Construction Engineering Syllabus


Construction Engineering Syllabus

Course Overview

Students will be introduced to and learn various skills, terminology, and principles associated with past and current

Construction engineering methods. These items will be taught through: classroom lectures, assignments, and/or visual aids; laboratory demonstrations, hands-on laboratory practices and projects.

Each student will also learn related vocational career pathway skills used in Career and Technical Education assessments and skill standards.

Grading and Participation Requirements

Because this is highly technical class, the emphasis on the understanding of engineering terminology and the completion of laboratory projects will curtain the majority of the class time. They will also be awarded the majority of the grading points.

Student Supplies

Most laboratory supplies will be provided by the department.

Each student must wear eye protection while in the lab. Commercial safety glasses can be purchased through the department, but if a student wishes to bring his/her own eye protection, this is allowed. I must approve any outside eye protection before the student uses them.

Storage of student lab projects can be done so in the lab storage cabinets, or the individual student may take their projects with them at the end of class each day. Any lost or stolen project(s) is the student’s responsibility to make up.

Each student is expected to have a writing instrument with him/her and paper at each class meeting

Weekly Lesson Schedule

(Subject to change)

Week 1

Introduction to class

Discussion of rules and requirements

Tour of facilities

Examples of past/possible future projects

The Nature of Engineering

The History of Engineering

Recent changes in Engineering

Week 2

Basic Measurement

Precision Measurement

Land Measurement Principals

Surveying Equipment

Land Surveying Labs

Week 3 - 4

Land Surveying Lab

Exam: Measurement and Land Surveying

Week 5 - 6

Shop Safety

Structure design

Structural Engineering



Unit Review

Exam: Engineering

Week 7 - 10

Introduction to Robotics

The history of robotics

Current uses and trends in robotics

Group Lab work

Unit Review

Exam: Robotics

Week 11 - 12

Introduction to career planning

Searching for possible career options

Resumes: Developing, writing, editing, and choosing

Job applications

Job interviews

Job interviews continued

Review Career planning, resumes, job interviews

Unit Review


Additional Assignments/Information

In addition to the above listed assignments, lab projects, and exams; there will be several quizzes, both pop and announced.
