Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

ASCRC Minutes 5/1/12
GBB 202, 2:10 p.m.
Members Present: B. Borrie, B. Coon, D. Dalenberg, W. Davies, M. Grimes, C. Henderson, C. Knight,
D. Molgaard, Z. Patten, L. Tangedahl, D. Stolle
Members Absent/ Excused: N. Greymorning, B. Holzworth C. Springmeyer,, J. Staub
Ex-Officio Present: S. O’Here, E. Johnson, A. Walker-Andrews
Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 4/24/12 were approved.
Business items:
ASCRC considered the situation with the review of ANTY 220 for ethics designation
during the rolling review of existing general education courses. It determined (one
abstention) that the course should be granted the general education status effective fall
2013 in accordance with policy. Although the course was advertised in the Kiamen as an
ethics course, it is in Banner and the catalog as a social science (S) and global and
indigenous course (X). Students enrolled in the course will be contacted via email. The
instructor will be informed of the decision and requested to make an announcement the
first day of class.
The deadline memo was reviewed and approved.
The course form changes discussed were made and reviewed by the committee. It was
suggested that the new form be sent to administrative assistants and department chairs.
The revisions to procedure 201.3.2 Curriculum Subcommittee Membership and
Procedure were approved.
ASCRC briefly discussed the student appeal issues. The procedure for retroactive
withdrawal is not stated in the catalog. The requests are not related to graduation so
could be rerouted to another decision making body. The administration would need to
make a recommendation for this change.
After discussion the committee unanimously approved the following motions:
ASCRC recommends that Academic Affairs investigate inconsistencies with the
practice of reinstatement following academic suspension, propose a framework
that will assure compliance with BOR Policy 301.9 (which requires, at a
minimum, one full semester of non-enrollment), and a procedure for determining
ASCRC requests the Writing Committee to establish a mechanism to review the
transferability of writing courses. This review and determination should occur at
the time of transfer evaluation and not routed through the graduation appeals
The committee also discussed advising difficulties in terms of writing courses not
identified on students’ transcripts. It seems that a code could be developed with letters
to identify courses with multiple general education groups. The writing course
designation should be prioritized. This issue will be considered further next year. The
Undergraduate Advising Office provides general education requirement audits at the
student’s request.
The annual report was revised and approved.
Members were thanked for their service.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00.