Document 11655867

December 4, 2008
President’s Conference Room
Roll Call
Present: Suzanne Boussaard, Jim Buffalo, Laura Caldwell, Hilary Churchill, Amber Dodds, Carla Farniok, Richard
Hamilton, Ed Lavin, Greg Phelps, Dan Rathjen, Lois Retherford, Kim Sedgwick, Jamie Shuda, Cerese Wright,
Martha Youngmeyer, Bill Ruppert, Pam Bowman, Jackie Thompson
Absent: Sheila Kirby
Guest - Joe Rives & Michael Rodriguez – Internet Security
Western gets 1.5 million emails per day.
Remote Access - Employee computers are not accessed without permission
Authenticated email: Zimbra - No Change
No Zimbra – 2 step process to get email authenitcated; University Technology will assist if necessary
Wireless Security – WIU employees will see no changes; social security numbers are top security; there are servers
that are used to save information on so if an employee stores on hard drive or desk top, it is the employee’s
responsibility to back up. The space available on the servers has been doubled so space should not be an issue.
September email attack - 200 people opened the virus when the university system was attacked
One change in email – there will be a label called potential spam
Old computers need cleaned up which means all data is cleaned off of the hard drive before the next person uses it.
Credit Card and bank account numbers are vulnerable
Bill Rupert volunteered to be on this committee
On a personal computer, you are the administrator
For day to day work, you need to use the non administrative account
If software needs installed, you need to go in under administrative account
Minutes (Carla Farniok) – The minutes for the special meeting held on September 11 along with the minutes from
October 2nd and November 6th were all approved after changes. The large prize for the luncheon is a Wii Sport not a
Wii Fit. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes and Jim seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report (Jamie Shuda) – Martha made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Jim seconded. The
motion carried.
President’s Report (Ed Lavin) – There has been a 2.5% hold on the budget so spending needs to be limited. 2% of the
budget is held out for emergencies. There have been general questions about the Pay For Exceptional Performance
and training has been recommended.
Civil Service Employee of the Month (Laura Caldwell) - Sandra McVey is the recipient of the December CSEC
Employee of the Month award. Sandra works in Digital Commons in the Library. Her presentation will be on
December 3rd at 10:00 in the Library Digital Commons. This is located on the 1st floor of the library (also referred to
as the basement) by the Coffee Bar.
Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Jackie Thompson) –
The 2 million dollars that it took to replace the chillers is an example of an emergency that the reserve is used for.
There are major piping problems in Browne Hall.
Three candidates for the Western Illinois University director of Equal Opportunity and Access position will be on
WIU's campuses for interviews Thursday-Friday, Dec. 11-12, Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 15-16 and WednesdayThursday, Dec. 17-18. Open meetings with the candidates at the WIU-Macomb campus will be held 2:45-3:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 11 (Dunlap); Monday, Dec. 15 (Porras); and Wednesday, Dec. 17 (Suarez) in the University Union
Lincoln Room. Open meetings at the WIU-QC campus will be held 12:30-1:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12; 10:45-11:30 a.m.
Tueday, Dec. 16; and 10:45-11:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 18 in Room 231. Please try to attend the open sessions.
VIII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman)
“Take this job and love it” is being revamped.
The website is more user-friendly.
Organ Donation – an employee can take up to 2 hours off unpaid to donate blood and 30 days to donate an organ.
Ed is trying to get 1 hour paid with an appointment. CSEC had a turnout of 99% students and 1% employees. The
employee number will hopefully increase if this happens.
There is a room set aside for the Pay For Exceptional Performance training from January 20 until the end of March.
The training is being offered 2 times per week.
The carpel tunnel workshop was a request from the Library. This workshop was offered at another time and location
on the same day and only 5 employees attended.
There is an advisory committee that will meet every couple of months and will provide some oversight to the
investment options in the 403B.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Sheila Kirby) – No Report
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Lois Retherford) - Busy as always here at the QC Campus. Preparing for finals and
end of the semester. We will have a group of 6-7 coming down for the Holiday Luncheon. The QC Campus will hold
its annual Holiday Potluck on Thursday, December 18. We have a new employee, Seth Knappen who started Dec. 1
as an Office Support Associate in the Office of Academic & Student Services. Seth replaces Jo Evans. We have
been busy getting ready for the spring semester classes and room assignments and have a very full schedule.
Representative Reports to Council
1. Affirmative Action Internship (Amber Dodds) – Nine individuals came to a meeting on November 14 to talk
about internships. They would have liked more to attend. An email is going to be sent out using Telestars for
accepting applications that will be due late February or Early March.
2. Accreditation Committee (Martha Youngmeyer) – No Report
3. Women’s Center (Martha Youngmeyer) – No Report
4. Web Page (Jim Buffalo) – No Report – There was a question about how long it will be before the council has
control over making the changes to the CSEC website. A new program is being developed.
5. Provost Advisory Council (Greg Phelps) – An Elder Care Survey went out with results of 53% are caring for
elderly and 71% use flex time. Benefits could possibly be changing for this. They are trying to come up with
ideas to promote school spirit. Let Greg know if you come up with any ideas. One idea was WIU shirts. They
are also addressing the issue of the cost of textbooks.
6. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – Cooking demonstration on how to prepare a healthy holiday meal
will be held on December 8 at 4:30. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Committee Reports
1. Appeals (Greg Phelps) – The appeals committee heard 1 appeal and made a ruling. The appeal process
begins with the supervisor then after the supervisor, they go to HR, then the appeals committee, then president.
Grievances are first heard by the supervisor.
2. Award Fund (Amber Dodds) – Amber was asking if fundraisers need to be done including how many and if
they are limited to campus.
3. Award Selection (Dan Rathjen) – The recipients of the 2008-2009 scholarships were Jerry Roth, Marissa
Brown, Timothy Zaborac, Lyndi Thorman, Tiffany Whited, Charles Thomas, Leigh Terstriep, Kristina Dean, and
Alan Cale. Congratulations!!
4. Constitution / Election (Jim Buffalo) – Elections are coming up. See about getting volunteers to run because
there are several coming up that are not able to run. Greg is not able to be re-elected. He has served his two
5. Education (Hilary Churchill) – No Report
6. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) –
Shannon Reed
Application Programmer I – AIMS
David Crawford
Application Programmer I – AIMS
Marsha Grotts
Building Services
Bradley Thompson
Building Services
Adam Brines
Building Services
Mike Ewing
Building Services
Edwin Rainey
Building Services
Kirk Hare
Building Services
Seth Knappen
WIU Quad Cities
Wm. Ryan Robinson
Building Services
Monte McCarty
Building Services
Carl Allen
Building Services
Joe Martin
Building Services
Larry Robinson
Building Services
Brandy Jenkins
Building Services
Arlene Britton
Building Services
Salary (Suzanne Boussaard) – No Report
Social Events & Development (Jamie Shuda) – Tammy will do massages throughout the Stress Free Holiday
Luncheon. There will be bags as center pieces and as prizes that will have apples, bananas, water, and nutrigrain bars in them. A question was brought up on if all of the money made off of the raffle will go to the
scholarship fund or if some will need to go to the luncheon.
Committee on Committees (Richard Hamilton) – No Report
XIII. New Business:
Blood Drive – There will be a blood drive in the University Union on January 26, 2009.
XIV. Old Business:
1. Committees – Rich is working on getting up to date lists of civil service employees and which group they are in.
2. Lunch and Raffle
3. Group Nominations for Employee of the Month - This could be a chance for management to show appreciation
for civil service employees. There needs to be structure for this.
4. Food Drive – Building Service Workers picked up all of the donated food and delivered to Martha. A big thank
you goes out for this service. Students then picked the food up from her and took to the bus.
5. Support the Troops – There were boxes to collect items to send to the troops. This was sponsored by several
different organizations. There was also sign a Christmas card on Veteran’s Day to be sent to the troops.
6. Open Forum – The open forums with the President had to be moved to Sherman Hall and Horrabin Hall 1. The
Union had the incorrect date for this. There was discussion about coming up with a Civil Service Employees Council
Group Concerns:
Announcements: Next meeting: January 8, 2009 in the Library Room 180.
Greg made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Hilary seconded. The motion carried.