Systems Thinking/Systems Changing Simulation Game

Systems Thinking/Systems Changing Simulation Game
You will play six months of the three-year simulation game, in which you will become a
member of a team appointed by the Superintendent of the Verifine School District (VSD)
to help change the school district into a continuously improving learning community
(please, refer to Senge’s reading to refresh your knowledge of the learning organization).
Your goals are:
1) to move most members of the school and community represented in the VSD
through the stages of becoming a learning community – from Awareness to
2) to produce as many learner benefits (Bennies) as possible through improvements
in teaching and learning.
To achieve as much as possible in the first six months of the simulation, you will need to
learn about people who represent the VSD and with whom you will work to change the
school district for the better. You will also engage in a series of activities to foster change
in this district and its staff. In addition, you may consult with experts to solve the
problems you encounter.
You will have a budget of 40 bits to spend each year. Plan carefully what proportion of
your budget you can spend in the first six months effectively. You cannot carry over the
unused funds.
People in the VSD:
1) The Verifine School Community includes an administrative staff and a school
board, a K-5 school, a 6-8 middle school and 9-12 secondary school. This district
has a diverse student and community population.
2) Get acquitted with twenty-four people you will try to influence in the simulation.
Think about those people who will be active change agents and followers. Plan
your communication with different people strategically.
3) Use People Descriptions pdf file to get to know these people, or use the People
button on the bottom of the game-board to access such information.
1) The activities you may conduct to enhance the transformation of the community
are located to the right of the game-board. Only those activities marked with a
green mark can be conducted during the first six months. Click on the green mark
to read about a particular activity and follow further instructions.
2) These activities should be aimed towards informing, interesting and supporting
school staff and community in the process of becoming a learning organization.
3) Each activity has instructions for you to follow. It also contains information about
the cost of the activity in bits, so try to spend your budget wisely.
4) You will receive a feedback after each activity. People may move in the stages
which will evidence your success. You may receive Bennies (for example, gains
in learning). Your goal is to move as many people as possible and to produce as
many Bennies (learner benefits) as possible.
1) When you are struggling with problems you encounter during your work, you can
ask experts to help you.
2) Each consultation will cost you bits, so keep your budget in mind while playing.
3) Click the Experts button on the bottom of your game-board to see the experts’
opinions. Choose a problem that is of particular interest and you will receive more
information on how you should proceed.
Before playing this game, be sure to read through the Tutorial accompanying the
game. Lucky playing!