FY 14 MEMBERSHIP: (Jeff Dobie); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert, Bernadine);
(Brad Hall, DeYoung, John-U-Village); (TBD) ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill (Missoula College); ( Library) Kneebone, Glen; (Chemistry-vacant,
DBS - vacant); (FS Maintenance - Pau Overbaugh, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob, Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); Jason
McDaniels-(Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Vacant – Visual Arts); Cindy Boies - HR
July 10, 2014 – 10:00 am
Facilities Services Conference Room
Members Present Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett, Mike Panisko, Cindy Boies, Bob Stevens, Tonya Kiser, Jeff Dobie, Chad
1. Introduction
a. Roll call: Sign in – Introductions were made.
2. Minutes approval
No changes to the May 8, 2014 Minutes were suggested. Bob Stevens motioned to approve and
Chuck Emnett seconded. All were in favor.
3. Safety Hazard (SH) Reports/Injury Summary Report
a. Chuck Emnett briefed the committee on the Safety Hazard (SH) work orders for May and June.
There were 13 in total, 10 completed with 3still in progress. One of the work orders still in
progress was the security lights on the 1st floor elevator in the Education Building. Chuck
mentioned that next time there will be a bunch of safety hazard work orders as the Fire
Marshall inspections are underway. Chuck continued with a quick review of some of the
deficiencies that were found during the last Fire Marshal inspections during 2009-2010.
Cynthia asked Chuck when the Lommasson building was on the schedule was for the
inspection with the Fire Marshall and stated that she as interested in doing the walk along if it
worked with her schedule. Chuck said he would try and notify committee members when the
inspection is being done in their building, but there usually is not much lead time and they
don’t have a set building schedule. He said he would contact both Bob and Cynthia when he
hears they are going to do Lommasson.
b. Mike reviewed the work comp claims with the group, reporting 9 incidents during May 2014 (3
were notification only, and 6 medical claims and 1 indemnity). Six of those reported were
acute, with 3 occurred outside the work station. There were 7 incidents in June (3 notification
only and 4 medical). Four of those were acute and 3 were not at work station. This compared
to last June’s 11 incidents.
c. Mike gave a brief summary of the Work Comp Comparison sheet for FY13 vs. FY14 reporting
that last fiscal year was much lower than previous years, which is the reason reserve is high
and Safety Smart will likely continue in FY16. There doesn’t seem to be a clear pattern since
40 departments filed reports over the last few years, but Facilities Services leads in frequency
and has the highest high risk employees. However, high claims can come from any
department. We think the sidewalk repair work should help with slips, trips and falls, but
reminders that good shoes and careful walking are as equally important. PT lectures will be
starting up in the Fall again with one per month for 6 or so months. These will be directed to
the high risk departments, but anyone is welcome. We will also be considering more training
for equipment like forklifts and golf carts as well as the new boom lift. Mike will work with
Cynthia to add any of the training information to the HR training/development web page.
4. Election Discussion and wrap up
Kathy briefly reviewed some of the discussions from the last meeting and how there was a lack of
FY 14 MEMBERSHIP: (Jeff Dobie); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert, Bernadine);
(Brad Hall, DeYoung, John-U-Village); (TBD) ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill (Missoula College); ( Library) Kneebone, Glen; (Chemistry-vacant,
DBS - vacant); (FS Maintenance - Pau Overbaugh, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob, Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); Jason
McDaniels-(Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Vacant – Visual Arts); Cindy Boies - HR
interest in any of the membership taking over the chair position. There was some continued
discussion and the group seem to agree that someone from EHRM should serve in the Chair
position on a rotating basis and then have each committee member chose a month that works for
them to serve as the co-chair and host a monthly meeting in their shop or building and it would be
their responsibility to work with the Chair to help establish the agenda and topic for that month.
Kathy agreed to revise the Safety Committee By-Laws to reflect this change and send them out
for electronic approval by the committee before the August meeting since there was not a
quorum. She will also send out a monthly sign-up calendar for the upcoming academic year for
members to volunteer for a monthly meeting that works for them. Cynthia Boise and Bob
Stevens volunteered to host the September meeting over in Lommasson.
5. Communication Sub Committee meeting arrangements
This agenda item was tabled since the majority of the committee members that volunteered to
participate on the communications sub-committee were not present. Kathy will work on trying to
get this group together in August.
6. Other Items
Kathy asked Tonya about upcoming CPR training and if she had any luck finding a train the
trainer program. Tonya reported that she was trying to get one scheduled here in Missoula and
that she would keep us updated on the status for trainings so that people can get signed up.
Next Safety Committee meeting: August 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. – Facility Services front Conference
Room - Make sure to keep bringing issues to Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett or Mike Panisko
for inclusion in the next scheduled meeting.