
Title: (title & pictures related to the project)
Technical design and prospective market opportunities for a network design optimization tool
Introduction: (Explain the framework of the project and the problem to be solved)
Many network simulators are being used by the research community around the world to
validate their theoretical contributions. However, while there are several tools available, there
are some aspects not yet included, what often drives researchers to push for ad-hoc or
customized tools that best suit the expected network scenario.
In this project the students will work on two main items:
Designing a software tool for simulating the physical characteristics of an (optical)
network. To this end, they have to document what the main components of an optical
link are as well as to study both the technical and the economic characteristics of these
components. This information is then added to the software tool in order of simulating
the behaviour of an optical network. The tool must not be designed from scratch but
rather defined as an third party app for a tool already developed by the CRAAX team
ii) Providing a market analysis about a potential wide utilization. To do so, currently
deployed tools must be analysed, with a particular focus on the market conditions,
nature of the tool, and its usage on the research community
Project Brief: (Describe the project specifying the main objective and its outcomes, design specifications, etc…)
The main objective of the project is to produce a tool that can be embedded as an external app
on a currently running network simulator tool. The tool must consider not only technical aspects
but also transversal issues such as economic costs, availability, green, etc, to pick the right
decisions about networks components. The outcome of the project, then, will be an optimized
optical network design as a trade-off between economics, availability, etc and the best physical
Address: Neapolis Buiding, Rambla de l’exposicio, 59-59, Vilanova i la Geltru
Contact person: (name, e-mail, phone number)
Xavier Masip Bruin (
Eva Marín Tordera (
Project team:
Number of students:
Students speciality:
1 -Business Management
0-Mechanical engineering
0-Electrical engineering
0-Electronics engineering
0-Chemical engineering
2 Computer engineering.
1 -Telecommunications engineering.