“All In The Family” Pedigree Analysis


“ All In The Family ”

Pedigree Analysis

What is a pedigree?

• Pedigree charts show a record of the family of an individual.

• They can be used to study the transmission of a hereditary condition.

• Useful when there are large families and a good family record over several generations.

Why use one?

It is a Key Tool in Human Genetics

It is like puzzle-building – you try assigning potential genotypes until the pieces fit

Symbols Used

• Normal male

Affected male

Normal female

Affected female

• Marriage

A marriage with five children, two daughters and three sons. The middle son is affected by the condition.

Eldest child  Youngest child

People who have children together are connected by a horizontal line:

Their children are connected to them with a vertical line. Siblings are connected as shown.

Organizing a Pedigree Chart

– Generations are identified by Roman numerals





And more organizing…

• Individuals in each generation are identified by Arabic numerals numbered from the left

• Therefore the affected individuals are

II3 , IV2 and IV3





Patterns of recessive traits

• may appear to “ skip ” generations

• most children of normal and affected parents are normal

– AA x aa ---> Aa

• all children of two affected parents will be affected

– aa x aa ---> aa

A Pedigree of a Recessive Human Trait

Note: Trait can appear in offspring of parents without the trait.

Heterozygotes who do not show the trait are termed carriers.

Patterns of dominant traits

• at least one parent must be affected in order for children to be affected

– Aa x aa

• normal parents will always produce normal offspring

– aa x aa ---> aa

A Pedigree of a Dominant Human Trait

Note: Trait appears in every gen. and ½ the offspring of an affected heterozygote are expected to show the trait.

So, let ’ s practice…


• PKU is a recessive disease where sufferers lack a protein needed to properly digest foods. It can be fatal if untreated.

In EduCreations…


H = healthy h = PKU

1) Manny and Rosa are married and both are healthy.

2) They have 3 children.

3) Their oldest child, Jacob, has a recessive disorder called


4) Their middle child Erica and their youngest Matthew are healthy.

Hint: Fill in what you know first!


H = healthy h = PKU

If only it was that simple!

The next generation…

5. Erica meets Moe at college and they get married.

6. Erica and Moe have 2 daughters.

7. Their youngest daughter Jamie shows signs of PKU while Amy does not.

• Fill in the genotypes of the four individuals. (start with what you know)

Sickle cell anemia (recessive) pedigree

Hint: 3 unknown hh hh hh

Start with the shaded circles and squares.

They must be hh because they have the disease.


H = Healthy h = Sickle cell disease

Sickle cell anemia (recessive) pedigree

Hint: 3 unknown H hh


H hh




H hh H H

Everyone else is healthy so they have at least one capital H.



H = Healthy h = Sickle cell disease

Sickle cell anemia (recessive) pedigree

Hint: 3 unknown H h hh


H hh




H hh H H

George must be

Hh because he fathered Wilma and Tom. If he was HH, none of his kids would have the disease.


H = Healthy hh h = Sickle cell disease
