ECADS-A Multi-Resource Database and Analytical System for Ecosystem Classification and Mapping1

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ECADS-A Multi-Resource Database and
Analytical System for Ecosystem
Classification and Mapping1
Mark E. Jensen 2
Tim McGarvey3
Patrick Bourgeron 4
James Andreasen 5
Iris Goodman 6
Abstract-ECADS is an acronym for the "Ecosystem Characterization and Description System," a series of PC-based relational databases and analytical software for multi-scale ecological assessments. Specifically, the system contains databases for multi-intensity
sampling of various ecosystem components (e.g., vegetation, soil,
streams, wildlife, and topography) at the site or plot scale. Ecosystem analysis programs are also included to access such data and
produce standard reports, statistical summaries, and· resource
value interpretations for plots or plot groupings (i.e., classifications). Program outputs may be used to describe different types of
classifications (e.g., existing vegetation, potential vegetation, soil,
and stream types) in a series of databases; these in turn, are linked
to another series of databases which describe digital thematic
maps. Because ECADS is hierarchically designed, map attributes
can be rapidly updated using site-level inventory data and ecological classification information. This functionality makes ECADS a
powerful tool for integrated ecological assessments and land use
Assessment of landscape condition, health, or integrity
involves the description of biotic and abiotic variability over
multiple spatial scales (Jensen et al. 1998). Additionally,
environmental processes that control patterns of species
and community distributions must be described (Margules
and Austin 1991). Such characterizations of ecosystem
pattern-process relations require consistency in the information used to describe field sites, ecological classifications,
and ecological mapping units (Jensen et al. 1996). Accordingly, consistent database structures and analytical systems are required for natural resource information if they
are to be used efficiently in landscape evaluation (Margules
and Austin 1991, FGDC 1998, Ford et al. 1994, 1997).
A common obstacle to many ecological assessment efforts
is the lack of standard systems for the collection, storage,
and analysis of natural resource information (National Research Council 1994, RISC 1983). For example, vegetation
and other environmental data from most ecological studies
are rarely collected in a similar manner; as a resul t, their use
is limited in broad-level assessments of ecosystem health or
condition (Bastedo and Theberge 1983, Stolgren and Quinn
1992). Collecting data without standard protocols also inhibits coordinated analysis of resource information between
disciplines, and commonly increases costs because repeated visits to sampling sites often are required for multidisciplinary analysis.
In 1985, the Ecology Staff of the USDA-Forest Service,
Northern Region, recognized the need to develop a standard set of sampling procedures, databases, and analytical
systems for multi-disciplinary use in the inventory and
monitoring of vegetation patterns. The sampling methods
and related computer software developed by this group were
called ECODATA (Keane etal. 1990) and were subsequently
expanded to include other resource information such as soil
and stream data (Jensen et al. 1994) on a USDA-Forest
Service mainframe computer platform. To facilitate
ECODATA's use by a wider audience, this system was
modified to operate on a PC-based platform. This revision
was named the Ecosystem Characterization and Description System (ECADS). In this paper, we present a brief
description of the database design, functionality, and some
of the analytical capabilities of ECADS.
System Overview
Ipaper presented at the North American Science Symposium: Toward a
Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem
Resources, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1-6,1998.
2Mark E. Jensen, Project Leader, Ecological Applications Service Team,
USDA-Forest Service, Missoula, MT 59807
3Tim McGarvey, Project Manager, Buffalo Jump, LLC, Missoula, MT
4Patrick Bourgeron, Associate Professor, Institute for Arctic and Alpine
Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450.
5James Andreasen, Research Ecologist, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC
6Iris A. Goodman, Research Environmental Scientist, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Environmental
Sciences Division, Las Vegas, NV 89119.
ECADS is designed to facilitate efficient storage and
summarization of natural resource data for multi-scale
ecological assessments and land use planning. To meet this
objective, various databases and analytical programs have
been constructed to optimize the flow of field site or plot
information into ecological classification summary tables
(Fig. 1). These classification tables, in turn, are linked to
map tables which provide summary information for mapping units within a geographic information system (GIS).
Knowledge-based systems (e.g., EMDS, see Reynolds et al.
this proceeding) utilize map-level information from ECADS
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999
in a GIS environment to develop resource interpretations
appropriate to multi-scale ecological assessment objectives
through a progressive series of data reduction steps (Fig. 1).
These steps are as follows:
1. basic, measured site data may be transformed into
interpreted resource value information (e.g., forage values,
hiding cover, diversity indices);
2. measured or interpreted site data are summarized into
appropriate classification taxa (e.g., stream types, existing
vegetation cover types, soil types);
3. the composition of classification taxa within a mapping
unit are used to describe its average resource values or other
selected attributes; and
4. knowledge-based systems may be linked in a GIS
environment with map summary table output by ECADS to
facilitate further interpretation of measured or derived
resource information.
Site Information
A number of customized data entry forms are included in
ECADS for the entry of site-level information in appropriate
relational database structures (Fig. 2). The database design
used in ECADS is highly flexible, and allows users to input
data according to their local needs by basic information
categories. For example, users may choose to describe foliar
cover of plant species by rapid visual estimation (i.e., ocular,
plant list), intensive replicated sampling of micro plots (i.e.,
System Generated
Resource Value
Figure 1.-8asic Components of ECADS.
Site Class. Unk
Site Map Unk
Site Management Area
Site Sample Specs
Sample Protocol
- System Generated Site
• System Generated CAT
- System Generated CON
General Pedon
SoIl Pedon
- Soil Horizon
- Soil DIagnostic
SoU Interps
Temporal Features
Surface Cover
Ocular Plant Ust
General Vag
Stream Reach
Soli Pedon
Wet Features
Parent Material
- SoU Pores
System Generated
Resource Value Ratings
Site Setting
Site Linkages
General Info
SoIl Pedon Features
Une Intercept
Point Cover
Stream Reach
Figure 2.-ECADS Site-Level Data Table Design.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999
I------~"'-I Class Info
t-----~/_f Class Info
" Site Link
Classification Name
Existing Veg.
Potential Veg.
r Class Info Type
Figure 3.-ECADS Classification Data Table Design.
cover/frequency), or line transects (Le., line intercept), dependent on study needs. The flexible design of ECADS sitelevel data entry forms and associated tables allows the user
to select appropriate methods for sampling based on purpose, accuracy, and precision requirements as well as cost
and personnel experience criteria. Accordingly, these forms
and tables may be used to accommodate many integrated
inventory and monitoring needs.
Classification Information
Classification information (Fig. 3) is grouped into two
basic components in ECADS- classification name and classification information. The classification name component
represents a set oflookup tables that associate hierarchical
naming structures (as appropriate) to a primary classification name table. Examples of classification types that fit a
hierarchical structure include: soils, potential vegetation,
existing vegetation, geology, and landforms. Data concerning each classification name are stored in a series of tables
that are linked to a primary classification information table.
The classification information component ofECADS (Fig.
3) is structured in a manner similar to the table design used
for site-level information. For example, a given classification
record is first identified in the Classification Information
table. Multiple sets of information are associated to a classification record by the Class Info Type table which tracks the
type, source, and date of information. Actual data concerning a classification are stored in three generic table structures that, in turn, are linked to the Class Info Type table
(Fig. 3). The Class Interp table is used to store general use
and limitation ratings (e.g., road suitability, erosion hazard
class); the Class Cat table provides summary statistics for
categorical variables (e.g., code type, rank, and frequency of
occurrence); and the Class Con table provides summary
statistics for continuous variables (e.g., mean, min, max,
variance). These three tables can be populated directly by
the user, or through an automated summary of specified site
records by the Class Summary Program (see Analytical
Software and Utilities).
Map Information
The data tables used to store information concerning
uniquely labeled polygons (e.g., watersheds, vegetation
stands) and ecological mapping units (e.g., soil, potential
vegetation) in ECADS are presented in Figtlre 4. The Map
Sample and associated tables are used to store field observations for each polygon. For example, the Map Composition
table provides information on the composition of different
ecological classifications (e.g., soil, existing vegetation, and
stream types) within a polygon, and the Map Settings table
describes the environmental setting (e.g., elevation, aspect,
slope relations) of a given classification within a polygon.
The Map Info table and its associates (Fig. 4) provide
summary information for a uniquely labeled polygon or
ecological mapping unit. Population of data into these tables
is accommodated through three different options: direct
Figure 4.-ECADS Map Data Table Design.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999
entry by the user, system-generated summaries from classification information tables, and system-generated summaries from user- specified site record files. Attribute summaries based on classification information are calculated by the
Map Summary Program (see Analytical Software and Utilities) and are facilitated through linkages between the Map
Composition and Class Information tables. Summaries from
site record files are also calculated by the Map Summary
Program, and allow the user to generate map-level information based on selected sites known to occur within a polygon
or mapping unit. Selected attributes from the Map Information tables of ECADS can also be converted to a dBASE
format by the Map Summary Program for s"!J.bsequent use by
knowledge-based systems in a GIS environment (Fig. 1).
Analytical Software and
Utilities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A variety of analytical programs (Table 1) and customized
utilities (Table 2) were developed for ECADS to perform
efficient, standard analysis of natural resource data by land
managers and scientists (e.g., ecologists, soil scientists,
biologists, hydrologists). Most ofthese programs were originally written in FORTRAN 77 language for execution on
main frame computer systems by the ECODATA system of
the USDA-Forest Service (Jensen et a1. 1994). These programs have subsequently been rewritten to ANSI C language for execution on IBM-compatible micro computers for
ECADS. Data management utilities are written in ObjectPal language and provide customized extensions offunctionality included in PARADOX. Each analysis and utility
program is run interactively by the user through a set of
standard Windows 95 based menu queries that specify
details of program execution. Output may be viewed on
screen, directed to a printer, stored in external text files, or
used to populate appropriate database fields in ECADS.
Conclusions __________
ECADS represents a relational database and analytical
software system useful to multi-scale ecological assessments and ecosystem management. Earlier versions of this
system (Keane et a1. 1990) were designed primarily for
integrated vegetation inventory and monitoring. Additions
to the system were subsequently made to facilitate other
resource characterization needs (Jensen et al. 1991, 1994).
In its current form, ECADS provides a PC-based platform
for integrated environmental effects analysis of multi-resource information (e.g., soil, water, vegetation, geology)
commonly collected by various land management agencies.
The design and functionality of ECADS was optimized to
facilitate the efficient summarization of site-level data by
ecological classifications and related mapping units for subsequent analysis by knowledge-based systems (e.g., EMDS,
see Reynolds et aI., this proceeding) in a GIS environment.
This functionality is of particular importance to many land
management agencies, universities, and non-government
organiza tions involved in mul ti-scale ecological assessments
and land use planning. Accordingly, representatives from
such groups have been actively involved in the development,
testing, and use of ECADS (e.g., USDA-Forest Service,
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDI-National Park Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
The Nature Conservancy, and various universities). For
example, ECADS was used extensively in the recent multiagency landscape ecology assessment ofthe Columbia River
Basin (Jensen et a1. 1997).
Migration of the data structure, utilities, and analytical
software contained in ECADS to a platform-independent
environment (e.g., JAVA) on the Internet is planned for
future development of the system. This activity will undoubtedly increase the accessibility and use of ECADS in
future years. Detailed descriptions and computer software
for ECADS are available from the authors on request.
Table 1.-Analytical Package of ECADS
Analysis Programs
Community analysis package used in developing ecological
type classifications. Produces site and plant species cover
summary reports, and similarity matrices.
Data Formatting
Formats species and site data for Canonical correlation/
correspondence and ordination software package.
Calculates forage values based on measured biomass and
forage value preference ratings provided by the user.
Calculates various plant species diversity indices (e.g.,
Shannon-Weiner index) for a site based on user-specified
layer heights.
Generates soil properties for user defined, fixed depth, and
genetic horizon layers. Summarizes soil layer properties and
summarizes soil pedon properties within a classification.
Class Summary
Calculates summary statistics for user-specified Otegorical and
continuous variables based on site record files.
Map Summary
Calculates summary statistics for user-specified categorical and
contiDuouS variables based on site record files or Class Info
Summary data.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999
Table 2.-System Utilities of ECADS
Developer Tools (Password Protected)
Table Manager
Generates and edits individual tables and attributes. Provides
table/attribute specifications (e.g., type, size, description).
Form Manager
Defines customized forms (e.g., navigation, data entry, program
execution) and their associated tables.
Create Tables
Works with conversion in Table Manager to update underlying
database structure.
Attribute Mapper/Code Mapper
Tools used to track crosswalks of data between different struc
tures (e.g., ECADS and ECODATA).
System Managers (Password Protected)
Validation Manager
Species Manager
Establishes parent/child relations and assigns user access level
(Le., national, regional, local) for the addition and editing of
validation codes.
Identifies the type of coding system to be used in plant species
validation (e.g., NRCS plants, TNC).
User Tools
Query IDs/Build IDs
Queries the database to construct site or plot files for input into
analytical programs.
Report Manager
Prints multiple copies of previously generated customized Field
Forms for data collection.
Archives/restores data and combines datasets between stand
alone desktops.
On-Line Help
Uses RoboHelp functionality to describe system components
and their intended uses.
Program Command/Record
Provides easy retrieval of stored summary attribute options
consistently used in analyses.
Primary funding for ECADS was provided by the USDAForest Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. The authors gratefully acknowledge the efforts of
Fred Ghaffari, who assisted functional modeling efforts;
Larry Gangi and Michael Quinn for their efforts in developing system utilities and analytical programs; John Caratti
and Bob Keane, who developed initial algorithms for analytical software; and Jeff DiBenedetto, Steve Cooper, and
Deb Prevost for their assistance in beta testing.
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USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999