News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller

News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller
We have been busy with projects in the classroom this week! Take a look
below for more information on this work.
Our building has started a new policy at school with technology. We are
asking that students not use recess time (indoor and outdoor) on devices,
rather that they play games and socialize with their peers. This started this
week for us. We have already enjoyed seeing the fun that the kids are
having with one another!
Please let us know if you have any questions and have a wonderful weekend
May 6, 2016
with your families!
Reading & Writing Workshop
In reading workshop we have continued to work on
our independent reading projects. These projects
will be due sometime around May 16 (depending on
how students are doing and the time they may/may
not need to put together their creative projects).
End of the year, district reading assessments
started this week for students who will need an
update before middle school.
Mrs. Angela Rowe & Mr. Dave Miller
Math Workshop
In math workshop we are revisiting
adding and subtracting fractions and
mixed numbers, as we did not
spend a lot of time on this
tricky concept initially. We did
a lot of practice work this week
in the classroom.
In writing workshop, we have continued to work on
the group opinion/argumentative projects. Some
groups recorded their commercials this week in
between testing and some groups got started with
their film editing. We are excited to share some
time together, as two classes, to watch these
commercials and take a look at the created
billboards and infographics sometime in the next
few weeks!
Social Studies
This week we shifted our attention to Central
America. We are studying their cultures, climate,
vegetation, resources, and land use.
Students are also wrapping up their
explorer projects with presentations
this week and next week.
Word Study
This week in word study we completed our unit on
ate and ation (meaning state, condition, or act – as
students have discovered during our
investigation). We also started our new unit on
script/srib (meaning write).
Important Dates to Know
May 14: Barnes and Nobles IRE Fundraiser
May 20: Field Day for Students
May 23: No School – Memorial Day
June 3: Field Trip to DCRC @ 9:45am
June 6: Celebration/Clap Out @ 2:00pm