College of DuPage Verification of Rental Property Office of Student Financial Assistance

College of DuPage
Office of Student Financial Assistance
Verification of Rental Property
Last Name:
Student ID:
First Name:
Based on the federal income tax transcript you have submitted, you or your family own property in addition to a
primary residence. In order to determine your eligibility for financial aid, you must provide the following information
and return this form to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. If you have more than two (2) properties, make
copies of this form and submit. Complete the form below using data as of the date you originally completed your
Rental Property Address #1: ___________________________________________________________________
Street Address
Purpose of property:
Rental Income
Vacation/Second Home
$ ________________
Current Market Value:
Do you currently own this property?
Date sold _____________
Outstanding Mortgage Debt: $__________________
No. If no, please provide the following information:
Sale price $_____________
Debt on property at time of sale $ _____________
If this property also serves as your primary residence, please explain below:
Rental Property Address #2: ___________________________________________________________________
Street Address
Purpose of property:
Rental Income
Current Market Value:
$ ________________
Do you currently own this property?
Date sold ____________
Vacation/Second Home
Sale price $____________
Outstanding Mortgage Debt: $_________________
No. If no, please provide the following information:
Debt on property at time of sale $ _____________
If this property also serves as your primary residence, please explain below:
I/WE certify that all information on this form is true, complete and accurate. Upon request I agree to provide
additional proof of the information reported on this form. Warning: If you purposely give false or misleading
information, you may be fined up to $20,000, sent to prison, or both.
Student Signature
Parent Signature, if applicable
Please return this form to:
College of DuPage, Office of Student Financial Assistance – SSC 2220
425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 FAX (630) 942-2151 EMAIL:
The college will not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, sexual
orientation, arrest record, military status or unfavorable military discharge, citizenship status, physical or mental handicap or disability (Board Policy 5010; 20-5).
Verification of Rental Property