Chabot College Fall 2004 – Drama Workshop

Chabot College
Fall 2004
Course Outline for Theater Arts 30
Catalog Description:
30 – Drama Workshop
May be repeated 3 times
1 – 3 units
Participation in experimental workshop plays, original student scripts, and other projects, possibly
leading to scheduled performances. 3 – 9 hours laboratory.
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
prepare, rehearse and perform in scenes or short plays (including original scripts) under
experimental workshop conditions;
analyze a script analysis and document the creative process that goes into the
production of a play;
successfully work with other cast member in creating an ensemble work of art, and to
successfully fulfill the responsibilities of an individual actor in a short play;
fulfill all the responsibilities of a director of a play (play selection, casting, blocking, actor
coaching, pacing, design leadership, etc)
Course Content:
Performance by the students as actors, directors, stage managers and technical workers
in the preparation and performance of one acts, scenes, or other projects
Planning and choosing the material to be worked on during the semester
Casting, rehearsing and public presentation of short plays or scenes
Preparation of all the technical aspects of the shows to be publicly presented
Evaluation and discussion of work done
Guidance and instruction by the instructor in all aspects of the process of creating a play
Methods of Presentation:
Learning by doing – students are responsible for all aspects of any production: directing,
acting and creating the technical aspects of the show
Discussions/meetings with the instructor and the class as a whole
a. Organizational items
b. Dealing with problems that arise
c. Evaluation of work
Meetings/discussions with the instructor and the student directors/leaders
a. Instruction in the aspects of directing a production
1) Play selection
2) Casting
3) Rehearsal discipline and etiquette
4) Staging and blocking
5) Actor coaching
6) Pacing and rhythm
7) Technical aspects of the production
8) Dealing with problems that arise
Chabot College
Course Outline for Theater Arts 30, Page 2
Fall 2004
Rehearsals, led by student directors, mentored by instructor
After-performance discussions of the work
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Typical Assignments
a. At a given day of rehearsals, blocking and staging of scene 1
b. On another day of rehearsals, being off book (lines and cues memorized) and
running the scene without scripts in hand
c. On the day of technical rehearsal, having all technical dimensions of the show ready
for a cue-to-cue technical rehearsal. Setting and programming all the light and
should cues, running the scene changes, organizing properties and set pieces. Then
doing a complete run-through of the show, incorporating all these elements.
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a. Grading of participation in the process of creating the student projects
1) Spirit and discipline
2) Quality of performance
3) Amount of improvement
4) Ensemble support and cooperation
b. Attendance
Textbook(s) Typical:
Contemporary Scenes for Student Actors. Michael Schulman and Eva Mekler, Penguin books, 1999.
Special Student Materials:
G:\Curriculum2004\Theater Arts 30
DZ Revised: 11/3/03