Reading Informational Text and Writing
Unit Name:
The New World – Unit One
I can recognize and correctly use terms commonly misused which
relate to grammatical rules.
I Don’t Get It / I Kinda Get It / I Get It But Need More Practice / I Get It
Learning Target 1:
I can identify and understand key details and ideas in what I read.
Learning Target 2:
I can summarize what I read.
Learning Target 3:
I can identify and analyze (break into smaller parts and then look
at how the parts relate to or affect the whole) an author’s purpose
(his or her main goal for the writing) and point of view (his or her
viewpoint, the position from which the author was looking at the
Learning Target 4:
I can identify and analyze an author’s assumptions and biases
(preferences or beliefs that keep a person from being objective,
opinions that influence how they look at things).
Learning Target 5:
I can identify and analyze the theme of a text.
Learning Target 6:
I can form and write an argument to support claims developed
from my analysis.
I Don’t Get It: I really just don’t understand at all.
I Kinda Get It: I understand the concept or can recognize the parts or the problem, but I don't know how to accomplish the skill, task or perform the activity. I can do it with help.
I Get It, But Need More Practice: I know how and understand, but I need to concentrate to perform the skill, task or activity. I can do it, but it’s not easy and requires a great deal of work.
I Get It: I know how to accomplish the skill, task or activity without thinking about it too much. I feel comfortable enough with the concept that it isn’t too difficult.
I Don’t Get It: I really just don’t understand at all.
I Kinda Get It: I understand the concept or can recognize the parts or the problem, but I don't know how to accomplish the skill, task or perform the activity. I can do it with help.
I Get It, But Need More Practice: I know how and understand, but I need to concentrate to perform the skill, task or activity. I can do it, but it’s not easy and requires a great deal of work.
I Get It: I know how to accomplish the skill, task or activity without thinking about it too much. I feel comfortable enough with the concept that it isn’t too difficult.
Patient Name
I Don’t Get It: I really just don’t understand at all.
I Kinda Get It: I understand the concept or can recognize the parts or the problem, but I don't know how to accomplish the skill, task or perform the activity. I can do it with help.
I Get It, But Need More Practice: I know how and understand, but I need to concentrate to perform the skill, task or activity. I can do it, but it’s not easy and requires a great deal of work.
I Get It: I know how to accomplish the skill, task or activity without thinking about it too much. I feel comfortable enough with the concept that it isn’t too difficult.