Goal 2: To develop an understanding of human cultures and... world that is focused by engagement with big questions, both...


Goal 2: To develop an understanding of human cultures and the physical and natural world that is focused by engagement with big questions, both contemporary and enduring.

Domain 2.3 Social Sciences

Social Sciences

Definition: Collective term for a range of academic disciplines or fields that study society and the relationships of individuals within a society. Some of the big questions that the Social

Sciences explore concern ways to improve the quality of human life, understand spatial and temporal events in the physical and social world, and unify all social phenomena under an overarching theory. Big questions in Social Sciences may include personal and civic morality, meaning and values, the relationship between scientific and religious worldviews, wealth and happiness, and power and justice.

Instructors may use any or all of the behavioral achievements appearing in the list under each performance level using the levels provided here (4, 3, 2, 1)



Achievement and/or Quality of



• Demonstrates a full understanding of fundamental social paradigms

• Proposes an appropriate model to explain observed phenomena

• Fully evaluates a model that explains societal events

• Collects data efficiently and appropriately

• Organizes data effectively


• Demonstrates partial understanding of fundamental social paradigms

• Selects a model that partially explains observed phenomena

• Partially evaluates a given model that explains societal events

• Collects data somewhat efficiently and appropriately

• Organizes data somewhat effectively


• Demonstrates minimal understanding of fundamental social paradigms

• Selects an inappropriate model to explain observed phenomena

• Unable to evaluate a given model that explains societal events

• Unable to collect data

• Fails to organize data

Raw number of students achieving at this level.


Performance Levels

• Demonstrates an understanding of fundamental social paradigms

• Selects an appropriate model to explain observed phenomena

• Evaluates a given model that explains societal events

• Collects data somewhat efficiently and appropriately

• Organizes data somewhat effectively

Number of students who participated in this assessment

but failed to meet Performance Level 1.

Page 2 of Reporting Template


Semester, Year of Assessment:

Assessment Method: Course(s) Number (not section), student work product that was evaluated, brief description of the rubric or evaluation instrument used (a copy would be appreciated.)

Executive Summary: Please briefly describe your findings, and your interpretations of the findings.

Recommendations: Please provide any suggestions you have for improvement (e.g., from minor adjustments to the course, to changes to the assessment method, to major changes in KU’s approach to the learning goal)
