July 2015


July 2015

Title V Staff members continue to focus on Year 1 Grant Objectives:

1) (To) Develop a Wildland Fire Science AAS/Certificate; and

2) (To) Develop new Online Admissions and Registration systems, to include Online Advisement.

From the Project Manager (Kathryn Keen):

The Selection Committee for the Title V EMS position is in place, and members will begin the process to review applications, beginning the first of August. This is a Year 2 Grant position, and the start date for this employee will be 10-1-15, as per the grant. When that position is filled, the Title V Staff will be the following:

Project Manager (PM); Activity Director/Instructional Designer (ID); Online Services Specialist (OSS);

Wildland Fire Science Specialist (WFSS); EMS Specialist (EMSS); and the Title V Administrative

Assistant (AD).

WFS Program (Sara Karabelski, ID, and Rich Dolphin, WFSS):

Development of the WFS Certificate/AAS:

1) Competency-based curricula to address industry standards for the Wildland Fire Program is in place for Year 1 courses, based on the National Wildfire Coordinating Group manuals. The WFSS is finalizing edits for fall pilots, and Internet/hybrid courses will all contain Quality Matters strategies. Additionally,

Rich has completed timelines and start/end dates of the fall 2015 Pilot classes, and these have been submitted to Amy Bertramsen (IR) for publication for students to view for registration and for advising purposes. The WFSS has successfully initiated an MOU with the Pecos Zone

2) Instructional Tools (Equipment orders) are 100%complete. In addition to the All Hazards SimTable, we have ordered a Fire Pump that was listed in the Equipment Category. Title V Equipment orders are completely separate from Supply orders and must be processed under strict guidelines from the Grant.

Instructional Tools (Supplies orders) are 95% complete on this date and are nearing end.

3) Supply/Equipment Inventory is secured through a documented method of intake and tagging, and many thanks to Tonia Ashby for her assistance with this process and for keeping the Inventory spreadsheet up-to-date.

Again, many thanks to Jeannie Trujillo, Jim Weinman, Tonia Ashby, and Sheila Farquer for their support in the purchasing process this grant year, and we look forward to working with you with two programs during the new Grant year!

Online Services (Juanita Garcia, OSS):

Technology Infrastructure:

1) In addition to the purchase of a new server; access points; and a new Cisco Firewall, we are in the final stages of completing new Portal Integration components, including configuration. These components include consulting and software services with Portales; portal access for Mobile Devices; and

Live Support/LiveHelpNow . The OSS continues to monitor and test the Live Chat and is available for further training if needed.

2) Online Advising: Pathways for WFS Certificate and AAS have been approved by Pierre Laroche

(VPSL) and can now be added to the WFS Advising webpages. These pages will be available to students the first of August.

3) The Online Admissions Application and Online Registration is currently being utilized by students, and the Banner Workflow process is almost completed by the Consultant. Training will begin in August for this Workflow process. Of special interest is that automated emails will be sent out to students when they apply for admissions, and this is an important communication tool to the student. A special “thank you” goes out to the Workflow team: Cindy Holder, Trish Pascale, Amy Bertramsen, Jim Weinman, and

Tonia Ashby for their collaborative effort to work diligently with the consultant to push the Workflow

Project towards completion.

4) The Mobile Friendly Application is under development with Out of the Box consultants, and testing of the application is currently underway. Jim Weinman (Director of IS) has been instrumental in the collaboration of this project.

We will have a busy, exciting fall with WFS Pilots running and a new EMS Program start up! As always, the Title V Office door is open if you should want to drop by and visit any of us about the grant.

Kathryn Keen, on behalf of the Title V Staff:

Sarah, Juanita, Rich, and Tonia
