CSBS Senate Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 315 Sabin

CSBS Senate Minutes
Monday, April 15, 2013
315 Sabin
3:15 pm
Present: Chuck Holcombe (History), Jim McCullagh (Social Work), Andrew Gilpin
(Psych), Tim Strauss (Geography), Elaine Eshbaugh (SAHS), Taifa Yu (Political
Science), Cyndi Dunn (SAC--Chair), Kristy Rose (ROTC), Brenda Bass (Interim CSBS
Cindy Juby from Social Work present to discuss proposed curriculum changes.
1. Motion to approve minutes from April 8; motion passes.
a. Eshbaugh will send out approved minutes from both April 1 and April 8.
2. Social Work curriculum
a. Juby provides handouts documenting proposed changes
b. Reasons/Overview of changes
i. SW goes up for re-accreditation soon (part of reason for extensive
ii. Developed new concentration for grad program
iii. Restructured practicum
c. MSW Program
i. Juby discussed switch to “Trauma Informed Practice”; part of
reason is to stand out from other programs
ii. Change of number of credits needed in Advanced Standing Track
(38 to 37)
iii. Block practicum placements in spring are required now for fulltime
iv. Juby discussed Advanced Standing vs. Foundation Track
1. Advanced Standing students have an undergraduate degree
in SW
v. Foundation program will now be 5 semesters rather than 4 (will
include summer)
vi. Addition of extended enrollment option program to Foundation
vii. 6000-level requirement decreased to 20 for both master’s programs
viii. Discussion of summer employment issues for faculty
1. This has been considered, according to McCullagh and Juby
ix. Motion to approve grad program changes; motion passes
d. Child Welfare certification—new certificate
i. Consultation done with impacted programs
ii. Can only complete if majoring in SW—may be a need for
clarification on this on sheet
iii. Motion to approve; motion passes
e. Geriatric Certificates will be reworked and reviewed on April 29
3. No need to meet next week; next meeting will be April 29
4. Comments from the Dean
a. Brown Bag today about computer labs; trying to get a sense of priorities
i. Featherstone will follow up with online survey
ii. Gilpin suggests developing clear purpose of CSBS Computing
Advisory Committee
b. McCullagh: mentions killings across country, including on college
i. Doors to classroom cannot be locked from inside; could this have
prevented killings?
ii. Discussion of best-practices for safety in event of a shooter
iii. Bass will pass along concerns
c. Strauss inquires about marketing –CHAS has marketing materials about
courses to consider
i. Bass says some colleges have a bigger budget that can support
more extensive marketing; Bass will look into this
ii. Gilpin suggests using student-athletes from CSBS in promotion
d. SABRs will have interviews Sunday
5. Motion to adjourn; motion passes
a. Meeting adjourns at 4:25
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Eshbaugh