Red paper IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in

Alex Osuna
Helvio Homem
Manoj Jain
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore
Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in
Operations Manager
IBM® system storage networking and storage resources can be partitioned, with the help of
Data ONTAP® MultiStore® technology, into virtual filers. Each virtual filer logically appears on
the network as a separate storage resource. More importantly, these virtual filers and the
resources (storage and network) that they use are dynamically configurable.
Virtual filers can be grouped into one or more IP spaces, each of which represents an
independent, secure network with its own addressing and routing. This capability allows
companies to design and manage their IT infrastructure more effectively. It also gives service
providers a tool to provision new customers quickly and efficiently, and gives organizations
the confidence to out source complex IT management tasks to a single, cost-effective center
of excellence.
Operations Manager (OM) Version 3.3 is the first version to allow administrators to discover,
manage, and monitor virtual filers running on physical storage systems. However, for this
book all of the information is based on OM Version 3.4.1.
The paper
This IBM Redpaper provides an introduction to MultiStore Monitoring. It describes discovery,
monitoring, reporting, and security features for virtual filers, as well as how to use the OM
command-line interface for virtual filer management.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved.
MultiStore monitoring and management
OM provides the following broad virtual filer management capabilities to administrators:
Discovery of virtual filers for the host storage
Health and general status monitoring
Event generation and trap handling
SnapMirror® management
SnapVault® management
Quota management
Password management
Running a command against a virtual filer or a group of virtual filers
Operations Manager discovers all of the virtual filers on a valid HTTP licensed host storage
system via the Manage ONTAP API. Manage ONTAP is a HTTP/HTTPS-based XML API, and
administrator credentials for the host storage system must be set in OM for virtual filer
discovery to work. This is covered later in this paper.
A vFiler Monitor is used in OM to discover and monitor virtual filers. If the administrator
credentials have been correctly set, OM gathers basic virtual filer details like the following:
Status (stopped or running)
IP space
Allowed protocols
Disallowed protocols
Network resource list
Storage object (volumes, qtrees) list
While discovering the list of storage objects belonging to a virtual filer, the following
dependency of monitors exists:
򐂰 The File System Monitor collects all of the qtrees and volumes available in the storage
system and adds them to the database with the physical storage system as the owner.
Later, the vFiler Monitor runs and detects the storage objects (qtrees and volumes) owned
by a particular virtual filer.
򐂰 If any storage objects on a virtual filers are deleted, the File System Monitor updates the
ownership of these volumes or qtrees.
򐂰 Other monitors (LUN, Snapshot™, SnapMirror, SnapVault, and UserQuota) see if any
ownership changes need to be done on any of the child objects (LUN, Snapshot, and so
on) of the volumes or qtrees.
Note: The OM upgrade to Version 3.3 changes ownership of existing volumes, qtrees,
LUNs, SnapMirror relationships, and SnapVault relationships to virtual filers, if the
credentials are stored at the time of upgrade and if appropriate.
Table 1 Virtual filer discovery and monitoring default options
Option name
Default value
1 hour
This monitoring interval option
determines the time interval at which
vFiler Monitor should run.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Option name
Default value
This option enables or disables virtual
filer discovery. When this option is
disabled, DataFabric® Manager does
not discover new virtual filers, but
continues to monitor the existing ones.
Checking and changing discovery settings for vFilers
The settings shown in Table 1 on page 2 are the default from OM and can be changed even
through command-line interface or Web interface, as shown below.
Command-line interface (CLI)
In order to check the current settings for discovery by using the command line, this syntax
must be used on the OM Server (Example 1).
Example 1 Listing a dfm option by using CLI
dfm option list option-name
When you want to change any value from the options checked above, the syntax shown in
Example 1 is used.
Example 2 Changing a dfm option by using CLI
dfm option set option-name=newvalue
So, to check whether vFiler discovery is enabled, enter the command shown in Example 3.
Example 3 Checking the discovervFilers option
dfm option list discovervFilers
The command output will be similar to Example 4.
Example 4 dfm option list discovervFilers output
--------------- -----------------------------discoverVfilers Enabled
If you would like to disable the discovering, you should use the command shown in
Example 5. (To enable it back, just change the string disabled to enabled.)
Example 5 Changing the discovervFilers value
dfm option set discovervFilers=disabled
This message shown in Example 6 is given if the command is successfully applied.
Example 6 discovervFilers change successfully message
Changed vFiler discovery to Disabled.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
In order to check the vFilerMonInterval, use the command shown in Example 7.
Example 7 Checking the vFilerMonInterval value
dfm option list vFilerMonInterval
The output in Example 8 will be shown. (The value can change according to the OM Server.)
Example 8 dmf option list vFilerMonInterval command output
----------------- -----------------------------vFilerMonInterval 1 hour
Finally, to change the vFilerMonInterval to 10 minutes, enter the command shown in
Example 9.
Example 9 Changing vFilerMonInterval value
dfm option set vFilerMonInterval=10Minutes
The message in Example 10 should be shown if the last command was successfully applied.
Example 10 vFilerMonInterval change successful message
Changed vFiler monitoring interval to 10 minutes.
Web Interface
The discovervFilers option can be seen and changed by:
1. After logging on to Operations Manager, click Tools → Options.
2. In the left pane of the window, select Discovery, as in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Selecting Discovery option on OM Web interface
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
3. Select the desired value for the option and click Update, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Changing the discover vFilers option by using the Web Interface
In order to change the vFilerMonInterval option value by using the Web interface, follow the
steps bellow:
1. After logging on to Operations Manager, click Tools → Options.
2. In the left pane of the window, select Discovery, as in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Selecting Monitoring Option on OM Web Interface
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
3. Look for the vFiler Monitoring Interval option and type the desired value in it field. When
ready, click Update, as in Figure 4. Note that the field format is different from the one used
with CLI. It contains a space between the number and the format.
Figure 4 Changing the vFiler Monitoring Interval option by using Web Interface
OM checks the health of the virtual filers and their associated resources and alerts the user of
any discrepancies. For virtual filer monitoring, the following monitors are modified:
򐂰 Ping Monitor
Runs every 5 minutes (cannot be changed) by default and checks the health of the virtual
filer. The Ping Monitor has been modified to monitor status changes on the virtual filer (for
example, vFiler stopped, vFiler destroyed). It performs Manage ONTAP API calls on the
hosting filer to track the status. It also starts the vFiler Monitor if it sees changes in the
status of discovered virtual filers. If the physical storage system is down, the Ping Monitor
marks all of the virtual filers contained in that system as down.
򐂰 File System Monitor
Responsible for changing the ownership of virtual filers based on the storage path
modified by the vFiler Monitor.
򐂰 CPU Monitor
CPU utilization for the virtual filer is monitored if the filer is running Data ONTAP 7.1 or
򐂰 UserQuota Monitor
Collects user, group, and tree quotas of the volume. OM uses RSH/SSH on the hosting
filer to collect the details of quotas on virtual filers.
򐂰 SnapVault Monitor
Collects and monitors SnapVault relationships owned by virtual filers and later shows
them in OM with the virtual filer as the owner.
򐂰 SnapMirror Monitor
Collects and monitors SnapMirror relationships owned by virtual filers and later shows
them in OM with the virtual filer as the owner.
򐂰 Other Monitors
Other monitors (Lun, SnapShot) are changed to monitor the resources of the virtual filer.
These monitors would take an additional step to change ownership of virtual filer owned
Snapshot and LUN.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Event generation and trap handling
OM has events to handle MultiStore and virtual filers. The vFiler Deleted (vFiler-deleted) is
available. A virtual filer is deleted on a host storage system. The host storage system is the
source object for this event. The corresponding trap generated by OM is ‘vFiler-deleted’.
The following new events are generated with the virtual filer as the source:
򐂰 vFiler Discovered
A virtual filer has been discovered. The corresponding trap generated by OM is
򐂰 vFiler: IP Address Added
An IP address has been added to a virtual filer. The corresponding trap generated by OM
is ‘vFiler-ipAddressAdded’.
򐂰 vFiler: IP Address Removed
An IP address has been removed from a virtual filer. The corresponding trap generated by
OM is ‘vFiler-ipAddressRemoved’.
򐂰 vFiler: Storage Unit Added
A storage object (volume or qtree) has been added to a virtual filer. The corresponding
trap generated by OM is ‘vFiler-storageUnitAdded’.
򐂰 vFiler: Storage Unit Removed
A storage unit has been removed from a virtual filer. The corresponding trap generated by
OM is ‘vFiler-storageUnitRemoved’.
򐂰 vFiler: Renamed
A virtual filer has been renamed. The corresponding trap generated by OM is
򐂰 Hosting Filer Login Failed
A login attempt (via the Manage ONTAP API) failed on a virtual filer host. The
corresponding trap generated by OM is ‘vFiler-hostingFilerLoginFailed’.
򐂰 Hosting Filer Login ok
A login attempt succeeded on a virtual filer host. The corresponding trap generated by OM
is ‘vFiler-hostingFilerLoginOk’.
The following existing events are generated with the vFiler as the source:
Host Up Event
Host Down Event
CPU Load Normal
CPU Too Busy
Data ONTAP SNMP trap handling
If you have configured one or more storage systems to send SNMP traps to the OM SNMP
trap listener port, then the following virtual filer related alerts are generated by OM in
response to virtual filer start and stop traps:
򐂰 vFilerStarted
The virtual filer is started.Host Down Event.
򐂰 vFilerStopped
The virtual filer is stopped.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
SnapMirror management
OM allows a user to create SnapMirror relationships between resources owned by virtual
filers, assuming that a Business Continuance License has been purchased and installed. The
SnapMirror Add a Mirror page allows the user to select the source or destination volume and
qtree on both physical storage systems and virtual filers. Once the mirror is created, the user
can view them in SnapMirror reports.
The existing dfdrm CLI command has also been modified to support virtual filer sources and
Note: OM uses the NDMP credentials of the host storage system to create SnapMirror
relationships for virtual filers, so the user does not need to specify the NDMP credentials of
individual virtual filers.
Figure 5 Virtual filer SnapMirror Add a Mirror panel
SnapVault Management
OM contains SnapVault monitoring and management for storage resources owned by virtual
filers. The user must add the virtual filer as the source (primary) or destination (secondary) in
OM. If the user adds the physical storage system that hosts the virtual filer, OM adds all
hosted virtual filers as SnapVault primaries and secondaries.
To add a new SnapVault relationship, the user must select the source and destination virtual
filers along with the qtrees to be backed up. Once the relationship is created, the user can
view them in existing SnapVault reports.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
The existing dfbm CLI command has been modified to support virtual filers. See Figure 6.
Figure 6 Virtual filer SnapVault Add a New Backup panel
Quota management
OM collects quota details about qtrees contained within virtual filers and allows the user to
edit both group and user quotas for virtual filer qtrees. OM uses jobs to track quota editing,
and each virtual filer qtree quota update is handled as a separate job. See Figure 7.
Figure 7 Virtual filer Edit Quota Settings panel
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Password management
OM does most of the monitoring and management of virtual filers by requesting information
from the physical storage system that hosts them. However, certain tasks, such as the run
command, require the user to enter vFiler credentials in OM. To do bulk updates of
passwords on virtual filers, users can use the new Password Management feature, which not
only changes the password on the virtual filers, but also updates the stored password in OM
for each virtual filer.
The password management panel can be accessed on OM through Management →
Passwords. On passwords panel select the vFilers tab, as in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Selecting vFiler Passwords panel
On this panel you can even set a new password for vFilers or configure the unmanaged
vFilers (that is, those vFilers that are not being monitored by OM because it does not have
their passwords). To add them to the managed vFilers, select the systems you want to
configure and set their user name and password for OM, as in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Setting unmanaged vFilers passwords in OM Web interface
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
In order to define a new password for vFilers already managed by OM, select the group or the
individual vFilers that you want to have the change applied to, fill out the password fields, and
click Update, as in Figure 10.
Figure 10 Changing vFilers password
Run command
OM allows administrators to execute run commands on virtual filers. The user must first set
the root credentials for the virtual filer in OM to enable this feature (see “Password
management” for more information). Each run command is handled as a job in OM for
tracking purposes.
In order to use the run command on virtual filers by using OM Web interface, follow these
1. After logging on to Operations Manager, click the Member Details tab and then select
vFilers, as in Figure 11.
Figure 11 Selecting vFilers tab
2. Select the vFiler you want to run the command, by clicking on it link.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
3. Click the Run a Command option, as indicated in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Selecting run a command option
4. Type the desired command in the Appliance Command field and click Run, as in
Figure 13.
Figure 13 Running a command on a remote vFiler
5. The command is submitted to the vFiler and the job is added to the pending jobs list. You
can check its status by refreshing the Run Command page and then clicking the Job ID
link. The status is shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Run Status panel
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Storage resource management
OM collects the shares available on the virtual filers and can auto-map or let the user
manually map them to a file system path on a host that is running the IBM Host Agent (IHA).
In order for auto-mapping to function correctly, the following conditions must be met:
򐂰 CIFS shares
– IHA is installed and the service is running on a Windows® host, preferably with CIFS
domain user credentials.
– If the IHA service is running with Local System Account credentials, then the OM IHA
credentials should be updated with those of the CIFS domain user account user who
has access to read the shares. In order to set these credentials, edit the IHA settings,
as in Figure 15.
Figure 15 IBM Host Agent Configuration panel
򐂰 NFS shares
– Auto-mapping of NFS shares does not require any special settings.
– Users who have met the conditions described above can view auto-mapped SRM
paths to storage objects on File Systems Member detail pages.
Performance Advisor and virtual filers
OM Performance Advisor displays discovered physical storage systems and virtual filers,
assuming that the root credentials for the physical storage systems have been stored in OM.
There is a view, vFiler Basic, that shows performance of basic vFiler parameters, such as:
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
The following views now display statistics of LUNs and volumes contained in virtual filers:
򐂰 Top volumes
򐂰 Top LUNs
Figure 16 vFiler Basic partial view in Performance Advisor
Security and access control
OM has the concept of role-based access control (RBAC), which provides the ability to create
roles with different capabilities and resource access. Using RBAC, an OM administrator can
create a limited role for a virtual filer administrator to monitor and manage specific virtual filers
and functionality.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
The virtual filer administrator is a user who has access privileges on a particular set of virtual
filer resources. To create a virtual filer administrator in OM, the storage administrator must
follow these steps:
1. Create a group in OM to contain virtual filers, as in Figure 17. Add one or more virtual
filers to the new group. By doing this, all of the resources (volumes, qtrees, LUNs, and so
on) that are contained in the virtual filer also get added as indirect members of the new
Figure 17 Selecting the vFilers you want to add to the new group
2. Choose the name of the group to which you want to add the filers previously selected and
click Add, as in Figure 18.
Figure 18 Creating a new group for the vFilers
3. Create a role in OM with the access permissions desired for the virtual filer administrator.
For example, if the user is supposed to handle backup for the virtual filer group, he should
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
be assigned capabilities from the DFM.BackupManager Operations section of the Add
capabilities.Screen. Be sure to add the vFiler group as a resource when adding
capabilities. In order to access the Roles panel, click Administration → Roles. See
Figure 19.
Figure 19 Adding a role to the vFilers group
4. Create a user in DFM and assign the vFiler Backup role to that user. Click
Administration → Administrative Users. See Figure 20.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Figure 20 Adding a user and assigning it a role
OM also allows the administrator to create a role directly with virtual filer objects in addition to
using a group. The group option is preferred because it relieves the user of tracking individual
objects every time a role change is made.
When the new virtual filer administrator logs in to OM, she has access rights based on the
capabilities previously assigned to the role. The user does not have access rights on the
physical storage system that hosts the virtual filer, such as storage system (hosting filer)
name, IP addresses, and so on. These access control settings also apply to standard and
custom reports. For example, imagine a qtree that is contained by the virtual filer, but the
volume the qtree is in is not contained by the virtual filer. Now imagine a custom report with
the qtree and containing volume name fields. An OM administrator with access control
settings for the physical storage systems would see both the qtree and the containing volume
names, but the virtual filer administrator would only see the qtree names.
The virtual filer administrator can view and manage SnapVault and SnapMirror relationships
where both the source and destinations virtual filers are part of a group she has access to,
like the vFiler group mentioned above. If one of the source or destination virtual filers is not
part of a group that the administrator has access to, or if the administrator has not been
granted access to that particular vFiler, he or she can view but not manage those SnapVault
and SnapMirror relationships.
MultiStore reporting and CLI enhancements
A number of database catalogs, reports, and CLI commands for virtual filer are available in
OM. The OM Performance Advisor Client has also been enhanced to monitor virtual
filer-related performance counters.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
New reports
The following new reports shown in Table 2 have been added for virtual filers.
Table 2 Virtual filer-specific reports in OM
Report name
vFilers, All
List of all nondeleted virtual filers.
vFiler Protocols
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and the
allowed and disallowed protocols for each of
vFiler Network Resources
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and the IP
addresses assigned to them.
vFilers, Comments
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their
comment fields.
vFilers, Compact
Report containing name, internal name, and
status of the nondeleted virtual filers.
vFilers, Deleted
List of all deleted virtual filers.
vFilers, Up
List of all nondeleted virtual filers that are up and
vFilers, Down
List of all nondeleted virtual filers that are in a
stopped state.
vFiler Thresholds
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their CPU
vFiler CPU Usage Graph
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their CPU
usage graphs.
Chargeback by Usage, This Month
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their
chargeback usage for this month.
Chargeback by Usage, Last Month
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their
chargeback usage for last month.
Chargeback by Allocation, This Month
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their
chargeback allocation for this month.
Chargeback by Allocation, Last Month
List of all nondeleted virtual filers and their
chargeback allocation for last month.
vFiler Edit Quotas, Completed Jobs
List of all virtual filer quota jobs.
vFiler Edit Quotas, Pending Jobs
List of all pending virtual filer quota jobs.
Filers, MultiStore Enabled
List of all nondeleted hosting filers that have
MultiStore license enabled. Shown in the
Appliance tab. (All other reports are shown in the
vFiler tab.)
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Figure 21 OM vFilers, All report
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Custom reporting enhancements
In Table 3 the vFiler catalog containing fields related to virtual filers is shown.
Table 3 vFiler catalog
Default name
Default format
All fields of this catalog
vFiler Name
vFiler Full Name
vFiler Internal Name
vFiler Id
vFiler Group Id
vFiler System Id
vFiler Comment
vFiler Deleted At
vFiler Deleted By
vFiler Ping Timestamp
vFiler Down Timestamp
vFiler Hosting Filer (A)
vFiler Type
vFiler Status
vFiler Ping Status
vFiler Primary IP Address
vFiler IP Space
vFiler CPU %
vFiler CPU Threshold
vFiler NFS Allowed
vFiler CIFS Allowed
vFiler iSCSI Allowed
vFiler RSH Allowed
vFiler Primary Storage Unit
vFiler Beginning of Period This
vFiler End of Period This Month
vFiler Days in cycle This Month
vFiler Avg. Usage This Month
vFiler Rate/GB
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
Default name
vFiler Monthly Rate/GB
vFiler Usage Charge This Month
vFiler Avg. Allocation This Month
vFiler Allocation Charge This Month
vFiler Beginning of Period Last
vFiler End of Period Last Month
vFiler Days in cycle Last Month
vFiler Avg. Usage Last Month
vFiler Rate/GB Last Month
vFiler Usage Charge Last Month
vFiler Avg. Allocation Last Month
vFiler Allocation Charge Last Month
vFiler Used Capacity
Default format
In Table 4 the IPAddress Catalog allows the OM administrator to track the IP addresses
assigned to a virtual filer.
Table 4 IPAddress catalog
Default name
All fields of this catalog
IP Address
IP Address Interface (A)
IP Address vFiler (A)
Default format
Other vFilers fields are A field vFiler exists on Foler, Volume, Qtree, LUN, Event and Initiator
Group catalogs.
For information regarding custom reporting refer to IBM System Storage N series Reporting
With Operations Manager, SG24-7464.
CLI changes for virtual filers
dfm vFiler is the CLI command in OM to list, add, and delete one or more virtual filers:
򐂰 dfm vfiler list [ -a ] [ -q ] [ object ... ]
This command lists information for one or more virtual filers. The options are:
– -a shows deleted (from OM) vFilers.
– -q does not show the table head.
– object: The object argument can be the name, IP address, or database ID of a vFiler,
filer, or resource group.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
򐂰 dfm vfiler delete { all | object .. }
This command marks specified virtual filers as deleted in OM. It can be done for all vFilers
or only for those specified. This stops the monitoring of these virtual filers.
򐂰 dfm vfiler add { all | object ... | -H <hosting-filer> <vFiler> ... }
– Using the -H option, an undiscovered virtual filer can be added using its internal name
(the name used in the vFiler create command on the filer) or the virtual filer IP address.
– The all argument is used to add all virtual filers previously deleted back to DFM.
The following dfm host CLI commands also accept virtual filer objects as arguments:
򐂰 dfm host add { all | object ... | -H <hosting-filer> <vFiler> ... }
This command behaves similarly to the dfm vFiler add command when the object is a
virtual filer or when using the –H option.
򐂰 dfm host { list | delete }
This command accepts the virtual filer as an object.
򐂰 dfm host diag
This command performs basic diagnostics on the virtual Filer objects.
򐂰 dfm host { get | set | rename | discover }
This command accepts the virtual filer as an object.
These OM commands also support virtual filers objects as arguments:
򐂰 dfm volume {list | add | ...}
򐂰 dfm qtree { list | add | ... }
򐂰 dfm LUN { add | list | ... }
򐂰 dfm igroup list [ -l ] [ -q ] [ objects ... ]
򐂰 dfm detail [ -F output-format ] object
򐂰 dfm group { list | add | delete } members ...
򐂰 dfm report
򐂰 dfm search
򐂰 dfm graph
򐂰 dfm perf view
These existing DFBM (backup) commands also support virtual filer objects as arguments:
򐂰 dfbm backup {start | ls | list}
򐂰 dfbm restore start
򐂰 dfbm secondary host {add | modify |delete | list}
򐂰 dfbm secondary Volume {add | modify | delete | list}
򐂰 dfbm primary host {add | modify | delete | list}
򐂰 dfbm primary dir {add | modify | ignore | unignore | delete | relinquish |
discovered | list}
򐂰 dfbm event list
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
These existing DFDRM (Disaster Recovery) commands also support virtual filer objects as
򐂰 dfdrm host {add | modify | delete | list}
򐂰 dfdrm mirror {initialize | modify | list | break | quiesce | resume | abort |
delete | update | resync}
򐂰 dfdrm job {list | detail | abort | purge}
򐂰 dfdrm event list
OM supports virtual filer migration if the source storage system is already monitored by OM
and a conflicting or duplicate virtual filer name exists on the target storage system.
OM shows the internal name of the virtual filer instead of the full domain name. This is
because storage service providers often use isolated storage networks for each of their
customers. The result is that OM is not able to find DNS names for the virtual filers. However,
an OM administrator can use dfm host rename to rename the virtual filer to some other name
(for example, the DNS name).
OM MultiStore management limitations
The limitations are:
򐂰 Creation and configuration of virtual filers is not supported in OM 3.4.1.
򐂰 Provisioning of volumes, qtrees, and LUNs in virtual filers is not supported in OM 3.4.1.
򐂰 Data migration between virtual filers is not supported in OM 3.4.1.
򐂰 MultiStore configuration management for virtual filers is not supported in OM 3.4.1.
򐂰 The Volume Capacity Used and Volume Capacity Used v/s Total graphs on the vFilers
Details page display the capacity of volumes that are contained by virtual filers. Those OM
3.41 reports ignore qtrees contained inside virtual filers when the qtree containing
volumes are not contained in the virtual filer.
List of abbreviations
List of abbreviations
Operations Manager
IBM Host Agent
Role-based access control
Command-line interface
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
The team that wrote this IBM Redpaper
This paper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Alex Osuna is a Project Leader at the International Technical Support Organization, Tucson
Center. He writes extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on all areas of IBM
storage. Before joining the ITSO two years ago, Alex Osuna worked in Tivoli® Sales as a
Systems Engineer. He has over 29 years experience in the IT industry, with 20 of them
focused mainly on data storage. He holds over 10 certifications from IBM, Microsoft®, and
Red Hat.
Helvio Homem is an IT Specialist in IBM Global Services in Brazil. He has six years of
experience in the IT Infra-Structure field. He holds a degree in Information Systems from
Universidade Paulista and holds several product certifications from Microsoft. His areas of
expertise include Microsoft infra-structure environments and NAS support.
Manoj Jain works for the Network Appliance™ corporation.
IBM System Storage N series MultiStore Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in Operations Manager
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MultiStoreÆ Discovery, Monitoring, and Reporting in DataFabricÆ Manager 3.3