Use to propose new general education courses (except writing courses),... renew existing gen ed courses and to remove designations for...

I. ASCRC General Education Form (revised 2/8/13)
Use to propose new general education courses (except writing courses), to change or
renew existing gen ed courses and to remove designations for existing gen ed courses.
Note: One-time-only general education designation may be requested for experimental courses
(X91-previously X95), granted only for the semester taught. A NEW request must be
submitted for the course to receive subsequent general education status.
II. Mathematics
VII: Social Sciences
III. Language
VIII: Ethics & Human Values
separate forms
III Exception: Symbolic Systems * IX: American & European
if requesting
IV: Expressive Arts
X: Indigenous & Global
more than one
V: Literary & Artistic Studies
XI: Natural Sciences
w/ lab  w/out lab X
VI: Historical & Cultural Studies
*Courses proposed for this designation must be standing requirements of
majors that qualify for exceptions to the modern and classical language
Dept/Program Chemistry and Biochemistry
Course #
Course Title
Introduction to General Chemistry
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Phone / Email
Garon Smith
(406) 243-5606
Program Chair Mark Cracolice
Christopher Comer
III. Type of request
One-time Only
Renew X
Reason for Gen Ed inclusion, change or deletion
Description of change
IV. Description and purpose of the general education course: General Education courses
must be introductory and foundational within the offering department or within the General
Education Group. They must emphasize breadth, context, and connectedness; and relate course
content to students’ future lives: See Preamble:
CHMY121N is aimed at students who require a working knowledge of chemistry for
careers in fields such as forestry, resource management, wildlife biology, botany,
zoology, nursing, medical technology, physical therapy, athletic training, exercise
physiology and environmental studies. It provides a foundation of chemical principles
illustrated through their application to "real world" examples, especially those with
environmental or medical implications. Real world examples include an examination of
the former Smurfit-Stone Pulp Mill and its impacts on the community, air pollution in
the Missoula Valley and its primary sources, cyanide heap leaching, diesel
contamination of the Missoula aquifer, and conditioning honey bees to find buried
landmines and hidden explosives.
V. Criteria: Briefly explain how this course meets the criteria for the group. See:
The course systematically develops
Courses explore a discipline in the
skills in fundamental chemistry - atomic
natural sciences and demonstrate how
and molecular theory, nuclear chemistry,
the scientific method is used within the
chemical bonding, chemical reactions
discipline to draw scientific conclusions. (precipitation, acid/base and redox),
states of matter, and aqueous solution
chemistry. In many instances, students
are presented with historical data that
led to “Aha-Insight!” moments in the
field. They’re then challenged to “see
the Eureka!” themselves. One example
of this is uncovering number patterns in
the quantum nature of electron energy
Courses address the concept of analytic
uncertainty and the rigorous process
required to take an idea to a hypothesis
and then to a validated scientific theory.
Lab courses engage students in inquirybased learning activities where they
formulate a hypothesis, design an
experiment to test the hypothesis, and
collect, interpret, and present the data to
support their conclusions.
Instead of simply relating what
scientists discovered in the past, the
class is regularly invited to look at real
data and find the patterns in it for
themselves. (See an example of this
in the Student Learning Goals section
Not a lab course although I run many
demos as a simulation of the scientific
method, i.e., challenge them to debunk
my “magical prowess” with a testable
hypothesis. I often refuse to explain
how my “tricks” work until they
systematically divine its underlying
principle through observations and
VI. Student Learning Goals: Briefly explain how this course will meet the applicable learning
goals. See:
understand the general principles
associated with the discipline(s) studied;
I have systematically developed and
refined a wealth of very detailed
course materials that seem effective in
reaching virtually the entire spectrum
of my course audience. Among my
most valuable tools are embedded
remedial mathematics tutorials to help
those who are quantitatively
challenged. These are captured
through Camtasia which blends all
PowerPoints, projected items (website
visits, video clips) and the miced
audio lecture into an MP3 file that is
available on ITunesU immediately
after class. I also archive them as
part of the Mansfield Library’s
electronic reserve. I regularly teach
workshops on their design and
construction at a summer National
Science Foundation institute.
understand the methodology and
I provide detailed accounts of
activities scientists use to gather, validate instrumental methods and laboratory
and interpret data related to natural
protocols used to acquire data. Many
are historical accounts of how
discoveries were made. This is done
primarily in environmental
applications with air and water quality
issues or with public health, areas in
which I am actively engaged in as
funded research or professional
detect patterns, draw conclusions,
develop conjectures and hypotheses, and
test them by appropriate means and
understand how scientific laws and
theories are verified by quantitative
measurement, scientific observation, and
logical/critical reasoning; and understand
the means by which analytic uncertainty
is quantified and expressed in the natural
As an example of this, I present 10
years worth of hydrogen sulfide data
from the Frenchtown pulp mill in
graphical form and ask the students to
tell me what they see. Most find both
a seasonal trend and a diurnal trend
once “noise” has been suppressed
with an averaging strategy. I
subsequently present meteorological
data that are completely consistent
with the hypothesis to which they are
inevitably drawn and relate how the
Montana DEQ eventually ruled on
this question.
As Chair of the Missoula City-County
Health, Air and Water Boards, I share
with them current health and
environmental issues that are under
debate in the local community. I
present them with the data and
arguments on both sides of the
question. I later disclose how the
question played out during the public
hearings, which data and explanations
held merit and how the Board
ultimately voted.
VII. Justification: Normally, general education courses will not carry pre-requisites, will carry
at least 3 credits, and will be numbered at the 100-200 level. If the course has more than one
pre-requisite, carries fewer than three credits, or is upper division (numbered above the 200
level), provide rationale for exception(s).
VIII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form.  The syllabus
should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus
preparation see:
CHMY 121N – SPRING 2013
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Garon C. Smith
Office: Chemistry 002
Phone: 243-5606 (voice
Laboratories: Chemistry 008
M & T 11:10; W & Th 10:10; F 12:10 other times by appointment.
Office hours will be met in Chemistry 002. Periodically I have
meetings or off-campus duties that conflict with class or office hours.
When possible, I will notify you in advance about these times.
Chemistry 121: Introduction to General Chemistry, Volume 1
(Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry. 10th Edition
by Frederick A. Bettelheim, William H. Brown, Mary K. Campbell and
Shawn O. Farrell), 2012, Brooks Cole Cengage Learning, 321 p. plus
appendices. With the purchase of a new text you also get the
Solutions Manual for Introduction to General, Organic, and
Biochemistry. 10th Edition and access to the OWL online practice
problem software.
CHMY 121N is aimed at students who require a working knowledge of
chemistry for careers in fields such as forestry, resource management,
wildlife biology, botany, zoology, nursing, medical technology, physical
therapy, athletic training, exercise science, forensic anthropology and
environmental studies. It provides a foundation of chemical principles
illustrated through their application to "real world" examples, especially
those with environmental, physiological or medical implications. The
course systematically develops skills in fundamental chemistry atomic and molecular theory, nuclear chemistry, chemical bonding,
chemical reactions (precipitation, acid/base and redox), states of
matter, and aqueous solution chemistry. In addition, you will gain
experience with analytical thinking and quantitative problem solving.
Organic chemistry – the study of carbon-containing compounds – is
integrated into lecture throughout the semester
CHMY 121 can ONLY be taken for traditional grades (A, B, C, D, F).
Pluses and minuses are awarded as appropriate. The Credit/No
Credit option IS NOT available. Grades for CHMY 121 will be
determined through a combination of weekly quizzes, online
homework assignments, hour exams and a comprehensive final exam.
Representative questions and practice problems will be assigned from
each chapter in the text. You should thoroughly understand these
exercises since good performance on the quizzes, homework and
tests relies on being able to complete similar tasks on the
exams/quizzes in a timely manner. Attendance is not taken.
Persons who miss an exam or quiz due to illness or other extenuating
circumstances should contact me in person, leave a voice mail
message at (406) 243-5606 or send me an e-mail no later than 48
hours after the test time. I will then make appropriate arrangements.
Arrangements after the 48-hour notification period has expired
are at the instructor’s discretion. All lecture materials are available
on ITunesU and electronic reserve at
Password: CHMY121.
If you find errors in grading or wish to have exam/quiz questions regraded, write your comments on your exam/quiz and return it to me
within two working days of the date on which graded exams were first
available for pick up. Grades adjusted beyond this time period are
at the instructor’s discretion.
Averages for the course will be computed according to the following
weighting scheme:
9 quizzes (drop one)
4 hour exams (drop one)
Final exam
This course is accessible to and usable by otherwise qualified
students with disabilities. To request reasonable program
modifications, please consult with the instructor. Disability Services for
Students will assist the instructor and student in the modification
process. For more information, visit the Disability Services website at
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is
subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a
disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar
with the Student conduct Code. The Code is available for review
online at
OTHER DATES: Last day to pay or finalize your registration bill before a $40 late fee is
Wednesday, January 30th. Last day to drop/add classes without
consent is Tuesday, February 5th. Last day to add/drop by paper or
CyberBear overrides, receive a partial refund or choose an audit
option is Friday, February 15th. Drops with advisor and instructor
signatures, “W” on transcript and $10 fee per drop until Monday, April
8th. Drops by petition to dean until Friday, May 10th.
This is a large class and can get noisy at times. Please respect those
who want to hear by not participating in disruptive conversation, by not
allowing cell phones to ring or by making derogatory remarks to
others. On exam days, there will probably be a seating overflow.
Please be as accommodating as possible.
Spring 2013 Tentative Lecture Schedule
Chapter 1 - Matter, Energy and Measurement
pp. 1-30
Chapter 2 - Atoms
Chapter 9 - Nuclear Chemistry
Chapter 3 - Chemical Bonds
Chapter 4 - Chemical Reactions
Chapter 5 - Gases, Liquids and Solids
Chapter 6 - Solutions and Colloids
Chapter 7 - Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 8 - Acids and Bases
pp. 31-67
pp. 276-306
pp. 68-107
pp. 108-140
pp. 141-177
pp. 178-209
pp. 210-239
pp. 240-275
Tentative Recitation/Quiz/Exam Schedule
Mon, Feb 4
Mon, Feb 11
Mon, Feb 18
Tues, Feb 19
Mon, Feb 25
Mon, Mar 4
Mon, Mar 11
Tue, Mar 12
Mon, Mar 18
Mon, Mar 25
Apr 1 – Apr 5
Mon, Apr 8
Tues, Apr 9
Mon, Apr 15
Mon, Apr 22
Mon, Apr 29
Tues, Apr 30
Mon, May 6
Fri, May 17
Quiz #1
Quiz #2
President’s Day – no class
Exam #1
Quiz #3
Quiz #4
Review for Exam #2
Exam #2
Quiz #5
Quiz #6
Spring break – no class
Review for Exam #3
Exam #3
Quiz #7
Quiz #8
Review for Exam #4
Exam #4
Quiz #9
Final exam(10:10 am – 12:10 pm)
Ch 1(start)
Ch 1(end)
Ch 1 – 2(start)
Ch 2(end)
Ch 9
Ch 2(End), 9, Ch 3(start)
Ch 2(End), 9, Ch 3(start)
Ch 3(end)
Ch 4(start)
Ch 3(end) – Ch 5(start)
Ch 4(end) – Ch 5(start)
Ch 5(middle)
Ch 5(end) – Ch 6(start)
Ch 5(end) – Ch 7(start)
Ch 5(end) – Ch 7(start)
Ch 7(end)
Ch 1 – Ch 9
Chemistry 121N – Spring 2013
Learning Goals
Chapter 1: Matter, Energy and Measurement
1. Distinguish between physical and chemical changes, especially with fire
2. Use scientific notation in calculations
3. Understand significant figure limitations
4. Perform conversions from one unit to another including temperatures among
Fahrenheit, Celsius and kelvin
5. Use metric units and prefixes for mass, length, volume, etc.
6. Apply the factor-label method
7. Describe the four states of matter - solid, liquid, gas and plasma
8. Perform calculations with density (d = m/V)
9. Describe different kinds of energy (potential vs. kinetic)
10. Perform calculations with specific heats (q = SH x m x T)
Chapter 2: Atoms
1. Recognize the contributions of Zeno, Democritus, Dalton, Urey, Mendeleev and Pauli to our
knowledge of atomic structure
2. Distinguish between elements and compounds; pure substances and mixtures; heterogeneous
and homogeneous mixtures
3. Name and give symbols of common elements
4. Know fundamental forces - strong nuclear, electrostatic, gravitational
5. Explain the composition of different atoms according to the number of protons,
neutrons and electrons they contain
6. Know what cations and anions are. Use charge to predict electron numbers and vice versa
7. Understand what isotopes are, how to write isotope notation, and how to use their natural
abundances to compute average atomic masses
8. Describe how elements are arranged in the periodic table, name the subdivisions of the
periodic table, and relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its electron
Metals vs. metalloids vs nonmetals
Main group elements vs (outer) transition metals and inner transition metals
the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases
s-block elements, p-block elements, d-block elements, f-block elements
9. Explain how the electrons are distributed in shells and subshells around the nucleus of an atom
10. Know how many electrons can be found in each shell (2n2), subshell and orbital
11. Know the shapes, occurrence, number of lobes and orientations possible for each subshell type
12. Draw a simple picture of lobe arrangements within a subshell.
13. Write the electron configuration for simple elements and monatomic ions
14. Construct dash-arrow diagrams to show the electron configurations of
elements or ions
15. Use Noble Gas core notation in electron configurations
16. Draw Lewis structures of main group elements
17. Predict periodic trends from an element’s position in the periodic
Chapter 3: Chemical Bonds
1. Identify the operational difference between ionic (e- transfer), covalent (e- pair
sharing) and metallic bonds (wandering e- or e- sea)
2. Predict the most stable ion for a Group A element based on its position in the
periodic table. 3. Given ion charges, write the formula for an ionic compound
4. Be familiar with and use monatomic ions in Tables 3.1-3.3 and polyatomic ions
in Table 3.4. Also additional ions on handout.
5. Given a formula, name simple ionic compounds
(ionic compounds start with metal or NH4 – no prefixes like di-, tri-, etc.)
6. Understand the nature of ionic solids as crystal networks
7. Construct Lewis structures for simple organic molecules and ions by using the
normal bond orders listed in the top section of the handout
8. Recognize the occurrence of single, double and triple bonds as well as lone
9. Describe the 3-D structure of sigma and pi bonds in covalent molecules
10. Construct Lewis structures for inorganic compounds or polyatomic ions using
the general procedures in the bottom half of the handout
11. Recognize coordinate covalent bonds (not in text – see notes) – both e-‘s in a
bond from same atom
12. Name binary covalent compounds given a formula and vice versa
(covalent compounds start with nonmetal or metalloid – use multiplying prefixes e.g.,
di-, tri-, etc., end with “-ide”)
13. Use the VSEPR approach to predict the geometry and bond angles around
central atoms
14. Draw structures of molecules showing 3-D shape and proper angles
15. Draw simple resonance structures for molecules or ions
16. Use electronegativity differences, e.n., to evaluate bond types
17. Use bond polarity and molecular geometry to predict overall molecular polarity
Chapter 4 - Chemical Reactions
1. Know and use the mole concept to convert between grams and moles
2. Compute formula weights
3. Convert between moles and atoms/molecules using Avogadro’s number
Balance simple chemical equations with smallest whole-number coefficients
Work stoichiometric problems (g A  mol A  mol B  g B)
Identify limiting reagents
Calculate percent yield
Identify type of reactions between ions:
precipitation – ionic solid product appears in solution
gas formation – gaseous product bubbles out of solution
neutralization – HX + YOH make (ionic salt + H2O)
redox – oxidation numbers change between reactants and
9. Write formula equations, total ion equations or net ionic equations
10. Use solubility rules to identify the formula of a precipitate when two solutions
are mixed.
11. Know the definitions and terms of oxidation and reduction processes
Oil rig: Oxidation is loss (of electrons); Reduction is gain (of
Identify the relative oxidation states of classes of organic molecules
Most reduced hydrocarbons
alcohols and ethers
aldehydes and ketones
carboxylic acids
Most oxidized CO2 and carbonates
Determine the oxidation number of atoms in elements, ions and compounds
Understand heat of reaction, Hrxn, exothermic vs endothermic
Perform simple energy calculations based on Hrxn
Chapter 5 – Gases, Liquids and Solids
1. Be familiar with phase change possibilities – melting, boiling, sublimation, pyrolysis,
combustion, condensation, freezing
2. Know the properties of ideal gases (kinetic molecular theory)
3. Inter-convert among pressure units
4. Use the Ideal Gas Law to work problems
1-state – 3 variables given
2-state – two values of same kind
mass/formula weight – problem has grams in it
Use Dalton’s Law to compute of partial pressures of mixture components, Ptotal = sum
of partial pressures
Understand the relative magnitudes of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces
Describe the origin of the three types of IMFs – hydrogen bonds, dipole-dipole
interactions, London dispersion forces; given a formula, identify which IMF is most
Define vapor pressure and know how it changes with temperature
Be familiar with using honeybees to find explosives
Bees find food by smell first, then by color/shape
TNT most common explosive, but DNT is more volatile
Proboscis extension response reveals bees smell it
Able to smell at parts per quadrillion
Takes hours to train, 25 seconds to find
Can track bees by eye or by lidar
Can find bodies through sulfur compounds
Assess relative boiling point orders based on IMFs - #1 interaction type, #2
molecular weight, #3 molecular geometry
Categorize the solid phases of substances by interaction type – ionic network,
covalent network, metallic network, molecular solid (by IMFs)
Know what an allotrope is
Interpret heating/cooling curves with phase changes and Hfus and Hvap
Calculate heat associated with temperature changes on heating and cooling
curves (i.e., one term for each line segment encountered)
Label and Interpret phase diagrams; predict phase changes encountered for
specified pressure or temperature shifts
Chapter 6: Solutions and Colloids
1. Distinguish properties among solutions, colloids and suspensions
2. Know terminology associated with solutions
Dilute vs. concentrated
solute vs. solvent
miscible vs. immiscible
unsaturated vs. saturated vs. supersaturated
Predict solubility trends for temperature and pressure changes
Apply the rule “like dissolves like”
polar solvents dissolve polar and ionic solutes
nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar solutes
4. Perform calculations involving concentration units
Percent composition, molarity, dilution, ppm, ppt, ppb, ppq
5. Understand what makes a good electrolyte, distinguish strong vs. weak
6. Be familiar with typical examples of colloidal systems
7. Know Rayleigh scattering (molecular) and Tyndall scattering (colloidal) cause
sunrise/sunset colors
8. Know the colligative properties
bp elevation, fp depression, vp reduction, osmotic pressure
9. Work colligative property problems given a fp constant, etc.
10. Characterize classes of membranes
impermeable, permeable, semipermeable; osmotic vs. dialytic
11. Calculate osmolarities and decide if solution is isotonic(~0.30±0.02),
hypertonic (>0.30) or hypotonic (<0.30).
12. Predict direction of water flow across a membrane given osmolarities on both
Chapter 7: Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium
1. Be able to interpret slopes as rate information on conc. vs. time curves;
calculate rate given (time, conc) data pairs
2. Understand the sequence of events accompanying reactions.
3. Know the collision parameters that affect rates – frequency, energy and
4. Understand energy diagrams and be able to label their parts
reactants, collision zone, products, activation energy, Hrxn, transition
state (or activated complex)
5. Know how temperature and concentration affect reaction rates; use understanding to
make simple predictions (e.g., change in temp of 10oC changes reaction rate by factor
of 2.
6. Understand Boltzmann energy distribution diagrams
7. Know what catalysts are and how they work
homogeneous vs. heterogeneous, enzymes
8. Know the characteristics that define equilibrium
concentration constant over time
rate of forward and reverse reactions are equal
9. Write the equilibrium constant expression for a reaction (or vice versa)
10. Interpret the direction and completeness of a reaction from a K value.
11. Given all equilibrium concentrations, calculate the value of K
12. Use Le Chatelier’s Principle to predict how an upset equilibrium will respond to
disturbances – addition/removal of reactant or products, temperature, pressure,
Chapter 8: Acids and Bases
Use Ka and Kb to determine acid-base strength.
Determine/identify conjugate acid/base pairs
Know acid/base terminology: monoprotic, diprotic, triprotic, amphiprotic
Name acids based on their anion type - -ide, -ate, ide
Complete common reactions of acids with active metals, metal hydroxides, oxides,
and amines
Predict the acid/base character of dissolved salts
Be familiar with the pH scale
Calculate pH, pOH or pK.
Perform back calculations from pH, pOH or pK to [H3O+], [OH-] and K
Understand what a buffer is and how it works
Use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to compute buffer pH or
ratio of base form to acid form
Know what acidosis and alkalosis are
Chapter 9: Nuclear Chemistry
Know historical figures in the discovery of radioactivity
Roentgen (X-rays), Becquerel (radioactivity), Curie (isolated radium as cause of
radioactivity), Rutherford (alpha, beta, gamma), Curie/Joliot (artificial isotopes)
Be familiar with regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and their interactions
with matter:
Gamma rays (nuclear transitions), X-rays (inner electron transitions), UV
(outer electron removal), visible (outer electron excitation), IR (bond vibrations
and rotations), microwaves (bond rotations, electron flips), radio waves
(nuclear flips)
Interconvert between wavelength and frequency (  = c/ )
Write/complete reactions for alpha, beta, gamma and positron emissions
Understand half-lives
Use half-lives to calculate amount left or radio-dates
Characterize the penetrating power of radiation types
Learn the risks imposed to living systems by radiation
Know relative magnitude of sources of common radiation exposures
Describe the difference between diagnostic and therapeutic radiation
Enumerate characteristics of good diagnostic isotopes
Compare/contrast nature of imaging techniques
PET scans (positrons lead to gamma pairs), CT scans (X-ray slices), MRI (radio
waves cause H-atom flips), ultrasound (compression waves reflect)
Differentiate between fission and fusion; be able to complete nuclear reactions
involving either process
Chapter 10 – Organic Chemistry
Know how to distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds
Understand the difference between natural and synthetic compounds
Write structures using the normal bonding patterns for H, C, N, O, S, P and
Recognize functional groups for alcohols, amines, aldehydes, ketones,
carboxylic acids and esters
Categorize alcohols and amines as primary, secondary or tertiary
Please note: Approved general education changes will take effect next fall.
General education instructors will be expected to provide sample assessment items and
corresponding responses to the Assessment Advisory Committee.