Graduate Council Meeting Minutes Members Present: Members Absent/Excused:

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2009
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: C. Anderson, R. Bolton, D. Erickson, D. Doyle, L. Frey, J. Hirstein,
J. Hunt, E. Hurd, N. Moisey, G. Quintero, C. VonReichert
Members Absent/Excused: M. McGuirl, J. Sears, Associate Provost Brown
Ex-officio members Present: S. Ross
Guest: A. Vernon
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 p.m.
Professor Doyle is representing Professor Winkler at today’s meeting. He was
welcomed to the Council.
A revised deferred admissions policy was sent by the Graduate School to
Graduate Program Directors. Graduate Council and the GSA should have been
informed of this change prior to the implementation, or at least on the mailing list
to be informed. There was a concern regarding the need for the $20 fee and the
treatment of the students as readmission rather than differed. The issue will need
to be discussed further.
The Graduate School is currently reviewing all its policies and will bring them to
the Council sometime this academic year. It was suggested that the revised
policies include tracking the changes.
Business Items:
The Social Science Subcommittee recommended approval of the graduate
increment for the Political Science Courses. The Council voted to approve with
one abstention.
Professor Ross will look into the inactive students on the IIP Oversight data from
the Graduate School.
Professor Kayll is unable to serve as chair of the IIP Oversight Committee.
Professor Moisey agreed to serve. Professor Frey will serve as chair of the IIP
Admissions Committee. The IIP Admissions Committee is still one member
short. Camie will request nominations from senators.
The IIP program review has been postponed for several years. Associate Provost
Walker Andrews will be meeting with ECOS to discuss the best way to conduct
the review. She suggests that the IIP Oversight Committee would be the logical
body to conduct the review.
The Council reviewed the Curriculum Subcommittee Department list. Social
Work was moved to the Social Sciences and the departments under Education
were updated. Subcommittees should ask for assistance when they don’t have the
expertise to review proposals.
Chair Bolton will send a reminder to Associate Provost Brown regarding the need
to call a meeting of the MIS oversight Committee. Professor Ross should be
copied on the communication. Professor Doyle is interested in serving on the MIS
Admissions Committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 1.04 p.m.