(i) Programme No. Programme No.: 2.08 Programme

Programme No.:
No. 2.08 Programme Title : Development of Video programmes
on Hindi teaching at Secondary and Higher
Secondary Stage.
Hindi language teaching needs to be supported with other inputs like audio-video, CD
Rom besides the textbooks, supplementary and additional reading materials. Through
visuals (video) languages and literature can be taught. Video inputs will be of great value
for teachers to facilitate teaching of Hindi language and literature. At this stage it is
necessary for students to understand and appreciate the literary texts such as poetry and
prose. Earlier so many documentaries have been prepared with the focus on the poets and
authors only. This video programme will focus on the content or text which is not very
accessible for classroom teaching. Video input will improve the quality of classroom
Specific Objectives :
To identify the topics of orientation on Hindi teaching at secondary and higher
secondary stage.
To develop programmes brief on identified topics at secondary and higher
secondary stage.
To develop video scripts based on the programme brief on Hindi teaching at
secondary and higher secondary stage.
To develop video programmes on Hindi teaching at secondary and higher
secondary stage.
Methodelogy :
Content or topics will be identified for the video programme with the help of subject
experts, teacher educators and teachers. Programme brief will be prepared in the
workshop. On the basis of the programme brief scripts will be developed, reviewed and
finalised by subjects experts and teachers. On the topic or content, interview of teachers
educators/subject experts will be recorded. Video programme will be based on classroom
transactions. The programme will be completed in collaboration with CIET.
Faculty involved:
Dr. Lal Chand Ram, Assistant Professor, Hindi, DEL
Dr. Kamlesh Rai, All faculty members of DEL
Other details
(a) Development
(b) New
(c) Rs. 1,10,000/-