(REV. 02/2015)
Policy Statement:
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology holds a zero tolerance regarding the possession and/or use
of firearms, explosives or weapons (hereafter referred to as “weapons”) on or in property, real and
personal, owned or controlled by the Institute. All members of the Rose-Hulman community and
all visitors (excluding law enforcement personnel), are prohibited from possessing weapons on the
premises of the Institute regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has
been issued to the possessor.
Reason for Policy/Purpose:
Rose-Hulman is committed to providing a safe and secure environment to conduct educational
activities. This policy is a proactive step towards reducing the risk of injury or death associated
with intentional or accidental use of weapons.
Who needs to know this policy:
Faculty, staff, students and visitors
Possession of Weapons Prohibited:
The possession, storage, and carrying (concealed or otherwise) of weapons on or in property, real
and personal, owned or controlled by the Institute is prohibited except as follows:
 A weapon stored in the custody and control of Institute’s Department of Public Safety
(transportation of weapons to and from the Department of Public Safety Office for the
purpose of storage provided student or employee has obtained written permission from the
Dean of Students or the Director of Human Resources to store weapons). This option shall
only be available to students actively enrolled at the Institute and residing in Institute
owned or controlled housing.
Students in violation of this policy are subject to discipline under the Student Conduct Code,
including without limitation expulsion or suspension. Students in violation of this policy may also
be referred to law enforcement for prosecution.
Employees in violation of this policy are subject to discipline, including without limitation,
termination of employment, and may also be referred to law enforcement for prosecution.
Any other persons (excluding law enforcement personnel) found in violation of this policy are
subject to being barred from Institute property and may also be referred to law enforcement for