Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Taft College Academic Senate Minutes
January 9, 2012 (Special Meeting for Division Chairs to Present for Positions)
Attendance documented on sign-in sheet, in office of human resources.
1) Call to Order. Vice-President Michelle Beasley, presiding in Bill Devine’s absence, called the meeting
to order at 2:10pm.
2) Public Commentary. Sharyn Eveland said, “I’m so happy to be here.”
2) Review of January 6th Minutes. David Berry moved to approve the minutes, and David Layne
seconded the motion. Minutes were approved with corrections.
3) Business Instructor Position. Summary—Kanoe Bandy presented the handout “Request for Faculty
Position: Business Instructor” and narrated its contents, which included the criteria approved at the
January 6th meeting.
4) Studio Art Instructor Position. Summary—Sonja Swenson presented the handout “Studio Art
Instructor” and spoke from the PowerPoint presentation “Studio Art Instructor” which addressed the
criteria approved at the January 6th meeting.
5) Counseling Position. Summary—Jack Gallon, Darcy Bogle, Candace Duron, and Lourdes Gonzales
addressed the need for counseling faculty, explaining that counseling affects all students, delineating
unfilled positions, and using multiple handouts, including “Counseling Position” to address the criteria
for ranking faculty positions.
6) Sociology Position. Summary—Sharyn Eveland presented the handout “Sociology Position” and
narrated its contents, which addressed the criteria approved at the January 6th meeting.
After she presented, Darcy Bogle pointed out that students only declare their major once, on their
application, and that the data regarding the number of majors for all of the presentations may have
been inaccurate because students frequently change their majors during their studies at Taft College.
Sharyn Eveland explained that she got the data for her presentation, including the number of majors,
from the program review CDs provided to program leads by the Office of Institutional Research,
Assessment, and Planning.
Darcy responded that she was suggesting that perhaps students might update their information on a
regular basis to help generate better data and allow the college to better meet their needs.
Brian Jean said, “Heck yeah on the admissions update,” and explained that students in his online classes
who had not updated their information had old email addresses and were missing information.
7) Adjournment— Before she adjourned the meeting, Michelle Beasley reminded all present to
complete a faculty ranking form for each position and return it to Bill Devine.
--Submitted by Geoffrey Dyer