Be it resolved the Iowa Legislature:

Agriculture and the Environmental
Be it resolved the Iowa Legislature:
adopts land use zoning designed to require development and
redevelopment inside cities and towns whenever reasonable sites
are available.
eliminate taxpayer subsidies of new development on tillable farmland
and natural areas
create phased tax subsidies to organic farmers.
Be it Resolved:
Enact a national meat packer ban to stop the industry’s vertical
Limit farm subsidies to $250,000 per farming entity.
Reform and expand FDA food inspection of domestic and foreign
origin foods and require and enforce Country of Origin labeling on all
Support high-speed internet service to rural areas.
Global Climate Change
We support:
* reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2020.
increasing Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency Standards (CAFE
Standards) to 50mpg by 2020
development and production of alternatively powered vehicles
energy conservation in the operations of all levels of government including new construction
and transportation.
expanding public transportation and facilitating the use of bicycles
the use of renewable energy sources including wind, solar power and
biomass to generate 35% of the nation’s electricity by 2025.
Requiring energy generators and suppliers to generate and purchase
a greater percentage of their supply from renewable energy sources
"net billing."
we support:
* an immediate moratorium of new or expansion to existing CAFOs (Confined
Animal Feeding Operations) until local zoning permit regulations are
* legislation giving sole power to local zoning authorities through a permit
process to site new CAFOs and/or to expand existing CAFOs; establishing
enforceable odor regulations.
* Require the State of Iowa to enforce the Clean Air and Water Act to clean up
and prevent point/non-point CAFOs and Industrial pollution.