

• What puts healthcare workers at higher risk in this area

• “Red Flags” for suspecting substance use/abuse or addiction in the workplace

• Strategies and resources to assist those struggling in this area

0945-0955 (10 min.)

0955-1045 (50 min.)

Relocation Break

Concurrent Sessions – Set 1 Repeated

1045 - 1115 (30 min.)

1115-1205 (50 min.)

1A/ 1B/ 1C/ 1D

Health Break/Display Viewing: Beverages/Snacks provided

Concurrent Sessions - Set 2

2A Common Lab Values for Clinical Applications – Dr. Tony Tung, FNIHB, Health Canada

This session will discuss:

• Some of the common lab tests

• Common lab values and what they mean in clinical practice

2B Vaccinology 101 – Dr. Shelly McNeil, Canadian Centre for Vaccinology, Halifax, NS

This session will discuss:

• How vaccines work using basic knowledge of the immune system

• The rationale and benefit of immunization, as relevant to the practice setting

• The components and properties of immunizing agenda as needed for safe and effective practice

2C Pediatric Anemia: A Focused Approach to the Identification, Treatment and Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia in First

Nations Children – Doria Akre, Saskatoon, SK

This session will discuss:

• The common causes of pediatric anemia

• The pathophysiology of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)

• The general rates, etiology and risk factors for IDA in First nations children

• The clinical assessment and diagnosis of pediatric IDA

• Basic IDA treatment and follow-up referral parameters, and the prevention of pediatric IDA in First Nations communities


Updated October 22, 2015

DAY TWO - Continued

2D Leading RN Practice through RN Specialty Practices – Terry Belcourt, SRNA

This session will discuss:

• Criteria for RN Specialty Practices

• Applying criteria to practice situations

• Analyzing own practice through the lens of RN Specialty Practice criteria

• Building a plan for integrating RN Specialty Practices into practice

This will be an interactive session where participants will be identifying RN Specialty Practices for their unique practice area

1205-1300 (55 min.)

1300-1350 (50 min.)

Lunch (provided) / Display Viewing

Concurrent Sessions- Set 2 Repeated

2A/ 2B/ 2C/ 2D

1350-1355 (5 min.)

1355-1445 (50 min.)

Relocation Break

Concurrent Sessions - Set 3

3A Understanding Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); from Diagnosis to Self-management - Shelly Hutchinson COPD

Nurse Clinician, LiveWell COPD Program, Saskatoon Health Region.

This session will discuss:

• What is COPD?

• How is COPD diagnosed?

• The goals of managing COPD

• Strategies that all COPD clients need to know to improve their quality of life

3B Breastfeeding Beyond the First 2 Weeks: How to Support and Encourage Moms – Cindy Leclerc, NuuNest, Saskatoon, SK

This session will discuss:

• The 3 most common reasons women discontinue breastfeeding.

• How skin-to-skin contact supports breastfeeding.

• Breastfeeding myths that may undermine breastfeeding longevity.

• Online resources providing evidence based breastfeeding information.


Updated October 22, 2015

DAY TWO – Continued

3C "I HAVE TO PUSH!” - Managing an emergency delivery – Dr. Jocelyne Martel, Saskatoon, SK

This session will discuss:

• The symptoms and signs of precipitous labour and birth

• The cardinal movements of the fetus in second stage

• Describe the set up for a safe vaginal delivery

3D Stabilization of the Acute/Critically Ill paediatric patient: The priority is early and goal directed . – Dr. Tanya Holt, Saskatoon, SK

This session will discuss:

• Recognizing common paediatric acute care problems

• Identifying early management strategies for stabilization

• Recognizing the importance of paediatric acute care stabilization prior to transport.

1445-1515 (30 min.) Health Break/Display Viewing: Beverages/Snacks provided

1515 – 1605 (50 min.) Concurrent Sessions - Set 3 Repeated

3A/ 3B/ 3C/ 3D

1605 End of Day Two

1610-1710 Special Mandatory Meeting for FNIHB Employed Nurses only

Home Care Stream

CHN Stream

Primary Care Stream

Leadership, Mental Health & Health Protection Stream

*You may choose from any of the streams. You are NOT required to follow only one stream.

*Speakers and times subject to change


Updated October 22, 2015


Thursday, November 26 th




(30 min.)

(15 min.)

(1 hr.)

Continental Breakfast (provided), Display Viewing

Welcome Back

Plenary III:

OCISM Pilot Project: Introduction to Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training for Nurses

Evelyn Richards, Health Canada, Occupational & Critical Incident Stress Management (OCISM),

Winnipeg. MB

This session will discuss:

• Recognizing the high risk of violence nurses face in various health care settings, as reinforced by OCISM statistics.

• A sampling of concepts taught in the ongoing pilot project being provided by OCISM to promote nurses' safety and prevent or reduce escalation of violence.

• Identifying core elements of the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training that will promote provision of Care,

Welfare, Safety, and Security of all staff and clients.

0945 – 1045 (1 hr.) Plenary IV:

Turn on the Switch: Find a passion and obsess about it, you will make the world a better place

Carla O’Reilly, Moose Jaw, SK.

This session will discuss:

• The speaker’s battle with severe postpartum depression and psychosis and her transformation from suicide statistic to awareness advocate

• The story of the Smiling Mask project and the mission to provide awareness, acceptance and understanding of postpartum difficulties

• The 15 inspirational tools from “Turn on the Switch”, including the power of positive thought, destroying the stigma of mental illness, and the tools of awareness, forgiveness, acceptance, and love in order to begin healing.

1045 – 1100 (15 min.) Health Break/Display Viewing: Beverages/Snacks provided


Updated October 22, 2015

DAY THREE - Continued

1100 – 1215 (75 min.) Closing Keynote:

This Would Be Funny…If It Wasn’t Happening To Me! How To Embrace Change With Humour,

Enthusiasm & Vigour

Jody Urquhart, Calgary, AB

Sometimes life just gets in the way. Do you ever think, “Why can’t things just go the way I want for a change?” or “Why can’t people just leave me alone?” This hilarious and provocative presentation explores how to face your stress instead of running and hiding. Embrace challenging situations and people with new ideas, innovation and conviction. Increase your comfort and confidence in the face of stress and change. Explore how the only way out is through and that it can actually be fun to embrace work challenges. Learn to do more with less and love it. Embrace the chaos of change with conviction and vitality.

This session will discuss:

Deriving strength from change ( government, healthcare, community)

Knowing the 3 levels of service engagement throughout change and how to be congruent

Laughing when things go wrong

Summoning your strength, courage, and talent during the topsy-turvy times in your life

1215 – 1230 (15 min.) Closing Remarks

