ASCRC Minutes 4/29/14

ASCRC Minutes 4/29/14
Poetry Corner, Mansfield Library, 2:10 p.m.
Members Present: J. Deboer, L. Eagleheart, L. Gillison, C. Henderson, S. Samson, T.
Thibeau, M. Triana, E. Uchimoto, N. Vonessen G. Weix
Members Absent/ Excused: K. Easwaramurthi, J. Hickman, J. Laine
Ex-Officio Present: N. Hinman, B. Holzworth, B. Howard
The minutes from 4/15 and 4/22 were approved. The meeting began with the UM
The advising handbook has been sent to academic deans and professional
advisors. It is also linked to the Office of Students Success website. It was
suggested that department chairs also be sent the link to the handbook. A notice
in the ForUM could also help get the word out. Another suggestion was for it to
be highlighted on the main website ( Interim Director Howard will
ask Mario Schulzke, Assistant Vice President of Marketing. Chair Henderson will
mention the handbook at the May Faculty Senate meeting as well.
Business Items:
ASCRC briefly discussed the proposed Welding Certificate. Last week
Associate Dean Lynn Stocking provided an explanation for the late submission. It
involves a system-wide $25 million grant for Strengthening Workforce Alignment
in Montana’s Manufacturing and Energy Industries (SWAMMEI). Missoula
College will receive $1.4 million and Bitterroot College will receive just under a
million. The Missoula College currently has a welding program but does not have
the capacity for all the applicants. ASCRC unanimously approved the proposal
contingent on the receipt of the signature page.
Both the General Education and Curriculum Consent agendas appended below
were approved.
Professor Thibeau summarized the revisions to the English Language Proficiency
policy. A few additional edits were made and the document appended was
The revised AP/Clep procedure was discussed. There are still issues with the
language. Members were asked to consider the language and send suggested
ASCRC discussed the Dual Credit Issue. The concerns with the BOR
Workgroup’s recommendations are related to this statement: “Note: All courses
that have gone through Common Course Numbering and are locally articulated
will be accepted throughout the Montana University System. Students and
Parents are responsible to work with college and high school counselors and
advisors to research determine how coursework will transfer and whether it will
satisfy particular program requirements.”
There is some misunderstanding with the administration of dual credit courses.
The courses that are under Missoula College adhere to the same standards as
existing Missoula College courses. The high school does not decide which
courses receive dual credit. The instructors must meet the same qualifications as
Missoula College faculty and are evaluated by the College annually for their
performance. This is an issue that faculty will need to monitor. ASCRC will
investigate and draft a policy next year. It is unclear whether a response is needed
now for Interim Registrar Hickman.
Members should send samples of learning outcomes to be considered for
examples on the e-Curr course form.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.