Improving the Quality of Satellite Image Maps by Various... RUEDIGER TAUCH AND MARTIN KAEHLER

Improving the Quality of Satellite Image Maps by Various Processing Techniques
Technical University of Berlin
Photogrammetry and Cartography
StraBe des 17.Juni 135
Berlin, Germany
Commission IV
During the process of satellite image map production the scanner data undergo
quite a number of processing algorithms in order to achieve geometrical rectification
and radiometrical enhancement. However, some of these algorithms, e.g. resampllng
techniques, are connected with undesired secondary effects degrading the quality of
the data. Therefore processing algorithms must be carefully applied and special
enhancement techniques need to be developed. This is of special importance if data
from new sensor systems are concerned. Only sophisticated processing algorithms
make full use of the mapping potential of these data possible.
This paper describes various processing methods and their application to satellite
image data such as MOMS, THEMATIC MAPPER and SPOT -HRV. This includes
radiometrical processing, geometrical resampling with minimized degradation of lines
and edges by means of pixel doubling, enhancement of particular features with
statistical methods or filter techniques. The combination of SPOT panchromatic and
THEMATIC MAPPER data is carried out in order to combine multispectral information
and the very high resolution data to a high quality image map. The results of the
applied methods are visualized and discussed critically.
1. Introduction in satellite image map production
In the course of a modern satellite image map production the data processing is
done entirely by digital techniques. For this purpose a comprehensive software system
has to be used, which covers all the aspects involved. Such a software system can be
split up into several subsystems, each one covering a group of processing operations in
a special software package. The software developed at the Technical University of
Ber lin follows the general outline which is sketched in figure 1. The main aspects of
the approach are briefly described below.
Preprocessing: Preprocessing has a radiometrical and a geometrical aspect. The
original satellite scanner data undergo at first some radiometrical preprocessing, e.g.
elimination of striping effects, because these techniques in some cases require the
original image geometry. The purpose of geometrical preprocessing is to eliminate the
distortions caused by several system parameters, as far as these distortions are not yet
corrected by the ground receiving stations delivering the data.
Geometrical mosaicking and rectification: For the production of satellite image
maps usually several scenes have to be mosaicked and rectified to fit the coordinate
system of the map. The parameters for this process can be determined simultaneously
in a least squares adjustment for all the scenes involved. For this purpose the geometric reference system of the map has to be defined by a sufficient number of ground
control points. In order to ensure geometrical continuity between the scenes, some
identical image points within the overlapping sections· of adjacent scenes are used as
tie points. This has the advantage that less control points are needed for rectification
and that the geometrical quality of the result is improved. Mosaicking and
rectification itself is performed by means of transformation parameters resulting from
an overall least squares adjustment. Rectification also requires resampling of the
image data in the matrix format of the map sheet. In this case several algorithlTIs are
available. For practical reasons an algorithm should be selected which preserves the
image information as far as possible and yields good image quaIl ty.
Radiometrical mosaicking and post processing: Due to a variety of effects the
radiometric information of image data differs significantly between adjacent scenes
and even within a single scene. Therefore it is the purpose of the software package for
radiometrical mosaicking to convert the data of several scenes into a common radiometric system. Furthermore the resulting image data must be enhanced in order to
achieve an optimum visual presentation in the final map product.
The radiometrical mosaicking procedure makes again use of the multiple
information within the overlapping areas of adjacent scenes for the calculation of
correction tables for each scene and each spectral band. These tables are used finally
to transform the gray values of every scene involved.
After the removal of redundant information in the overlapping areas, a complete
image mosaic is available with just one gray value for each pixel in each spectral band
and without any edges of brightness at the border lines of adjacent scenes.
Satell ite
Scanner Data
Fig. 1: System overview
Cartographical processing: The result of the geometrical and radiometrical
processing is a rectified, mosaicked and enhanced set of image data for a map sheet.
However, in addition to the image itself a map requires graphical elements such as
lines, symbols, letters, numbers etc. representing and depicting topographical features.
These elements must be superimposed to the image.
Digital screening: After integration of the cartographical elements into the image
data, respectively after the generation of a seperated graphical data file, the entire
set of data is ready for the generation of printing originals. For this task a large
format high resolution raster plotter system should be used. By means of such systems
the gray values of the image data in each spectral band can be converted to a printing
screen by digital computation. Therefore the full information content of the data can
also be maintained during this last step of processing.
In this entire process of satellite image map production quite a number of
processing algorithms are used to improve the quality of the data. During the
preprocessing for example, various methods are applied for relative radiometrical
sensor calibration. Other techniques are necessary to keep the image quality during
the geometrical resampling process. In the following chapters some of these methods
and their application to satellite data are described as well as some techniques for
data combination using satelli te images from different sensors:
- image resampling by pixel doubling,
- relative calibration of detector data,
- merging of different satelli te data.
2. Image resampling by pixel doubling
Any geometrical image transformation makes it necessary to resample the data,
i.e. for each pixel of the output matrix a gray value has to be determined from the
input matrix data. For this purpose various resampling algorithms can be used, for
example: nearest neighbour, bilinear interpolation, cubic convolution, Lagrange
polynomials. The first method maintains the original gray values, whereas the other
methods determine the new values by calculation between the gray values of the more
or less surrounding pixels. Differently resampled images show evident differences
between nearest neighbour, bilinear interpolation and cubic convolution results. But
even for experienced interpreters it is difficult to find differences between cubic
convolution and Lagrange methods. Hence, for practical applications the Lagrange
polynomials must be preferred, because this method needs less computer time than
cubic convolution.
The process of resampling is always connected with some degrading of the
information content of the data. It is of course desirable to keep this degrading effect
as small as possible. This can nearly be achieved by the application of more
sophisticated resampling algorithms. However, complex resampling algorithms also
require gray value calculations - e.g. extrapolation technique - and for that reason the
original data get lost. Furthermore, the use of such algorithms is connected with an
increase of computer time. Therefore a compromise must be found taking into
consideration the information content of the data, the visual impression of the images
and the computer time requirements. The differences between the resampling
algorithms are evident in regions with many man-made features, like streets, buildings
etc., but in more homogeneous regions without any significant features, e.g. in desert
areas, a simple algorithm is sufficient.
If resampling is performed with an artificial "higher resolution", i.e. smaller pixel
size compared to the original data, good results can be obtained (KAHLER & MILK US
(1986), COLVOCORESSES (1986) and GOSSMANN (1984) e.g.). Experiments were
carried out in order to achieve further improvement. It turned out, that a simple trick,
namely doubling the lines and columns in the original image matrix, combined with
bilinear interpolation yields very good image quality in the resampled image. In this
case the statistical probability for keeping original gray values is increased.
Thus the approach preserves the original contrast to a high degree, but at the same
time smoothes the steps along edges. The edges are enhanced in a later process using
special filter techniques. Figure 2 shows experimentally the results of the doubling
method for an idealized target in comparison to other resampling techniques.
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However, it must be pointed out, that the method requires a large amount of disk
me:nory, which may be a limitation for practical use.
Fig. 2: Results of
a) original
c) bilinear
d) bilinear
different resampling techniques for an ideal target:
data, b) bilinear interpolation with original pixel size,
interpolation with smaller resampling pixel size,
interpolation with doubling of the original data
3. Relative calibration of detector data
Due to the system configuration of satellite scanners with six (LANDSAT -MSS),
sixteen (LANDSAT - TM) or more adjacent sensors (MOMS, SPOT) for each spectral
band, sensor calibration errors lead to a striped pattern within the images. These
errors are regular but not constant throughout: they are dependent on time and on the
intensi ty of radiation measured by the scanner. In order to get a homogeneous image it
is necessary to find a solution which functions for each class of gray values. Therefore
single detector histograms are calculated, and by defining an artificial 'median' sensor
the data are converted to thi.s detector using correction tables. The transformation is
derived from integral histograms.
For this purpose the image 'structure - lines and columns - has to be unchanged
and not resampled, because the original detector statistics is required. The image
destriping technique depends mainly on the properties of the scanner systems, and it is
evident that different sensors need different processing steps. In this context two main
systems are distinguished: mechanical scanners, where each detector records a line
through a scan-mirror, and linear array sensors - "pushbroom" -with linear CCD
elements recording a complete line at the same time.
For enhancing images from conventional scanners the algorithm is combined
directly with the number of used detectors per spectral band. Therefore each six lines
of a MSS-image respectively sixteen lines of a TM-image are destriped simultaneously
within independent sub-images. Such calculation is impossible if data of several
thousand detectors create an image, because differences in the pixel gray values over
a whole image line may result from different ground features as well as from sensor
calibration errors. Satellite scenes of such linear array sensors - MOMS, SPOT etc. can also be enhanced in small parts, just the data of n detectors simultaneously. But
these image parts are not independent, because an overlapping area of n - 1 detectors
is used between neighbouring subimages for destriping; in other words, an operating
sub-matrix is gliding over the scene.
Satelli te images from linear array sensors may even show striped patterns in two
directions (Fig. 3). In flight direction - column - such interferences are dependent for
example on sensor calibration errors, in line direction variations of these errors may
be reasons for the stripes in the images. Therefore the destriping algorithm has to
correct the data two times, in column- and in line-direction.
Fig.3: Striped pattern in a MOMSsatelli te-image of Bar is,
Western Desert, Egypt, (1:l 00,000)
Fig.4: Inhomogeneous stripes, enlargement of the central area in
figure 3, (1:20,000)
A special advantage of the statistical destriping algorithm, using integral
histogram equalization, consists in its flexible applicability, especially for enhancing
images of extremely poor quality. The MOMS scene in figure 3 for example has just
about twenty different gray values in the original image data and shows
inhomogeneities as secondary effects in the stripe's structure. The enlarged part,
shown in figure 4, demonstrates such inhomogeneities in the horizontal stripes. The
structure changes drastically at a vertical column, where light lines change into dark
lines and so on. Similar but not so outstanding effects can be seen in SPOT -HR V-
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images. Enhancing such images the statistical algorithm is applied to subirnages
followed by an easy kind of mosaicking process to get a completely destriped result
image (figure 5).
Fig.5: Result of the statistical destriping algorithm enhancing the
MOMS image of figure 3
The destriping process is really time consuming, using the statistical algorithm to
correct images of such low quality. This is why other also very time consuming
methods become alternative possibilities, especially filter techniques in the spatial
frequency domain. In this context it must generally be pointed out, that filter
techniques for destriping may produce images failed in special high frequency image
details. On the other hand destriping of geometrically processed data using statistical
methods is very complicated and also time consuming. The next example shows
preprocessed SPOT -HR V-data enhanced by filter techniques.
Fig.6: Striped pattern in SPOT -HR V data,
Tegel Lake in West-Berlin (1:66,666)
Fig.7: Power spectrum of the data in the
figure beside.
The stripes occuring in SPOT -HRV data are demonstrated clearly in figure 6. The
stripes in down track scan direction result from operating the two HR V instruments on
board simultaneously whereas the inclination of the stripes is produced by the
subsequent processing of the data to Level IB by the receiving station.
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After transformation of the image into the spatial frequency domain the power
spectrum is calculated. The frequencies of stripes in diagonal direction occur
distinctly as shown in figure 7. After filtering (e.g. ideal low-pass filter, pure
orientation filter) in the spatial frequency domain inverse Fourier transformation is
carried out. The result without any stripes is shown in figure 8.
This technique applied to small images (512·512 pixel) yields results with
acceptable success. However, to perform the method on large images the user needs a
sophisticated hardware with a lot of mass storage device and with a very fast
processor. Otherwise this technique is not practible due to a large amount of CPUtime.
Fig.8 Destriped image from figure 6
after filtering in the spatial
frequency domain
4. Combination of SPOT panchromatic and THEMATIC MAPPER data
After the launch of satellites with new remote sensing systems merging of the data
from different sensors becomes more and more important. The combination of
multispectral data and additional data with high geometrical resolution has been
carried out in several studies in order to improve the geometrical and radiometrical
quality of remote sensing data. Very different data types were used for this purpose:
LANDSAT-MSS and radar data, LANDSAT-MSS and LANDSAT-RBV data, LANDSATTM and digitized airborne data, LANDSAT - TM and SPOT panchromatic data, SPOT
multispectral and SPOT panchromatic data, etc. In particular the combination of SPOT
panchromatic data and multispectral TM data, providing seven spectral bands, is of
great importance for interpretation purposes and the production of satellite image
Many techniques for image matching mainly for interpretation purposes are
described for example in CHAVEZ (1986), CLICHE (1985), ESSADIKI (1987),
HAY ON (1982), WELCH and EHLERS (1987). Methods used in this context can be
summarized as follows:
band replacement,
principle component analysis,
arithmetic terms,
edge integration,
color transformation.
Band replacement: This method cannot be expected to yield good results for the
combination of SPOT and TM data. Since great emphasis is laid on a natural rendering
of the earth surface, the new band to be replaced must have nearly the same
wavelength as the old one. But the SPOT panchromatic band has a different
characteristic from any TM band.
Principle component analysis: This technique is usually applied to compress the
information of several bands into a few data sets. The combination of bands from
different sensors is also possible by calculating principle components. But the
application of this method for image merging can only be suggested if the bands are
correlated among themselves. The results obtained by principle component analysis are
suitable for interpretation purposes, but not for the preparation of satellite image
maps with a natural coloration.
Arithmetic terms: In most cases arithmetic terms are applied for the combination
of multisensoral data. This includes the pixel wise addition, substraction, square root
after multiplication and ratioing of panchromatic data with multispectral data.
Practical applications have shown that these methods could yield results with an
improved quality of the image data. However, limitations must be considered in some
details where the high resolution data contain rarely high frequencies. In the merged
image the data with low resolution dominate at these places. This fact results in an
image which has partly very good contrasts but to some extent the image seems to be
Edge integration: Edge informations are derived from the high resolution data, e.g.
by means of an high pass filter. Subsequently these informations are integrated in the
data set with lower resolution, e.g. by adding. This method has similar advantages and
disadvantages as the method mentioned above.
Color transformation: For the improved differentiation of image informations the
transformation into another color domain can be very useful (HAYDN». For
this purpose the present informations in RGB (primary colors: red, green, blue) are
transformed into the IHS color domain (intensity, hue, saturation). An alteration of
coloring could now be obtained by modifications of the new color components IHS. For
image merging of multisensoral data the image with high resolution data is substituted
for the intensity component. Subsequently the inverse transformation into the RGB
color domain must be carried out.
This technique yields the best results for the combination of multisensoral data by
preserving both the geometrical and spectral resolution. However, the substitution of
the intensity component must be handled carefully. Data sets from different receiving
dates show distinct variations of the spectral reflectances of land cover types. This
results in the merged image in destroying the natural colors within the respective land
The improvement of the image quality can be visualized the best in an example
which contains mainly man-made features. Therefore the test area is located near the
city centre of West-Berlin where urban details like buildings and streets, but also
vegetation areas are present. The aim in satellite image map production in this case is
to produce a map in realistic natural colors. Thus the TM bands 1, 2 and 3 are used as
the fundamental color components which have to be merged with the high resolution
data set. Figure 9 shows the selected area in TM band 3 which covers an area of about
5· 5 km 2. In Figure 10 the same area is shown in the SPOT panchromatic band, which is
already processed to Level I B by the receiving station. The TM data were taken on
June 9th 1984 whereas the SPOT data were acquired on March 16 th 1986.
Before merging the different data sets the data must undergo several processing
steps. This includes various histogram modifications and destriping algorithms such as
to obtain images with good contrast and natural colors. Subsequently a relative
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rectification connected with resampling is carried out. For this purpose the TM data
are trebled in order to preserve the original contrast during the resampling process,
especially in linear features (see chapter 2). The rectification with affin
transformation and resampling with bilinear interpolation yields good results. Both
data sets are of excellent geometric accuracy, thus affin transformation is sufficient.
By that a root mean square error less than 1 pixel (10m) could be achieved with 9
ground control points.
Fig.9: City of West-Berlin in TM-band 3,
after relative rectification
Fig.lO: City of West-Berlin in SPOT
panchromatic band, (1:66,666)
In the next step the rectified TM data set must be transformed into the IHS color
domain. In order to preserve the spectral information of TM data it can be necessary
to carry out a radiometrical adjustment of the SPOT band onto the intensity
component. After substitution of the intensity component the retransformation into
RGB is performed. Figure 11 shows the enhanced red component (old: TM band 3)
which demonstrates clearly the improvement of geometrical resolution. Additionally
most of the spectral information from TM data could be preserved. Still a few
histogram modifications are necessary to achieve a satellite image with optimal
spectral characteristics and the geometrical resolution of SPOT panchromatic data.
Fig.ll: Enhanced red component after
merging TM-band 3 and SPOTHR V from figure 9 and lO
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5.. Conclusions
For satellite image map production a sophisticated software system is necessary to
take advantage of the full potential of all available sensors. This system must be able
to process all data with the appropriate algorithm. For example each sensor system
needs a special processing for correction of sensor calibration errors. With such a
comprehensive software system even the production of new data sets is possible
combining the advantages of different sensor systems. The merging of various satellite
data is of great importance due to the launch of new remote sensing sensor systems in
the near future. Therefore new techniques e.g. data cumulation (ALBERTZ and
ZELIANEOS (1988» must be introduced in order to utilize the available data optimally.
This increases possibilities for the production of new maps at larger scales providing
better tools for interpretation and cartographical purposes.
6. References
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