October 14, 2010 12 Noon, Room 1506

October 14, 2010
12 Noon, Room 1506
1. Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2010 Minutes were distributed.
2. Special Reports
3. Project Status Update
Run down per line item of meeting handout.
Line Item: Update
8: Progress going great, hope to have slab poured before rains
17: In process of bidding out pieces of the construction
19: HMS is on campus, B1600 & B1400
25: User group to resume meetings soon
33: Contractor on campus, work started
37: Grass is doing great
38: “Very light” design is being finalized
39: On hold per concerns expressed in last meeting (see minutes). Gary
pointed out that some of his people were using small efficient room coolers. Kathy
volunteered that information about energy and cooling options might be available
through a program at Lawrence Livermore. Mike brought attention back to the
current Plan’s concept for 1500. Discussions followed with pro and con for using
smaller offices (ADA problems). No consensus so appears to be good strategy to
Chabot College
Facilities and Sustainability Committee Minutes
Page 2
use the pending new Educational Master Plan process and the follow-on revised
Facilities Master Plan to highlight all concerns to arrive at best set of solutions.
47: New Project will be budgeted and scoped for enhancing the exterior aesthetics of
300. 500, 800, 900, 1000, and 1100 so that these buildings will blend into the other
enhancements that Measure B has funded.
4. Rumor Control
None identified
a. Nate mentioned he had heard some concerns about the projects interfering with
the migratory swallows. Doug highlighted that our Environmental Impact Report and
approvals had addressed all concerns and that there are seasonal time tables during
which exterior modifications can be constructed to accommodate this and all
environmental issues.
b. Gene wanted confirmation that new signage was being installed and questioned
why the committee had not been apprised. Doug confirmed that signage to go with
the Open House was being erected. Gene indicated it was more of a “process”
c. Kathy has heard that Vice President Irwin will be getting a new office; Doug
indicated that this was originally proposed by Melinda.
d. Mark wanted to have on the record that there would be an effort to find a room that
could be used by the newly formed Students Veterans group.
5. Other Matters Initiated
a. Nate showed pictures and made a proposal to increase the effectiveness of
signage in crosswalks and on campus roads. Student safety is the concern.
b. Nate indicated that there were unused “staff” spaces in Lot G and proposed that a
number of staff spaces be transferred to Lot F so there would be more student
spaces in Lot G. Kathy/Tom/Mike indicated a tree sap problem with the spaces along
the Butler building. Perhaps these unhealthy trees could be replaced so the lot would
be more useable. Trees also hampering security system.
c. Kathy encouraged participation at the PRBC meetings.
Meeting started at 12:05 p.m. and ended at 1: 32 p.m.
Chabot College