College Council Chabot College - Board Room Wednesday, March 25, 2015

College Council
Chabot College - Board Room
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Council Members Present:
Susan Sperling, President
Stacy Thompson, Vice President of Academic Services
Connie Willis, Vice President of Administrative Services
Matthew Kritscher, Vice President of Student Services
Marcia Corcoran, Dean At Large
Laurie Dockter, Academic Senate President
Andrew Pierson, Faculty Association Representative
Gordon Watt, Classified Senate President
Chasity Whiteside, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Representative
Deonne Kunkel, Planning, Review and Budget Council (PRBC) Chair
Council Members Not Present:
Jesse Esquire, Student Senate President
Vanessa Cormier, Valjean Dale, Tim Dave, Kristin Lima, Steve Lowery, Jim Matthews, Nate
Moore, Ellen Morrison, Carla Walter, Wanda Wong, Yvonne Wu-Craig
Minute Taker:
Kirti Reddy, Executive Assistant to the Office of the President
A. Meeting Called to Order
President Sperling called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.
President Sperling began the meeting congratulating Vice President of Student Services
Matthew Kritscher to his permanent role and welcoming Dr. Kristin Lima, the new Dean
of Applied Technology and Business. She thanked Dr. Ellen Morrison, Assistant
Director of the California Early Childhood Mentor Program, for attending and to
Academic Senate President Laurie Dockter for her last presentation to the Board.
President Sperling congratulated the Chabot Women’s Basketball Team for their state
championship victory and announced that the team would be receiving formal honors and
recognition from Assembly Member Bill Quirk and the Hayward City Council.
B. Approval of Minutes
The Council approved the February 25, 2015 minutes with edits discussed by the Council
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C. Reports
Student Senate
No report due to the absence of a Student Representative.
Classified Senate – Gordon Watt, President
Classified Senate President Watt had nothing to report.
Academic Senate – Laurie Dockter, President
President Dockter attended the District Educational Services & Student Success meeting
where the discussion regarding the Equity recommendations will be worked with jointly
with Las Positas College. There was also preliminary discussion of moving from
Blackboard to a different statewide online pilot program.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – Chasity Whiteside,
Representative Whiteside reported that they are meeting on the class and compensation
study and the changes for the ratification of the new contract.
Faculty Association – Andrew Pierson, Representative
Representative Pierson had nothing to report.
Accreditation Steering Committee – Jim Matthews, Chair
Jim Matthews presented the District Function Map which is based on the Accreditation
Standards [Attachment 1]. The last version was in 2009. It was never vetted and didn’t
answer any of the accreditation recommendations to assess it. There were and still are
issues of what is the primary and secondary roles.
The Task Map is a summary of who is responsible for what areas and essentially who
pays for it. Mr. Matthews requested that the list be reviewed and send edits and changes
to him, which will go in both the district and college Accreditation Reports.
The Accreditation Report will be posted on the Announcement section of the Chabot
homepage the first week of April. There will be two to three weeks to comment. There
will also be college forums and vetting by the Academic Senate. The Report will then
come to College Council for approval and then to district. The deadline is April 17th
which is a month late.
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Planning, Review and Budget Council (PRBC) - Deonne Kunkel, Chair
Chair Kunkel presented the Statement to Faculty Prioritization Committee: Program
Review Synthesis (November 24, 2014) and the Program Review Synthesis Statement on
Resource Allocation (March 4, 2015) [Attachment 2]. She will bring the item back to the
next meeting for Action.
Administrative Services – Connie Willis, Vice President
Vice President Willis had nothing to report.
Academic Services – Stacy Thompson, Vice President
Vice President Thompson had nothing to report.
Student Services – Matthew Kritscher, Vice President
Vice President Kritscher had nothing to report.
D. Discussion Items
1. Institutional Effectiveness Grant, Fall Visit of IEPI Team
The California State Chancellor’s Office offered a grant for college’s to apply up to $150,000,
which includes a visiting team of experts to work with colleges on specific issues that need
addressing. The grant is not based on accreditation. President Sperling submitted a Letter of
Interest and Chabot College has been selected as a grant recipient [Attachment 3]. The letter
includes the college’s disconnect of large scale strategic planning and the allocation of funds.
There is a need for assistance in showing the nexus for program review information to faculty
prioritization to budget to various shared governance committees. The Team will visit in the fall.
It does not solve issues for accreditation, but shows that we are engaging the problem.
2. Update on Classified Prioritization
President Sperling will be meeting with the Classified Prioritization Subcommittee later in the
day. The process for prioritization begins in program review and should start with Deans and
program Directors. Faculty have weigh in. Deans are responsible in their Summary. That
material goes to Planning Review and Budget Council (PRBC) for reflection and to advise on
larger goals and objectives of the planning cycle at the College. The Dean’s Summary are
reviewed by the Classified Subcommittee for a prioritization list to the Classified Senate who
add their recommendations. Those recommendations go to senior administrative staff for
review. The President meets with the Vice Presidents and with the Classified Subcommittee.
The Vice Presidents look at the recommendations with the Deans and Directors for feedback.
The President and Vice President meet with the Classified Subcommittee and then the finalized
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list comes to College Council to vet the recommendations. The positions are then configured at
Human Resources and posted.
The issue of a need for a Wi-Fi expert was discussed and where this issue should be raised. It is
an issue that has come up in the COOL committee and is said to be a District IT issue. There is
an option to request a resolution from College Council and address it as an equity issue.
The President and Vice Presidents discussed the individual positions being proposed.
[Attachment 4]. In relation to the Campus Safety Director position and the current contract with
the Hayward Police Department, Dean ValJean Dale was requested to provide information on the
Title IX sexual assault provision and how it is set up including the impact on training and the
reporting structure if the campus were to not continue the contract.
3. Enrollment Push, Development, Marketing Upcoming Semesters
Vice President Thompson reported there has been active dialogue at the College Enrollment
Management Committee (CEMC) regarding the current drop in enrollment [Attachment 5]. The
focus is on the summer. The five week module starts June 1st. There are still six and eight week
sessions. The strategy is to capture new Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) through
marketing at outreach at the Cal State. Vice President Matt Kritscher is working on postcards
and advertisements with the expertise of the new marketing consultant, Jennifer Aries and 25th
Hour Communications. Las Positas College has employed her for social media and marketing.
There will also be a closer alignment with the work of the Office of Development.
Vice President Kritscher and Executive Director of Development and the Foundation to report at
the next meeting.
4. Shared Governance Review/Revision Update
President Sperling reported that the recommendations from the workshops are moving forward
and the Academic Senate is taking a primary role. Communications Studies Instructor, Veronica
Martinez has agreed to facilitate the project and will be meeting with the Academic Senate and
5. Chabot Early Childhood Development Lab Center
President Sperling stated that the Chancellor has asked for a business plan for the Chabot Early
Childhood (ECD) lab center. It has continually been referenced as a child care center at the
district and Chabot administration has tried to clarify the lab school is part of the ECD pedagogy,
education and credentials for transfer. The way it has been presented to the Board by the district
has been a separate auxiliary child care. The College continues to maintain and present that it is
like another Lab, just like in Biology. The ECD is charged $80,000 for cleaning by Maintenance
and Operations. The President would like to present the recommendation that we account for it
differently. She credited Vice President Willis and Vice President of Administrative Services at
Las Positas College, Jeff Kingston, for moving forward the concept that it doesn’t represent in
the accounting.
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The Council is willing to consider a resolution that the center lab school as pedagogy and is
committed to it. Language can be drafted and sent out the members for review and approval.
The April Board of Trustees meeting will be at Chabot.
6. Commencement Speaker
Commencement will be held on Friday, May 29th. The keynote speaker will be Sergio C. Garcia,
Attorney at Law. Mr. Garcia is currently the first undocumented attorney in the nation, in the
history of the nation to be officially allowed to practice law in the United States
E. Action Items
1. Approval of Revised Charge of College Council
President Sperling presented to the Revised Charge of College Council [Attachment 6].
Membership has been updated from the different constituent groups, but the Charge has not.
Each Representative was to go back and share the revision with their groups. Several had not.
They were asked to do that and that another discussion would occur in the future.
It was stated that someone needs to be in charge of the process. This will be part of the Shared
Governance review. The process needs to identify who are the constituent groups and how
feedback, referrals and recommendations come to the Council. The resolution of how College
Council intersects with other committees won’t be resolved until Shared Governance is.
The Council accepted to adopt the following current revision and have the item come back after
the Shared Governance restructure.
College Council reviews recommendations from other shared governance groups to consider
alignment with the Chabot College Strategic Plan and makes recommendations to the President
on policy, practices, and resource requests. College Council provides feedback and referral from
all of the constituent groups to the President and the President disseminates information through
College Council on college-wide issues.
2. Resolution on Early Childhood Development Lab School
Vice President Thompson will provide language for the members to review.
F. Other Business
There was no other business.
G. Meeting Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.