Course Form

Course Form
I. Summary of Proposed Changes
Dept / Program
Climate Change Studies
Course Title
Climate Change Lecture Series
Prefix and Course #
CCS U 362
Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces)
Climate Lecture Series
Summarize the change(s) proposed
New Course
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Nicky Phear
Phone/ email :
Program Chair/Director:
Dr. Steve Running, Climate
Change Studies Program
Other affected programs
Dr. Perry Brown, Dean
College of Forestry and
Are other departments/programs affected by this
Please obtain signature(s) from the
modification because of
Chair/Director of any such department/
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
program (above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into
section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.
Common Course Numbering Review: Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere YES
in the MUS? Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with
existing course(s)? Please indicate equivalent course/campus 
Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits,
repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) 
U CCS 362 Climate Change Lecture Series, 1 cr. Offered fall. The Climate Change Lecture Series
explores current issues in climate change. Themes and speakers vary year by year, and the course can be
repeated three times for credit.
Justification: How does the course fit with the existing curriculum? Why is it needed?
This course will serve as one of the courses available to students who minor in Climate Change Studies.
There is no current lecture series course focused specifically on climate change. A climate change lecture
series is planned for spring 2011 with subsequent series each fall semester.
Are there curricular adjustments to accommodate teaching this course?
Complete for UG courses. (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).
Describe graduate increment (Reference guidelines:
Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions determined by the
Board of Regents. Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee.
If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?
IV. To Delete or Change an Existing Course – check X all that apply
Course Number Change
Level U, UG, G
Description Change
Change in Credits
1. Current course information at it appears in catalog
( 
Cross Listing
(primary program
initiates form)
Is there a fee associated with the course?
2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course
4. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering? If yes, then will this change eliminate the
course’s common course status? Please explain below.
5. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to
UG. Reference guidelines at:
(syllabus required in section V)
Have you reviewed the graduate increment
guidelines? Please check (X) space provided.
6. Other programs affected by the change
7. Justification for proposed change
V. Syllabus/Assessment Information
Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send
digital copy with form.
Climate Change Lecture Series
CCS 362
CCS 362 Climate Change Lecture Series
Credit: 1.0
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM
Instructor and Series Coordinator
Nicky Phear, Climate Change Studies Program Coordinator and Instructor
Phone: 243-6932
Office: CHCB 448
Course Description
The Climate Change Lecture Series explores current issues in climate change. Themes and
speakers vary year by year, and the course can be repeated three times for credit. The series features
a diverse lineup of eight to ten speakers with relevant expertise and experience. The format involves
a forty- to fifty-minute lecture followed by thirty minutes of discussion. Students must come
prepared with an understanding of the speaker and his/her expertise, and engage in discussion each
evening. This series is also open to the public--students, faculty, and community members are
welcome to attend.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will:
 become exposed to current and cutting-edge issues and people related to climate change;
 engage with speakers who have expertise working on and studying climate change; and,
 develop opinions on current climate change issues through a written analysis and critique of
each lecture
Course Requirements
 The course is P/NP
 Students need to pass 7-9 papers to pass the course, depending on the number of course
speakers (see reaction paper assignment below)
Reaction Papers
Students are required to write reaction papers in response to each lecture. Reaction papers must be
type-written and double-spaced (2-3 pages). Passing papers must:
Demonstrate an understanding of the lecture/discussion and material presented
Provide an analysis, thoughtful examination, or critique of the material presented
Be well-written (grammatically correct) and well-organized
Students must provide their own analysis and demonstrate original thinking, and not simply
summarize or restate the lecture in their paper. Papers can focus on several specific points in depth.
Papers need to be original works, not collaborative efforts between students. Students are
encouraged to discuss the lectures with their peers, but written reaction papers must be individual
Each paper is graded pass, pass minus, pass plus, or fail. Students must pass 7-9 papers to pass the
course (depending on the number of course speakers in the series). Students may rewrite failed
papers within one week of the paper being returned. Rewrites must include correction of any errors
and substantive improvement in content.
Note: As an example of the format used, here is what we are doing for a spring 2011 series
(although we are not requesting a new course number as early as spring 2011). Future series will
take place fall semester.
The 2011 Climate Change Lecture Series will address how we conserve our natural resources and
working landscapes in the face of climate change. The series brings together a diverse group of
scientists, natural resource managers, and seasoned conservationists. Talks will address water,
drought, and landscape aridification; policy initiatives; biomass and forest energy proposals;
adaptation on Montana's public lands; changing forests: beetles, drought, and wildfire; wildlife
conservation; and resource use and rural communities. Speakers include notable regional and
national leaders such as Dr. Joel Berger, Craighead Chair and UM Professor of Wildlife; Sarah
Bates, Senior Fellow at the UM Center for Natural Resources & Environmental Policy, Hugh
Safford, US Forest Service, regional ecologist for Region 5; Dr. Ray Rasker, Executive Director of
Headwaters Economics, and Dr. Erika Zavaleta, University of California, Santa Cruz.
VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course
number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.
VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of
proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,