Meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee 327 Graff Main Hall

Meeting of the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee
327 Graff Main Hall
18 August 2015
2015-2016 Members: Bradley Seebach, Chair
Anne Galbraith, Vice-Chair
Tisha King-Heiden, Secretary
Janet Kirsch, At-Large
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Members Present:
Galbraith, King-Heiden, Kirsch, Seebach
Patty Fairchild (ITS)
Georges Cravins (Geography), Betsy Morgan (Provost), Natalie Solverson (IR),
Meeting began at 3:30 pm
I. HLC re-accreditaion. Natalie & Patty gave update regarding draft and the review process.
Dissemination plans will be announced by Chancellor Gow at opening remarks. Requested faculty
member with university perspective to provide additional feedback on the document. Brad will
contact some people and ask them to volunteer.
II. Updates from Provost. Betsy Morgan updated us on pay plan news. Concern regarding inequity
due to funding streams were discussed, and she recommended that we consider this in the future. She
also informed up of the upcoming open forum that UW System would be holding on our campus.
III. Update on tenure/faculty governance. Georges updated news from system with respect to future of
tenure and faculty governance. System will likely follow Michigan policy vs AAUP guidelines, but
we are still waiting for official documents. Tenure task forces will be meeting with UW system Aug
IV. Campus committees. Committee structure for graduate program APR was discussed. We
recommend that there be an ad hoc subcommittee within APR so that Faculty Senate can spend time
creating a new full committee (Articles & Bylaws). Brad will be submitting committee letters soon.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.
Submitted by T. King-Heiden