College Budget Committee Meeting Minutes September 22, 2015

College Budget Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2015
1. Review of the Program Review Resource Request spreadsheet that will be used for
2016/2017 requests:
 Tim Dave provided a printed copy of the program review forms for review.
The actual forms where a little difficult to find online, but they are posted
under the Academic Services/Program Review link on the Chabot webpage.
They may still be in draft form, but will be ready for use within the next week.
 The new budget request spreadsheet will have updated columns that will
include places for real costs such as tax and shipping.
 Program Review forms are due to area Deans by October 26 for review. Deans
are able to write a program review for their offices so those office can request
funding for supplies and other necessities.
 The Classified Senate requested clarification on the process for making slight
changes to items requested on budget spreadsheets after they are funded
through the program review cycle. For example, a certain brand name camera
may have been requested when the program review was written, but once
funded the requestor found a different brand of camera that would work
better for the department. Are areas able to make changes to what they want
to order? It may be possible to purchase a different camera if the funding is
not more than what was originally approved. Slight changes to orders should
not be an issue.
 There seems to be a loss of communication between IT equipment requests
and what is actually funded, or not funded, each fiscal year. Certain items
need more clarification and such requests for more information are often not
made with the person who requested the item/s. The committee tends to talk
about these items/issues at several meetings before they are resolved and it is
not a productive use of time. The committee needs to develop a more
efficient system to gather more information when needed and to also have
the ability to approve items of lower value when the majority of the
committee feels it is appropriate.
 The Professional Development Committee is providing a Program Review
Workshop on FLEX Day, October 16, and information/instruction on
completing budget spreadsheets will be provided.
 When requesting items/equipment please plan for price increases.
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College Budget Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2015
2. 2014/2015 Library Bond Database Budget:
 Last fiscal year the Budget Committee awarded $68,000 to the Library for
online database/electronic resource purchases. $44,180.09 of those funds
were charged to the 2015/2016 fiscal year instead of the 2014/2015 year
because of prepayment on two library database invoices. Our District
Accounting Department will no longer pay our subscriptions for library
databases that begin on July 1 in the previous fiscal year. This was an
unexpected change in the payment process that we have been utilizing for
many years. Accounts payable will only pay for subscriptions used during that
fiscal year. That creates a challenge for the library because they purchase their
databases through a consortium, the Community College Library Consortium
(CCL). The CCL contracts with individual vendors to provide the best pricing
on products to all college in the Community College System. Signed
commitments for database orders are required about two months prior to the
actual order. This process takes place before July 1 each fiscal year.
 $44,180.09 was not used last fiscal year by the Library, but will be used this
fiscal year as their database charges were rolled over. The library will also
utilize the $71,000 that they were awarded by the Budget Committee for
 The Library will work with District Accounting to determine what can be done
about this subscription payment issue.
Future Agenda Items:
 Elect a new Faculty Co-Chair.Review the charge and membership of the
committee and if changes are purposed they need to go to College Council
for approval.
 Meeting dates in relation to the master calendar.
 More efficient feedback gathering process and approval of small dollar items.
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