Document 11682556

Long Island Sound call 4/23/13 12:00pm General •
We need to support the collection of data for local group Shared information and data needs to be put into perspective, relates to neighboring LIS areas Report card group (IAN) makes recommendations to support groups with data and help them get the most out of the data Longer concept in mind focuses on more than volunteer efforts. Want to focus on water quality sound wide Recently created a partnership with state to communicate through maps displaying water quality states Shows how LIS water quality varies based on location and other variables Look at conditions of water along with items causing stress and pollutions (50 embankments) Initiated discussions on how report cards already in use can be used in LIS to communicate most efficiently Involve labs and more well-­‐funded groups (Harbor Watch in Norwalk) to increase usefulness of data Need for data quality indicator associated with data End users want someone to look at data independently to verify quality Sentinel Site monitoring network – LIS study work group, identified things which should be monitored in relation to climate change, coastal and terrestrial coastal areas – How to visualize data, only know who has what. Nitrogen loading work being done now, changing land use modeling could show outputs Legislation required DEEP to record and show raw sewage overflow – possible project Focus on wildlife in the sound Report Card •
Report cards are used as annual snap shots Integration & Application Network website (IAN) use 6 specific indicators o Taken from IAN website § Chlorophyll a § Aquatic Grasses § Dissolved Oxygen § Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity § Water Clarity § Phytoplankton index of Biotic Integrity § Water quality index § Biotic Index § Bay Health Index In producing website visuals they are able to see trends which are lost in non-­‐visual data This has resulted in peer pressure between regions to do better and increase water quality User group volunteers measures and collect data, create report cards based on standards Seminar series, filmed and posted on website, 15 minute max •
BayStat – Maryland site used for water quality indicators Tripp •
Interested in people touching base Small pilot project, Harbor Watch data or state data 