College Budget Committee Tuesday, March 08, 2016

College Budget Committee
Tuesday, March 08, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Board Room
Meeting called to order at 2:00 pm
Attendance: 12 members, 3 guests (see sign in sheet)
1. Welcome/Introductions (2:00)
Introductions & review of minutes
2. Approval of Minutes (2:03)
Minutes from 02/23/2016 were approved. All in favor, with no abstentions.
3. Co-Chair Reports (2:05)
Carla Walter, Vice President of Administrative Services, invited Lorenzo Legaspi, CLPCCD Vice Chancellor
of Business Services confirmed attendance at the March 22nd meeting. The District Budget Development
Calendar has been updated and it now shows accountability in regards to who is responsible for
particular actions within the process.
Carla brought up two handouts on the projector that were shared at the most recent Planning and
Budget Committee (PBC) meeting. During the development of this next fiscal year’s budget at Chabot,
the manager of that area will be able to develop their own budget in Class-Web. ITS plans to train
administrators on how to use the Budget Development module in Class-Web on April 6th.
Regarding budget development at Chabot, we’d like to have everything completed by June 1st, so we
can have funds available on June 15th for summer spending. Deans, VPs, Directors, and others that have
grants are the ones with the budget responsibility.
Noell Adams, Classified Senate President, commented on the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership
Initiative (IEPI). Chabot has a partnership resource team coming to visit regarding our institutional
partnership initiative. The three focus areas: Shared Governance, Resource and Allocation Planning and
Alignment, and Institutionalizing Institutional Effectiveness. The IEPI team will visit Chabot on March
24th. We have a tentative schedule on hand. They plan to meet with staff on campus including some
Budget Committee members: Chasity Whiteside (Executive Assistant), Tim Dave (Interim Dean of
Science & Math), Heather Hernandez (Library Specialist), Noell, Jeff Drouin (Athletic Director), and Carla.
The meeting will be held from 1-230pm.
Noell continued by saying the goal of the meeting is to share some of the ways we do business now
and to get ideas for best practices in resource allocation, budgeting and planning. This will help us to
find out if there are better ways to do what we do.
Carla encouraged the group to review the Friday March 4th handouts from the PBC meeting, which
include the Fund balance breakdown and FON Information/Calculations.
4. Action/Discussion Items
a. College Budget Committee Evaluation Tool
There was a committee-wide discussion regarding criteria for allocating funds campus-wide. Below are
a few comments/questions that came up during discussion.
Like in the CLPCCD Budget Allocation Model (BAM), we could have fixed percentages for the main areas
on campus: Student Services, Academic Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s Office.
Once allocated to those main areas, remaining funds could be allocated based on prioritized request
and/or proposals. If this were the case, maybe we had a list of main needs in each area so an
assessment could be done each year to refocus the percentages to meet the greatest demand of that
current time. The need for a master list of essential unfunded goods and services was discussed, as well
as criteria for prioritizing such a list.
Matt Kritscher, Vice President of Student Services, commented on the point of processes saying it would
be wonderful if we had an online website with various administrative opportunities for improvement.
Chasity shared some ideas she brought forth when she first moved into her current position supporting
the VP of Administrative Services and the Business Office.
In regards to collection of needs/wants/suggestions for improvement, someone asked about a Google
Doc in which we can gather questions and information to better help the campus community. Maybe
set it up in categories, like forms, services, contracts, etc. Matt added, if we are assessing things that are
problematic, these could become our Service Area Outcomes (SAO). Someone said it would be nice to
have a help desk ticket like option. This could be an Online Suggestion Box, or Wish Box. Chasity
commented that if there’s a way to build in a yearly collection of information we could choose what our
focus is for the next academic year, and then in May we can assess how well we did.
During the discussion, Carla combined ideas and comments into a word document as notes. At the
end of the discussion we had this example:
1,000,000 state, unrestricted, rolls over, one time
o -80,000 reserve – 8% - to be used for unexpected expenses; deficits; cuts; layoffs
o -520,000 discretionary set aside
o 400,000 remains
Need a master list of “goods and services”
Prioritize/weight by Dean/VP (example criteria):
o Does it meet our Strategic Plan Goals
o What is the Cost benefit analysis, i.e., salary savings or time savings, include M&O
overtime/extra services over and above daily operations
o What is the Cost of doing business
o What are the Current essential unfunded goods and services
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Allocate to /by:
o Campus wide
o Student Services
o Academic Services
o Administrative Services
o President’s Office
b. Speaker – Lorenzo Legaspi, postponed until 3/22/2016.
5. For the Good of the Order (3:00)
Wanda Wong, Business Faculty, noticed a discrepancy on program review for facilities. Carla asked her
to bring her concerns to the Facilities & Sustainability Committee. Wanda will send a follow up
document to Carla and Chasity to state the discrepancies and what should be considered for the 16-17
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 3:31 pm
Handouts and/or Links Provided:
The handouts discussed at today’s meeting (below) were shared in the PBC March 4th meeting, and are
available on the College Budget Committee Website under Meeting Agendas & Minutes.
Enrollment Projection
Draft-Tentative Budget Development Calendar
Fund Balance Breakdown
FON Information and Calculations
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
March 22, April 12, April 26, May 10
**The meeting minutes were graciously prepared by Chasity Whiteside**
Chabot College Mission
Chabot College is a public comprehensive community college that prepares students to succeed in their
education, progress in the workplace, and engage in the civic and cultural life of the community. Our students
contribute to the intellectual, cultural, physical, and economic vitality of the region.
The college responds to the educational and workforce development needs of our regional population and
economy. As a leader in higher education, we promote excellence and equity in our academic and student support
services. We are dedicated to student learning inside and outside the classroom to support students’ achievement
of their educational goals.
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