LSD Goes T-a Vietnam
Dr. ~ SIM-rman DrtyiUI,
l'f~•kknt ol lh~ unlvtnity, 1~11
J on. 13 for South VIetnam to
" lu,:ht tiM! other war" In tiM!
unrSou thfllltAsla nna tlon.
il<' "''lllb.,an~"'ullon""''-
ers, l tOO..nU; 1nd fa o:ulty mem.
Bec:auae f(l~atlon revltallu·
Uon b part o1 the total VletnamWUon pf"O«U , he hopK
to xt•·e the J>ftiple with whom
<ullant for the five unlvorrsltln
he~tfMNntkleqonNOtlon· '
tbcol'l' In a I.'Ofltlnuin&' lnvol...,_
nltni1 1Rr1ed byStrYHIIPolnt
a lpui'POieandunltylnrela·
Stat<' and the U.S. Aa:rney for
Interna tional O.vr)C)pmenl ln
'Tm !lll'aH<I to co be<:a111e
""" ..-IU be talldna aliout the
r~lat lonahlp of South VJ.etnam
' " tlllln.e tlonln191'Sand191l0.
Till' problem~ ol the Dc-frnae
O.•poarlmw t are obvloualy toda)·.bu tiiOITiel:oody hatKQtto
bo.•""Orkln&onlhektnl ran&r
prvhlcm, and one ot the blc
all p<'<'ll ol'thatwlllbelhede, .... lo,>m .... t ol td&Mr ~uc:a t lon
or my mission," hcuplal!M'd .
!low "'111 this unl•·rr~U~· bmem from lhr trip! Only In the
lhat It wm
<II thf mt~ lnltn' a m ot hl&her
r.IU<'alionlntheworld .
DN-yrus will bt ~about
Ofll:month, andamonj'the
M UPHts to confer ..1th Is
South Vietnam Prelldmt Th\('11.
~?~Mrs ..illbero•·emmentln d-
tlonshlptolurnln~tlnstl tutlonl.
Jlrotyfus llthe loorlhpt:rson
from Stew-1'11 Point St.lte to
make 1uc:h a trip. Fwmer PTKIdentJame~~AI~~ dledln
a plant crllh wh1le \u dlne a
mlu.lon ln IJ6T. Sul»equmtly .
Ed11ea tlon Dean
Eap and pno1klentlal u•btant William Vlckerstaff -nt
Dr. Winthrop C. Dlfford, dea n
of the rraduate coltece, wu
sc:ht'<luk'dtotra•·et ..ithDn-y·
tus, but lib ltlnetlll')' Wl l held
up temporarily.
Thepre~ldent announc:tdthat
hb ochool pl'fM'ntly II neto:otll>l·
in,eaeontncttoprovldefduratlon romulta ntshlp to South
VIetnam du..ln1 a r..'O year
P<"riDd. HI, own ml,.lon Is h,..
:~nd~ro;..:t1 a.!hl~~~'O~~
bly\nYOiveabootslxother fa.
culty membenhe~ .
Haferbecker Named
Acting President
Or. Gonion H1ferbt-c: ker .....
no•n<'d acllne J>rHident lor a
one-month period.
lie "'111 H "'-'1! In the ablfnce
ot Dr. ~e Sloerm1n Dn'yflll
"'ho wil t 1prrld lO dB)'I u an
<>duca llon con~ult an t for the
1"'-"emmenl o( South VIe tnam
1rd U~t U.S. A.llenc:y for lntH•
nat\ooa l Dt•·e\opment. Moot of
DI"t'y fi.LI ' Ull&nmcn\J wlll bC! tn
Sa lron. ·
The pre~hkncy l1n' t new to
lla fubecker . ..,.no durtnK • :ISyea r csrecr h11 advant'fd !rom
tuche r In 1 one-room tchool
In LAnrlade County t~;~ vier
pl"!'aldenl lor academic sffaln
From J anuat)' to Ocbber ot
1961. he..,... acting p!"t'lldent
ln the abHnce ot Jamn AI·
llcttaon .... ho like Dr"t')'fus ..,..,nt
on 1 1\udy.obiervallon toor of
the fl••e unL•·cnlllu In South
\'Jtt na m. IICW."f!\'et. the tempor.
nl')' aulgnmtnt threc yurs aro
waa extended afte r Albertton
d\ed ln l planecnllhwlthother
mtmben ot 1\ls J>II"Y·
And becsuae ll afcrbeckcr'l
sppolntment l i l t ed nine
rnon~hl. he Jet a record ot run·
nlnK thot lthool for a lonler
perlocl than one ot l\1 perm•·
nent prHiden\1 . PhilLip F alk,
"'ho be<:amt U.. fifth chid admlnlslrator In 1938, served In
olllc:e only 1lx n1onth.s hec&lllr
he u"· r~•ttr UH ol h \1 Il l·
~hdlllon Public School Syatem
tllln rem1lnln& stthe teschenl
colltKt htno wllh far leu 11\an
I .OO)I!udenta.
llal ~ rbe<; k er hat ocrved
m311 t u lonlll thealxth pre•l·
dt nt . E .T. Smtih .... no ...... ap.
pointed In the !a ll o f 1939 and
died In office 1 yur late r.
Smltll hlld been ~ n actln1
pre~lden!JeVetll mon~ prior
to rece\vlna the job permane-nt·
Jy. The ooly Olher actina prnl•
dmt ~lore thai Umt w11 Ola rIn Watton, a ICOit lpl\y profeuor....11DfL11edlnalterJohn
}', Slmt' dea th In 1926. Whe n
Smltll dlf<l. Wataon took D\'f'r
the job 11•ln lor 1 lew montht
until Willi am C. !l iMen arrivW
In Dtllember of l!MII.
fn the next m onth. H a f~rheek·
er'1 retponllbllhln will include
conftrTinl del(reo:-s on the! 300
plul Hnlon who will be rrldu·
aled In the mkl-y..ar com·
m eueemenl, repreHnl the 11d·
m\nlllra tlon duriii.K winter csrn\1111 futi11Uln and a t the
&lrd of Rt~tenta of Stste lJnl·
•·tnLIIH monthly meetlnl.
Jn ann:runclnl Hl ferbtcker 'l
1\ppolntmrnt , O....yfll& tll d :
"One o1 the baall upon whlcll
I fe ll 11ble to continue Jamet
Albi.'rtson'l work lnd lel\·e the
un\\'enl ty for 1 period u long
tu a month Ia cl<.'arly the fac t
that Gonion H a ferbecke r Ia
hf're . .
"In my 2~ )'f'lrl In this I,..
llltutlon . 0... Hs ferbl.'cker snd
I h111e fonned 11 tea m whleh
operatH 11 smoothly ·u any
l haw-wl\fleuedln20yu,..
In thla bwllneu. The unh't ..LI)'
Is In fine handl and notiiiDII
needt 1::1 be held up while I
the V~tNOmese lati(UIIe. He
wu uktd at a prea c:onft'f'e._ how - u he wlU boJ sble
to eonvene In the la...,...le .
"Only enourh to ll:t'l me In •
llttletroublta ta()l.)<:ktallplll'ty,"heuldjoii;Jnaly.
Winter Carnival
Dedicated To
Bertha Glennon
nw 1970
P ~cn!Dreyhu,ln spo&l•
lion paper 10 dep&Ttmenl d\alrmen and the •eade mlc dtarw.
a•kl "atOO..nta lhouldnotbe
o part o1 t1w d!eclalon-makllll
Pf"DCfll"· In tc'lant. to the reo
t.cnllon and tenure IIORild~no·
t lonl ~ IDeulty m~mben.
1llt 11stement nme In 1 pa·
perooUinlnahl•PDIItlononret.cnUon and te nure proc:edufft.
and he r re·tl ... mtnl Jut IPMne.
He r "olfldsl" rolr will be
llrhtllll a 111nt lat·fed to..,n
on the lawn In front ol Old
Msln Bulldlnr Sunda)' sltrrnoon. Feb. 8 a t 1 p .m . Th e
e~re•nony ..i ll alrnal thebelllnnina ol actlvltlN whldl wi l l
«>nll n ~~C throuth the followlna
rreently In mattera lnvolvin&
pof)O,Ilar faculty memben Jut
Hil basic premise It tl~&t "~
facu lty ot a 11vm department
hu bolh the right and U.. obll·
a•Uon to make the lnltilll declslon n>i.,.dln~: the appolntmen t or non-appoln tmentola
iuculty membl!r."
v...yfus conllmJ..,.. by llllllnll:
fw MLIJ Glennon
lind commllleemen wh.;> pia.,.
~d the caml•·sl wlll bot In tlw
Y. lacomln Room ol the Unl•..,•·
oily Cent er lo\Lo..·lnll the torch
ll&hllnl . It W\11 be 01>"" to the
JUII& llon ..-un t rnu~ membcra
othll department, that 11e 1"1!<:•
ommend to hla ucodemlc d~~ n
"·hat the department hu declded In rc~srtla to lhe ~e 11 •
Enclllh on ClmJIWI
to 6.000 lhMiconll between liMO
o f her fam ily's orl·
home 11 1 6:1~ Main St.,
ahe uld " lleel 11ery much hon·
oredutbelnt~c""-"n lor lhe
M\ 11 Glconnon hno 11 daouble
Ue ..,ith the unlvenlly. Besldet
beln.i: a n eme rltlll profeuor.
ohe 1 110 1a an 11 tumnus. She
teach from
the Jn 1 tltutlon
;:.~.~ ~:...~:~~t' ";:7:;;~ :.,c=~
want~o throw a llthe
lllOfHIMIIIntD the market , thai
Is In term• ot the lmpllct. I
don't know y~l how much hooJs..
inlo: thr re b slid tills JeCITIII
"II, tor eaample, the number
ol bc<b ,..., lllvc now lrl! II.
lhcn t'm not 111re what ....,
'::...:!.'~ 1
comment t'"' t
AD(lhornorH to IT>O'If off cam·
Nld he auumed ~~ aophoIYIOI'f'l ..-ould a ttempt to move
Dftyflll 1t1Ud that he
had • fruhman clau potenllsl
whlcheouldal-tfUltll e
doc111$ntx1year . The-n healkf<l
where the rflt would 10 •tatlnr
hedldn'tthinkS!f!11tra POint
1111 room lor that m.nt 11\10enta.
Dre)'fu.e:llldlltclkta't kD:IW
..,·hat kind of houllnJIIa In the
eonunllnlty. lfe didn't kn ow
wh<.'lher s U t he houllnt: In the
eo.mmunlty 1a beln1 uud but
ths t he h-. at.ktd the hoollnl
people to look Into lt.
l n l l'll'"'ft to a qllftlkln by
;;.~~teDa~!:':to~. opl=f' :
•• ld hedoell'l' t tlllnkhe'•cotnr
to cet pri 11atc d..-ITIII built here.
Into o lf es m pul houlin.&, Dr<'Y·
fill fnl& that the rt'nbl would
11:0 up. lie 1lst<>d. " U ..,.e move
Into the open m u ke t, we will
rs dlcslly s Heet tn.. price ol
11e uld "Jt'1 a JUpply and
It you've rot
thre-e people for ~cry two lied&
l\1 ~~:oina to be to the benefit
ol the people who_, th e
:=!)'•tllyU.:'1o ~:~ ::..:.;
Oreytussllould llt~are
:'~v!bou~lnl..,:' ~
m.adeavsUablt to5,0001 t~U
than It becomH a m atter ol
ln s •w•oe r toaqueatlonabout
Dreylul uld he doesn't think
It would be p011lb\e.
BfciiiH' don' t have a eontroUed l!(:(lnl)my the'l"e'1 no way
of 1toppln11 renta from roll1ll
up. he 11ld.
Anothe:r effect ol\ettlnfi: 10J>bomores move on csmJIWI Drey.
f\11 thlnb, La tNt the law Inrmtal lamliiN '"'bel U\11!
within a mllc of the Unl111!1'alty are aolni: to be drl......, out
beca\111! the landlonl
c a n
clwp hlah<'r pricft for 1tu-
rtJ)t"t'"'nl ltcepllble aademlc
and admln t.tnll\11! practice."
kSent for aca~mlc a llaln or
thf'pi'CIIdent toappolnlalll·
culty member who hal bf<on
i\1: to lludenl lnvolv<.'ment In
dl'pllrtmental declatoru. he uld
mall"". II<.' wld !hol t aHhoogh
t helrrole hunot~of~ma·
tlud they have a
amount o f lnflucnC.o 0\·er the
retention and tl!nill'<:l matten1
..i thln • depa rtment .
dentslhould not be ln11olved
formally In departme nt.al rete,..
tlon m a n e .. , Dreyf..,. aLio t<>d
th.~t facultynlectlonml~tht~
eome a ,..,..tartlr· eontHI or
"cau<<.' c:el<.'bre.'' Ill' d ied an
e xa m ple~ U1ls occur rence at
ln the l)'ltem.
llci!MCI " Uoere l tc'only IWD
crltnla" fDrd('(:)dln~t whoshould
bcp~~rtotU.. ' ~~ele<:tlon~
ccn. One Ia the criterion of
,..,.ponsiblllty. whleh Dre:ytus
aayl ,llt lin hll otflce,a ndthe
s lblll!ylorlhoae · ...·homust llve
volvfdlnthl• prDCPUIJ ~
ealllt they, U he llaiH, l rl!
by definition tral'lll<.'nl. He uld
t h~y do not hne to J111e with
HTOn ol l•cul!y ~~election.
lie laid tenur<>d mcmbe.. ot
the department must live wlth
~~~tlr:~nro!h:ldllbe ~~~r::::m.::
~ ol
particular lacully mem·
the acaden• lc !lean, the
nmller~lo t he111cep,.....L·
lttnl lor andemle a lfuln tnd
unto the preaklcnt oll"" un\.
•·ersi ty .
Tile l""'ld~n t nld the float
Jud&ment ~111 In 111 o ll\ce.
Th~tolllce "It 10 he cerll•ln
!hal the proco:-dure by which
mf'mll<'r wu Jud.i:«<
~,~··~E. ~:~~:~:~£:~~~ a~a:~~~~" 5with
tnen!~:!~~ 0 :.:~::'" 1 ;~ 11 1!11
11 her alma m iller, Jhe also
ad11LMG !helludmlnew1paper ,
yurbook, s oororlty and M"'-~
,ss fscully .ecretary-trellurer
for tJ. area _.. media .
Academic Honors
with academic d istinction dur.
11\K ~he mldyur ~om mcncemenl
Ch~ rln
Hlnkc, Abbo1110n1.
rccel•·ed hlthell honors wltb
llll radtpolnlaul"ffiiUit\,(1 3.751 or
~~~· cqul~alent) on 1 4 point
Wlth h l~th\w:ln;lnfor ll11ft1K""
ran.a:lna from 3.5 to · 3.15 w ~re
J amu llllkken. David nl oy d.
£ri c Hyln<'n, Mary Johnson.
Robert J. l'a.w lnk, Kll"t'n Knox.
F.lalnc B. Schumuhe r . Olrls·
mary T. D\lrmlck a nd Edwi n
Gnduallnll with honon lor
Jrtftdu ra nrlna: bctween 3.2nnd
3.5 ..,..,re llamld ll•m m wn.
Ham llsrrll, Glen Kralapp. AI·
ll'fl Krull , John Oberbeck. C.rol
11111!11, Michael lluehlchen. PP ·
trlcl a eom..... u. Michael t:•·r.
J a mn Fo\z, Not'ffn Johnson,
Danny Nordsll , Donald Wach·
ter. Marlene \\'fronke, T\l'nee
Zulrer. Sllndl Kawlnkl and
Ju.e Smllhbltek ~·erk .
President l ectures Senate
On Major Housing Problem
ll<>U1Ln1 w a1 tJ. major L11ue
"''hen Prc1idf'nt Lee Sherma n
Dn>yflltlpoke snd answered
qutstlons a t tlwl Student Sennee m'""tlna. Thul'ld.l)', Dec. 18.
In re~vome to a Senate l"f!IOIutlon ~nt to him, whlcll would
s Jiow ADphomOrea to l111e oil
didn't know 11 yet what he!
was goiJll to do •bout Lt. He
thrn went on to expl1ln tome
oftlltCOIIII ralntaol. lhelssue.
O....ylus Mnt mentioned thl!
Impact on ho\lllna lP he '"'Ould
IN tile sophomDI"f!aOff camflU$.
lie u kl. " 1 don't know If I
Retention, Tenure Tepic
Of President's Pa.per
~~v~ ;:~ ':er:: 1 Ct~n! ( ~ ::t!. :~~t':.:r:!:
denU; tllln he can lor families.
A!AD, Dnylul th1.nlta this
would a lfect new faculty who
..,"0\1\d move in for the ume
reaton u It would a fff'Ct lht
low Income family.
0..)'1111 111d he "''OUld like
::..~te"' .:;;::: ~for:.~':'~~~
llnsl dectaton.n.te&~IHtthlng
llbout,.-hoea n otayln approved
or unapprov<>d houllnll: ml~thl
hne to be ch.IJll<'d
A qUHtlon wu 11kW. why
prolf'CI the landlord ln11te~d of
the ~tlldtnt. Dre)'llll a"""'l'red
thlt ~rhapa this protl'CIIon
: : e n up, more be-d!~ tor
It ..,.as me ntioned tha t 10n1e
...._s pp.-ovM howilll,£ wu 1ut.t1o,..
for him to do, he 11ld. would
C!srd.Tu lhlsDreyft~.~f~ttwlth
lfe uld the quHtlon wu how -........-the pre.. ure for houllnll:. tlw
mpny' bedl are thefe and how
ruin h!~-•·e been bent pretty
ID aet a t them. Our policy co.,.
not make beds, he nld.
J>re~ldent l>rr>'fUS alao 1111e
lie •sld. "Tlle only solution
hill opin ion on noun. lle ukl
s111Usble to WI bt the bulldlni:
he may extend hours on • ba·
o1 dorn.a. I prel\!r them buUt
111 ot scsdmllc work Dr tilt
In spartme nt
Jtt~de JID!-nt. Ue ta ld he ...wid
Either stute or pM11ate rnonoly
tlke to ha\11! hounl for men
hu IOC to do Uutt.''
lie menUont'd thlt II the UnJ.
O..yful uld he doesn't feel
venJty 10" to trlplJn&: in
=·~~!.:~i :~~~~·~
n:: :::
11 ' ;
provtd lnd WUipproYfd llotJI.
tna. lie .. ld he wsn1.1 to 11ay
..-ull sppro-.·fod houlllli but to
ha11e It to protect the landlord.
ilewanii iPPt011edhowilna-to
Lle In 1 ~RH, the lame rules
that apply on camJIWI.
In IIIli lltuatlon. It a 11Udent
atay('d In sn IPJII'O'Ved house.
Unl\11!,..1\y ntlel would apply
snd tile 1Jnlw-nlty would att p
In If ne-eded It thetl! wu any
difficulty. In UlllllPC'O\I1!'d ' ln1. the student ,..,-ould beltrictly on Ilk own and all polklel
would be betwftn the lsndJord
•nd the t!Woent.
Hement\cnedthatUthllpOIicy ~~ lllto ttlec:t, the rul~
:~:e::t s:= % -~~ f~~
Lo..·edtolnfluenceu-t ls culty
~here::~rt~ -=~~
w k·
~fh·e &J!PQlntmcnts to tile
Tribunal lnltead ol
Dreyfus uld he would
•ion( with It bee11111r
1ya1<'m .
He "''OUld like to ha11t ap.
polntmenta come from lib ollit<.' and wanbl sllldenla to be
appointed by two dUferent IOUI'·
ce~. He "''OIIld like to mstdl
till! 1b.ldenbl 1ppolntment1 wltll
the faeulty.
n.c only other buslneu 00..
st the mceUnJ: wu the a~
proYII of tlnan.ce • allocstlon
eo m mlllee recommendatlonll
whldlrran~ sddltlonal f'llnd.
Ina- to the Intramural prC>Cram.
TillS JANUARY GRADUATE received an extraordinary gnduaUon plftent, a
broken leg. Lola Poppy wa.a Involved In a 11kiing accident a few weekll ago.
Admissions Double
ntglllrntlon ot fN.'Ihmen lor
tile fall term OJ~ nl Jll rM!xl Scpt ~mb<.'r la runniJll twice•• high
ou U did Dl'l(')'earllgo.
Admlsllonl Dl..,..,tor J ohn
Lanen noted !ha l 1 .1~ applica tion~ had b<!f'n proccued by
:;n;h~l ::d~ ~1~~
There Is Jpec:ulatlon that
prDipec:th·e \r('!l hmen throul(houl the 1101<.' au rcglslf'r lni:
esrlybr-cauJ<"ofU•I• awatenHI
Dl tlmh'-'<1 hou•lng fsclllllH 011
tu mj>\11 and In the oommunlly:
neverthelna. J>rojcctlona m ade
even t.w:-lore ~tic appllc8 tlom
J larted comlnK lndlca t<>d tota l
c nrollmcont "''OUid !Mf('a ocfron•
1,91U In 196'.llo nearly 9.000
In \910. It hU Lnc.~al«'' a bout
1,000 uch of the pU t tw o
Ju a rt'IUII, camp.a officials
havebf<onbw:YIICOUIII\IIO t
campus II'""" about 3.900 stu•
denll. Nonewdormltorll'll ha11e
bct'n appro-.•W by Uoe s t a l l.'
bulldln1 commlulon, ro..·e•·er.
ncgotlaHons anoeontlnul~t~ID
~ hall that could sc:commodate
lor occupsncy by fBil.
n.e Whl!lne hotel In Stc•·ens
!'oint, ..,'hlch bt the home to
nearly1o ...-orncn, lasc:heduto:-11
tobt inDP<"ratlonforll\ldcntJ,
llalnnext )'f!ar .andthemllrt'
posslb\111~1 more acc:ommoda·
tlonaesnbi.' provlded the ....
Belorehel<.'tton a »-da y
lu •·e ol ab&ence to South Vi<.'l·
nam. Prelldent LoN. Sherman
Dn)·ful ..,.,., optimistic tha t f'f·
focla would be made within the
communi!)' to ha•·..,. IJlO!"t' private homl:'l turned Into 1!\ldent
renta \1•
Dnyfus urstd hllth achool
H n lonl Lnternted In s ttendlne
StC\'l'n& Point Stille to begin
lrnmedlately l<!('kinethelrlxlusLnrfor 1•11.
. AIIhoughnpldii'Cl"'thoiWLIICO<llln Stste Unl11en1ltll:'l hu
c:olnekled with a drop In till!
q111llty of • tudcnta. Sti"Vt'nn
Potnt'l rHearch director Wll·
Uam Cementa hu found a lhltl
fnth:lllrtnd 8rl'lDrl( tJw,_·Ht
bllyesr. the•Vffl&f' hl~th
ldlool acsdt mlc nnltot ,_
lre.hm~ W&l In the li2nd prr.
ctntlle. 1lle llrtt 1.000 appll-
canll fDr tl\i l 910B•'en~trt.
"I hope ~hl1 trend ..,.111 eontlnii<.'."Drryf.,.uldb<.'fotl! hll
Mp~~rl,.... "bi.'caUie quality li
one o~our top prlorltlH on thl1
campus: · Solo new hDwilnl.
Colmpoa offldab lay th~y
cannollpeculate on tile r<.'~J.Dn
1..- ~ptcly <.'nroUmcnt hike
here. a lthouati 1 ~ de].loD.rtmeou
ol NOtura l resourc" lor yean
hu been 1 bit,: draw wltll
over 1.000majorsthllyeu. The
number ol 11ude nu makH It
the largetl depa rtment of Ita
klndln an Amerlnnunlvenlty.
Uke natural resource1, home
eeooomlco, another blgdrawlnto:
Is amonr the oldeli department~ ol 111 klod In the Unlt<>d
Sll tl'll.
LSD Will Veto
Reduction In
Phy Ed. Credits
,~,::3:,. O:Y~~>'I~~e:~:l
~; ;:~~:~'J:!~:~h~~~~~ ~~~:U/u~~~eredi~~:m:
." lin)' resolutton which 1l mply
rediiC<.'d or ellmlna!OO the
h<.'!•Lih edU<:s tlon noqul~menll
~~~~:'~~n~::;u:-'; :~-~~!
'-'<1 by me ."
Dfe)1\ll uld ·i'111 fell the phyllta l o:-ducstlori, quntlon ln•·olv·
I'd morf'lhanDM I Inglela ctor.
1l>c fln t lu uc. he eonskleft'd
:•tlultof~o.'OOd!ihY•Ica\heR ith,
lhc' lotCOnd lithe method used.
tor<.'ftch thatpl. and the
~~~~~uue I~ . dole relatt'd to
Drcyfull. •tattd lh• tlf\hcore
.. -utomtqucs t\oltlnvoMngthe
•pcclllc requireme nt In Phyaln l andhe'Pitlleducatlonor tlle
mal~rlsl belnt~
In the
.,.,......,, tii iJ should be examJn.
or llsvln1 a lflde l'nl<.'r
Into h\1 11:rade pDin t svetl(<'.
but he did not offer thil 111
a definite aoludon only ll)' inil
that reduction or abolltkln of
the whole l>rDI! t iiTIII Ia not the
mns...~r .
DTeyfuteoi>c: ludOObyuylnl
thetc' wu • definite need for
catlons lrequ\nomenl$andlbose
eoo.JI'If'l should be msde more
r1'1c11Rnl to the phyaloloelcsl
'probleiTIIItllai!Mif iOCiety~
(Edhors note: Tllt! complct~
text 01 Dreyfus' memo II>Pf....,
:~~:~~ ~:aoJ~~ fu~~itG~~d~=~~n For
ble th<.'n abolishment altoeethcr.Dre)·Uitald." ltthls klnd
of scti11ty II lnapproprllle In
aunl•-..nlty,lt).llt sllna prroprtaleata two--crt."CCItlt'>'el
or lor Utili 'mi ller a t s ny
In relation to the lllueot
credlb President Dreyfus ""
The Reconb Orflce ba1 prepared . anevll\lltlonoferedlll
for 111 t lllde-nta who lndieated
· l•teredfDf'thelaUsemeotl!f.
u lludenta hl\11! not done so.
Reconl.l ofllce. In Old Maln,
Room 215 before Ft:b. 2: the:
t..t dsy In whldl to chanae
lor tht. temrtter.
.... 2
Something New,
Something Old
Dreyfus Threatens Veto
catN the Involvement and level
a man'l a!udenl c&l'ftl\ on
l.hll umPUI . 'n>e whole lAue
CTNII mu&t be quite se~­
n~ from the lAue o r what
lobelnco/lered lntht.ln&tan«
andwtW!thoer otnolltahould
be otre red. IIH UlHe as three
dlsllnc:!ly dUferenl luuH. F'<lf
exa mple, 11 Is q uJ~ ~lble
n"Q;I.Ilrine 11udMU 'Involvement
nolll!l!lhenK<OSlltyo(noqulrlne them to be eraded In tlut.t
acUvt ty and to have lhal rn.lkpolnt all..,l !heir academic., • .
no-tr.ln ttla!INtanet! I! would
limply t.. a m attn of ellml·
nallne uNit and eradlnc. but
maklnc It a r«tU!I'ement '""'
a stuMtl l mu&l a lltnd these
duse1 and r..,elve a u tblae·
lory ~rtormanee approval In
ordo'r to meel t~ n-qulremrnt .
'Th lJklndofapptoachll!used
In se•·n a l unh-..r~lllet, If there
laKimeque•tlonabou t acadtmlc credit and cndepolnta !Of'
tl'lele actlvl!ln, 111ln l.....ould
The Pointt'r netd.J new 1talf for thla temeater as well
u next f &ll. The editorial board urge. atudent. who
b..a\>e had a.ny joumaliam experience or who h&\'C worked
on new1papera In their rnpeetlve high achoola or any
pe~n who 11 lnternt<'<l In journ&lim to come up to the
PoJnter Otfict", located on the aeeond floor of th e Unlve~
aity ~nter, on Monday or Tue.day e\·enlnp.
Sew IAUtorw
The Pointer hu
thfft new edltol"'. Carol Lohry, a.
Cl'Nhman, from Fox La.ke, hu btt'n appointed to th e
po.t of newa editor. She takea O\-e r the poaltion occ::upled
lut .emtater b)• Debbie ~man. Mila Lohry CO\'tred
Student Sen~te mtt'tings lut semester.
TU ing over at auods t e editor Ia Cb arl~ Bru.Ue, a
.enlor . rrom Ste,·ena Point. He has been with the paper
!or thn-.e )"('ara and last ~emeate r served .u a contributing editor. Scott Schutte held the position lut aemeat.er.
Suceffding Tim Luch Ia Roy Neuen~ hwander, a
.ophomore from Verona. l.uch graduated In January.
Pull luty
or aboUtlonollhePnt!reacllv·
AS 1 mal~r of pel"'<lna\ pnlrrence, II It my opinion \.hat
0\llht to corulder vully lnereulnc 1¥ pl'ly&lcl.l and
hnJI.h f'ducltkln
/orQUl'Jtudentadllrinl their
fOOr )'tll'ltvre.lwouldhope
\.h.IIIUO:h J nJrw:rt'l.le "''OUidbe
r cla t~ to \.he Jlrt'U for the
• •·erare Jtudent on u ny~'f r
l porU ..illtl'lhecanUJelnh.t.
d&ll)' life ten )'Uri af~r he
cra duatH.IUCh U~tGI I, ttnnll ,
bow\ln11, curlln1:, trapMootlnr.
Paper Offensive
I n Tone
Pn>e.lde.nt Dreyf ua &&}'1 he will In all Ukellhood \•eto
any mQ\·e on th'e part of the !acuity to reduce the numbtr ol pbyalul edu~ation credit. needed to graduate
from thla unh•erslty.
It appears that the paper wu written In attem pt to
roerce !acuity members Into not aupporting the propoeed
redu~tion In the number of phy ed credit&. The paper can
be conaidered an attempt to auppt't'M both fa~ulty and
atudent di.Ku.Mion on tbe matter of ph)'1ical education.
We &gree with the paper that phyaleal edu~ation
eou~ abould be more dc..lgned for interelta of the t tudenta after they leave the lnttitution.
We think that all phyaical education ooul"'l'S required
of t\'er}' t tUd('nt be not graded by the lnttructor. The
rea.an II ob,iout. Not t\'ery tt udent It gh·en the .arne
degree of ph~-.lul ('()(lrdination u another.
We do not &gt'ft "'ith the Intent of the pape r "'Titten
by President 0n.->1u.t. It ia ma.t otrenai\•e in tone and
Paul .luty
Point Blank
$ ll.l.3NU,l~M :
..... hlll prot-. .-ft>U,: I U.SU.
:S-wll.llbekt 'IIJ>OIIr.oq-....S~II-'tri>'N-
\4li.T artto' l w.cilerl ""'-kool prot--.! ,..,. , . KMoe
F't'orn 1~ pubi.Wif'd ~ta wh.lcl'l ...-... a •'&l.lable. Or. £. Sta·
rund. Asal. to the •1C"f' presiden t tor acadll'rnlc attain.. .,.. ._.
u.nat>W to rt•<e the " " '" of fan.~lty N.lariH. H ""''e'o'et, ~
dld l'la•<e the IT'M'&n w.lu)' lor lM t9b'9-1r.Q Khool. )- r
MlariH Of <'Omp&..blfo instit utiON In IUrTOUndlnJ llat ts. The
mH.I\.I arr ._. loliOYo-. : Min - . IU .S.O: )lkhltan 11.2.2-68; Indiana - $.12.4-jt; lo"'·a - I U.!H9: lllinob - Ill.· -.J.
973;andWIIoconain- S11.3SS.
The titlH rl•'fl> 10 tMctvra In oolle~~:e dll'~nd upon lhdr
f'<l-ttol'lll tralnln~; and el<JM'rW:nt'e. JnstNctora a re tno..e
with a lna.ll<'rl or toq\lh"&lent; ...,lstant prof<'U<lra ordinarily
tv.•<ethrirdoclorate plWIIOUr )~&teutl.lfll:tx~rie~nol
-.-uy In rollel'l': ...-:iate profeuora l'l.t.>'e lhdr dcJe.
totate o r t~ hlc ~u ~ In t~ f\f:ld piUI ft•'e Y"r't
IM~h.lfll: l!xpt'rk:nl'l: &I I~ oo\Jet:e le>'el : and fuU prolHAOrs
tv.•·e thrir doMor&le o r hiJhHI academic ~l'ft', ten )~
ellpl' rW:nctatlM~lr.-..l,plWihJ.cl'llid>ol.l.rlyoe a ca­
dltmk 1tandint w l'lkh ronws \111111'1 the publication of their
material. fit.
The !.l~ -profrssor"" Is Wl\l.alb' Ull!d only In no fere...-.. to
ttv tull profH.I<> r out o f rounHy or ._. a rom~t. A_._
.odale a ndasailtant professors arr ""'Ially Jl>'en the ti!lr of
.. ~.;!"~~~~"'=-PII~~irl
AJM, .. h-u..&IMnareao-~I•UoeMD
lloperultha! thel'e"'1U be
m<>n' 110\~
Gf the
procram In tuture montl\l, R repllt<l Mlas la.lcson ,.-ho worb
a.ppllcadoN tor the &UINI'IB' proanm and aJao for - . c i
- t e t n u ; t ) _ , -,
A.ppUau Son bla.nb ot 1\lnhu Wonnatim can be obta.lned
tram room 1.31 Wain. or by eal11nC ut. 2U BfQI--1h.y lle-alrf tludtnu •-ho • 1U ""untlocamp~o~~ and thereby ha•'e an
lmpact on It,~ arr not \d\WQ' ·~ Althou.JI'Ia.ppllcatklrl& tram ~ who will spend IDSh:l'oflhdrj~)'MrlnDtl\ancltno&hmanapptk-a­
... ._____
. .. . . . . . ,.,.....,...
---! DMo
Br ,.._...I'-
£>-..ry ~tmbf'r ont may
•1l!Wn on campuJH IIINU~Il­
out 11M! <'QIIIllr)' tiM! ,...u~u ol
montl'lloldlsc~~:~~lon and drbate
a t a ckopartmMltal lc•'el c:onHrnlncthe n-tentlon, Gl' IIIC
apj>i)lnlmPn!lo trnun-.of •·arl.,... la cully mrmbel'l . Tl'lese
ma ll ~l'l aMualty tl'fll<' p.~rl l·
cular ron<'<' m on the pari ol
)'OUI\i: bruit)'. the studrnu,
and ""'n the <'Qmmunlty. about
thr PI'\"'H.Ift ,. ~reb)' do-<:11·
1on1 are m aiko 10 ret a in llt to
not .,.lain ""rlaln fa rtllly me m-
b)• a£\' at'£.'11SG
'ft-..a are tao. ' - P ' ot f-.lq ..aariN t. tiM _ . . , . .U.
.e.te-uwn.....,._UN! l'1UI Ulll lila$&- .-ill INolul
-...u.r ....,~ t... wiUI our IAA~ .-ft>iJI&' •~-­
I> ,.;
;~~~ N~~~:..::~~~ -~~:
awtmmln&, okatlne.etc. Jwould
alloho~lha tanylncreu.eln
thlsnoqulremen!...-ould Inc\~
wormatlon relallve to dlabtJlu, .wltl'lt lOa•. dtue abuse,
omoldnK. aleo!IOI abule. etc:.
n.eu are tllt "ldndl of phydoloclcalprOOiernswhlchan a ffluPniSOC:lelyiUCI'IaiCMU'Inow
~t~ ".!~ u.,:::ey~m':~
come Into play. M,y ofth:e will
wil.l'lhold Judcmenl on any recommendatioN ol the fa culty on
::n ~~~.:.1.11
Goids.tein Leaves
Robert Goldstein, a eonli'O\oet·
111.1 Stl!\'fnl Polnl Slate Unl\'tralty h.l11ory proteuor.l'lu IJIO\'•
Seatllr. Wa sh .. to Ilk<'
1 de111J1ment cl'lalrmaltlh.lp In
la.ltochool year, Goldl!<!ln
o Hned to rh·e an A to hll
otudenu II they ale 1 tHt.
Hl1 purpoae , lit sa id,,.... 1(1
thaw l.ho.l frfol'dom Is • seriea
ol chot.:c. , e •·e ry m a n l'lu Ills
price 1nd the IITi dlnlll: ty1tem
11 munlnclell .
1lle aim <lf I ~ :o>otlon..J
Teacll-ln Is 10 e ncour~ge 11 ,_
dt'flll ICI'Ot.l!he COU/11 1')'1~ \Iko
thelnillall\'elnorcan lli"'IA:.nl
22 en•·lronmental tuch-tn1 ..,
their campuseo, and a• <I)CI.llo.l
e fforU In tl'lelr c:on'lm~r.lllto
SuccotAIUI IUCI'I ·ins <#I Il l
umpw.n; on the n me !Ia)· ~lll
have a dramatic lmpat\ <.Jl !h,
e nvironmenta l OOIIJdMc~ 1 u-..
nation . Tiley "''Ill t.. ln.rr.f11<tly dtediV<' u a n educ.t;...r.>)
e ffort ln arouslnc publicc.p'",
1on ~emlnr n..,..q ~ l1 •If;.
toprot..,looren.i i'WIIr,H,t ~
<.n a pat ~•e
e.tabllsl'l Qli.IIIIY
Ql.l&nllty u 1
,.,.1of Amt rk.,.,
Thert'ltnoQ Utl l l\lllt h<~ill
tilt loni: run, tile fn, Jr-.flln 1 ~
tal dullc nce Is tile v"otto1
fa cf'd by m 1nklnd . D~ ! hr.Ju~ll\.
~ scientifi c a ut l>orinr, ~-•••
been ..·a rnlnt lor H lrl L~ 4\
mankind Ia 111pidly delt ro) ".l
the •·rry l'labha l on " ht<h U
dependl for l'lliiYf'\lHl
In alldltlon , populat k.flcu,
tlnues to lncre&ll'
....ttne Jc!Pnt ls u ,.·a m th.i t • t
may 1'11\'f. a lre ad y pll>fd o. llalnable popula ti(ln l•vtl! A ~
•~rot.• the countl")·. and .. ~m
,.,_,,,d,.,d. _
But the JMper diet trll&l!red
atontro•orrsylntlltl'l\storydeparlmrnt, and oUW!r IT'M'mberl
voted not to. rrtlln Gokilteln
beyond Ull• uhool yu r .
Boti'IGoldJie lnandothoer1on
thoehlstory laellltynkt there
,.'f'l'e ottvr ill....-. ln>-oh·ed .
\ho:K¢1'1 the !est-ea tln1 lnddent
app.&rt'ntiy ..'llsthoeutal,..l.
Someunl•·enltylllldPnt.oldf'd .... th Gokts~ln . but the hlJtory fMtl.lltyltUCktolt.d..,ls-
b ena &1'¥ \'Old nlll: tht n rr.t '-"•
teru.econ«rn ullalbffT.IoJ
eloQuenUy exprtllfd b)·:!'.,.
..,oloi'IIU IIMi other t r.'1:-:,r,
f'or more Info rm a tion, ~:n "
<'(Intact \.he Na tional Tur t.-tr,
office: Environmental Tuct,l:.
Inc ., Room 600, 2100 ~~ S'tttl
N,W.. W._.hlni:'\01'1, DC , ~Ji!:
'n>e telephone numbf'r " :-;;.
,.;de.lne~al lnil: n umbf'rscl t~~
President Dreyfus Defines Position
On Tenure, Retention Procedures
Lit mr Uk• tl'lll oppM'IU!>hy. then, I;J UPf"l my \'J....·t
that • benu W>d.er~ ta.ndlnc o1
Uw procedul'C'I and 1 ~ rrltrria
lll..flu.tt: ........,, , . , _ . $1J.tl411. . . : , _ , . . p .....
A national 1'1.-.dqunn•n "-l
Jta ff to orxanlu , t'.--"dlll•~
and ll.!rvlce lh l• diott
e.tabllshed In Wuhln~to.., 'fi..t
On · Phy. Ed. Issue
We would appreda te any commenta our readers have
u to the change in Connat and IILJ\y auggeatlona for lm·
provinc- the paper.
bt, 135
fo~l:nana~:!= -;.:1~c~l~~~
oprint. Wf'dnnday.Apr -n "'
the (rtiYe ~rillS fadt>R !l'lf: q:...~
~~~~:~~ u"'t:v/~::~:c:~:;
~ mott of our reader. will notice, the Connat of the
pt.per hu changed f rom &n eight ~! Umn paper t o a .even
co.tumn paper. The reuon for the change il aimple. Mem·
ber. of the Pointer edit orial board WIILJ\ttd to try .arnething new to tnlivcn the paper.
29,1 970
Teach-In On
Slated ForAprilll
11,.:~ ~h-~l'l;~d~l~~~~ls
lor /l ruli)'M'lftllonandret•nlioo '"" 11u &'I'IJ"'TI from ttv
d~-. of Europea n =l•'f'rsllln .
()nr bulc p remise Is that !be
ilculty of a cl•-..n dep.:~.rlmenl
hal both I~ rit;l'lt and !.he ob1\i'llklf>IOmlkl<\.helnlllliland
primal")' dN:illon ooneemlnc the
apedntment 01" IIO!Hppol!ll ·
ITM'nt of a lll:h"rn u ndldlle lilt
a ~ltioon In ttw romtnc year.
t l'leterm'CIOI\e~'\slo
tu•·e any !'ell nwanl111: 11 all ,
tllenthe lacllltymuttha•·e primary .,.,...ldcratlon In these
malltl'l .
·~cu:.- ""~~~'.:':
II l'tlals IO IPn\ll'fd a no:\""non::..~IT'M'mbf'l'lofadll'p&M•
My - l l ~JI'prt'\otn<"'' hu
In M~rtmenu oociW!reonly the
IPnW'O'CI membefl lud lht ricl\1
10 partklpate In •ucft df'clslonmaldnt:. This •-..~Mt.sedm the
roncept tlut.t tenured memben
"'f'l'e , In etrec~ . ~ •i>(l-'d
dll'p&rUnPnt .
nwre is ab.:i an Implication
here tha t !he tel>llred members
..,.. !h.»e • 'ho luve a
\hoe unh'f'l'll\7. I havt- aho11)-.
Wbooa I dep.I.Mm«<l has only
afC'OI·mtrnbf'f'l"'·ho•reten-w...d. """"'f'\'f'r, II • 'Ollld theft
II!>Pm ap~~ to hn-olw the
~ ol ottw-r members ol
1tw faculty In aome • 11y.
~and~ ... ~­
tiM! ellat rm .. n't de<:lllon may be
dll(el't'nl from ll'l~ t ol Ills depc>rtmmt•l <XImm lllt-t . In oueh
U.IH ll'le Dun .,.;11 lu\'f IO
lan.lty llnd m:~ kto hit ov.n ded tlon On !he m s llrr.
O...r cluolrmen are l pp.:!lniP<I
by the Dtan. taklnc !nl<l a c('<)I!R\Dnoplnklnpnofrrtn« expreu-edbythe lacull)', Iota
J-y~a r trrm Kl that the d~p a M­
menl mt"mMI'I perk.:llully
tuo•·e a n oppoJMIIIIil)' to IMtll
I~ chairman"• porlorma nce Ln
!acuity u\KIIon and l'el~n llon .
Aller 1 ~ d<'partment&I1'H·
ommmdatlon ill made. II 'ls
p;lJ.N'd to the Of-a n. ,.,. Dun
hi• a lundamcnl&l ClbllJ:"Btion.
In txprftllnl h.lllraderJIIlp of
Ills~~- lo m a k~ a decisIon about fa~ull)' mt"mbel'l ,.'ho
c:ollqe , Hilln•-ol•·Pmenl b1 \hoe
dll'dslon-malrlni: llf'O"H& Is not
merely • rlll'lt ot olfi«. bul,
In my opinion. It an al»ooute
=All)' fOr&Q;Uiill)•lnJiii\>Ju a mallu ot fac t. I 11'1!\
KI III"'nii)'lboutlh\s\n\'Ol\·p.
n.:>t be a dun if~ Is no1
"'illifii iO(IC>I'Yptothtllard
decblonl ln•-oh~ In Pf'I'IOIVW!I
HIKtion. TlW! Dun olthe c.»...,.._then ref<'n 1'1\s decision
tol~ \'kof Prt'l~l IO<'Academlc ' Allain . tn moJt ln-1\lt>Cft. 11'1\s man b the dUel
aeadll'rnlc offl«r l~ r \hoe unl·
He. like the Dun. hal an
obll.latlon.&J•'f'U &t&rl.rht.
lo paM jud&Tnenl on matter~
rtlt.tinll: to faculty wle<:.tbl .
TlW!flna.IJudc'mt'fl!andl'e<!Ommendation .,.-ilh\n the unl•..,...\1)'
b made by UW! Pt--eJ/dPnt. anrr
• rnWw ol the df'PII'tr!Wntll
=~~ elheDt;~
Prnidenl'l rec:ommend.atlon,
Thi 1\nt obllcatlon ol the
Presldm!. In my opWon, Is 10
by ,.i\Jd'la laculi)'IT'M'mber.,.-u
JuclcN l'epresft!U lcc>tptabli!
and admlnbtn.li•'e
praclkoe. Ha•inE UIUI"ed hlmsel/ollhll.h.llrulelt\thele<:.tion process Is Umltf'd In a
\ 'er)" lpecll\e••&)l .
MJo --:n poaltlon II Uul !.l>t
P'redclenl. . . ..... u .. the Vke
uerdw their aud'lotil)' lnd retponalbiUty In a RI!'Pih-e "'aY
only. U . In Wlropinlon. \hoe
""'~by \hoe •ppoinl·
""o ot Uu'M memberl •"ho ....,
lhb maner ~~-... pankulat
CXIrrUDffll at lhb point. Tbe
o l - dll'panm.mu. caU for lbt dlllmull
tbal lp~JhouldnoC be
mq be filmed dooo11 b)' tlw
"lhe Vke~tot~
made. reprdltll ol the dll'p.IM-.l~ikm­
aw..Qutlll.\;y. a man , . . _
nM'Ddii'CI lor f'ttmtbo or 1-.rt
o1 lhf dll'putmenl or Ia .ome
&llheual •'ftSI.ty~ nltre­
"'*'" .....,.
doe ..-tloa or
not proper lor 1 Dean o r VI«
President or P.-Hidll'm to onake
1ha1 t ppolntmenl, e•·en of he
;:~, ~~~r..u:~~t=:
II Is no! rljthl IO lton:e memMI'Iol&dtp&rtlnenltoac:Hp!
a peroonu a rollncue "''1\en
!M-y hi'-.. upi"NKd a preler·
fMtf! l lllnl!l.hii . Suc:hana ppro.ocl'l mJY lose oome rood
peop~ to tlw lacull)', but, In
lone-run, any othotr apI'I'OeCII,.'OUidpi'O\'e
l lr~
detrimmtal to tile tnehlllll: pmel!lllhananypertonrw! lolaes
!hal may be lncurn-cl._. 1 relult o1 ctepanmental en-or.
'llM'I'e Is 1110 the il:rowtnc
QUHtkln ofthoeroleolJ!LIStnl.l
bel'l . Some ol 1~ ''-~menu
c:Ul'l'enlly belnc made on this
umpw: lllgiHI !hal trudenl.l
OUei'lttoha\'<' I role\nlh\s
pr<X'tQandouehtto -beable
l(l lnflllt'fiHt.lwde<:lilonl . nw.re
II, ~o~il.hln Klme ot lhHe ltatemenl.l. the lmpllca!lon that stu-
dent.doii<Mn::ooo·l'la-·e infhl':'rw:-t
ln~mallen .
LL'I mr 11y llaUy !hat this
Is not, and hu noot, bem the
C&H. Si udomUIIa\'eiUdi~­
lll'e . It 1\u noot bem a formaI!Hd rok. but, hal. beer\ elrt•l
lt-rtfd ll'\rooch the
lnllll!'~ .,.-hlch oludomU !nell·
>-!dually furl on lacllll)' nwmbe l'l . ln my OIOT\ UH, ll\ldenl
opilllon hal bem t~ ll"flll!fl
llfllle la"''r ln•'OI•~ ln - lnJ'
11eclo~._. • ..,.mberotpn--
01 course. l<lf1W! l1culty memare more dire-rt!J' lnlluenc-Nb)'lludentothanottwno ,
l tbiiJotrutlhal-1\udmUha\"1! lll"flldll'alrnc;ore
lnfluetloce than oUW!r m>dent..
f'I CU]I)' membel'l lta\'e I \endll'ney to l'eACI toU.O... lluber~
11110:',_ them In 1ucl\ n'll "era.
TlWo II a oonllnuaw """""""·
cafTWc:l on beN.'ft'TI nudenta
anct lacclty mernben In the
penonal conf~f'ft>el!t .
opbtlon on wdl matter~ lnd
llldl\c It be,.Uid lhe .,...,._,
~-B}'Ihll lmeanthfdi­
"""t.m.'OI'>'f'lnftflol nudoentstn
-mine •....,. clllfn-eru ftom
~- ~a.ociatlon.the
- . - . !be dKln~ ol
lomWizq: ..m AUdll'al opto.
lat.,. 11111' t-:11 to fWduc:c
~••1nrlhe problt m the> c:tl ·
tedlo berHOI•"edby tllt' r:-.•"·'
bera ol tMfacu\ty .. -hol'\':':'.1."
N a eollea.cue. a l ac ul t~ :r.t:::ber dol!1l mot'l' tllan 1~11 It~<:~.
Jllldf nU. He <'()n\n bul€1 :-J ~ :·,
er member~ ot the lac . •:) :;
brlnrtnK into d rpa n mr r.1 11 ~-1·
Cl1Hlonihllp.arllc1.1larl ct:f:"
malle r upeM \se . Il ls : ~;-;.- ~
"'1\.h other n'le m bf'l'l <! :.·~ !l·
cu!ty ,.; u a ffect not or~ ~ ~J
a bl!l!y to IUCI'I, bo.:l !':: 1 ) .. . ~
t fl..,tlheabllh y of oli'w r l"•""-'
bel'l (If \hoe latYli )' IO IU;"
C:'lrukkrthilpoulblh:; :,)""'
II no! aee m <'()nCfi H!'o~t ::.,·
a g\ V'fn lnd l•id ll.l l could ~of 1
IU('frb teadwr a nd ~~n~ ~ ,
1\udenu adml r~bl)' , "~ ·'' ••
the ume lime I'll• JniL.:; '
~ ~~ a long ..; ,n w
..... n ! • •
c:ollr agllfl <'Oilid dill'l.:; t · · -.:
teachlfl& 1(1 1 ~ dtt;'l.rr,,-r: ;
tMlr lludrnU ~ In a cau; ·
as \.hill, Is It really" -"
just to a dd !ha t mt,. ~ : '
• ck'p&rtm<'nt and tb.;i <· "''
1~ studenu l'lr mi~r.< !'\'I: ·
" ·hlJ.- alf..,tl ng nrj'3U' ':l ,.,
~undl'e<ls of lludtnu :tl< "t~
by oUW!rs! This is a d:r . :c -~.;
an extreiT'M' exam pl<'. t-\.t
pO\nllou!IIW! lnhmal rpt:-. .:.:
and prolea lonal na!Yn> d :·t
c:oiJea.cue relatlon•h•p ln 1 ,~ ~
~riiT'M'm .
LIIUy, let me s t&lt :· '!
!h!~·-~~ :~g::.
: ;.::
munltlllon u 10 lhr ,.,.,. · t
"''l'ly • CI•'Pn faculty mr,:-.-:
Is Mil I'U PPGinled J t~ :Jr .t
llnootroodto bu•klant;. · .t
lnck N<Xlrd II t~ b11;.,. · · :
ol • tead'llnc t iN<" t If ~-,..,.
kinds ot lhi!'IP · ~ p,; : , • .
al'e<IOr'dand pa.sstd • l-R,:·'
arnancoesthi'OUIIII'III o..-. ·
=rea~.,:,;:·~r apr~~~;
m \hoe p1r1 ot an)'ont
" ~'> .,.,~
~,,. ••
in \hoe future. Thil il I :·1~'
~im~':":::~ ~~~. ~·~
rood for U>t proftulon . : :..,
Pf'ram tobectn ro la>' ""t ::,of
reaaono fOf' non-n>ttnt ~.,
~ rl oli'IJ.spef1T\11Wf>l l"' :'>""lo
Acaln. beeause ol
l OW"
~ '•
leacueo:>riC>L'pl, lt ilt::.>r""-':
a rl\'ftl tt.lhidWII may :• •·
ont dep.tottment \ l':,' ,.,.,.!1
a t tlw umr no1 li t "'' ~-­
other . Thla Is 1>:11 10 , , ~.:;--:
that ont w1 ol collrap(•i'
a betttt rroupol! tadii' N :.- .c.
tlwother ; IIIT'M'rely mf'>JN :•.:o:
•ll human belncs oo,.-:!"
In all plherinp In 1!11' ~~:--·
•1ll~ eaeto Qlhfrt: .l
lnltatla'f "' ,.r ..-~
one ol 1t1ose
lhe~...Ulbecru t rr :.•
tlw 11Jm ol the j:a:-tl AI! jt-
PAnmenta are noot ahtr o<"'"f
~.-lr)o.andth\s ilf,r..;.-..
~ntl)'.ltliJOO<! I·•·
-&lottea.cberato ita •·r •Y'f
CftlUP ot. collel(llel and l tJ.~•
OUI tlwlr proiHakofW cl,.,...~
but:h ll'le lncth1ctual and for:!><
ISM DI\EYnlS pe.re Jf
January 29, 1970
Winter Carnival Candidates
This )'CIN , \\'lntn C.mi\'O I
Kine and Quem Competlnon
11>011• c u!>dlllutu Jn1m 16 oraanlu.tlont .
f>n'limlna ry e l('Ctlonl ,.-Ill be
~ ~~ ~::::~~- :·~:tC~
flnulll t•wlllbe a nnoun«-d that
ntaht o,·er WSUS . F'tnal votlna
lor the King a!>d Queen will
be held <111 F.-IJ. ~ "1th !he
the bmtd conetrt <111 Sunday,
Drop-Add Procedu res
da>· to oUida lly
droj~&t\!1 ~ COIIfll" WUI W~<l•
ncsday, Jan, 13, l'lc k up the
furms In the R l"~ls t ratlon 01·
nw lu t d ~y to B!ld a count
11 M ot>d~y. F'e b . 2. Pltast note
pll~ 50 olllle 196!1-70 Chl<l~lll: !
"A lludrnt who \'Oh.lill urlly
SIOp&a tll"ndll\i: llCOUrst•at any
time " 'l lhoul romplcllnlil the
pnotc <llwd c hnnge ol progrn n•
proc:Niure " 'Ill be eonskkrl'd as
i! lll re1IS1~1'1.'d and will ""'th·e
a n'F' In thecour~entth<:
ct>d of the n,.,... te r ."
F~b .
Pelull H a ll -
The candldlllt'1; and !heir
lponiOrlnS<Jrtan Lzatlonla.-,:u
Alpha Phi Sorority- Unda
Han~ m an . Waup:. c11 and Mike
IRrer. Madlaon
Baldwin Hall- &rb Morten, Appleton and J:lhn Ha1110n.
Do-Ita Zeta Sorority- Ca r l:~
VonHaden. tlroy aNI Oon Don""'kl. Grftn &y
Wendy PokeTom HMII,
Hall - Sunn Goetsch
Wa usa u and John Ka uth, Eql~
Knutu-n Hall G l o ria
CrHn Boy and
David Ma ... ke, Fl'ftport,IU.
Nu le llftll- B.orhlra Uen·
drkkl and O.:.n Bay, Kaukauna
Ptay·Slnu Hall P f' ai:Y
Atklnvn, 1\'eol All ll IUW1 John
Island In RiverTurnedOverTo U Foundation
60-acre l1land In tht! \\'I I·
romln lllwr hn1 h<:.!n alven
lo the unh·e"'lly by a local
nl\orney .
D"'nrd b)' Robo>rt s . Md)on nld,
'"'OIIId pro,·lde a n Llwaluable opporwnlty for a t ud~"'' In the
departm ~ ntofnatura lf'f'I0\1~1
t,.·hlch has more thnn 1,000 m a·
Jo»"•andla tlw:lartelt olll o
klnd ln tl>e cmmtry l and In
whoft ~trQndJatherpurchuedlt
ntnrly 60 )'UN 11:0. II h.a1 Dn '
Ande i'IOII ~110 cUrd tl>e alit
useul'd va lua tion of $11 ,000
111 a n "ext:<>ll~nl way of 1upand II bca t~-d " ·hr f'f' the ri\'f r
portlni: a n ll]atltutlon of hlaht-r
,,..'" th~h the lOUth ..~••·
lu mina ~<o·hlch lace bud1et
em uctlon o lthe city .
1q ......•u."
In accepdna !he Kilt, Jllra m
To a dve nturous childre n. the
Andenoo, preJ.Ident olthe St elo l andh&~bee n apopu la rlanll­
\'ens Point Sta te Unh·er.lty
m nrklnSte \"entNru - upet'ounda tloo , lnc.,u ldthe land
ela\lybeca uae ollto l'81)'&C·
ceu from tht- " "<'I tem aide ol
the ri•·er'a bank. Ahh()UKh It
II mo&tly C01-'Ued with hard·
"uod tret'l, fa rmr"' did
tempt to till 11 fie ld nn the
rwnthem tide In rarller )'U I'$ .
Out l reqUO'nt lloodl1111 mad e
ouch punulta un,~ro/1\nblt. McDoollldr<'calla.
Tlle donor uldhe"'lllpartl·
cula rly plea.wd to 11lv~ the land
to lhe unh·e ... lly beca\l!ie the
lns!ltutlon hu I>Mn the alma
ma ter lor m a ny membel'$ ol
hll family. 11!1 mother wu an
ea rb'aradll&t e ,hetoorecelved
hllchlldrenha dbetntnrolled .
Pa ss-Fail Expla ined
I! you ~lee ! to take COUrHI
nn the Pau- F'a ll buol,, lf)r'ela l
r ~c lltrotlon II n:oqulrNI. Slop 11
lhe Regl•tnotlonOftlee tollgn
u1• lur th~ P:~u- F'a\1 option.
Such r~~~:ll lr a t lon m1111 be
euonple led loy F'cb. 2. A change
rltho.-r to or lnmt the Pau.F'a ll
ot•llon "'' Ill not be per mitted
a lt er ~·~b. 2
HUbert, Grmnton.
Schme-eckle !fall Beck!
llohr, Waukn ha and Andy
Clark, Waukuha
Slama PI ~'ratemlty - J oAnn
OM.tu, Ed&enon and Dave Ca r·
UIQ, St . F'randl
Sigma Ta u Gnma F'ra ttrnlty
- Pat Pet..nnge, South MU"·aukee and J ohn \\'lf-llcho\1.-.kl,
Sou th Milwa ukee
Smith lfa ll - Jim Nolltad,
C.mbrldae and Donnie 0-arbor-
lch, Weal Alfio
Ta u l<aj~pa Epallon Frate rnity
- June Olowskl. MOIIIIH 1nd
Bill Glne, Steven• Point
'l'heta Phi Alpha Sorority J anet Kachur, Nel.lonvllle and
Dennl1 P.,.,·cU, Milwa ukee
Wallon III II - Mike Pllan,
Mt nomoi\H F'llll l rwl I< I I h y
Cauar. Me r.oiiiOIIII!e F'11l1
Womt n gl the Y.'hltlna: -Ca rol
Crol!er. Eae le Rlvtr a nd Skip
M)'trl, New London
Young Artist
Series Started For
This Semester
Mua le In New York City, plan-llt,F'cb.l5toll:
Paula Ennll , Fulbrll:ht Gra nt
"udtnt In Germany, planllt,
March 19 to 22 :
),.our m111ldan~ al'l.' bookf'd
for p:.rt klpe.tlon In the uni\'C"'
al1y'1 IHIW "Youna: Artllt In
R ~sldcnce Sfrll'l."
EACh "'Ill u.end two 11.nd oneh a lld uytonca ml>~~a lhla "· lnt er
oraprlnr topreaentpubllcredtals a nd hold lnlormMI aH•
slon& "''ith loc:al lludcnU.
J ackCohan,dlr.-.:tor oflhe
AMs and Lec tuo•l ~rlu ,..ho
ubo will h ave charx~ ol the
·~:.';"~~:.:.~~ ~~~:
for the Arl1 will cover n>001 t
Mlll lclnns to be he.-,: are:
La"'•renc(' Bll\tel'$by,
Jui! Uard School oJ.
JtU<l ~nt PI
D:tvld S~pn1y, fllculty member 11 Nonhea1tem Mlasourl
Stale Qllle1e, cellilt, April 9
to ll :
Elllabeth Susan J enklnl, firlt
obotlt ,.·lth the Savannah Sym.
Coha n 1ald Stevens Point
State1son-eof65 J.t:hoololn
the eoun try r~elvlna acrant
underllw:Ktne ra l cateiO!'}'OI
procr~ml , F'Unlb a re appropria ted
by the le<leral aovtrnment .
"fill hopo<lthat ex posure
olour lludcnll tothne youna
l rtlsflwlll&lvellliiKhtto!he
trlallandtrlbulat,.,..olprofi:'IIJional ml.llldana," he a dded .
"Our Jtudent will a lw be a ble
to a1 k the a rtilll about their
a mbitioN a nd aoall and lm·
=~noof thelrhoped-lorca-
Entertainment- Every Night Wednesday thru su·nday
Admission 50c Every Wednesday & Thuo'sday & Sunday
Ex -Old ' Milwaukee <farge battles)
- Pitchers <Schlitz) .
- La'!!e Bud, Schlitz, Hamms, Pabst 3 far $1.00
Stevens Point Brewery
::Z 6 17
Wllliter St .
!Continued /rom JI'II:C 21
dep~~ rtm e nt .
Jn Jumm a ry,l,.-ou ld l ay !ha t
the primary declalon for the
a r non-~tentlon ol a
member of the faculty must
be made by hll colleague~ a t
!he del"'rtme-nta l level. Th e
Dean, the VIce P re1ldent or
the 1'1-fl ldent m ay •ppr:lprla tely deny • poalth·e departmen·
tal recommendatlonJJthey iHI
1\ty are not ~rved .
JIJl"~Ver, they OUiht not ~C·
om~Rd ret~nllan Ln the faee
of a dt partmental exp ~ued
p""lerence to thecontr&ry , Stu·
dents !l'ldhlonally ha \'f and
will continue tolnflueno:edepartme n\.11 declslonJ by thelr
aalutmcntoftheteachtnsproceu as they diiCUII It amona
themselveo "1\h various mem ·
bel'$ofthe fa culty. 1'ha t1nnuenc~
~~:enet a lly OJ>I'I'IIn
In my opinion,
lhou ldnotbe part ol the declllon-m a kln& l>l'O«IS, hnv...-,·rr,
III>Cel~ydonot hD\'e tocon•
tlnue toll•'e "'·lthtlw! .-,:• ull l
of that declolon-onaklng. Studenll l n: bydeflnlllon them :>JI
tl'l n•ltnt ele ment in a unl\ ... t·
Lastly, !he l'f'IIIOIIJ fOt ant
retaining a lacul\y m ~ mb e r
<>IIRht nottGbe ll:l\'tnandOililht
not to become p art of "th e
record." II II not In the beat
lntun tl ol eltlw!r !he m an '!r
the prolenton for lhb to be
done. In ou r prolusion It II
not COf\lldertdaJIIKmato ha \'e
t>Hn rt'leDltd by a given llll tl·
tut lon. A o.trlet ol non-retention declllonJ 11 another m a t·
tcr,llooo.·e•·er,because thalbe·
cornu th ~ Juda:me nt of H \'C t al
faeultlu a t &e\'f'l'lllln.thut i:Jnl .
lnthe lonG·nl n,t he lmculty,lnn utnced by the 1\udents. will
m ake the bell d~clsloru: lor a ll
THIS WEEK - Bobby Goodwin Group
Your P1 H•urt
D ou ble
You r fu 11
Add t d •
• •,
T o Our Upttol rt Slums,
-~-~TH'!_I~1'00~-~__:_---------------''-'-'~="''-29. 1970
. _) ~
-,r ·
0 too 1oo
4 oo
OCIATES , IN C . , . ,
January ,29,
Outlines Campus Gr~wth
111 1'0)1 U..>a&L
11\r liMI Irticlt lnlhe l «\n
Wl$ronaln Stilt Unlvtnlty.Stever. Point c ampus, 11 partol
an ovrnllpl.aniOOI'II IIb.t and
f't!l\llllt! the Sta te of Wllconaln
hllheredueallon aystern•. tn a n
e fflcltnt m anner.
AI I I"Hllitof theproJIOiltd
m axlmwn e nrollment, It 11 app&l'fllt
the umpua will
I"NN~b 11:1 ultimate a\u a l the
end ol. PhaH n.
lrlumuc:h u tile present pla n
lookl beyond the new proponl,
the valldiU' oltheori&lnlldocu·
rnent b still retalntd, but may
1lmply be trrmlnattd at In enrollment lflvel ol li,OOO.
'"' Lont: Ra rct ~-..lopm,lnt
f11.11Wrt,~~~rUmP~Y. 'tbe plan
.-ud,..,..,\Opl'd lor the W~
Hurt"~u o1 EnelnMrine by
AUOciltes, Inc:, of
c;ranJ RIIpldll, Mlehlll:an.
!Ufh'S ~,.lstlna camp~.~~ rondlt>lN ~nd rstabllahell eono:lle
,uldo'l~ for lll<olutllt"tlf'O'II1h
o/ IIM'
01'111\be the
..·itb l'ftpfet to fUnc..
tWll;uKIOISl' PIIIIt rtUI,dt!ve-
u.,'OI. Iiitnotlnte ndt!dtobe
,:,at.olutt f(l{mula lorthe
l'lltuf~ ,.·hlch ml&ht Inhibit or
Mlrit tunl>'rl'lltylrowlll.
Jl.alh<•r tlw EUkie llnl'l w i ll
Jtl"~ to e h·r the Jf'O'II'th 1 p01.-o
11,.~ dlrt'<'llon each time 1
""ld""' prov&m II t mba.rked
"';::';;iodlc ~view 11 eondltlons
di<Ut~. or a t lnterv•b noC U •
<'l'f(llll~ fh·e )'t<ll'l, will IIIW'l!
ttut th~ lote Rinl>t' PI•n~
t>ftUHIO refll"<'t\oilcandvalldtrue pro.
;t<tlon of tlwiiOib ol the unl·
""'"".,... tour primary ob;t<t,.-.., for U.. Da•·er man
lty, OIJ'd rl'fTiabw •
PI~ :
1 t:limil'lltlonolacad tmk 11-
which bolates the
um~ tnm1 thfo con~munlty.
! Ctntt I I II'On& H nlt ol
Ul'll•'tNII)'-wtnmW'Ii\y llWO)YC>-
J. JIHttabUth
n tld func:t lon.~~ t•mpul ulatlonlhi!M 11 \ho
'""'<1111)' t~1>ancb and den·
1 J>ro•·lde lutur.,
rlp.iblllly. .
n... dr•·~Jopmrn t pla n Is or·
1oUil•N Into fh 'e major la nd
btlts .. hlch u!Md In an tiS!•
,.,.,, dn·ectlon 11nd permit n:,..,..,.. primar ily to the t!lll.
~ la)·trl, 11 one
north from M~ln Strftt , ure
tdmlnlstr,.th-e, student u rvlcH,
ao..Wmlr, r«~at~ - ph.yll·
nlf<!U<:tllon,andltudent houa·
~n~::. O.heu con•kl~rt!d "'"
plrklnl. matntfnanre bulkllnll•·
othlttlclitldl.nllrrtt'd ltlilk'nt
houslnc. •ndll'l()ri!.
An lmt)Ortont fa~t of
O<rr•ll dt.-elopment of the campua planla lllc•tudyandltn~~~tmtntat lon
of• l l'qutntla l
P'0"1h or pb11lnr . This ph&Hd
(19"lh Is H la blb hrd accon!Lna
to \ncl'\'men._ ot e nrnllment
lf0"1h,ntl'w!rlllanovu a a.er'"o1 time.
Eath phase atudy lhows tt..
ontkillo.ll~ requlrcmc"nl lor •
c!•tn number ot 1tudent1.
For StC'\'ml f\.lnt. phut!d
r;ro-..thlsll'loo..ll ll thelollow•
im( enrollment lroer eome nU :
l'luH 1 - l,tsO at\ldtnta
Phal<' Jl - 10.100 lludenll
Pllut In - 13,200 atldtnU
n,.. lint pha.J., II baaed upon
lhrtnrollrnent rtqulred to llll
lhtrnldcn« hall vlllage to lhl
nortll. 01 rourae lllla phur requlrtmrnt 1uu1 bftn t urpau.ed,
Iince "''t now hi Vt! I JTI Va
lhorttle ofbf<la.
Plwt I Is also ba......S on 1&11tloloal bulkllnp lnclud\na lnm~.~ttlonal tndllllrs.
ltructlonal lacUIIII'I. ruldtnce
ILIIII. and married atud~nt
P"-H II IsbaHdon ~
IIOnofl-l'ftJd.emt! hl ll
•·tna~:e on opton l• nd eus of
tt1t tampua, pnwl.dlne for 6.150
lttkk-nt OCCU'plnll with toUJ
<nf'Oili'!M'nt o/. 10,1'00.
Phau m ll the te nnlnll
Jlb>ot. ll wlll extt nd to thlt
4mr "''Mn the unlveralty enrollmtnl rnchH approxima t ely ll.:OO. \\'hlle pi\IM m comrdfttl lhlsnport, lt \J n o t
~W«Uarllytxj>ecledlo bethe
~~~mal~ alze of the unJvenlty.
II u n up.:~nd by lnii'IUifY\nt;
In o:ore are1. or by movl,.
ontoadS!\etntland. Enrollment
i't.H~y Revision !from Addt!n.
ol\tm I, pe, M of the Lon1
R.an•e Otveloprnotnt Plant
"-' th.o ~vtloprnoent Plan II
Second Semester
Starts For 39.
While In Europe
Dr. Frank Crow, profHMIC' o1
hiiiOI')', a nd Dr. All«
proleuor ofdra ma.andlrtet·
In( th e lttOnd ·•Hmeater
l bi'OI.d prorram" In E urope,
which bq:an 1111 week.
They will a ceompany 39 Ste••tnaPolntllude nlllnatnve l
lludy proaram which hu 1
Ou lblt lonna! 1nd II r eared
to u prrlmentatlon.
Mn. Crow, a n ~ Jementary
leather 11 w..hlneton School
In Ste•·ena l'olnt. wm take a
ltl\'e ot abaenoe f rum her pOt.t
to be 1 counHlor. and Mn.
Gladys 1blln\son, ..tto ,.,..nt
"'1th the 111"11 g roup ol 1tudenu
1111 fa ll. ,..m l'l'maln on the
0\'trH. . I IBff In I 1\mJiar Cl•
Dr. David Coker. dlre~tor ol
the toollltlllll ~ervloe, a nd Dr.
Alan Lthm1n. profHIOr ot EnIClll h , dlrttlfd l&lt HmHICr'l
acll~l tles.
Dolll Crow a nd Mlu P ee l
ha ve 1pen1 CDfllld.er&b lt 1\mt
In Europe prevlo\llly, She hu
~ thtreon nwnt roul vac•·
tlona to vlllllheattra, a nd he
"'' u In the Army lllcn durt"i'
World War II, •·aratloncd with
h\1 family In 1964 bath In llrl·
taln and on the oontlntnt. a nd
a n u~Mntt proftuor at the
Unh·en lty ot St . Andrews In
Scoeland ln l 966and l 967,
A native of Madtaon, Mill
P H I M1 bftn a me m ber ol
tiM!Ste•-..n~Polnt fncuttyaln«
196t. Btfor.. lllllll\t!tauahtat
Mount Union Ollleee In Ohio,
the Unlven lty ol .Wttcon~ln ,
Te m pt., Unh·el"'ity In Phlladt\pb\1, Pl., a nd tiM! Ma dl1011 Public k hool Sy1tem .
World War II, abe worked In
tllenary'a wcatherburr• u • nd
l lte rwards wu 1 ri!PrtH!III·
tlve for the Methoi:llst Doa.rd
ol Mlsll.om ln Santlt KO. Chllfl. •
Mlu PHI baa thrft de rreea
from the Unlveralty ol. Wllconaln plua crt!dlu a t the Camet
Ulbllcal II'IIUIUte.
Ovw, "''ho ca~t to Steve ..
Point's faculty 23 yura qo,
pre~loully IB\IIhl
I I Uncoln
Unlve n lty In J e ffe r10n C lly,
Mo ., !he Unl•'t!ral!y ol Wlloonaln n:tenslon dlvl1lon and Eau
OliN State Unlveralty. OliJ:I·
111lly from Mal'}'\'llle. Mo.. 1M!
North,...,ll Mluourt Sta te Oll·
Jeac, the Unlveralty ol -WIIc:onlln a nd Unlvt nlty ol.. 0\kqo.
Hla spetlalty In tiM! ciU.room
11 ea rly Ame rtcan a nd social
a ndln!t!llettu•l hiiiO<Y.
Doth a- 11nd Mia
P ett
M ve hobbles tha t I re 1 btl
. .. ..,
lmel\llar for profeAOra. He
rallel j)Ur't!brtddotpand abe
bu an unuoually iltat ooU~
tlonot t11'1'1n11.
Se•·era l other C(lllt1j:t andunl·
vel'llty protHIOI'I In Enaland
will be hired on 1 Jlllrt-llme
bull to 111lst In the •~-.leml~
l•ro&ram to be burd at a
~~:,;;~~; £~
home ollllc flmD\111 wrltt r , 1'/JI.
IJa m Sha krapeare,and tntrPvel
throuchan.,.ral rountrteson the
'Gredan Holiday'
Viewed Tonight
A newly reltlled colort!d Ira·
vel a dventure film for wid e
screcna, r nlllltd "Grecian Holt·
be ,._,, tu-r. ~
011\!rt!dbythe Artland l.eolurta ScriH. tlwl Jli"'OIT&m will
Include a narrat ion by Ralph
J . )'rankllnbeKinni11JC III I In
the Main Bulldln(l' Auditorium
.,.·IK're tlcktta"'· lll beonult!
l l th<.ldoor.
FTa nklln, ..·honatTitf<lt lllm
on the Ha waiian Isla nds here
Ju t F IObnlllry, In hl1 return ~~~­
II will fcatw-.. Attica. the P topOIIIIHUI
port ion of Centra l
Gre«e a nd Saron\c Jslandl. lie
llld he will •how lhll G.......:e
11 more lllan a ncknt rul,.. 11
evldo;onct!d by lhf> markcta pi
Athena, O.Utltullon Squan.
Kin&' • kU•nb and tlw actl~l­
l ltalw!ldthertlt nljtbl .
" In our l ,OOO mile: u arth,"
Fra nklin nld. ••,..., llumble
thnlUKh iOrl'ltof lhrle anclent
ruins a t Athen&, CII~ .Soonlon.
Corinth, Mycenae. n ryna, t:pldaun.tl, Spana, Mystra, Montm~ul•, Pyf'IOI Oirou, Py lo-.
Daane, Olympia, D e pphl."
Without the l llherma n, fl nn«l
a nd penom lllmcd alone the
way,"thll would be,.,..t • n·
other molkln pltture," h<!' a ddod.
Fr• nldln. 42, n u travel@d
.........G the ..orld m a king f11ms
for more · thtln 15 ~an . lie
•upportfd aome of hi• early
:~~by ,.wklne • • • c a rptnAn alumnua o r t.o. Anre Jt•
O ur Collet:e and Va lley J unior
Collt&e,he llan a rrhltectura l
Studtnll a t Slt Yt ,. P oi nt
Sta te Unlvenlly will obul've
the annual campua wlnltr ca rniva l f'eb. 1 tel lS am id oonttlla, lee acu\ptur1nf, m u s ic
~r11111 1ndkl111 andquem
Central Olalmuin David C.
Slt..-..rt, a H ill« from Steve,.
Pofnt, n kl the theme would
be " 011\J-O.Rama."
S~rtiJVlOUil«d rnembtra
of the conunlttft which wiU
pl• n the nine-day eeltbratlon.
Judy Baller , who II majorinl
In Phyalcal Education, 1 Jun.
kw, lltndlam otthe bookltt.
s ...n Sclvltldtr, a ..,..lor,
whb ll ~. . In pluoslcal
t!duc:atlon, Is In thtltat ol UM
VIvian Zlltlow, 1 junior, who
Is ma.jorlna: lniPMth pt.thoklo'
and 1~, b In ctwwt ol
thepanca ke tatlna: and a pple
cideT slpplnaoonlelt.
WlllySdlutlte, a sophomore,
maJorin1 In OJ)IOmtlr)', b In
char&~ thebeardl,
w:!u:t":..~~ne~~ ~.;
lnehatat ol chlrlot nct!lnd
ptpe •moklne.
Arln Ha rtwll. ,.·ho Is a a.enlot
maJorinl: In En(lllh, Is In
chlrle of Mlnlo, ltp •n d
Kirk Weber, ,.bo ta 11 arnlor
m•Jorinl In t•rcholoo. II In
c luort:., of the e nterta inment.
RoM Zehren, .,.. ho II a sopho.
mo~. m a)Drln& In Jll'lm•ry f!du.
c a tlon, l•lnchlrae oftiM!socl•l actlvliiH .
Sandra Van VI'Ct!dr, who 11
a junior, Pla)Drtna In art, Ia
.-c:reta ry.
Dl••ld Pool, who !1 1 junior.
m a jorlllj' In socloloo. 11 In
t hartt:tof thetorch run.
O.nlcl Tt!pltsky, who II 1
junior, m ajorlllj' In mu.l~. Is
In thlrye of the e1mt1.
AlldrryO..~. fOI'fllt!rly .Aud­
noy J ohnlon, ,.·hoJs aaenlor,
Ia In chll'lt of the Kln1 and
European Flight
Sponsored By
Oshkosh State
The D\VtiJon of I:JIIt/lded
StrvlcH II Oshkoab Sti lt! will
gller annpportuntty tofl)'tll
Europe vi• 1 cllartt r nl,«ht tbla
aum rm"r . June 14, throueh Aue·
Ull l l, 1970.
PftM\clpanu will Jta\'t! Cl'llcaIIOandtlytoLondonon J une
lt, and will return from London
on AUKUII U . The ~I lor the
round trip la l219.00ptra.eat.
AU atudents. 11111 or faculty
Of the Wlso:onaln State Unlvtralty ay1tt m and thtlr tmmt!dl·
a te famllln a~ e llelblt.
Sea .. will be rta.en •f<l on a
lll'llt·comr. llnt·Hrve batls and
~~-00 depwlt "ill be requlr·
RHtrva tlonJ a n d depo»lta
1hould be H nl to thoe Dhillon
of Extl!ndfd ServiCO!I. ~mp­
• ey Ha n. Wlscon.ln Stat., Unl·
,..,ralty.OShkoah, Olhklll.h, WlsconalnS4901 f414)2JS-6ZZO.
Senate Agenda
Final «<llllderatlonon th e
con~tlt utlon will be ta ken
up a t tonl&ht'• Sllldent Senate
m«Una: •«<nllne to SMite
l'rftldtntWalty 1lllt1. 1bls eonllltut~ 'II'OIIld chanp the slu~nt rovtmment aystem on our
ca mJ)UI. 'lllitl lilo nld n ttn·
cation of the CONUtutlon wot.~ld
Woodka Named Dean
Dr. S. JOMph Woodka, 46,
DHI Mr. and Nn. College Sludeal:
Wo' .J liU to N il you obovt otf'~citl"t MW -Mr·
, .. r, pion now Nl"t oHerH 0t1 o 11-"ltH borl• ltr
.. ............
Also takt!n up a t the meeUng
willbethe ,rMOnalderatlonol
thll ye ar'llt!lclleQ eva luadon
.._, the Senat.. l'l'jectcd In
fa..., or laat yelis. Gary lll'lerwood, _the a uthor ol th.1tl year'a
::~~;;::,:1~1 his
RCIVtrnn"lt!nla l candldlll!:l. HI
arran&ed lrtetfd •d~ancf<l
men.. for IP!N'IflnHI Mre ol
Rldlard M. N~. Huhert H.
Humphrey, EdmWld Mua~.
Euaene M cOrtby. Harold Sill·
H n pl111 debate& between <XIn•
I I'HIIon&l ll&ndldatn Melvin R .
lAird a nd LIWJ'tnc:e D ah l,
O.vkl Obey lnd Wallt!r John
OIIIHn 1nd u.s. ..,..atorlal
hopelull Gaybnt Nelaon and
J errll l.eonard.
·=·~~. ~
beenpromotfdtorlean ottn.
W~ otLettera lndSde,_,
e rf~tlve
Mxt aummer .
The llnnOUn«ment W&l m~de
by PrHldftlt l.ft Shennan
~yfuldl.ll'lnctheJanual')' ll·
rolty m«tlnsr.
SaldDnoyiUI : '"T'h.e l ppolnl·
ment of Dr. Woadb bu ~!'ell
~non.! value fo.r me. I h.ve
eorne to k.-hlm u a col·
A nii!Vt ol. South Bmd, Ind.,
~·ave. prol~lonJ,l adwrall')',
Dr. Woodka Hrwd In the Inn)'
a dvber a nd I!Wnd alnee my
th!'H yura dulinJ: World War
u rh•al. His nom.lluitlon by the
n before purauln( his hllhoer
l.eulty act'ftTIIna committee IJ>.
I I BIU Stitt Unlverd lcat.H tl\lt lllls la eulty hu
alty where hoe rftt!l••fd • B.S.
the H IM full oontl6fncto In l)r.
dq roe; Unlvt ralty of Mlchll:ln
Woo4lc.a'a lfladerahlp u I do."
, - Ann Arbor for his muter'•
The Hlectlon oommltteoe IJ>.
a nd doc1orate. · He held 1 Ford
eluded Robert AnderiOn, eM irFoundMtlon f'tllowlhlp w hl l t
man. a nd Oliver ~.
workln( for hla P h.D.
Ma rk Cat.H, JOHph Scb~r.
Befort coming here,
Richard F ace, Peter Krontr , •
proleuor ot political s clm<:t! at
Torn M«:al1 and R o bert
Mlchl1an Unlvtn lty - · Mount
Jenklns,who h llbten dean
Blnldl. Gordon Hlferbedler
P t..uant from 111M to 1966 and
wu an u«noe rnember. alnoe thea:IIJetewu ntabi\Jh..
f<l In UIS2. retired from the
Screentnr o1 then ca nd.ldatea
:~~::i";(~~~r ~n~i
poll bec&UH 1M! reached an,.,.
from olller lnltlt..uon. &nd live
Mlch lll:an Un lvenlty.
datory retlrement aaeot Q. Iut
from 1M local faeulty bq:an
Dr. l'ioodlla hu bftn 1 vlaltDt«mber. He wiU mu\-n to
liSt J une. The ...:ommendadon
\ng ]«tul'l'r a t a.everal Michl·
ot the oommltl« wa1 aub,lect fll!Jtlme •IUChlnJIIUtfiJI.
ilan lchooll d uringawnmerHaDr. Woodkabubern a newsto contlrmatlon by the l"'fll·
and In 1967.QJ Hrwd I I
m llttr In hll own rlrht slrn:t
preo~nl of theWiloonllnPoiJ.
Letter~ and Sc~ ls th e
he Clint! to c1mpw: three and
11~•1 Sderoee Al.loc:latlan,
ilrcet l ofSt~naPolntState'a
one-h&U )'UI'8 ae o . Ht'WU acnw collea;ea. It hu 13 dept.r1·
tlvelnhtlptnarm"mbera ol tlloe
He bat uttnslve e ..perience
atudentPoUtieaiSclenet!Aasornen.. wlthnearty250teachlnJ:
lntllepracUcumot.poUUca. too.
cllllon a rrange numt l"'UJ a pm ..mbera o r more thin M it ot
In 191$4, he was n:ecuth·e H~ri!·
praranet!a by natlon&l and ata lt!
the tota l fa culty. Or. Wa men
taryof the MlchlltnGovt rnor'a
StudyCOmmlulon on Election• :
In 1966. mayor pro-tem of the
Officers Elected
City o1. Mount l'ltMHnl : from
Sunn llohn. a junior from
I~ to 1966, Mount J>tu aant
llan«>ck,hllbe4-n t~tfd pr~
city comm lulontr l lrom 196:1
!dent of Dell:l Omicron. the Into 1~. cha lnnl n of the Mount
ternational m111k: fraterniU''I
Pluunt zonln& board of ·~
ptoall ; In 1961, Cl ndldnte lor
Othen el('Ctt!d..-ea:
delt111e to tiM: Michigan OJn.
Ruth Majnarl~h. Laona, 111
atltuUonal Clnventlon.
vlct!J)n!'lldc!nt :
Married. Or. Woodka and hla
Shenie Ande rson, Cttl\, 2nd
wife, Patrtcla andtiM:Ir throe
vice prnldent:
Silt women rf'Celw.d the lint
~hlldren n!'llde 11 28:15 Stmonla
KMri!n Pte, WlseoNin l\1•
m aster of acltnce delf't!t!l In
pldl-, secretary:
home economlca to be oonlerln acceptlnlthe~t .IM:aald
red do.D'Ina mid-winter eo m·
" I a m bath 01Utrt!d and bum~~~'::.'~r~·ar!&, Slt Vtnl Point,
mencrmtnt ceremonies.
bled. On the Jlf'riOnll level.
LB,...,tta <:;uirtln, St . Francll,
l amhta hty p t..Ut!dbytiM:conAllbaugh tlwlachool alnoe J an.
mualc d lrector ;
lldence reposed In me by tiM:
oll968 Ma bl-t!n authorh.f<l to
Oorts Wclnlurtt!r, lu'pln, pubNominating Commlltee ,.·htcb
1rant muter of •clern:e In
licity dlrtttor;
nomina l~ mt! for the po~ltlon
tnchi!lldfoVPt!lforthlsaubU.ura Wa lc k, Woodruff, .o.
andby tiM:~IIdent lnapsiOint·
d~l cMirma n;
Ina m e to tiM: pOt.hlon.
Da wn Fle rke, SteiiOnvllla,
lncO:Iurn:llfor llll;herEducatlon
"On the proiH IIontl level, I
w11rd~ n :
h.va appnwt!d e~panslon In the
conalder this an e xtnmely lm·
Klon!'ll Pltlke, Stdlonvlllt,
t>I'Oirfllm so rraduatn can be
!Uf11nl J101Itlon,.·htchwlllprochtlplaln;and
formally rerocnl•f<l lor ~·­
vldt! rnewllll anopponUlllty
Joa nJoh~. Burllnaton,blJ.
tiona In a ddit ion to tnchln1.
to m ake 1 <Xontrlbullon tO'Witd
Full•ecredltatlon ollllenP>v
the 11.trtber development of the
off~rlna Is expected thls 1prLna;.
unlvPnlty,andto..·ard thesoluThe lint reclpltnta will bt
tlon 01 the m any problem•
Glenn• Bushman, Pltuvllle,
wt'llch confront the acadtmlc
lleltnM. nrtcus.Necnah, PhyW(ll'ld ln theHtxtremclyd!fll·
1111 Pope, Medford, Bernadene
~ult , tryina and chaotic tlmea.
P . ToRr, Ste>'tllll Point, a nd
f'ortun.ately. l tn)oy worldrt;~
M.,y ZurtW11ki, -Sievt111J Point,
wllll lludenll and hl\'e • c:omAnn EIIM Er&IHton, Whiting.
I'C'Ient, b l& bl y profHtlona\
F'lvt lludy H mlnan In EuTtwy lri! •mone 70 cul"''''nl
eroup of depanm~ nt chairme n
rope ~~oill bcnllereddurlrcthe
P.1rlklpan.. In t he homt! I'(Uo11nd collneUK with
aummer of 1!110 by the Divis·
nomiCJ lr&duatc pl'Oirlm, ac,.wk.
1on of E"te ndrd Services at
"AI I tee II now, my major
cordln&: to Dr. Aanra Jonea. drO.hko»h State. 'Jbey a re : EupaMment cha lrm1111.
' prob lem' will be that o f tryln~t
ropenn Art Semina r, E uropean
to maintain the highly enviable
Geotr:ra phy Seminar, Spanish
ri!'COrd o1. accomplldlrm"n.., ...,.
Civ\Uut\on Sem lluir , Sem inal
apect a nd l'l'pulatbn ol my p,..
In( the past
yean have
In Special Edo.>ca tlon a nd • Utbeen Mn . Mary Ann Baird,
d~uor, the lncwnbenl ()ooan,
trary Ena tand a nd Scotla nd
oow a rnemberot the! unl•·e.-.
Dr. Wal'fftl J enkll'll.
Seminar .
ally fac:ulty: Mn . )1ora Mac
" I only hope that! pro••t.
Duhr, Mrs. Mary llall<fUlstand
t>qual to the t.111k, a nd worthy
n,., p.artk:lpa.n.. will flY to
Mn. Qu-o! Sauttbln,
or this t ruas."
London l<'lvlnectllcaeoonJune
14 and 1wlll retum to Ctllcll,IIO
on Allfllll 13. Ea~b llud)' pro.
tt:nm will lilt apprw dmattly
1b: wecks " ·llh the additional
time tor lludY and tn \-..1. P roPlorboy lldg.
lt':>m coati lrn:ludr round trtp
t ranaporta tlon.atudent -lourilt
1919 N. Mich . A...e. Rm. 1633
cl111 hotel accommodation,:,
O lcogO' 60611
contlnenta lbrrRkfu t , e>·enln1
mnl, land trave l 11nd oth e r
llt ma 11 Included In the ttln~rary. 11le COlli lor lndtpt:n.
dent tra vt landlludy • nd per
c redit e nrollment Ires an not
~~~ In the tota l pracnm
Six Women Earn
MS Degrees In
Home Economics
Seminars Offered
By Oshkosh U
M~~.:!:, =::tea ~::.~
. .[I. ..
:. t .=
CommiHee For
To participate , ncb atudent
mull enroll, e ither for c redit
or for a udit, In 11 ~utone-half
otthecredlta ava llablt tnthe
Pllr11cular lludy pi"'CC''m- fA
m"'lmum oi l credlta are of.
fe ted. I
n.e dl>ldiiM lorenrolUrc 11
Frb. 1, 1970. For f'Urther lnlorm lllon, a complete ltlnenry
and enrollrm"nt material. write
orphont theDivlllon otEJ<tende<l Servlcta fDtmpHy Ha Ul
WIHonaln State Unl~enlty O.hlloah tm«noJ ,
Soph through
Grad Students
Port timo potltlon -o.,olloblo os o monoger
Ofi-<:Oiftplls od¥ortlslng, moritot raeorch, ond 1olaa
proMotion progtOiftS,
Uboro l
t - will Prlt'l'ldo o at" dr lncomo otl y cor.
Nott..loncl H_.,,
If yCHtr hltvre ploat lrw:lu4o • h-. of , ..., owa, ltut
riai"t co.ft On.J O¥OfJdcry 1/'t'/"tt OllpGft. . . COli. . tho
_..., oncl , ..n to tllp
tl.oa HofthlreM' •
JpMiol owtMrahlp pion co• tvnl , _ froRa reat recelph
to .._,..,..hlp. N- you
r. ..... ' " ' ,.... I•
0 t . - of rour OWfl wltttout t;l.,. lltNin of 0 liowfl
1-tl. ., 0 " - of your - "· c-plot. wit.. IMIW
corpot oncl .JNpa, fvlty cu"- Me-ted
oM, ritM . -r All r- ~ to •-llfy '' • nltlre
McktrMIMf oncl tOOII cre4ft, ..,,. "'"tk It _ , M
-w. w•
s..114 0 aciti.,1 Wo...., It
ht It le llattotf
• • ~.. .tfofod .., .. . . trial Mala.
.- w .,..
1 wtoo..-l•ltt..tMr.Joltbrl.,tWslottoroMYitlt
tM MWwnt'a H•.U.. Loo4er, tt.ot'a Hoftt.lo..t
H--. Hltk-r 51 s...tlttt of ,....,_. Pol..t J. """·
ORDINATION i• without question and for life. LEGAL in ~II -50 ttotes and malt for·
eign counhiet. P• rfonn legal marriages, ordination•, and 1 funerals. Receive discounh on
some fa,.l. Over 265,000 ministers ha.,. already bean -ordained. Minlrter's cred1ntials
Gild licenM Mnt; on ordainment certificate for framing and an 10 card for your bill·
fold. W• need y~ur help to cov•r mailing, handling, an~ odminilhotion · cosh. Your
generous conhibution i1 appreciated. ENCLOSE A FREE WILL OFFERING.
Write to:
BOX 8071
Wide Variety Of Experiences
Ste'\'tN Point State Unh·er..!ty
11 a lhinc uample that Ufe
fan~nu..:~ ...;u. a aue<:H~Ion
of rww ~~~rin>cn and th.al·
Dr. Amold ~ Muhl ~...
bttr, Uot.rr be-fame an Army
tolontl,alundnlHr lorh.ll
dtUI"CCh, a frM IInC~phoi:OCl'l'ph­
tr, a"'Tit~randi«\Un'r lnllw
tkld of tn•'tl and ad\'tnt\U'I'.
SOw In h.ll lourth term 1t tht
u.nl•·tnll)', the ~)'tU-old Or.
!>!aaho Q)'S t.. !Ina. tudlir•l
lnolnatin& and ucillnc.
Hll~y bahlt!tlhlt
he miJht bot IUCfet.aful and
pop.~lu .,ill\ hb atuOcnu, but
"'llltra llon atat!atla on the
number of pti'SOII5 M"tldni entnn«toh.bclau.n a rt' proof.
...ldt>r. l>l:. .ns,"But ..natklnd
otatuturt~ohe h.a••e lfht
lt~&toi.Md out ol s.:hool!"
t>r. )luhsindkn.dl'llsconcernfor 1tudtn11 : " l u "'. l'm
p.ou.-tic," 'Tblt donll't mean
lunds out pu~lna rr•liH
TN "~.u1u Melhod" ol kNp.
a tuiOI"lrti: pi'OKrtom lie ettabl·
WttdllltlaUonlllsov.'TIInltlath·e and time. ll«aUH no
atatt or lt<Wral rranu are ir>o
\'Oh 'flt,tlt NII rt<:ru.itfd up~r­
fiall aocloJoC>· majon to usbt
lntht lateatte~pl'Ofl';uru ,
Hb aoalb to ~tsn.w:lftltl lac~
ho~• " 'lth luut'<o early In
their c·olltlt c..Nn a. a n lnU11U•·e for tututt lfholanhlp.
!..all atmnttr, ~ ot lila ZlO
lntrod~>Ctor)l ltudtniJ parlkll"ol·
a C by tht tlnw. Una!
tH ta,.·eretab..al.&tfd.
Stll1 wmt'llt t . lle'll «<fftlnue
..·Uh thb lonna!: a lvin& a teat
the tint " 'H k ot d•w.es. ha,··
•tudtnta ~ lolkN1nll: Monday.
thtnllartlni: tutorial)M-Sslml
on Tutl4ay an~..- . St••tral
ofhlacollull\ll'lhn~ eon~~r­
td prov\dlnll:llmllar aft•r-<:1,..1
•ultta n«,
1l>t billtsl challenae fOI'I!rontllla the freshman e nttrin&
tolltlt. Or. M..hl bellt\'n,\s
10 eopt "'1th ]ON]intss, MW
lound freedom and lndtptndtn«, "Fl'ftdom and lndt~r>d·
t llet can bot •·try Impersonal,"
he nys. And. too..· ...-en he
knCNil the proble m .
" I ao1 kilt at Sha,.·ano Hlii:h
School my nnt <by a nd tht"'
,.·ere only400Jtudtnta. Wha tdo.
)'Ollthlnkh.apptlll"'htnfrtlhmm ret Into a unl\·enh y ol
A.lthou.lh. ht hu tta•·elfd
around the .. orld. Dr'. llu hl
malnlll,. hit rtlatlonshlp with
tht 1maU communlt)'.
Bom on a Sh.lowa no County
fum, whic h he 1tiU OV.'N, M
IIVH I I nlltda. population 8:9,
and commutes tocampua nch
day ln a iOOmllt round trip.
N~XI t-tmtsttr, he'll h.a•·e 1
cla.s on radal a nd cultural
mlnorilln 1\onday t\'tll\np.
bfalnnlna January :n. a t hll
"backlklor'"inSh.mwano. "lt's
a •·erylmportant clau," henot·
art nry pr•Ju.d.lctd ~pit.
we·u dltcuu mtnorlUn •• bt-.,.
In& bulcally •oclal Inequality
Pf"!udl.ct andd\KrlminiOon.."
A ,.·ealth ot ~nona! experk'r>e:tsptOYidta booc kai"DDIndfor
thl:lcourstbtca.s, he hu ..-orilt'd "ith a nd un·N mlnori!)'
man. he quit 11 the~~~~~ ol hll
)'tU lor lack of
.._,-,-So It ...... bock to nllf<ia
andlntothe,."OOdsforex-st..dtnt )>l uN ,..ho cut tnouJh
kiln .,'OQCito""''f'l'halfolhls
l 2:10uptnltlwtl.lchlle,.'OIJid
defunct St. PauJ.Luthtr Coll"'lt
In Sl. Paul, l>IIM. Petlllll p>
uton and emptylnc carl)ace
uns pt'O'o1df<1 thor "'m•lnderot
hls lt>come.
f'rom thtrt he "'tnt to Ca~
IIIli Univenlty In Ohio, u rrwd
tudwn must lllo t-t~ apprenllc:tshlpt.. Slllde-ntl wh o
hla bacMiorotdMnltyd~.
f~· :;:-';'~of
niJC thrtt q111nen~ of 1 mil·
lion •lollan in the Ameriean
Untwran Chur~h lor missionary
acth11itl on the bland. Capt!,·a tfdby ,. andt:thlll, he look
hiJ ,.ife and thrtf ,hlldrtn on
:~~ a~ C:!r:II.:'!Xi~ltrl~
a free lane~ writer a nd pholollfl plltr.
Rttu.rnln&to nllfda lit bt11an
1 15-)'tl r--r:aretr u a le.;lurer
in tM lltld of trntl and ad·
•·enture: lit malntal~ hll rtlatlonlhlp with lht Army b)"
commandln1 a Rfttl'\"t llnll In
Wu a au 1nd u a hobby tttabl.
lohtd 1 trH nunery on hil
!arm, which. ht 11111 opora tts on
a 1mal! seale btt:IUH It proVldtl e mployment lor 1 lew of
his ntlihbon.
Alter tra•·l.'l from o:out tu
cONI and !rom )fain 10 norida .
Colonel !>lulu found hlm~tU
atlllol'lfd 11 Carr.p McCoy near
SP<IIMI durin&: lht aumm t r ol
1966. A fe llow offlftt - a unJ·
\'etslt)' ptOfHIOf u::mtd IOidler
lor the summe r - kept lnsilt·
ln11 that 1 m a n with Colonel
Muha' bafkJI'I>IInd •hould be'
teach.lna. }'lnally, a nd mainly
out ot cw1o.lty. he uoppoed M
Stevens Point, ..,·as hlrtd the
IOtmt day lnd lliii(Cflt<l todustl lor the fa ll oemuter.
A m a n ,..ho approacllts P"'
biNru on IIIUH lnstnd ol partln npollllcl,and "'·lthab.ack~~:round of28 )'taraot a rmy ltr•
•·lee, he botllt•oct tht military
hu a rolt to play In 1 " \'trY
rtalwo rld." Ho...-e•·er .htad\'OCIIH J]nhlnK the m llltary
bud~~:etdr&lllcally !oallow for
IOCialaalns arid re-clamltionol
tile tn,·lronment, Dr, ~l nhl
••ld " m b slln ....m bot small
comfort to Amtrkans 1ulfoc1t·
I!IK IOrlackof ol!yltn,andthl t
Time IJ NMinlf OUt.'' A dl.'l'l!ot
oi UtltiiCY must b«ome 1 part
of Mnerlca n llle andprlol'lllts
for lul'\·h·al " tabllshtd. he ad·
Of &0\'ftnment, II<' uutlonl
ltibla ton ...ho try to run tht
fOIIJitry on iS!hctnturyatt\tud
~ ·~~tl~. co:~\:;.f.~
Of blrthtontrol, he a;tut-tl
Wiseonoln laV.·maktn of hltb:lr·
Ina ldtu pOpular in 111e Uth
eentury. ··n..e rt<:t nl utlon o1
tht lteillaturt wa1 dberimlr>o
•tory 11ainlt the poor and op.
prt"sstd," he ctll.f1i:ed.
It socially lrTHponalblt lor par-
:~~CZs.:. ::~
~h.lldn-n. • • they .ay thty do.
thftl Itt tlltm adopt them a ner UIP)' Mvt had tlwlr fWO
Oflludfnt\)0\o't'r.he btllt •·es
)'011111 ~pie a rt hurtlna !Mml t l''" In q~ll to ••take 0\'tf
unl\'tnl11tl.'' Dutlna; the mid·
die aau. ht reminded 1 repon·
t r , nudt nll did h.-·e control
a nd It ended In ~haos,
" Ufe lo lltltl)' a malltr of
cred~liatli. Sklllt'd cflltlnwn
t"!ulrt )'tin ol apprt ntk:Hhlp
~lort~l•·lnaH~e unlon urd.
l:Jirtutln•, a dmlnlstrliton. a nd
n.e Satlonal lnteN:OIIealatt
Bt011dculln1 S)'Siem, !nc., hu
named WSUS-f'!-1 the tami>UI
~~~lo0:'~~.,:.:.,~. "radio
WSUS hal bttn on the air
about 17 montha un~r tM 1er>o
tral m•naatment of \'ictor
F ucha, a m~mbotr ol the unl·
\'tn lly o:ommunlcatlon faculty.
It bro&dCUtJ ';8 houn
"'H k , l rom 4 p.m. to mldnliihl
on "'' ftkdayt a nd 8 a.m . to 3
ed by Stephen UmmeMI, P.! .
2 Sh.loo:ton ltatlon manaatr ·
Mr. Henri LeMon
,,OJ ·~~
8 Track Stereo Tapes~~~
receive the
921 MAIN
PHOHl· .J41-1664
OKN MON.- SAT, 9 - 5 - TUlS. & f l l. 9-9
ttal clUes. Dr, Ma&ha added.
All mattriall, dbttlbutlon anot,
"'ailtntlon wiU bot handled 11
the lint aeulon. Tile count
Ia lbtfd II " MinoritlH 107:'
S icholu Schall. Oillton. pi'Oaremdirt<:tor: Otobnf'J..eman,
Eut ~Ptrt. n"'-s d lrt<:tor;
and 1lumu MancM, Junction
Clty, chit! tf\l'lnttt.
'l1le S a tlonlol m•aulnt clttd
llwltlllon lorltllpteialofftr·
lllltl ...-tdch indude 6 :1S p.m .
"'ftk.,.r ......, p,-oerams tt levllfodontlwubtech.annelln
Slf~tlll Point : home and a ..·ay
football, balkttiHU. &ndbaHIHUaamn : eiPcllonrtsull• : l'f..
pon. ot city tountU meelln111:
and !Ilk '""""'' for penon• for
the community 13flll and hl\"t
thelr phontton•-enatlorwalrt<l
T1pt1 done by the. atntlon.
ol commenl.l by '"'0 cabinet
membtn. P.obt'rt f'lnch and
~!t1•1n Laird during thflr ft.
ce nt \11\t tocampul, " 't"' auppllt'd to numt i'OIII eornmerdal
.cations In Wbconoln Md a.e•··
rniOlhtri!I IH .
A rt'tent telethon oonductt'd
by WSVS atalf~n In I UPP"M
ot the undtrpri\'lll'ltd famllltl
In the communiTy nt)tfd about
'lbeatatlonloa!8:9.t on the
FM dial and a.en·H an a rea
about 10 mllf:l on all t ldr-1 o f
the campua.
A reHuch.dlrt<:tor Mrt lilY'
he baa 11«11rtd more ~rldenct
topro.•e\J\at amallhllhtdlooil
produce the btlt colkof~ ~~~
Dr. Willia m Oementl In •
lludy entitled "A 'lblnl Loolr:
At H!i"h. School Size," hu ~
N tht aehlt\'tmtntlof uuclftlta
In 1~. UGt, a nd 1!161. His eonci,.lon: Student& from v~ry
1mall hllhKhool dortmarll:•·
bt)' ....u.
Dr. Clementi lllld that In •
rtpOtt thatWU w~ly publldztd lut IUmrr.tT In wiaoolllln dally and weelr.ly MWSPII•
pen tha t tdlton who comnwnt·
fdonh.lllnltlal flndlnpO\'er.,.htlmlnalyt1'1do!wdlhtkitU
of ••'ddlna mllfllve Khool eonIOIIdatlo,., Ht nkl ht l"t«l•-ed
numft'OUI lt llt n trom pti'IOnl
from tilt aenersl publk \lo-ho
aJTttd .
lnla terrese&rch. ' he touncl
that hlllh ~<'-1 ptteflltU~ rank
il more cloHiy "'lal.td to col-ltce•ucfHt Uv.nany othtr If>.
dltllion. F'Urtllermort,
1m1lltr ~ hill:h 11-thool clall
from whkh the student cori>tt.
Hpeclally In the z; rnembtn
a ndundtrnnae. tllernoresuo:·
CHI hell Uktlytoha~. 41hJ.s
•• tNt ~··en wilt"' af\ldtntl
from 1maU adlooll do PO{ M•·e
tlw hlahest 1\'traa~ ranki. J
F or the 196Smtranll, by lar
11\e lo•••en Pf'Oponlon of dropl.
11.8 per et-nt , u me rrom the
dau 1lu ,.ith z; or leu. and
' "" • •••'"' pctoportlon
clropt, 21.3 ptrtftlt, came from
tht du• •lze 7$1 and 0\'~r.
O a uslatot 51·100waalff00d
lov•ell,,.·lthll.5ptt « ntdrop-
from the 1967 entrant& ume
from d us alu '26--SO "'hlch
Ensemble Tours State
n.e ~member Symphonic
Wlnd.I:r.t m blt ot the unlvtt·
•lly wt..tl. prtMntconeerta In
nine eut~rn Wileonaln hlah
-.chooii,Ftb, llllrolllh 4 ...
.or .an a nnual rnldwlntu .
~!,,,•~;;.,.~~~:.m.~ ~~:.
horn HJ1h School.
Each CU!ftM ...·111 be epen to
,._. J'll>hlle "'1 thout cha'llt In
the 1chool auditorium. The
proenm wW lnchldt "OV~rtu"'
by 'l"'chalkOV.'Sil)' ;
" Je richo RhaptOdy'' by Gould:
"SCt'nn trom The Louvre" b)'
Jolo: "Stan and Strlpn F or·
f\'er " b)' Soul•: and '"Noble
)im" by Flllmorl'.
Soloata ue Robert Umlktr,
a !acuity member "'- ho ,... .
rnduattdlrom .EutmlnScc....o~
of llll$lc,onclarinet:Jt >fllllt
Zithr, on trumpet : andSto~~
Mille r , on \rombone.
1he enHmbko, «lmprlltd 1'.1
• H iett JT'OUp ollnlllu!l'.to>~
llsll /torn the dt~rl:nttol of
mUll~. w u ora;anlud 111 ~1
and II coruldtrtd the n.:::~bor
one performlnc o11:anlu tK.,,.,
eampU5. lthasapptlre-d"tkf
ata~ millie CO<I\'~nllon In J.tadbon a nd In !>larch ,.ill J;rtlf!.t
a tonf~rt a t 1M national~..
~~~ muslccontertnctill
Lilt summer the mt~t.btfi
a nd l lnlttl lnthtt:nl•·tolh;
Otonoa ,.'t'nt.on&thrtt--..ttl
concert tour thi'I>Uii:h "tllffll
Dlrectot' C I'H:nt, In hll tlllnl
)'~ur on the Stt,·eru: Polt.t ta.
cUll)', Is • 11r1duate of tht
Statt Colltae 11 Mat~~Utld, p1
a nd the E u tman Scltooiol ~ ..
llc In~- York.llt h01t.ef!l
l l\lflloanductor,adjudluiOt
anddlnlclan U\rouah!'itw,.Y«t
State and WIJCOruln.
I ~ prtHntly ltl'\'tlll fha:r.
m a n ot the m usic dep.utll'.ff>!
39 Students To Europe
Thlrty·nl!'lf 1tudtnta d.e~rud
lor EuroJ» " 'here lhty "Ill be
lhtltoandlocalarouptopu•lcl~t~ in 1 ··umHtf r abroad
BtUIISf 11udy it IUI'fd 10
lra•·e l, experimt nlltlon and
adQptlon tolndlvldu.alotucknt
j>artlclp.;t.nli.W >·ouna])l'Oplt
...111 be IMna toce!Mr with
their proln.tOr and ('()URHion
throuJhoul the four.month ~ri­
od. Dr. Frank Clow and Or.
Alief P'-"'1 from the Stf\'t"'
Point lacully wUI 1ceompany
them a nd t-t••era l other prot...,.
lOti from Enr:land,.1U behlttd
to rour>d O<Jt 1M turTkulwn.
Olliii."'WliJ be condufted In
EIII"'~an aeornphy. Shakes~··•· modem a nd mfdltval
Partlcll"on!J new from Ctn,
Mltctltll F ield In ~111"'111111H to
Coj>tnhaltn. !Rnmark. " 'lie"'
tht)'bcia ntttclrcluul dUrinl
thelrt,.'O--diYIII)' Inahottl.
S ext ....m be' ""-o-monthl l't'li·
dmee a t the Frtmdahlp HouH
11 Acton, En11:11nd. on L:Jndon••
ouukln.. lollll\to'td by o n e
month a t Sh.aktsptlt't'l home
!Own of Stratford on A•·on.
On Apt. 25, !My "iii bt&ln
thelr tn•'t'l lludylnrlall.lto
Ita ly, S.....:i12.t1"land, AUII:rla. Germany,~ S ttherla nda and
AI nell ol .thtlr 11op1, tiM!
lludMtawiU att tlnthand ~
.CI'\'IIloru o~ h lltorlcal, cultural
and arch.lte-ctural landmarks
One ahowlrt~t
uch nlaht 7:30PM
-.nt~\\OJF ...,crro..fffil""'SlS'omnor
sunday , ,Feb. l·2p.m .• Ma rlon
Hllh School: I p.m .• SIW"Ieon
Bay Hiah School ;,
MOilday, F tb. :W un., Prebit Hll:h School In CrH11 Ba)':
1 p.m .. Klmbtrty Hl,llh School :
I p.m .• St. Fra nci1HlahSchool:
Tuesday. Ftb. l--3:50 and
that take up many p&lllll In
Dr. Alan ~hman and Dr.
Da\1d Colcer, ,..ho lfd. laat lf'm H itr 'ldtlt81Uon, .uld l! wal
lmpoulblc IOob}«th·tl)' 011tlinl'
!he ou.c:fHI of the Pf'OCtam.
Many of the atudenta punued
utbty ...'OIIldl'la\'e at lht homt
campo.~~, l>llkt Do...·Jina:. eon ol
Prof, and Mn . Fred Do...·Un11
ol Ste,·efll Potnt, joined for" '1\h • Btltllh lolk •lnirer and
pro\'ldfdthtaulla raco:ompanl·
menlfOrnumeTOIIIeoff~ hoult
TI>f!WO)'OiinJpeoplt ..'tl't
a bo Invited to perfonn on the
J;J.B.C., llltlonaUy ov.'lll'd ndlo
l!l ............ ~-.. ..
Sue llm~t of Stllt'leon Ba)',
uld "wt"''t'ntto alolofpll)'l
and COnCt'rtl - there·• juJI IO
Othen enjo)·N
!Mirllmt to babysit for )'0111'11
" 'OtklnC moUitrs "''M k-1>1 tht lr
chlldren for day care a t a
Rllndl Hoaen u ld 01'11' ol lht
hlahllahts ...... botlna in J,.Iy
at the time o1 Ha Otl l>flnh'o
death and to ol»rn•t " thouahl
J>f'O'o'Oklnaprep.oratloru" fora
eommunilt rally In honor ot
~~tm~allin k-ade r ot !"orth VIe t·
S!udenU "hi) art In 5tore for
the ume kind of tx·
~=· :.,'ho t;:;ret.a'!~eft:i
aehlt \'t nwnt and extracurricular aetl\'llln lt't:
Bt\'~rly Sft:p. Bancrott: Allan
Appleton ·
· World · Renowned Hypnotist
also the Phil Harris Group
WED. & THURS.- Jan. ts & 29
The announet-mtnt .,... m ade
to accoml"on>· • thfl'+.pa~~:e In·
IU"'I!Oryabou\thel\a\lon \n
the ~ctmbtrfditlonof "Jour·
nal of Colltl t Ra dio." printed
In SUIIwlttr, Oklahoma .
About :1M camp111 llat\onJ
;:,:.:..,,'n compe!ltlon lor 1 h. e
proudly presents
Buy 6 tapes &
Or. ArnOld Muhl, proi'HIOI'
ofiOCloloC)'. ..111 oanduc:t 11'1
e xte111lon count In udal and
culfllral mlnoritltl thll t-tmHttrlltbeSha,.-anos...lorHJah
· School.
Tilttlntltllion WIJ'l\Joesday nlahl. at 6:30p.m. n.e
~e~slorw ,.ill o:ontlnue on •
we-rklyba$lt thtouah Me.y,
Dr. Mulll. "''ho R'I\Mt In
T1lltda lllld commlrt.tt: to urns- Ufh dl)' In • ~m i lt
round lrlp, lll)"'llw -.rae ...111
fDflll on 11\e "'ami"'' ot ti'M
S atlonal Commbllon on t he
CaUHI and P rt\'tfltion ol \'lolenct: Sllfft r n.t Vlolt1ltt,
Am~rltlna. Or Frr. AU Otl·
ze111 Frun P'D>"erty And Socia l
111 the Pill dtUdt, the n it
otcrlminal homkoldtptt iOO,IlOO
population lncr~utd 36 l><'r
« nl. tht talt ot lordble npe
6$ per ctnl. ol 1.£Jravatf<1 uaault67~r cent. and robbery
119 pu et-nl,lw reports.
n.ou,:h fu r of •·Joltnct
the commlulon duidtd that tht
llnllt molt Jttloul,probkom II
the IIO"'ft'l)' andiOI:IIIbola·
Catnpus Radio Station
Named Station Of Month
'\~~ B'RAT _s4 /? .
shoWd <:ft1a1n.
Maahs Will Teach
Minorities Course
and acffl)tfd 1 put.:ratt In
PittsburJh, P a ., lor immitranta
from Romania. lll'hlko In' Pt Moyl,·anil, he earned h.ll -inas.~
ten a nd doc:toratt In IOCicJioCy
n . 1l>t famous lint "he "'-ho
from the l.'nl\'nSity o f Pitu10\'tt',.lfllltiO''tml btlt" ,.·u
but1i:h.. 10 " "lien World War U
broll.t out he "''1.1 pdnw otlktr
Ull\Jtod StatH wn • rural coun.
ma tt tlal. Ht rna~ eolontlln . ll"}' " 1th lour million people. It
1M ..... . Colonel
l>lu hshadbuorr.e lnttl't'lll.'d
In motion plflUI'ft and wed ont
llbUIUn In urd•·~nlly 111t."" he
Due to llclr. of ed~>Callon, Dr.
Maatw botU.•·n too many people ~ r.)l meetin.K theil' upabllJUesbteaUH olcllckof
moUullonand uplntlon.
."1hJ.smalle:s teachinaafh.lollerce." Dr. lola~ n o t ed .
ot hi• films on Sew Culnta to
29, 1970
Small Schools Produce Better College Students
For Memb~r Of Local Faculty
&IOC!oqia t ontlwla«~hyat
ll al ea,
SOUth Milwluktt: Jo\alh)• lltn·
bold, SIUI"'JtOII 8&)·: ~l!chu!
lfillt nbotrz. Shll"''lno:l.:ltt n
Juarr. WU. Rai~da: Ellk(!
Ktffltr , S!t\'CI\J Point: Sllll'
Kln!Qpf, Stl''otnl Point: JoH
Kuhn, WoodnUf: John L.aM~.t·
flle,Ke!O·ukum: Jackl}·nl.lmben, CrHn Bay:
Rtbbt«a Lt•·o, !>l~uon; u_.,.
da Lokt, ) fllwaukl't: Edl011~
)ld\taaue, Arl')llnt, Wi1 : ~:0:·
aan llaM d>tn. Sh tbG}'£111
F a lla, WI)Tit Ma rtin. II'!! p,,.
plds: Barbaral>llchflJ,Ithi.'l!lander : Pe ter P antai<'Q, 1'1\J,_
delphia, P a.: Thtreu Rilall,
Armstrong C'Uek: CKrr P.IIO<II'
0\tttk: ) faril)·n Roth, ~!1!11oJ­
k«: John Schntld~r. G rtt n
B ay: 1bomu Schumachtr,
Robin Sn•~Hr
Unda SJIIII(I, Montello : !Jo.l'•
akl Sp rttl, Wen ~nd: O..!;wm..~
Star k, Ma\llton: o.~t)'l ! t.:>
man , Pitta•·lllt: P.onl)n St•,_
bt'ls, Wa\UIUkH. Bru~~ T0<;.-1
Stt •·en• Point : n.mtn \'aMt
Zande, Waupun: C~rald 1\'11·
son. Cr..en &iy: U nda Wulic•l
Rhl ntl~nder a nd T~rr}' Z:mm•r·
ma nn. PC'o'·aukl'<'.
Why I~ H mu ter ab:-0.1~·
Dr. Pauline f~aaeson. the'!>!':
mantnl dirtc\or ol lnrrr~>t o»
a llrudy p~am1"' llo"orb
out other olliff !n Stt•~
Polnt'l Old Ma!n Buoldt~;.la:·
f'd somtot t~ "'a,.oo~
Shl!nklltlldl.'flta,. \Ubtt•·
PQI....t to oll'~r cullul't~. ~·t-tl·
tcr a ble to apprNilllt Jl"'¢'
and placn ot lhr ....,rld. dt•,..
of unll)' olll'.M>
k ind, ulmulatt thtlr fl•nmJI"
at Stevma Point afttr rttYrnir1
from 0\'tntao.
lop attlludn
Featuring Seafood and Steaks
Phone l44-t252
In Conc~rt
l•cltM bf tlte
Hoaterville Volunteer Fire Dept.
1 :30 - 11 :30
DeBot Center
ADM, 11.00 witttovt l ,D,
SOc witt! I.D,
~by lHC
Jonvory 29, 1970
.... 7
Jenkins Retires This Summer
Or. W~rn"nJenll lna,one ol
" In my opinion, lkllt In the
lmured laeully
1111 mbtn. 10'\ll ~~~~ lhb •um ,.r aJ ~an ol the CoUece of
l,.tlttTI and Scltn~ "illeh he
IIU IM':Mii<l line. H.1 form.tlon
ill !!W.
JW3uM' 1M! ruched hb 6$th
blflh<I<\J' lu t month, local Wlln'CUiatloN ~ul~ him
..., r"o'hnqui.Jh hlJ a dmlnlltr&U\'t
d\;til'l. SUI falt, he will~
tr.IMI I<> lull·ll me teachlfll In
tht h!Jt(ll'}' department.
anol ieachtnawubttter~an
1&0 when the PI'1!UUI'1! wun't
on for faculty memben to lll:fl
the doc:ton te, win lll:l1lnll, do
....... ~h. and lei lrlk~ pl.lb1\lhed."
II had a bout 1,:100
atuclen .. and when I ll the teach·
en In hil collete knew who
~ wu .
Or. Jenkl"' belleY'tll lt 'J 1101
toolatelorttwatatetoconalder e.tt blbhlna' mon wlleti:ts
In Wlaoonlln mmmunJIIH and
J nR\\IIIIUMlnclhe r.tl~ment,
I'T<'>ido'nt ' - Sherman Drey-
!Uf •~ld : " It II dlft\eult rw
!lloll<' of ... .,..ho ,,.., colle&J"UH
I<> ~«'f'pl
lllat Warrtn Jmklna •
1J !'\'ally
II mandatory~~~~
allow\na:.m~tol thet>ov-year
lniUtutloruttotitvelop lntotkIJI'Hill:l'antlnllnlt!tutlonl.
Uke the Kellet Cammlallotl
hu recornmencled, hi •~fee*
tha i It make~~ Cood. .ll!fllfl to
n:tlbllah boardaotrecenu tor
e&eh eoUfl• and unlvenlty,
aubject to the Ooordinlllnl
Comm ittee lor Hlahtr F-duca -
nwnt . ,e t.H•use h b e~ro.
w phtlofophy, hb outlook totllf' tutu~ •ucn•b one
....,... a~
1 .,dfomJc
CITWr than l'lflr the
IIStevent~Polnt State ,
A.Ni tlve ol Okeana, 01\lo, Or.
otelaht. He then a ttend@d Ml1 ·
AU ~nlon l~c•nllHI or draft 1tatu.ol are ureed to take
ad• a nu~:e of thete Pla~ment lntervtewa. F'fbruary and Marrl\
'"'the hury Lntervlewlnr period• and those 1tudenta who w1 1t
,.i ll lind themsell-es wllhout opportunities In Ju ne. Mot l of
tlw' rom panlet lilted below Will be here only on~~e therefore
:~~...·Y~~~:'~i'r,';:.~o ln! ervlew early and o lle n. J u.'t lollowlnr
m l Unlvenlty In OXkml. Ohio,
but bypaued hlltory ctuse.
thelln! yearbec:auseofadlaUke for the ·,ub,lt-ct. A prolesla ter chan&ed hll mind a nd
hepl.lnuedthatdllclpl!ne lor
hll bachelor'• delll:ree. then
11\l&hlllxlh arade • tHa mllton,
P Rtj:bler a t the Placement Center 1056 Main!
Ohio, one yur be fore ta klnt:
lOne form this takes 20 mlnu t" to flU outl
mute ra and finally Ph .D. lew!
~ l lnlfl'\1ew wlth Dr. Gotham ledu"-UOn l or Mr. Tierney
£Tiduate atudy a t the Unl'~"
t all non~ u"-Uon people! , Pia('emtnt p~urn are
al ty of Wllcuuln.
dliNUed u -u u opportunities l or taklnr S tate
and Federal ctvU 8enol('e eu ms. Our ni!W romDr, J e nkl,. 1rrlVPd a t S t ~
putertzed GRAD syste m II al&o aullab~
. , •...,. Potntdurlnx the l !ll4-l:l
l • Stan up lor Inte l'\~ - thew 00\'er 20 io 30 minute'S
academic: ynr a nd 1ubatq~nt ·
and may PI'O\'e 10 be the m att atrntneant hall·h oura
ly &el'\'ed under six ol I h ~
o r yo ur roUere <"lrHr.
H'hool'• n ine prelldenll plu1
t...v ac tint: prealdenll. u~ hu
)l.,.,..ay. 1-'l'lt.. I, 9a.m. t o 4 p.m .. John ll anc:ock MutuU.Uie
a &lm ple IIIHi mt nt ol euh
llliUI'llnC"'' Company will apeak with a ll bualneu, liberal aMI,
ol his lxlues : "They were t.he
f('(lnomlo:s. mathe maUcs a nd o lher majon ln ternted Jn-m • n·
belt men for the time&."
actmtnt , romputu Pt"OErammln a. saln and aalt-t manage ment
and an uarlal adenre.
AllhoouCo he hu 11011\ellmn
Joklncly COITl l'lred admlnillra1-'elt.l, II a.m. to 4 p.m., Craw ford and Compa ny lnll•·e.,.vrk lobtlni an educatJon.
1\lrln('e Adjusten will lnte nolew all m ajora lnternted In cht.!m1
aljanltor,hehaJheld a.-arlety
a~j uat lnll: "'(Irk.
o r poall dotna ).1st thRt . Dr.
~onday, f'eb, I, 9 a.rn. to 4 p.m., The Na tional Fannen Orran·
J enkins W&!o an 1ettnc de1n ol
Lmlon INfO! Will Intervie w all ,..duatl!ll et~pedally thOM
men, a n act lnc dun ol lint
aMI the 111'111 year the line 1M1
;:i~:!.rm ba~karoundl or natural reso\ll'a! majora ronC"t'mlnf
roltf11:e ,.... u tabltlhf-d , chat"'
m1n ol . the faculty and COITl•
1'\ltoday, 1-'l'fJ.. S, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. The l ntemal Re•·e nu~ Servic-e
•IRS! will .1peak with .tl g raduatH lnternted In pvern men t
"'~W rl.
Ma jors In bUilnH.I, e<-onomlt'S. mathe m a l\o:s and
the mid l !W0'1 lor lt!IIW-nl.l In
l\Wralaruare ureed to IntervieW.
pre-proleulonal ltekll.·
'J'Ioloootday, t'eb. s; 9 a. m. to 4 p.rn.. Jntematlonal Bu.lneu Ma chi ne
And .,·hlle many ol h l1 wl·
Corporation um.u will •1slt our "'mp111 and apeak with a ll
k'a Kuet toda y look upon him
bll!lnn1 adml nbtratlon and mat hematlo:s graduates.
111 t.he cpllo•u ~ n1 academln ,
he hu bHn m uch mon! th a n
WNMWay, Feb. 4, 9:30 • .rn. to 3 p.rn., Conn~U~ t Mutu • l Ufe
tha t, npeclallylnhllear l y
ln5un.nce Company will lnt eno\ew a U libera l aru a nd o th e r
yun on cam pu.~ . Dr. J e nkin•
~ndulln ro ncemlnr u.lt>t opponunltlH.
Hlllory, political
wu COIICh o1 ln t~r...,.,ll l'll:lll l r
Kif'nC"'', Eflalllh, SP'l'C'<'h and o thu IOC.'!al aden~ graduates
OOxlng here • lew )-,al'll •ncl
are urged to lntel'\'\eW.
t<'Chnlca l dlrt"Ck>r and dram a
Wf<IAMday, 1-'eb.. 4, 9 a.rn. to 4 p.m., The <Aneral Elec:trlc Com·
a d\'lltr lor the wllt•t~e thea l~r.
p.ln)' 10'111 apeak with aU b UI!neq and ft'OOnmk:l gra duates
u ~ ...., ln•vl>"t<l ..·lt h nea rly
lntnea:ted In nn.nce and aerountlnr (only) proeramt with C .E .
:'J:~r p~l: :!~~~~=
It 's difficult lor net;f'nU In
theUnlvenl(¥ol WIIcontllnand
Wil<:onlln State
tya;lernatode•lelleetlv elyl~>o
d ~,y with the problem ol nd!
Individual campUI, he IUQtlll·
Je nldnJi Ia emphatle lbo\lt
the \ e OMraency ol the problem
dt'nb II droppJna .
Allhouah U'M! el m pwt hal I I•
IO'I)ISIJeena" h'iendlyiJne"and
had a "aood reputa tion" for
lbqllllltyoflllltnJCtlon, there
have been cri tlcllnu lr<Nrl t.he
outalde . Many or tM m amuae
him .
Ta ke lor uample a complain t
from a m embe r ol the <'Om·
mun!Jy who chal'led durina t.he
Jot McCarthy era lila! 1 la=l·
ly member Wll 1 rommunl1t .
Dr. Jenklna ~kedand lound
the m an to be • conaervatlve
R ep~.~bllu n . nwn there ,..u a
ehal'lt! lhat l leJ<tboolo:belnl
tiled wu 1nti-Rom1n C"hollc .
A little lnVHIIalllon pmYed the
author to be a Roman Catholic .
Allhou&h II wall\'! con troversial, the cl• nt boo-boo made
durlna hll tenuN wu a projection that Stt>'tna Polnt'a en-
rollment In the 1960'• -..Jd be
about 1,200. Th• t ,.... the .pre.
diction by the Bolrd ol Rt~enb
ll l flofiWIIdftadeaii O WhJth
misled by about 1,000.
In "retirement" Dr. Jt nklnl
aay1 he'll mlu the advant~
ol btlna a dt• n In he lplna
teaehera do • better job. But
he apprt"Ciatea the extra time
he UPK .. to have In bet,.
more ltll"'! u a ham ra41o
operator .
And when the Ju t da y tiCimtl
lorhlmtoO«upy h!Atpaclou.
olllce In theO ... roomCtnter ,
hf'll ea~lully lake
la raeporualt olan lndla nchlet
to which he haa attaehed 1llttte
noll! : "We nail\~ Ameriu.fll
welcome a ll lmmllfr&nb (black, '
~n. ye llow, o r wtllle ) who
wlah to be aood Amllrleant .
Qthenwe~ealp . "
" l lhinlt rve 1101 • lln le Indian blood ," he quipped.
Co &nseling Course
Offered For
Grad Students
eraduate oourw In rouJWtllnJ: 1-M:hnlqUH, na red lor r ehlobllltatlon,.'llri<enlnd ltschen. will be offered lhll aemnter on 'n>Unday """""""·
!twill bqinat5 :30 p.m. tonlc ht In Room DlO of Main
Dr. c s. F'lnaof the p&ydw>lofD' dtpr.rtmenland eounaeltnc
-........ ~~ ~~leoordtn.l t @d
e ffort between Ste'~"' Pol nl
and Stout Stile Unlvenltle. .
Credit, heuplalned 10'111 be
tlrln~ by SIOI!I through lu
YI:\Oeatlonal rthlblillltlon but
qulremmUin « rlaln arn1 ol
P enona lnttruted 1n ftlll:laterlnJartldvlledtocontacl
!he olftceol uti!'nded aervlces
a tSttvelll Point.
Research In Fabric~·
F" h
He Ips In fl ahon
19 .t
New reHai'CI'I In fabrlet II
o penlna: another poulbii!Jy lor
home &elmJin!UH 10 fl&hl the
Owlr own Uflderaarmenll and
nl&hl,.~l r, a home e<:OnOnll"'
l.llltructor here n~poru .
Mn . Shirley ltandall &1)'1
•ewln& ..i lhllnlll:trie la brl.,.ll
btcomln1 lncreulnatr popula r
btcaute ol the " fun. economy
and e~a l lvlly Involved." Her
• tudy ,.... oom pleled recently
In oooperal lon with 1tuo;lent
R ~ rlromM1.11kego .
They loundlriootknltfabrlcll,
IUlllble tOt"allPII •nd nlghtwu r
aval11ble In a variety ol colon,
IIOlkiiOI'pllln,tndln 48.1'2
a nd102-ln<:llwldthlra nalnaln
price lccordlnfly. Coonllnat@d
lhefl'll, laees. trims, st,..,tch
e lu tle,•llp a ndbra&lral!ll,ribbon a nd 1ppUque det.aUa may
ai!IO be po~rchaled lor a CWIIQm
~·o r
1lrdle1 1nd bru. Spandex
~ r netln.,.illteandcolon
a nd tllblllred lace and a a Mt l'll
an! aullable I<> OQm plelt the
l:lllndatlon • •nnent, Mrs. R• nd a ll reporll .
f'or durablllty,lhe rtcvm·
New Officers,
Directors For
Otrleen have been elected
a nd lotir new d!l't'Ctora chosen
a!the•nnual mft'll nar~mtly
olthe Slt'Yena Point Stile Unlvenlty F oundal1on, l.w: .
Hiram Anttenon, a loc:al attorney, wu re-t le<:led ~l­
dtnt;Cari J •ooba,rttlredpruldenlolSentryJnounnce,vlceprnldent ; L«>n ~u. v!ce-prnldrnt for buii.Mu alfa ln, 11'1!1·
1urer ; and William Vk:Hntllf,
IUIItanttotheunlvenllypresldmt, u eeutl•·e sec rctal'}'; ancl
Norm.., Knutzen, tmerlt ... proltator, dlre<:tor.
b le,
S teven~
m l'fllll lhn!a dl with ', ll~t ~h
bolrd of Con101ldlled P.1ptT1,
tuch ulhote made li-om nylon
Inc.: and Ken Willett , opn-ator
o r Ute ' polynter oovered dual ' ol Ute Stewna Point T r av e l
purpoae IYPH AI leaat thr-te compaatu . ,..,
TWo ol them IUied vacancies
m art.etlnlf dttl&ne r lype Pl l·
lt nutlnreta ll•torH forconon tn.tbOirdlettbythldel tlt
• umer pun:hiH. llut if I h e
of Robert U vln,lton, prn ldtnt
aeam~trnl p~fen. • aarment
of J Ofm'l Fumlture Comp.sny,
,.·hlch 1111 ..-t n ma y bt used
StevenaPolnt,andby l he~
• • a aulde lor cutllnlll:anlndl vldual p.s ttern wllhoul much
sla'!' tion from the •u~~trinten­
dllllc uhy.
dtn~:y or the Wa1111u
Unaerle u n be m1de withkhooiSya;temby M1nhsUTa y.
out 1pe-da l equipme nt how·
lor. The other two new Jal·
t ver, a ae-!'lna in1chlne upalions
bleolli&·agatltch1nal•• de-
ckledadvanlllle bec:tlwtell p !'l>'
mol'1!.1t~t eh
~~bolrd'• reetnt mlarae-
11'11:1 durlbll-
ltylllan the•tral~~:htacl tc htype .
Uae ol bi ll point needle& ...111
PN\'l'fll holn In the labrlr
10"hUe ~•rna are belna stitched,
Mn. Randa ll reeommendl.
Additions! lnlonnat lon eonce mlnl IJM"CII I te d!nlqu.es for
sewlna llna:eriellreadlly obt• lnableelther t r<Nrllnstructlon
bookleta lor a nominal chaf'lll:e
or byenrollln« In IPKI• I oounn: otfertd a t an11 vocationa l
and tecllnlct! Khoollln all
parUol thella te,aheldded.
lloldover dl l't'Cion wen! Mn.
Ma ry Wllll1m11, m ember ol the
unlveraltles : f'rlnk O'ow, proltatord.hlllllr)':S. mKin&~­
lon, pre.klent or Otlufll ljatlona!Binii : Joseph llart:z,re!Ired cha irma n 0/ th.e boa rd of
f"'nt National 81111111; Dr. R\11..oeU Lewlll ol t.he M1 rahl'leld
Oink at.a ff : Dr. John Slelner,
W1upa ea: and WaU1ce Thiel.
Student Sefll te president from
Sheboyra n,
70productl~~n~bt l.,.'fffl l934ianrl
Wr;Jneoday, l-"eb.4,lp.m.to4p..m .. MetropolltanU ie lnautan('e
Company wll l lnte rvii!W all a:: radua tet ro nceml.na aalt>t !only!
o~pon unltlea.
nu....aay, l-'eb.5, 9a.rn. to4 p.m .. sean Roebu ck a nd Company
10i1tapeak with all Interested Senlorsronremlnll: manaeement
oppor!uni!IH with Seara. Buatneu, e<-onomics, ma th ematl Cll~
hlotory, psychology, aoclolOiY and al l majora a"' ureoo to
Thou·-od ay, t 'eb. S, 9 a.m. to 4 p.rn., The American Red Crou
10'\JIIJM'Ik with men a nd wo men eraduatn with • II majora.
Glrll with any major are n eeded t or work In military hOIpiiiLI around the world. Boy• may dc-alre "'reera 11 field
direrton In bull operatlona world wide u well.
1'\IM&y, Feb. 10, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., A~ na Cuualty adn Surety
Compa ny will be pleueod 10 .1peak wllh a ll Uberalar.. and
busll'lfll a::ra duatn roncernlnr eareet opportuni!IH.
1'\lr:.oday, Feb. If , 9 a.rn. to 4 p.m., The SoU COnaerva tlo n Service,
~!Jdbo n will arrive to 1peak with natur. l rnou rcn te.pedally
Sol!Asenlon) andallol hernatu n l
retou~atude n l$ron·
t('rnlne I Umml'r work opportun!Uea.
1\'~~:k ~h 11u 9~~~ 0t:tft:rY.~t~~T :.=!~~;::ro;:,
p&)'cholog y, bWillltll, e«~nomlcs and Enll:lbh majora are "'
Pf'dally uryed 10 apply ! roncemlnlll: retail • tore man•afment
1\'Nneow!ay, 1-' eb. u. 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m .. 'nte Aid At.Sodatlon for
Luthtrana will be pleued 10 Interview a ll a tudenta lnteres!ed
In a whole hoal of home otftce ( Appleto n ! opport un ities In
no n·salts lnaurance po~ltlona.
Ml the m atks a nd bUIIne ....
economlo:s majora are espedally Invited. ThOll! lll:rld UIIH In·
1trnt@dlnlllc-a m a y alsoapp!y.
1\'nlllftd.&y, Feb- 11, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m~ <Aneral Ttlephone ComlloiiiY wut 1peak with a u senlora Jnternted In a whole hool t
ol llne ca rHr oppon unlt ln with lhe Telep llone Company.
~!•Jon In b111lneu, mathematics, e<-onomlo:s u well u many
0111u artuaree ncouraaedtoapply.
•'tb. ~ - Aurora Publle Schoolt, Aurora. 111., 9:30 a.m. to
2:JO p.m. AlJ lf'lde ieVfll, klndertanen lhroUII:h 6th; Jr.
!Uth itnl!ral .lden~~e; Jr. Hl11:h mathematics; Sr. Hl l h mathemlllc.; Sr. Hilh Ene lllh; s peech rol'I'Ktiof1.llt.
I'd~. t - Madilon Publi c School. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All rrade
le•~l._ klndertarten throurh rrade 6: 6th Cr . DlaU.h , .IOdal
s1udtn:: 6th Cr. malhemalleoa, adence; 1th C r. Enclllh. reorno·
l>h>"; 8th Cr. En~~:IWI, Am. h btory: 9th Cr. Enalllh. Arn. history; home e<-onomtcs; mathematics; adm~; Sr. Hl11:h bualnna education: Sr. Hla::h Dlfllah ; Sr. Hllh home e<-onomlcs;
Sr. llllll:h mathe malleoa; Sr . ·HJch lldence; Sr. Hlch IJOda.l
\tudlea;apedalf\elcll:art ;audlovllll&l:llb r.rylldence: mllllc:
P~)'IICII edUCIIIIon; spee-ch thentplll$.
S abo•·e.
Ma4laon Public Sdloola. 9
to 4 p..m.
Same u
F•b. S - CrHn Bay Public Schoola. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vac.rtdH
to be ~ted In the Untveralty Plact!Mnl Center.
Ftll, 4 - JannYIUe Public Sdloolt, 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. Klndel'
eantn throua h Cr. 6: Dern. phyalcs.l eduCIItlon; librarian;
=u~·~J;JmaJG~;; E~~ ~
Feta. s - Unlfled School Dllt. NQ. 1. Radne, Wla., 9 a.m. to
4 p.m.. Vaeandt"S to be potttd In the Unl\'l!ralty Pial.'ement
~·e~~., 5 -
Ontarlo School Olltrlet. Onlal1o, Calllomla. 9 a.m. to
3 p.m.. Klndottprten throueh Cr. 6; Jr. Hl&h - Open lnJ:•
avlllabh In all aubjec:U.
Ftll, I - Klel Public Sd\OOlt, 1 p.m.. IO 4 p.m.
be ~t@d 1n the Unlventty p~t Center.
Vaeanc:IN to
F~!~-p..~== ~0-bt~t::w~=~ ~fa::
mtnt Cen!a',
i!K2 1nd loraperiod. l rn...U
Uw croup durlrc a b~ll lme
o/lnd<!pendfntOpen tlon. UerecaU. pUIIJni up paM of the
money lor llllflnl the rll'lll pla y
If you don't like the way peop~e talk to each other,
we'll pay you to change it:
prtl<'nll'<llnde~nd...ntly .
And he 11 s m \lled tn his ~
wllec:tlons ol 1n a l\l\Oit b:lre
lei used lor "Ow- Tooirn," "illch
wa1 a ttt<lded by ae•·eral Unl·
\·enlty ol \\'ll<:anlln s tud<>nll
10 horldJculed the ICt'IM'I')'. A
w"'k or 10 later, the Y1le Unl·
venlty thea ter wa1 fea tured In
Time M111:11lne lor llalflnr the
pl ~~o y
the ..me way.,
With a penpecll\'t ol fou r
dec1dea •• 1 te1chtr . Or. J t n·
kina takes !Slue with crltl<.'l
whobelk:•'eloday's)'OIII'IIIprolruol'll are more milllant tha n
the ir coun1e rp1MI. U e' ll eve n
~dmll tha t he m111t have been
l'l!lll:lrded by hb IUJ)erlol'l II
a ")'OI.Inl luril'' '"the p»t·
"Every ,r.:MIIll ln1ln1Ctor
w1nta tO be the bHI teache r
lntheworiii ," IMiexplalntd,lnd
es ehtull " hii OYon llcred phll·
oeophy ,.illch M hanas onto
like a mamm a ,.·lth a 1 1!11~
blby." It hu a l,.·a)IS t.Hn th.at
way, I~ Or. Jenkins, and the
Interest In pollt l ~:~ h aa a lwa)IS
runhllh •ITIOII¥ 11le la ct,:lty.
But, lurprl&ln&IY, the )'OI.IIll
ttad lt n don't dlrt"Ctly m a ke
chln&fl- * Y """''inte the
peopleover 501oh.t" 'l!aea>nd
"II because t.he old ones ha w
made 10 many ehan&:e. 1nd
m lltakes thal·lt dotl.n' t bother
thfm to try aomtthifll """·"
Dr. Jenldna e~n rehitH the
iduo l a!uclenlpcM~r uapro­
be more Wonn1l and eH ~tlve
when the .ehool wu amalill r
1nd not 10 many a ntaaonilml
develo ptd!hl'fl," heldvlled.
What b:>Ute:ra hlm II the eur·
rent ttnn or de mands " " ·h lch
11...- atupld for Jtudenu to 'uJe
unlda tbty want 1 llaht ."
"Pitfllll don 't aend atucleniiiO
oolielll:e to n.111 It - authority
oomu when per10n1 ally Jona
enouch t<> take the CO\\Ifo
qi,II!IM:floladeclllon, flf)(jult
dec:Uionl ."
He lrankb'DPPDIH the flf)(lon
thatJ'OUfll peopleahould be
thrust Into JaiUoni ol d!o:bt t·
the penon&! damace- that u.n
The twa vy-tmoldnc doNn wllh
hil •ce donn'trnlnce hiiWOI"dd
tlbouC 4lladvanlqel ol il'lolttt.....
tlono; ~ .... too !up. " Good
leamlnc II a wry pe!11011al
lhlna - the maln 1ncrett\ent
ollood lmtruc:ton II mthual·
=....: m7!: pk~~ u~:!t
they can do that only when
ha.ve close UIOdaUoQ Wil.b the
p~.~bl lc •ccountlnu : Mn .
::::.":t.":.',O:::::"~ r::;
We're In the communications bu siness.
And during the nex.t 30 years we're going to upgrade all the equipmen t we now have in order to provide even better service to our 6 million
existing customers.
A\ if that weren' t enough we're also going to have to come up with
enough new eQuipment to provide teleplwne service to about 26 million
more people. As well as eQuipmen t lor a much more extens,ive,'data communications program.
We need enough people (electrical, civil, mechanical and industria l
engineers, designers, accountants and economists) to plan, design, build
and operate a company that will be lour times bigger than we art today.
We also need engineers, researchers and scientists to develop ~lfC tton ic
swi tching equipment, laser and other communications systems we' ll be
using 10, 25 and 50 years from now.
But this is only one part of our commun icat ions business. .
Our Sylvania people, lor example, are Involved in other ~pes of
communications. like a~lor television sets, satellite track ing stations
and educational television systems.
Automatic Electric, Lenkurt, Ultronlc Systems al'ld some of our othe r
compan ies, subsid iaries and d ivisions are work ing on advanced types of
Integrated circuitry, electro-optic.als and communications systems between people and computers and between computers and compute rs.
So if you think you have some th ins to say about tke way people talk
toeachother .•• we're ready tollsten.
.... 8
Jonuory 29, 1970
Students Share $10 Million In Buildings
Assistantships Slated For This Year
Twtnty11\ldent. 1111 Wrlrw MUOO In anlatanuhlp.lhll
tlwyotudy forma~ten
yur ..
Dr. Winthrop DUford, ~an ot
the (1".-! ~,~ate col~&:r. . .td ..-1
ot the ~lplmta are re<elvln&
$2.500 ITI IIU, for "-tlldl they
ue ~o.dml to p rovide IS hoon
ot 1uppon aervlce to the dl-partmenta In which they •~
INidoe primarily on the bull
of the • h.ldotntl' undrrcndu.ate
&e&dem k: l'ftiOnt • nd It thoty
-re enroll~onthe l'l'duat•
lewol ln a l\lll.tlmeu.pulty.
1111: Mno. D e ity
Bow'f.... Wlllllll,lndoepartment
ot communlcallve 4ltorders:
W11trr Ollopma n. In the<*
Duane R. Clark. Ollppe.o·a
Falls, In the doepartmmt ot ~
f'ftdl! rtck Mllt..r o-hm. Bel·
vu Dam, In the Mpl.rtment
. of hii!Ory;
Pltrldll N lkol1l
Former Teacher Theatre Dedicated To ('
Killed In Accident Retiring Dean Jenkins
Mn. Gl'f'tl Lf<,hl,....., 48, ,..ho
tauaht in lhe fllrl'Lin lanlua~ee
dfpr.rtment lwre !Mo"''"'n 196$
Uld ltst, wu klllf'd l'ftently
ln ..,automoblleac:c:J.Mnt, lw-r
::"'..:.. ·roiJeaauu here he•·e
She reportl'db',.·• • drlvln&
alone from Qwyenne, Wyo.,
to ~vtr, ();)lo.,
to Ill •
t<'nd a national modem lanIUI It OOft\'tn!Jon when !he OIW·
car cralll occurred.
Mn . l.edla,....., ....-.o formal·
Jy n.~ at 2ll6Sim• A•·e., left
Stt\'tnl Point late hutaummer
to accepta...,wtcachll\l(a• ·
I!Inmfnt at a "'-o-year o:ollel t
ln OW'yenM.
Betol.,.,eonductlnllwr cl. . .
" In C..nnan here, ahe wu
an t nlhullut ln aklll\l, ltnnll,
hoTRiwld• rldln1 and Jllni: pona
actlvliiH .
Bom In VleMa, /tUitrll, Mn .
~hauueatttndtd tht tuch·
en colles<' In her home tO\'I'R
,plus the ~,~~tlvenlliH In Munich,
F'ranklurt and Madlton. Shf
hadtauaht I I Lake Erie Q,J.
Le1e. UO.ton Unl•-..n lty, th e
Unlven lty of Maryland, Unh•tr•
alty of Alabama and Edrewood
Collel e In MDd \JQn ~lore comL"'tiM're.
She had no Immediate IUI'\1·
NSF Grant
the """'' drama tho!atr r \ u
openlnlate t 970.
l' relldtnt LteShuman Drcy/us nllde the anroouncemcnt
durlnlt lhe J an. /aculty ontel·
Lnlt whlchwuone of theahort·
u t and SA>allell fttle ndtd lllh·
crinll o \ lllklndhc..... lnSC'V•
eral )'fDrl,
Dr. J enklna, who h.. tauaht
he"' alnce the 193-1-35 audemle
year, wu died by J)r(>ytul u
" an oldpro"ln llell'lngkUlde
theinatlt u tlonlhep~~t :tiyean.
J'rom t'-36 to 1-M2, the de..,
wu acll•·e as a duma t« hnlcal dlre<:tor and advlHr . and
because of that ln\'lll~ment
!heftier puroul" 111rted be<:om·
InK a major &IJ>ed of l hl l
unL•·enily a ndlater of thtcomn•unlly lllld all ol cc-ntral Wls·
~ruin, Drcyfl.ll Uplainf'd.
n.e Warren GanJ J enklruo
'nlc>ater ,..m be In the n e w
n ne Artl Dulkllnl now under
CO<Uitrvc.tlon, An art 1nllery In
that fl dllty already hu be«n
nan>l!d In honor of Mill Edna
Carilten and a mwlc hall lor
the Late Peter Michelsen, both
lon;llm(' n.emben of the fa·
ln olher a•rkln. Dr'fyiUI I n•
To Professor
n..-ld ~n&enber~r. &lll.ilant
proteuor of t:eocraphy, h al
llr<'n ..,.nttd a National Science
F oundation lel""''-"lp vaiiK'd at
monthan SU,ZO to doadvanc<'d atudy in d lmatoJocy I I !he
Unl.-e n lty ol Oklahonlll,
1l>e NSf' In Ita dMslon lor
rMmben of 1clfnce dtpanmtnt
laC'UitlH makt1 awanb for a
~tiKI 1roup · of profeuon to
purlue Ph.D. dtpe-e procra ms.
Htakltl the $12,~. Sl!fllt'n,.111 ha•·e hb tuition,
lft'l l ndtl'l•'r lellpet!$Hpakl
nlnl nu t
Dr. Warrtn J~nklns, who ,..m
n!tlre nell'! 1umn"'r 11 dean of
!M'nrMberter. who Joine-d the
Steven1Polnl faculty lnl!l6-t,
b orlclnally from Waukra;an,
Ill., a nd a t raduatc 01: North..-...te m Unl•·<'n ltyandthe UnJ..
venlty of Oldahoma, He tauahl
11 Mundelein and Wauk<'l:an,
Ill., bdor. comln, hrre.
He II the .on of Mr. and
Mn. Waltt'f Stnrm~rstr ol
Manltowtah Wilen' and formt'r lyof Wautt1an.
noun~thc aJII)(lintrMnt ofDr.
S. J OIIfph Woodka, chalrman of
llM'S>OLIUcal l clence del>llrtmrnt
~~:~ 1..966, IO IUCCffd Or, J cnThe I'N'Ildeht reported prolrtU Is~~... made to tllal>llah a ......., 11011 H lrnce proI:Tam In 1M natural THOUTCCI
Dr. Btmard Wlevel, chal,.
man ol a eommlt1f'l! to atudy
lhepOIILblllty ofl'l lablllhJn&a
lacultyHnRte,l'f'pOrt"'- tllat hLI
croup belle•·" thlt areal nted
u lab to streamline meet lnj:l
nnd rtOI"'an L~ the commit!!'\'
JYII~m to B\'OJd burdens on a
new faculty ; a senate ml1thl
o r mllht not help.
11'1e ~mltteeaft<rrCO<Uiido:'r·
lng arvumfnll lor and aealnst
a wnate,.,.·ukneu lnour prHent ayatcm and other related
matters, concluckod that th e
cre&tlon of a 1t111~ 111 1111•
Ume I• not eiSC'nt!al, but that
lOme rtOI'Ianlutlon Is deslra:
ble," the ~pOrt oontlnued.
R.H'ommtndatlon.l _,... to ...
crptthestudyaab<'lnt: llnal
and to authorize c!'f'atlon ol a
ncwCO<UIUIUI\01'"1 l't'vlaloneom·
m ltlft empOWered. to recommend to the l~cvlty chant:tl
to 'lmprove the elflclCfl<'y Uld
ellectL"'"""' 'of lacully opera·
.tiona In commllttotl . I II'UCture
and In !acuity meetl"'l .
Thert]IOri WII I<:Cepted.
rr, WIU$11 U, In the cle~nt
of communlu.Uve ~ :
Mn . Bonlta COmn
ln the cle~t
ot "'uc.tlon:
Mno. Sula n Hampton, Rhlnell ndtr , In the ""partmrnt of
communlcallve dl.onkn:
Colllfton Houllt11n , StePoint, In 1he clepart.mnt
Mn. lila CUtin Ironside. Wla·
eon~ln Rapkk, In the depart.
mr nt of rdueatlon;
Mn . Joyu Plnkn-ton Jahft.
1011, Ste•·ms Pollll, In the departrMnt of ed<Katlon :
Mill Sally A, Kauu, TIJI:t r-
ton, In the depr.l1ment of bJo.
Conlolldalt<!Pa pen. lne., of
Wllconaln Raplcb_a nnouneed I t
has donatt<l an e XI)frimental dl·
atH ir r valued at l2,300 to the
new pulp and paper technoloti:Y
program here at !he unlvenlly.
'The equlpm~nl , a lillie l1<1[t'r
thanan uprll:hl deoep lreeu ap.
pllance. ,..Ill be UICd byadvancf'dpulpandpaper atudtn"
In ....... an:h and dt\'elopme nt
Dr. Roland Tryttcn, chalnnan
of the clwom\llry depr.rtme nt
and co-dln!elor of the new procram , sa id the machine wilL
dl.&e•t • mall qu..,ILILH of pulp
from woodchl~ lor m a ktn 1
n 1111 aheo:U of I>IIPfr from la boratory molda. lt all-:lhal capa·
bJUtlel for llo<len\l to atudy
varloulldndaofdliH iinlr Proetii<'I Undtr dlflerent klnda ol
" We are ttoprclally cratdul
lor the 1111," Dr. TTytten ex·
!'l&lned, "beeaUII 1M llatht
l late budJ{el aquteze makH It
lmpoulble for us to blo' such
equipment ."
Dr. S.G. Holt , dlnectorof Con-
IOILdate4'• rtwarch and de•·elopmcnt dlvlllon. 11ld the mach!"" wu of two pun:hued
lime aro by hll linn,
butbecaute- waa adtquate,
.. .,.~ decided to make the other
OMIVI IIabie at lheplact lt
WU!Jklluove IU t:reatell use Stt.-ensl'olnt 'aunl•·erslty,"
'The RLII"''II the tt«lndrt•
::~~ ~th~lx'"":.nC::
L.aat fall, 1 111 chtomotogTaph,
•·alutd at , ,000 w.u dolnatf'd
to the pulpandpaper procram
" 'hlch hal .. 10me ol l" atudenU - emplnyet of the WlJ.
ton~Ln Rapid.J Ftnn.
$244 complete
Paper Firm Gives
Pulp Digester To "''"
New Program
It)', In the clep&rtmtnt ol com·
munklollve dJ.onkn ;
Mlu P alMI& Ann Critzmlch-
Conlon P . l.awl'ffl<:t!, Manhfleld,ln thedepr.rttne ntolhl..
Slm A. Moore, Cable, In the
de partme nt ofbklloCY:
Bruc:e Parklnton, GrMn Blly,
In the depoortment of d nma ;
n.omu Gary Plucker. Neenah, In the depo. rtm~nt of hla·
tory :
Faye Elaine S.lzman, Marloll, In the doepo.rtrnent of mullc:
Mrs. l.rM Panstlll, Ste vens
Polnt, ln the depr.rtment ol t:nl lll h ;
And Gall Tffu, TIJtt rton. In
::,,: .pr.rtment of horne eco-
Tw,..,otlwn.,.'hodonot have
lull aulatantlhlPI are Jo Anne
Hammen, \\'aut.oma, Sl.250 re.:\plent
a)I'Timunkatlonlo: &tty Jo Cu·
aldy, Mllwaukre-, S2SO neclplent
In the department of home ~
History Profs
At D.C. Meeting
El1ht membenol the hlltory
de partment at Stevens P o i n t
Sta te Unl•~nlty l"ffflltly at·
tffidtd the Am«ican lllllorieal
Auocllllon'llnnu&l m~llnl\n
Wu hlnl:ton. D.C. 'They ar e :
Robert Artlllanl, Ron IW!Icland, Randy Klein, Robert
Knowlton. Carol Marion, Russell Nt~. Juatus .Paul lnd
Prof....or .v-iton w.u 1 diiNIIInt at alftllonenii!J.cd
"Ethnoc:<'nlllm : the RrlponH
o1 Mtlllco and C.nadl tothe
United StitH " ,.·hlch lnehlded
a paper cJV'I'II b)'~"" fool.
Blache. 1 former member of
tht depanmtnt here and now
at N..,.. Mexk:o State Unlver·
A paper,.... allo ct•~n by
Proleuoc Hocdand at a aes•lon deallnl with women In
nlntttotnth u ntury America en' titled ' "The Conctpt ol th e
American Woman: H orace
BlllhneU, a CUe Study In Mucullne Amblvaltnee
BulJd.lna; projN:IJeaiT)'Inc:a
p rtee tae of more than SID rnll·
llonare at llake for the unlverall)' In 1t10. and campUJ ol(l·
clallarelltt!'llll' flnlers CI'OIIi·
ed In hopei the bulldlnt commla.llon will c lve ttnal ob)'l
for con~trvctkln.
With Go\'emor Knowltto laoInc a tflht ~t and Prnl·
den! Nixon <"ncot~n~l:inf a ..,..._
down In buUdJnc u a hedle
• aalnstlntlatlon, campua planr>er 'nayrnond SI)Kht IIIII tdda
t\ahttoalh!'f'adof optlrnlPn.
HI- belltvfl It almoll lmpOUIble for anyone t::J justlfy denj,ll
\'lew o1 the unlvenll)''l rapMI
tnrollmeot lncreiM!.
Nearly all propo.td e ppropri• Uons are earmarted for ln.
lunda for new ret~ldence halll
are not Included and Specht
can'tt:Lveoddlfor t ' - ldnd
of raellltles. He sap hll best
and moo~! IC:CU1'111C 11111- f to
donnaia: '"'be whole QUHtlon
II IUII ptndLna.''
Bullnea~ atfaln pei'ION'Ie,l at
StevtnJPolnt State aet lntothe
J:a~ earlyln ll10witll open­
of bldl Jan. 1$ fw tht new
clallroom ctnter to be built on
FOI,lrlh Avenue. b<'rwHn th e
claurQOm center and
I CitnC<I!! haLI.
It wHI oo.t U .t million and
have llve l loritto toholllethe
hoole economln and communi·
eaUve dl10nlen dtpr.rtrnenU
piUJ mem~n from other aca·
<ltm!c dlJclpllnrl. II all l Oti
.,.·e LL, conatn>etlon could be
llarted tht followinl month.
On F'eb. 5. ~wlll be openpr8er>l
!HI for 1 uoo.ooo project which
will complete the bufrntnl ol
the Allen ~ter, lncludllll'
loUIW"· anact bollr, d lninat and
llucb' areu plu. a •torale room
wiU be OPCI' for a wetlandl
laboratory In the Town ol Plo-
:~.=, ~...,~~w~~
nlhtrttto labwork.Jtwlll have
an uaembl,y are~ and oftlee
andbeready/or ~PC in5eP.
w.·~r'.;, thole pro~t· have
bHn Jlven final a ppi'O'IIal. a nd
lt'J WLilkelytht)' WUibe delay•
td. But thaf • nol the caM with
the nell!. propouls to be tateo
up.\ decision otf tht ma\nten·
anorbt.LUd\r_.:, whlchorirlnally
w.u 'to be I S70(1,000 struCIIll't
bt.Lt trimmed to S125.000 """'
rtqUHted for construction on
the northsldeol )hria Dri~.
aci'OII the •treet from the poW·
er ptanl.· But there Is suppon
=-: ~d=d!::::"}:"l:
to tht ~rplant, to lhe dll·
appointment of Spechl.
An l'n vlron.rnenlal . ~lence
bt.Lildinlr, malnlylor the depr.rt•
mmu ol. natural rnourca and
blolol)'wlll be up lor conllderatlon In midyear at a cost •of
$4.2 miLLion. It I• expe-cted to
beaboutthe s :une, l lze" lhe
present aclenee hallon a•lle
bounded by Reserve, ••remont.
and Stanley Stree" and f'ounh
"'lllle tht commlu lonrn a re
eoovlneedoftht lac\Uty'l llftd,
\l)eY haven't made a tlnal
chol~on tht ~allon. Th e
propOII'd aile hal 16 houlu on
lt whlchthtybellevehavea
Expo '70-0ne
University Lists
Job Opportunities Of Stops
On Tour .
Ste ven~ Polnl State Unlw rannotlt~Ced
n!Cenlly It
wouldadd :.S new laeolty rnem·
~n and abou12:5claulfled em·
pio)'fl. priortotht openln& of
t he J971).11td1001 yu r In Scp.
tt mber.
n.e total l nWlllllt of new sal·
PriH will run clole to thrquarte raol a mutlonlklllan.
Conlrollt r P aul K~ Lc h aald the
overall fl&Urt forsalarltto to
DU489 facultyand715 claAL·
fled penonnel wiLl ~ S6,MO,OOO
- an\ncreas.e ofll per ctnt
o•·er Ju t year .,.·htn U4 1aculty
and 2'50clualfled worken -re
on tlw payroll.
&panslon of faculty nnlu
was allocatedby theBoardof
Hl'ltenU of State Unlverfltlel,
and Stl'vens Point'• addltklnl
Lnvolv<'li ...,Ptly 4<l percent of
the lola! numb<'r of ~!Ilona
a ppro•·ed for a ll ot the nine
cam p!.lSH.
Unh·er~JtLH w er e 1r..,tl'd
new pe~l on the bull o1
e nrollmenu tabulatedat thebeI:LM L.,. of the 1970 &chool
yur. BccaUH Stewna Point'•
1.100 Lnc"'.ue tn atudl'nu over
19QI /u exceeded any olherln•lllutlon lnthes)'llem. lt fu ed .
one. Some 1dlooll
which decrelll<'d or l'rtw In
minimal numb<'n ~I faculty
Kelch said ~arly all ol the
new faculty me mben would be
aulllled to teaehlllf P<JI;U. Indlvldoal salartHtn lhll catexory will ran&e from $7,800: to
lnlhe cl.ulllledHrvi~. Mt
of 1M 2S new po51t1on1 will be
f iLl"'- by clertu land CWitodLal
worken .
Dr. Gordon Halerbecker . vice
f'T"Ident lor academic affairs,
IIJISIRIV<'Iithedlltrlbu\Jon ofthe
~w faculty jobe,:
Collra;e of LeUt n and S.OI-
minlllratlon, l : l:n&llah.2:r;~
1nphy, 2
hlltory, l ; malhe-
mallei, 2: physlc:J, 1: ~ycho­
loCY. 2: andaoxlolo0',21'o. The
2 0 - addltlonlolnclude 2.5
posltlonl not yetalloca ted.
Collece of F'lne Artl - llrl,
1: communlcatlonl, I : drama,
1: mUJic, 2.
CoLLer;e of Applied Artl and
Sclene<'s - eommunlcatlve dlt·
ordtn, 2: physical education,
2\i: home economlc:t~. - 1 1'. : naturalrtiOllrct~, ll'o .
CoL!est or Educat ion - ele-mentary d lvlllon, 1: MCOndary,
l : ontpOs;lt lon lllll unalloca\ed.
1be education HrviCCI and
lnrovatl•·e proeniTII a reawiU
have a half t>eW po~ LIIon In
Instructional media and two
new openlnp ln the library.
PrtaJ,dc,nt Oreyt\11 hal been
1\ven one new position and tntttad of makllll II an adm\nlllr&ll•·e. ,lob.heiJeJrptcted to
tum II OV<'r to a department
lor the addition ol a ntw teachTheunl•·ersltyh.. one full·
llrneandonepart-tlme physlciiLI!, but with lncreultli'enrollmenu, the lludt nll alfaln
dlvlllon rKOmmcndl the pr.rtUmto poll be chanted to full
atatw. Dr. H1fe rWcker nkllhe
new lklctor w«~ld probably be
hlrtd. thll year.
Allo JUU@S\ed a~ tht hirin&
ofanotherllnanelal a ldlcounHior and a full-lime &llllt ant
to the cam""" planner.
. Controller Ktlchpolntf'tlout
that belidHthe lacultya nd
cl.uallled po~ltlons are persons
'"'Oridna: lnttlf·IUIIalnlniJobl
l uch II In donnUorl<'l and Ctn·
le nwlwretheaalarles a re pald
ITO!n protlu of the lacllltlea'
operatlonlo. The~e pef'ICIIII
w~U u the food ltrvlce per·
IOI'I~I&ndiOillt tdmlnl•traton
,..hole ~al" are provided by
A tour of the Orient, 1~1-»
lnat a villi to " Expolll''lo
J t pan.wlll belponiOr'fdJ<n
Z'f to July lSbylht A!urrutl
Auoclallon of Ste-•tn• P o l~t
State Unlve~ty.
Alumni Dll'fl'tor ltkk Frfd.
erick, who will lcad.tht pv.:p
with hll wtle, J udlth. n ldllltrr
will ~ no llmlt on tMnurr.tltr
of penon& t lllllnl up. To dlt•.
II rtlti'VIIionl ht\'f bou
The tourw!U ckp.onlr oro
Mlnneapolll In 1 dli'KI !tip!
to Tokyo for nine daya ot •i.e!'~·
lhtreand lnot~r par.s
!ric train. Slot- "'i ll lnrll.ldt ~.,
Old Imperial . P alau, AIW"'
Kannon Tem ple. Kodoku 4IU
llaU. Tokoyo TO\'I~r. and t.'W
bi'OI'W! 1tatue of 8uddhl&ld
numtroo.t~ ea1t trn l'fliP,:.
.-"l'lnH and templf'l
Group memWr 1 " i ll bf •t
"Expo" on July 4 and Sbfloet
dtpanl~~~: lor Talpl'l. cspnal c4
"•'alwan and the J.ut l'fmtlnlrol
lln;~nlhold of Natlon1U11 Otln&
Fo llowlna 1 pall<'m Lhty ~lil
ut Jn Japanofttklngp~n\r,
k>cal custonu:by<'lll"'ditl/l!r
ln a klmono. thfotouritll•lll
participate ln a ~lon1ol!on \1.11>
becue In Taipei.
On J uly 1. the r;roop • 'i:l
le&\'e lor Bal\ltkok. 'Thaiilrd.
,.1\Jch II f• moos lor Lu bu·
1alnJ in lllb, ptvdOUI otcnrt.
bronMwa reandiiii.Oi)llf!r>piH.
f~ral t:ranll art not lneludcd
Thrft daysJ•tu , dwiJII II•
traction· will~ hl;hllJhlf'6 lion( Kq
- "'"""' ' Ill :(llf
day• one o l lhe hllllll, h:s•ill
~r-ll ov<"r lOO.
on tht harbor andtdlr>r>r'
party a bolrda llolllfll:l'fJII""
In the lOCal nwn~r of ~V<'r·
altyemployees, .
All told. full-llmt equl•· lmt
JIOiltlona ln. lhll catrxory n um-
beane•~nlnl mot~tcnrlot
f'redertct saki !he pri« l't'
be $1,495 10 in<\ulll'
~~~~~~ t~~~:. e:'~lld
aeve ral coo:ktaU ~rti<'!o Rtltf'
~:..~w:n~ a%~ :.:-~NI\~
We only serve the
pa"rt,. P:.f'::rt~~ ~n;'':
lor all
Hot Soup, Popcorn,
Milk, Fruit Juice,
lc. Cream, Condy.
All pricft ,..;o,.,blt.
No Brag Just Fact
Ope. S.hlttkJ
on.Mt 11.
Snack Shack
1, p,..J-S.Iftls Holl
. ....... ..::__
::-: ·:. • - :1~­
To Your Health
Thfo uact rm"thanlam Qf lnP.:I} frvm uposure to klw tt-m-
.....~-n. bu t
blood \ ' - b
<lunJ:U In
~1th olud~tlfli ol Uli! blood m ay
to.> an lmporU.nt factor. Tlltre
,.;,1,· •arlaHon In the abl!.
uy <'I
lndl•1duall to
lc!fratP Nld. Chanrn ol Injury
h) f\po.!fllff tO!oooo• tempr-ral\u-e
-••lfl<n'att'dby ;
A duldy pl(~nt"' akin
1 Ad•anu.~aceorpoprJli'IY·
>lUI <Uid<llon
Ano,.,la,or luk otOX>~n.
"WI hlrh al!ltude eUmblna or
Auurate ~ttnnlnatkln ol the
nt.-ntof ll»llt' d amate a t the
''"'~' of the original ~amina­
l>.<~ is lrtq~ntLy
Trcltnoent 'IONia~ of tho! fo l-
!.,.·'""'1 mnJurn:
I P.ril lllllllll)'ln ai"MUUTT•
t>Hotl\>il t R~J>Id
re•... rm~n& by moist
bcot" 'ftn ll dl'I1"H11 and
lil dtJt,... C. 11!8 fkogfeft and
IG ~rftl F. )
J Alter rt>o'&rml.,.:, UI'O"IIn!
"~oratroom trmJWrat~that
lt b.twet"n 21 o.kgreu and 24
c. 170-16 df'&NH ••_,
!i nl!IIICtory.
L'lt admlnUtntlon of auch
m-.y be Rl!eeuary u dt-lfrm lned by a ph.y1ldan.
Jt II t urrmtly fe lt the lndl·
Point Sta te Unlnrb.uketball tu m llnlshn
round ot eonle rt'net
•<1,-0i thll!wteklllhey tnvel•
I'd ~> t_. CrOIH Ju t nl&ht and
"'IIPb)·hosttoStout S.tul"day.
!M in•llansare~by~tter­
""" Jflohn ~lbo, Mike lltld~'>
l!l..ln. Pa~ Alk'r. and Ler o y
' '•OJ: S.:Jbo, a &T' 1 u a rd
'"'"' Stoughton, Ill the tndlnt;
'""""'· lotio¥.~ elootely by
H•t1•man a nd Y'oune "1th Al1•r ·' l•adl~ reboulllkr In 1M
LN r u r the lndlal\1 nnw..
"'' ,.,,han S.lt rt'rord and two
~; '";..;t~ ~~~t':t.e112~t~
••nf< \T-16.
Str.t~lll->ye•~ntnc tcoarue tead-
"'t ""''"
ln•·adH the Stevenl
f-. ,. ~ I,.Jdt.ou... S t:~at Is """'
~=:~:~a~~ ':; ~~~~:··ltl'l .
1-<t Yl!'llr Ste•"tnl Point and
111\o 1\lutde.-IIJ "~re co-cham~
• .,, of the StAte Unl•-en\1.)1
C•.>~>l· renc:e. Retumll'l$ fr o m
~Y>td llob EbHn. Clo\'er, a 5l•,t l, rwan,i, filiii.Md fourth
lh1< )'tat ranks s-e•-entl'l wllh
•n t! point aWr&J:t", ..'tllk'Ebl;en
1• nU ttnth with a l1.4 ave~.
lut Har Point defeated the
hl~,·Us 77-i01nthe f lrsl
u~. but bt liM! Mid tv.-o
il-(1 IIICI !1).88, the lUI CIIDC'
~bw a playoff for the CIO!Ifertnrtos NAL\ representatL'"'· Sle't'tll
&eriet 32-24.
Su t ~londay the
t::~':!. IOJnthethe~~
~tlnabel'lfel!'n thetwoc:tut.
Ste,~ns Point w:~n handily &11
~ Wamawb are kd by ,....
tllinlln ronferen.te aoor1ni:W'IIh
he:·~:~~~~ ::::e~
lht P<'trlous contat.
Tom Rlt1enthal~ 100 all ~~eor­
tn "'ilh 2' polntJ, hlttln1 on
12of20 •hotlbetore foulln1
out with l :ST left. Vsndc-n lleu•·fiaddt-d 20 and l<l!'n Rll~n­
CatTOII led North P10rk with
22 poinl.l, lolto..'fil by Crawford
with II and MeDonald and Rkh
s..-aMOn " '\th 13 each.
Cah·ln td~td ~ntral Collq;e
fi6.4S for the cham!>'
lon1hlp of the too.ornsment. Thr
Ftylnl Dutchmen 11\ned t h ot
fina .. by cltle~tlnc North Park
lnthe npenlng round, 16-l3.
Vanden lltuvtl and Tom Rlttenthlller of tlu! Pointers we~
namt'd to the 111-tournamtnl
tum, •lonr with Carroll and
Cn,.foo:lol Not1h Park, P heiPI
and \fltn o( Calvin and Ken
Oor!rman and Vtm Otn ll~rd­
er of Central Iow1.
l . Allow ex""'l•·c use o1 tobaceoor•null.
4. Apply
o r moll olntmtntl , Under any
dr.:unutances a fter Initial lint
aldll me ntione-d, a n evsluatlon
byone'sdoctor wouldberno-t
advt1a blco.
1llc flnt 'lut'ltlon tn thl l
rolumn ODmtsln an•pproprlltely (or approprlat"'y) from t he:
m a le: sca;mtnt ollhe populltlon
and Ilks " 'hit II the rhythm
method Q( birth conlml. 1llc
rtlythm method II amonc uri.,... WIYI tried In the pail to
1\'0id eo<>eept lon and II IIIII
..-ldc lypra cti«d today.
1\ haiCOIItrib\lledlolhiOWI'I II I"fduct \onof theblrthrate
b\ltlll nO ..-he~ near IJ rt'lil·
bte u o ther m r.thod1. Th~
rhythm method lor C(Jn\rolllnl
pi"Hornce ot the 1perm Ln the
woman when the ripened eq
II not to be pre~ornt. No product II Ulotd In th\1 method.
OVul1tlon csn be pl"fdletl!'d Ln
ho'O ways primarily. 'l'l>e ltrat
Is called the body ltmperl\ u~
tt>chnlql>t! bec:allll! you mus t
~~ ~~~c~·~~~~~ be~rtaln c:han,ln In the tcomptraturelndlnte thatovulatlon
..... OCC'IIl'ted. The ]lt'O<II!d.re
mulll be followed lor man y
months bec:llusc only by havtrc
• s-eries of COIII«Utlve months
at l'f!«<rdl!'d body tempenturca
cana thorou&hlyvalldprcdletlon at ovulation be m a de. The
a«ondmethod requlrt'Stherecordlnaol mtl'lltrua! eyc:tes for
mill)' monthl, Ideally a yu r .
Thll mearu ktep\na tndt ot
lnC'f\ltrual llow«~aealcndsr,
benet calt-ndar tcchnlqt>t!,
A formula can then be a pplied to thlll lnlorma tlon to determini!' the days «~...-hlch ovulation II mo$1 lllttly to OCC\Ir ,
abi!IM'!Ice on certa in d an l•
the ltut ol the probltnu p,._
s-ented by this method. lllc m.tc\11 problC'm Ia 10 know ..-hen
lbltlnencela lndlcated.
Unfortunately lhll canno1 be
COnlbtenUy dettnnlned wi th
ltcuracy lorany ..-oman betlllll! thco menstrua l eyc le II
!'('liable 11 the e alendar
ml&htlndia te.
U awoman'sperlodlareln-eaularlheufeandlll'lllfe da)'l
wilt be lrT't(Uisr. a\ao, Ulneu,
~k. orothtr phyilcalorcomo­
tion-al c:l'lana:H can clllturb the
JnC'nllfUII eycle and UPHI tl'le
c:.alc:ula Uonlof thf Umeolovulatlon.
ol.rtlytl'lmdependsonthec:are1'111 pmll«lon of ovulation lhls
ll'ftS\llarll;)' btoomt,.l handl-
Is thercfcn Lmpou.Lble 10
day a womsn wW owlata ewn
U 11M 111ualbr haa a n-cullr
menstNII pattern espe-o:la\.tr u
for \Mtanoe 11M t.ln lhe emo-
The rhyll'lm rncthoo:! 18 Mtlatlc:&ory lor.ornecouploesbut
~hawtoundlt tobenot
K. Rlbomtha le r
I"Q I'' T Tl'
V1ndtn lltu.-el
• 3-4 ll
from Intercourse shortly before.
2. Allow u1 e, upec:lally
"'f'l&ht bea rtna unleu ab&oluteJy ~ary lev•eu~tlon from
1 db11tn- a rea, cote. )
ltthertlon! l lte mptl tOa\'Okl
conecptlonby not a llo..-lna; the
Bruce Mtu"kert. (Mike Dominowakl Photo)
•·Ldual should not
"t) •
the 1lte of all futulll home gam~ for the
Polntent. Membe-~ ahown working are from
left to right: Rlehard Eby, Ct'Otf Dean and
1. Rub o r eompren the a lfeel"'f*l"'wlthltc.snow,or
eold watC't. Mauare or lrldlon
uf lny typt II hannful.
mt<lk Mionl u pt~\n rrllevtn
ond l nllt<aln and a nllbloUCll
Pointers Host
league Leader
On Saturday
MEMBERS Of" TilE unlve~ity hockey team
were working on a new hockey rink dlrecUy
behind the new fleldhouae. T he rink will be
Tom Ritzenthaler
Leading Scorer
Tom • Rltunthaltr captured
lheindlvldualblllkt tball scorlna: title lui )"ear and he Is
•aoodbet torepeat thiJ perforrnanccthlaseuon.
1llc S.nboojunlor Is c:urnontlylt-•dlna;the Polntl'rlln
acorlni: with a 19.7 muk. '!111~
~.,.. jmprovemcont OYff last
ye ar's l\'tra1e ol U .lllnd he
lscettlna betterwlth coachStc' 'ti'II Polntoutlna;.
Slturday ln a 6:9-&1 lwln,i
caUH a t llnt.pla~ £au Oalre
the '-4 fON'ard pouredlnU
polntt; Iori u roer high II
Stc-•·ens Point. In addition to
hiJ 31 polnu on 12 ol. 24 field
&OIIsandHVen of ellhllrft
thro\o,., hC' hauled down nine
£au O slre lineup..
F'orhlsltandout perlormanc:e
QIIMt £au Osl"• Rltzenthl ·
Ltr wu nominated by ltud
Coach Bob Krwre r as th e
Polntc-n ' candidate lor Player
ollhe Wtek In the Wlnonlln
State Untve nJt;y Confti'('I'ICC.
ln 12 c• mes 00 fir thil •e~100 he hu lt!OI"'!cc 236 polnta
to Jive him 1 c uter total of
IIChool record ol. 1,260 HI by
LaVe rn Lueblt.ori t.ck In the
late 1950'1. If Rlt:wnlhater
c:'!l>t!het o . =
~~rk' mldwaythrou&;hnext
1lo.Jinl\eH11011aeorJna lft--
ord 11 o:urrently held by tall
year 1tandout Mike IIU£t!es
" ithatotalol 4l 4 ..• 11!tlwo
IM'UUW 1£0. Rl~nthaiC't lt.u
10 llmH rcmalnlna on lhlll
)'ftl''l schedule. but U the
Polrttcn "~n! toelll'lt't- win • notherWSUCtlmorbeawarckd
a berth 1n ll'lc NAJA Dlall'kt
U pl-.yof&torlhl~ltorcp­
resent lhlsta~ In the natklnal
touma.ment 1n K1n1a1 Ot;y, 1M
1llc Mid five d ays lhoukl
leU U RlbC'nlhllet- oouJd have
tn.t ex11'1111me or two a t the
tnd ollhes-e.__, W~
the Pol.niC'rl tn.Yrkd to~
they'-' Stou! ... lhl t eam
theyaharedthetltte ..·lth lllt
year and the te-am which II
c urrt'nlly In lint pta«,
When 11M buketbaU 11!11011
Is OVC'f he will put his buketbaU shoN a•ltie lor 1 pair of
baii!INlllsplb-sandthebal kl!l·
ball will betradedlnlora
bueball u he wUI takt1 hla
plac:e In the Poln~n· pitctlln(
rolallon. Ue waa the teadln~t
squad Ju t -"111011.
Gymnasts Win
n..Stcv;e nsPolntStateum·
nastlc team rolk!d to Itt; third
Jtrala;ht win of \he s-enon Slturdayasltoi.rtJcort'd b o th
DuPaa:c Olllea;t' and r.titwaukte
Ana Tf<:hnkal Collf-lt II MHwa ukH. j
'l'l>e'- J>otnten o f Head Coilclo
Bob llmnecke amaued l OU
polnu 10 101.:1 lor DuPau and
96.9 fOC" NATC.
Despite the rt'iltlYcly ""Y
"1n. Umni!'Cke\YIInotowrly
pk'utd with tile perfom,.ncc
othlasqua4,butlhiJ..,..prob•l>ly eJu.osed by the month lay·
o ff kr OviJtmq and wme.tn-~ak.
" We didn't do ....~u . . we
had In preriool mteU," remarbdHtnnt(:ke,wtoole father
Is COIIeh of MATC. " I think
tile lhln(we had ewer-the oCher
ho'O trama wu that were
In I'I'IOit c:UH , . - . CGndltent
and hltourii'IO'Veseleanerlhl.n
Cary Schlwlcler and M i k e
WeLns.tc-ln botl'l from the wuwauk'H area~ the l'flum
lr1p home. Schneider, a IC'ftlor
t rom 8t'Own Dftr, wu the al\around w!Nocrand allo cs ptund honors In 11M horilontal
bar, Wtilw~ln. a aenlor trom
Msn.hall hJa;h KhaOI and I
trarufer trom MATC WI ye1r,
capt~ the kJIII hone awnpetition, W~teln was allo HCondlnbotl'llhetreoecJCCn:il<:!
• and on lhC'IIW riflp,
Pau.l DlOo.ant, a )lnb- trom
around and a11o MDDnd on the
parallel 1114 bori-.1 bart.
" '
.. ''
"20 2'2-28 62
1'"1' T l'
P hel,_
~ ~
Van Dyke
1'' 0 1'"1' Tl'
Vanck-n lleu.-t l
T. Rltzenthalt r
I~ ~
K, Rltunth~k-r
33 12-16 1ll
f'G 1'-,- T l'
II 0-1 22
1 4-4 Ill
6 1-3 l:t
l 2-l
1·1 13
liTE\ ' t;SA l'OI!\'T
S 0RT11 l'AltX
Shootln1: Pfl'«'ff1411es ,.-152 :-;"P: .Q .
And i.i·s a growth busincou. We're bu~d,n&
new ~tdoandilinlccnuts,upandinloth·
Crl.' ' Out product lines arc &rowin& and
d iYmifyins.
We'•e'etowin&'Challengc our stltnnent. ,Jo ust with a
Pc:nncy'srtpresentatin. We'reintcrcitcd in
p r!Wingout point.
J. C. Penney Co., Inc.
ColltteRrl.:r/onr -11
}~~~!. ·~::~~~:~'~o~t"'/~:;
Campus Interviews
offers the most
February 19
31 1~24 ll
.IIT£\' E...,-8 I'OtST
Jl U.--f1
Suons 111ttm rnt! No " ifi'. No "one-of·
the's". We just do n' t bcliC'vc anyone nn
beat what we have to offer. Penll(y's ~tote
manasement pr01,ram will put you in tile
ma.usemmt brxkn, more rapidly th an in
anyotllerbusinesswe know. And"l' kno w!
MaumcrchandisinJIIamanasemen tthin&lt'sapeople lopeoplt'busineu . •• sellin&
idus: man•&inJpeoplc, merchandisinJ feSt
J onuory 29, 1970
Poge 10
Blast· Titans For Win
Blugolds · Sneak By
Pointer '5', 69 ·64
By Tl.'ll IAliCH
Ea1.1 Claire Stak Vnh-ere.Lty
ltd ahn01t a LL the way and N<kl
off ~evere.l lat~ ral!IH to delui St~Vtl\l Point State In an
Jmpol'tant «~nltrente battle last
Saturday at Eau C\alre, tiS-64.
With the •·lctory, tht Slll&')kb
solidified their ahareol the
... t up tht<lr s/1010-do>ooTI atM ...
nomlnfe last n[&tlt . Ea1.1 Claire
Lmpro1"td Ita WSUC m a rk to
6-1 ,...-l llll<ll"l'ra llllatetoU·l.
Tiw- Polnten,wM.-nttredtiMI
IIITW! ji,Lit QM-IIalf 11...., brhlnd.drop~ to .f.21nc:onft r­
tnct play and 1~ <IVtraU.
Both tunu ....,re rold In lhf
urly 101111• ...-! Ea1.1 Oalre
jwn~ 101 an 11~ ~ad after
Jel"fll mlnutH ol play . n.e Bill·
KOkllltn>tthfd their If-ad I<>
~e•~n p<~lnta, 21·14, ..-u.h 1 :41
Jtfl bffon the Pulnttn bq;an
!<!ra lly.
Tom llllz<'nthalerhlta baaktt
and came back nMlllltlllll later
tht<scoreat2f.lollwllh a lonl
Jl,lmp allot "1th 1:20 lf-1'1.
n.e teams tndfod lltld goal•
In thtttnal minute ..-dthtlulll
enck>dlnatle.ll-31 .
T<>m Rlttenthaler ltd allatw<'l"'ln tiM!ha lf""'lhllpolnlll,
andWH tphal
a~eS. ht.
Frank Schade led Eau Cla ire
ter Mike RaLILff added ~eve n.
E au Claire dominated the
ea rly &Olnlln the ttoondtuolf,
and thre-e balketo b)' Ra tlltf
lllUrt!dththOitllnl<!a4l ...l5
Orlc:t a c a ln. Tom Rl~ntha·
ltr ltd a Pointer nlly u he
poured In fh.., balkell In aeven
M001fllll Later, QIILM Van.
dm H~uvtl atole tht ball lrorro
Schade and Bob Htnnlna drove
t he~ofthtlloorfora
layup, and the Pointtl"'l held
..-t.atpi'CII"edtobethtl r <~nly
Eau Claire responded with
~lt:ht llralt:hl polnll to take a
rommandinc 56-49 ~ad, with
nine mlnUIH ~II . .
Tom RJttn~thaler. Who scored
oontln~~M to arore dftplte do...
ltnolve •d.Juatmenlll by Eau
Oalrt. and he and Wtttphal
ea~h l«lrf'd to pull St~Wnl
Polnt within four, 62411. wlfh
F<1llowln& a mS.IItd lhot by
Eau Claire, tht Polntel"'l h1d
• l'hllnce to d raw wlthln lwo
poinlll, but I bad pau lOIII In•
ltl'ftpltd by Ratlltf and St~•·e
Jolulson &OtlooH fora l ui
brea k layup to fl:h"e tiv BluI'OIIdosomebt"tathiiiii'OOm·
Wt-~tpl\a l hit 1 pair (It frH
~~:1·:2T~~n~ J::1 ~
1reat htlrht advan taa~. •nd
Ratliff onared 13. Vanden Heuve l and TCIITI Rltuntbaler nl'h
t>UUed OO..n 10 and Wtttph.al
Stever. Polnt'l
· aquad tra lloe-d 111 tht ,...y In
throw and J~ sankapalr
a l02-881outotheBiugoldjun.
to &1•·e the Slurolda a ufe 61·
lor Vll"'ll!y. Cary Manchtlter
60 lead. with 1:10 ~fl.
potl1"td In 39 polnl.ltoleld Eau
Tom Rltunthaler u nk a pair
<II: fre-e throwo , but the Polnten
Ruu Kurth
In Loe-d th e
"~"" Wllble to break
lr01h with 19 polnll, and cot
Clalre's1ta ll and the came end- . 11ron1 IUppOrt from Arv Htlet~ mome-nta lattr with the Blu1011 and Dean Wuchtrtr ""'lh
Ratliff top))Pd Eau Claire with
20 J)<linll, l<llto.."td by Sctuode
ro n TP
with 14, and Tom J ackson and
3 0.1
Je>hniOn with 12 eal'h.
1 0.1
Tom Ritzenthaler took &lllTie
8 .., :10
100rln1 hon:>l"'l for the Polnten
2 1·2
wlth anoullltandln&shootlnlu,
J ackson
S 2-2 12
went Into a llall .
Rtotlllf wa1 looltd and mlolltd
the fre-e throw and the PolnLB"I
rebounded. only to turn the ball
ove r lfl:lln<>natraveUnavlo-1111<111. nuiiLIY\111 • . lonl jump
1~ bYVandftl Heuvtl.
J<lhn SleUer hit one f r e e
throwa l<>r 1 total of .S1 polnll.
WH!pl\al played a fine &lme
and added 15 poinll. but no
~ ~
~~~~~(: ::: ~~~tzen~~:: j
~~n·.,.~t ~~:~""eta~~
<Iff 15 more •Uempbl, 15 to
Sttvtnl f'olnl"• liD, and ou\l«<rtel the Polnttl"'l, ».24, from the
ncld. n.e Polnttra hoold a .16-9
rd&t In fre-e thi"OWI .
E • u Claire held a ollm 39-36
tda;e In rtboundl111 dtspllt a
K. Ritzenthaler
~ ~ ~
2 · 2-3
0 1-2
0 o-o
24 16-2t &I
Sl ,._.
KHI VerCowe ltd an Qlhkoah
5 :..~ththelht
Lncreutd lhelr c:onterenu H-e01rdto .. l a ndlhdr oY1!rall
thtlrltad with • flurry of tree
::·~ ~ ':i:C !~ ~~
Stev- Point took the kad
from the oullel and. ltd moat
nt the wll)', allhou&h ()ehlwlh
In the ltl"'ll five mlnutH.
Howe-~tr, lht lint ouulde
ahootina Ill Quinn Vanden lieuvel 1nd Tom Rit:&entllak,.. and.
htl~ the Pcllnttn build an
11 pOintltad.]6..25,wlthalx
mlnut" ltfl tn the haU.
Crtc Seibold and Jim Hild
11!'d a n0shlcolhrallytllattrlm·
med lht Polnltl"'l J.ead to just
nve, 4~. at halttimt. Thl
Polntl'tl ....,re v~ry oold from
tht freetlv"ow linelnlhtllrst
half and mlaled stYtrall~
lhrows on the lint a ttempt In
abonutJ!tuatlon. Sti!Yt,.Polnt
unkjuat atxofHcharlty!CIUtllnthehl ll.
Tom Rltun!IWer paced the
Pointers In the hall ..i!h 14
polnu, ln<:ludlnf six Oil nine
fk!ld coal att~mJ)I.I. Vanden
Heuvel added 13 marten, hit·
tin&"alx<ll:l.Oohota, a nd We~!·
nectlnroo fourolahcattempta.
Seibold. a ruaed " · 220
pound c:enter , and. J im Hlld led
the 1111111 with t ilhl polnll
ea chlntheha lf.
SttvtiUI Point lncreued ill
Pointers Edge St. Norbert's, 78-76
hlttlnc 13 ol 4~ allempu. at
By nM LA.t!Ctl
St~wnl Point State Unlwr·
free throw lhoot - to lake a
~16 thriller !rom St. NorbC'rt
O:.Lit1e In a n<l~H:"Qnfertnct
ramt a t BtrJ Cymnulum la1 t
WMMJday ~~~nLnr.
Wllh tht victory, tht Pulnl·
~I'll lmpro"f'd their o1·cra1L l'f<>.
ord to 7-t ..t.Lk the Creen
Knlgh\1 11Lpptd to &-5.
St. Norbert led In the urly
coLn1. but Tom Rltunthalt r "a
ce nt oo16ofl4 .
Tnm Rillll'nthalrr Jc..d tht
Polnt~r1 with nine rolnll , 1<11to.o.'td by Bob Uennlnr with
:!~~~-and KHI Ritzenthaler with
en ahead. 12·1l, with IS mlnutu
In the half. a nd St.,.
Pulnt lead for n101 t nf
the hall.
In the doalnr mlnutH <If the
hlll,lhevlslton ra llltdbehlnd
theahoo!IJ11olthelroutatandinc lorward. J a ckC..bltr, a nd
sophonl(lre forward DuWayne
Nuh. Two field lf')&ll by c~b-­
ler a nd one by Nuh ca•·e St.
Norbert 11M! lead, 32-31, with
lhrf.tmlnutealetllnthe half.
1lle Pointers, who had not
o;emeater uaiN, ..·ere 1~ry
eoldlromltle lloorlnlhefln..L
mlnutttollht h1Ll. and St.
Norbert 11rtlclled Ill a dvantare
10 3&-33 by tuolnimt.
Gebler, who hal been an all1'e~
yeart. ltd the Gretn KnLChlll
Nuh a nd Stel'e o.ntn addofd
centlromthelloorln the hall,
Ea rly In the ltc:ond ha lf. St.
Norbert led by u much u
elrht polnll., 411-40. bt lor~ tho:
Polnt~rs tMo~:an to rally.
lleMLnc aeored<~~~a drl•·lnr
layup and mommll latt r si<>Lt
toned to Qulnn Vanden lle u•·el,whooeortdtaallyl<>tlt
the 1•me. f"ollowlnl a m!Ptd
allot, H~nnln1 was fooled aml
Pointers ahead. 51·50, wilhlt:l6
remain in&".
C..bler put St. Norbert back
In front with a p~lr ol lleld
JCOIII, and the Knlc hts he ld the
lead for the nexttll·e m!nu\.1'1.
Vllndtn Htuvel •nd Tom R!t;renth.alersparkP<IIht r a lly !hat
eventually drckled tht game.
Va nden ll euvel"a two fr e e
th,_-. with 1llt mlnute l Ltn put
the Poin ters In front , 62-61, and
lfeMinl brW<e loOit lor 11
layuplofi:L>"tthe Polntctall
ut mln&IY nfe 72-Gi lead, with
just 1:30 left. but the ~tilton
were not 1bo1.1t to cLw up.
Naah hit a jump lhot and
~hlrr added a kln1 jumper
and a palrol frtt th,_.. wt.Lie
the Polnten mana1ed ji,Lit a
lrte throw by Hennlnr . and
7J..72. with l11t<:OIId1
l-'ebltr iLOiethelnboundlp~u
and swred, •ppa~nlly rl~Lng
lht Knlxhl.l tht lead, but ihl'
ba1ktl lOII I di$&Jiowed II ht.10/IIII'IIJedfotlra,_.e Jinr .
Vanden ll euvel waa fouled
with n IC.'t<lndllett, a nd c:ooty
sankapal roldll tltytoaa<-s .
livLnc thtPolntal5-72f'dcc.
Plot C.Uahan Clmt back with
a hUktlwlth el&ht U'Cond& Lei!
to brine St. Norbl>rl within nn.c
11ain. but 1'>m RLI«ntha l~r
w u foultdandcanntdanotMr
IL•·elt"COftd• le n to put the
game out ol re1th.
Null JCOI'ed Un«lnLHII'd " "L\h
ont at<:Ond ltfl. and ROOby
WH tphaL sank a fre-e throw.
KLYLI\I lht Polnltn their final
miTJil\n <II victory. 78-76.
Tom Rltunthllcr nnc:e •1aln
lt>ppedtt.c Polnter•Lna""rlnz,
hl tt lllfl: on five of sewn a ttemptolnthe~half
t. •
flnilh with 22 polnl.l. Va nden
II<.'Uwlhad 1 t•re <11f·nl1hl
shoot!nr. as hoo hlt JI,Lit loor
with u polnu. a l dld lfe MinJC .
KHI RLI:uonthaltr waothe fourth
Polnt~r In doohle liCUI'H wllh
11 . Wt ll[lha l addtd eLaht mark·
tl'l. lndJohn Goodwin. 'Nho
Jl"rlormtd ....,u In 1 ~r.·c
roll. eontrlbuted~even.
C.l.>ler eaally toot a ame honn,...ullteollrc:ttd3Sp<~Lnta.
1lntln1 U ol21iohol.l,and pull.
l"d down IS rebound1 aa well.
Naoh 11ddtd 20polntaand bloc:k·
td IL•·e aholl. allll OMnen hlt
12 marktn.
n,~ Pointer-a 'MI:re <1\lllrorl.'d
lrom the floor, 32-28. but made
22 ollS ll'ff throwo. white \ht>
Creen KnLKhll hit 121>1 2l char·
llyl.oiJotl .
St. N01rbert htld the flla;e In
ahootlnl perrc:nll&t, u
.. nt 32ol12ahol:l. 1 .4U clip.
~~ :;!:,o'~ e;~~~:
Stewn. Point Stale Unlwr·
lityhtldottado!tenntnedaeeood hair comebatk and deiU I·
ed WSU.()ahkoah, IMl, In I
conftrtn<:el•me played<~nJan.
their HalOn l"ftord I<> 4-3 hy
de futLnrtheSt.Not-bertjunlorvartity.,&l-59.
Vanden Heuvel
T. Rltzenlhaltr
K. Ritzenthaler
rr Tl~
0 o-o
0 o-o
0 04
28 %2-l:i 18
21 of 18 ane m]>ll .
In tht pftllminary 11me, lht
~~~'::=::h.:.. '!:v.~:r:
Rltztnthaltr nnk five
1 ~1eu~~
added three 011 four and Bob
llennlnlfou.r olailt u thenIII\I'MI:reforee-dlofoul ...·hen
the Polntcrt
f:l~ ~=~ :t'::~ ~cJ::
over the11~-
Sttv,na Polnthtida
~ ~~·ldnSO:: ·:~,";;;,:;!
lor 11 .SID m ark. 1lle 11tllll
cot oH 19 ahol.l, 24 rroore \h.lln
Pointers HaCe
T~p Swimmer
am Mrh.lenbt<:k h asn' t awam
rompttltlvely l<1r th.e Pill two
yean, but he had no clllfleulty
1 ettln& •diluted to the "'"er
lnhilf!ntdua lmcetatStevelll
"n.e Sprlncfle ld. 111. lrt1hm1n
aetapalr<!lPolnte rreconil
In a IOILIW ciUM lhS. put
.."Httnd . n>eS.U,llll>pound
11raduate of Rodltoter hllh
School set both a pool and
1~hool record In the
frrc:scylewlth a ttmeof :ZZ.&:i.
lteatsobettertdthepool re.:on1
In the IOO.yl rd frtHtYit with
1 :SI.Oefl()rt .
lnaddltk..tohla llnttlmetl
In lhe two lndlvld!IIL e~enll he
also anchori!'d the victorious
Pointer 400-ya rcllret~tyle relay
Mthlenbeck'l parents mo~P<I
lntntheRocheatrrlthooldillrid whiLe ht was 1 junior and.
at that achool 1 , ..·Lm tum
not part ol lhoo lihletlc
As ))lrt of a twlm club In
Rocheater heq!lllllledfortht
llllnoll State m eet Jut )'ta r
with 1 tlme 01f :22.6 In the
50-yard lrel'ltyle . llt hlta bl..d
tum In tht flnal1 and failed
llildebut at Stevens Point
" "aa qulteJpectatullr,butun·
doubtt<.U,y will bruk hlo own
reoorda on Hl"eral occasloru
prlortohlslr&duatlon f our
)"tats lrorro now.
SteYens Point State Statistics For 12 Gomes
H Ia W'SUC and ' "' OnnJI
FOMFOA.. Pd. FTM FTA.Pd. R.eb, PFTP A vr.
Tom Rltullth&ltr _
Q . Vanden Heuwl -·
l<e nRitztntllaler •.. _
Bob Hennlnc ____ ..
RobbWtttphll __ ._
RUMCoiOllllkl ••.•.•..
96 192 .S00 - 44
86 36 236 19.7
Ei ~i ~ ~ ~: ~ i!
E~oaf.~:~~~~; !H
2 .000 2 2
5.200 o 0
TOTAI...S ···-···-·-·-··.356 772 .461 210 312
OPPONENTS -··--··--~~ -~~Li:'
Mike Connan -··-·-·- 0
M!keEMhenbl..uch •... 1
SP 66,
SP 51.
SP 92,
SP 89,
SP 105.
SP 13,
SP 74,
SP 62.
SP 18,
SP 88,
SP 18,
SP 64,
75 195 .38:1 ~ 68 .1'9..1 86 ~ 2G4 11.0
59llO.Sl6 28 41 .683 10 2114612.1
39 12-'"42 34 59 .S16 49 18112 9.3
48 90533 22 33 .667 95 44 118 9.8
3 1.sn 4 s.m 3 4 102.5
Wheaton 11
Winona ~
St. Mary'• 66
Whitewater 73
Rl\"er Falll 69
Superior 53
Platttvllle 89
Cal•in 'T7
Nonh Park 14
Olhkoah Sl
St. Norbert 76
Eau Claire 69
Sat1.1rday, J anuary
Monday, Febn1ary
Coffeehou se Presents
"Ille '"NII~ivz Trace·· ..-m be
Gridii"'OIIU partol the Unlwr•
oily Actlvltlea Board lpOnSOred
CofftoehouH leritl.
Pllf Time Wort
Em $50 - $60 Wk.
Hl&h Se<lnr
Vanden Heuvel,
Vanden Heuvel.
Henntnc. 22
T . Rlu.tnthaler,
T . Rlt:l.tnthaler,
V1nden Heu•·el,
T . Rltunthaltr,
H t nnlnc. 13
T. RIW!ntlull.er,
T . Rlu.tntha~r.
T. Rltunttuoltr,
T. R!tztn lh.aler,
a -:
1.000 O· 0 2 2.0
.000 0 0 2 1.0
.613 4!56 193 920 76.6
.6S8 410 230 ~ 10.8
1l0S Stt-o"tt A•o,
l e ren's Bar
To Leave
31., Sl<!ut Here
2 Mil" No.tt.
0 11
H wy., 51
Finest in Live Entertainment
Pour Haus
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