Your child is working on the ______ sound. Please help

Your child is working on the ______ sound. Please help
them practice their target sound by working on an
activity each day. If they make an incorrect production
of their target sound say the word for them and have
them repeat it after you. After you have completed all
activities send it back to school/speech therapy!
Thanks for helping with the progress of your child’s
speech skills!
 Have your child read a book while using their
 Have your child tell a short story using their
 Have your child tell you about their day using their
 Go for a walk and have your child practice using
their sound during the entire 10 minute walk._____
 During dinner time have your child use target
 Have your child tell you about their favorite
Ipad/Xbox/DS (video) game using their target
 Have your child tell you about what they would do
on their best day._______
Thank you!