May 11, 2006
In attendance: Mike Absher (MA), Dr. Bob Carlson (BC),Robert Curry (RC), Darrell Dolin (DD),
Steve DaPrato (SD), Craig Fernandez (CF), Ken Grace, Spencer Holloday (Spectator), Bruce
Mayer (BM), Keith Mehl, Cory Morrison, Roger Noyes (RN), Wayne Phillips (WP), Don Plondke,
Melinda Matsuda, Tim Steele (TTS), Katerhine Tollifsen (KT), Dale Wagoner (DW), Gordon Watt,
Wanda Wong,
The meeting began at 12:05 pm
Documents Distributed:
Meeting Agenda, minutes from April 20, 2006 meeting, summary of Bond Measure Comments
DMJM Report:
CF updated the committee on general Bond Measure B activity. He noted that A&E firms have been
selected for the modernization of the Buildings 300/500/800/900 and for the athletics facilities. CF
asked for volunteers to help with User Planning Groups for these projects. He said that these groups
need to start meeting during the first week of June.
Dr. Carlson asked CF about the feasibility study for the Central Plant. CF responded that the report
is due on May 17, 2006.
Dr. Carlson Expressed concern about 4 classroom buildings being out of service at the same time.
TTS suggested that the architects could phase the build to have no more than two buildings
simultaneously out of commission. CF concurred that this would not be a problem. [CF also noted
that the architects are selected by an informal interview process and that the A&E firms not selected
by “Lowest Bid", but instead by "Greatest Value".]
TTS expressed concern about the timing for the user groups meeting over the summer to ensure
everyone is given the opportunity to contribute to the process. CF noted that the projects move
ahead during the Summer Term; he also has taken responsibility for the managing the build process.
Dr. Carlson agreed that faculty should note that the projects MUST progress regardless of faculty
availability. Faculty should make every effort to be available during the summer, as their input will be
missed if they are not here.
WW asked if are we on-schedule for the model classrooms? CF: we are about a week behind
schedule. TTS also asked if the classrooms will be used during the Summer Session. Dr. Carlson
noted that we need a PLAN for the classroom testing.
CF: In June the geotechnical consultant will be on-campus to take borings which will serve as input
to the engineering of project foundations.
TTS: Next mtg the office subcommittee will present on their efforts to-date
Bond Measure Budget Comments
TTS opened discussion on the bond measure allocation model by having the committee read the comments
he had received. He also had respondents who were at the meeting personally discuss their comments.
They included
• RN described in detail his observations listed in the Bond Measure Comments Documents
• KT described the Depressing Nature of the Art Studio; she had concerns about unsafe storage of art
materials, as well as poor ventilation
• TTS noted that the Arts and Humanities area was under-funded in general and specifically noted that
1600 and the PAC expansions needed funding.
Dr. Carlson noted that bldg 1600 may receive state funding for changes and/or upgrades. Dr. Carlson also
on Radio & TV. Radio station is easy to move, while the TV station is much more difficult. TTS agreed that
the area surrounding the PAC entrance could be much more user friendly, especially in terms of food
concession, and women's restrooms. The PAC is heavily used by the community, and thus has high visibility
CF: we need to make a timely decision about how to shift funds from other projects to make the PAC
S. DePrato on process and Procedure: We need to have a process to PRIORITIZE projects and
expenditures. Dr. Carlson: We need to make firm decisions about resource allocation by NEXT WEEK
- difficult compromises will HAVE to made, more discussion would be helpful, but the schedule limits the
discussion quantity
RNoyes: Arts & Humanities gets 3% of remaining budget
TTS Board meets in June to make the final decisions. Dr. Carlson: the basis for bldg requirements is "what
does it take" to solve a problem; NOT what does everyone WANT. Dr. Carlson stressed the need for the
committee to make a decision about what will NOT be funded. TTS & Subcommittee set the "Decision
Meeting" for Wed/17apr/1230-1400hrs.
Good of the Order:
CF will continue on the project for at least a year, and perhaps as long as 5 year
- CF's Best estimate is that he will "be here for the duration"
TTS Next Full Facilities Committee meeting will be on May 25. The main event will be Office SubCommittee
TTS also said the committee will likely have to meet bi-monthly during the summer
- TTS asked that committee members send him eMail addresses for Summer Communications
TTS adjourned the meeting at 1:12 PM
Respectfully Submitted B. Mayer and T. Steele