College Budget Committee Tuesday, April 12, 2016

College Budget Committee
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Board Room
Meeting called to order at 2:05 pm
Attendance: 8 members, 4 guests (see sign in sheet)
1. Welcome/Introductions (2:00)
Introductions & review of minutes
2. Approval of Minutes (2:03)
Minutes from 03/22/2016 were approved. All in favor, with no abstentions.
3. Co-Chair Reports (2:05)
Carla Walter, VP of Administrative Services, did not have an official report outside of the recent work on Program
Review and the current work being conducted with area managers and budget development. Tim Dave, Interim
Dean of Science and Math, did not have an official report but he did mention feedback from the Technology
Committee regarding communication around approved technology requests received through Program Review
and the possible need to communicate with the Facilities & Sustainability Committee.
4. Action/Discussion Items
a. Program Review 2016 17 Requests
Carla presented a draft summary of requests by area and type of request (Services, Travel, Technology, Equipment,
Supplies, Classified, Reassign Time, Student Assistants, and Faculty) totaling close to $17,850,000 campus wide.
Heather Hernandez, Library Specialist, asked about the timing of notification for the approved equipment and
technology requests considering it usually comes from Bond funds. Carla replied that we are waiting for the May
revision. Heather asked about Bond funds specifically, for 2016-17 requests. Carla explained that the 2015-16
funds were spent and the 2016-17 requests may or may not be expended from Bond depending on the remaining
amount. They may be funded through the deferred maintenance/equipment funds that come from the state.
Tim Harris asked if the budget was going to roll over or are we going a different direction for this upcoming fiscal
year. Carla replied that we are starting 2016-17 with a budget based on 2015-16 adjusted budget.
Adjunct budgeting came into the conversation. Historically, it has been challenging to allocate and track the funds
accordingly, so we have not received a sufficient allocation to meet our needs. Reassign time/non-instructional
workload came into the conversation as well. How many faculty are on reassign time, campus wide. If a reassign
time position is 4CAH or more, it has to be publically advertised to solicit applicants, but under 4CAH does not.
There is no one place to see how many faculty are on reassign time campus wide. When we talk about funds for
additional classes, are we reflecting on how many instructors are on a non-instructional workload? One faculty
member stated that in some areas you may have faculty assigned to jobs that may be better handled by a
dedicated classified professional rather than a faculty member on reassign. Another statement that came up was
the fact that reassign time is not always being charged to the appropriate account. The entry for their load sheet is
not always tied to the Personnel Action Form (PAF) that approved the assignment and charges it accordingly. We
will have an Administrative Services Technician soon, which will help track PAFs, time sheets, non-instructional
workload and where it’s being charged, but in the meantime it would not hurt to look into this further. It was
suggested that we may form a subcommittee to conduct further research into this topic.
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b. Status of Program Review 2015 16
There are still outstanding items that have not been ordered from the 2015-16 approved list. Since we posted the
last update, quite a few departments did submit their requisitions accordingly. You can see the lists by going to
the Budget Committee website or the Administrative Services website and clicking on the Program Review link to
the left.
5. For the Good of the Order (3:00)
Someone asked if we wanted Deans to be part of these meetings. Carla would like them to attend. Currently the
Curriculum Committee meetings overlap with these meetings.
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm
Handouts and/or Links Provided: NA
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
April 26, May 10
Fall 2016 Meeting Dates:
August 23, September 13, 27, October 11, 25, November 08, 22, December 13
**The meeting minutes were graciously prepared by Chasity Whiteside**
Chabot College Mission
Chabot College is a public comprehensive community college that prepares students to succeed in their education,
progress in the workplace, and engage in the civic and cultural life of the community. Our students contribute to the intellectual,
cultural, physical, and economic vitality of the region.
The college responds to the educational and workforce development needs of our regional population and economy.
As a leader in higher education, we promote excellence and equity in our academic and student support services. We are
dedicated to student learning inside and outside the classroom to support students’ achievement of their educational goals.
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