Educational Studies and Secondary Education Meeting Minutes February 24th, 2014

Educational Studies and Secondary Education
Meeting Minutes
February 24th, 2014
In Attendance:
Mindy Andino, Nancy Bauer, Mark Bauman, Mary Braccili, George Croll, Denise Coy, Denise
Davidson, Diane Elliot (via Skype), Kate Falen (recorder), Ralph Feather (chair), Hussein
Fereshteh, Michael Patte, Raymond Pastore, William Ramsey, Michael Ruffini, William
Simpson, Thomas Starmack
1. Approval of Minutes – Motion by Dr. Starmack, seconded by Dr. Ruffini
- Comment from chair - Introduction of Kate Falen as Secretary of ECAE and ESSE
2. IRB Changes (Dr. Starmack)
There have been significant changes to the IRB website and process. To access, go to the
Graduate School website, Student Resources, and on the right hand side there is a link for
Institutional Review Board.
Key points:
-Students can no longer be a PI, only co-PI (faculty must be PI). Both students and
faculty members should review their responsibilities detailed on the website
-IRB manager is now completely online – you can create your own login and
password, upload all of your information electronically, and monitor your own research
studies and their status.
-When uploading your first system – the second page requires proof of Citi Training
(can upload electronic copy of Certificate provided at end of training). This is an 11
modular program that takes about 2 hours to complete, with a quiz at the end of each
modular. Must have average score of 80% or better on the quizzes overall to pass. It is
recommended to take notes during modular, as you cannot look back for answers once in
the quiz. You can retake a quiz as many times as needed if you do not pass the first time.
- To access training – IRB Manager, Notes, click on, and create a login
with your BU email (BU email gives access to training, and links you to BU).
- Certification does not transfer to/from other organizations.
- This training is valid for three years. This training is also required to serve on the
Thesis Committee.
- If you are an IRB committee member, there is a separate training that is 34 modulars
long and takes about 6.5 hours to complete.
- At end of data collection, you must submit a closure form. If it is a longitudinal
study, you must submit a request to extend once a year.
- For any current IRBs operating, if you want to extend or create a new one, you will
need to do training.
- If doing research in your classrooms and that data stays in the classroom only, no IRB
required, but if it is possible that it will be presented at conference, published in
article, or at any time taken out of classroom, IRB must be completed.
- Dr. Starmack was asked again to stay on IRB, but is willing to pass on to another
ESSE faculty member. Currently, Dr. Craig Young also serves on IRB to represent
ECAE. This position is appointed through the Provost.
3. Budget (Dr. Feather)
-Education and General (E&G) budget for FY 2014-2015 is a 15% decrease from last year,
will now be $8,500.
-Academic Enhancement requests must be in to the Dean by March 7th. Please see Dr.
Feather or Kate Falen for any questions regarding requests.
4. Advisors Files (Dr. Feather)
- Advisors are asked to go through their advisee list (target number of not more than 50
advisees per advisor) and compare them to the advisee files they currently have. If you are
missing a folder, please inform the student workers or secretary. If you have folders of
students who are not on your advisee list, please return to the office so it may be properly
distributed. Anyone who wishes to keep folders on past advisees may have a copy made of
their current folder. Please work to have this completed in the upcoming weeks to prepare
for advising season.
- If your advisee list has a certain group of majors that you wish to change, you may do so,
but students are not permitted to change advisors on their own.
5. Degree Audit (Demonstration on checking status of student for courses and My Core
GEPs) (Dr. Feather)
-Demonstration of “What if” report as another method than using program sheets. With
the students being dual majors, you need to separate the education major from the BA by
scrolling down to where the majors are listed, and changing the BA drop down to “none.”
-Every time a student takes a course that is not on the program sheet, you must fill out the
Exception form. It was requested that a stack of exception forms be placed in the office.
-Advisors are to review the student’s transcript with them to ensure requirements are being
filled. It is at the advisor’s discretion if something should transfer, which will ultimately
then go to the Chair and the Dean.
6. Scholarship opportunities (review team needed): Secondary Education. (Dr. Feather)
a. Ralph & Edna Feather Memorial Scholarship: Two $1000 awards; one from
Secondary Ed.; one from Elementary Ed. – The recipients have been determined.
b. Anne J. Maslow and Mary R. Kuc Memorial Scholarship ($1240): Must have a
3.0 GPA and maintain that to receive the Spring portion.- Recipient has been
c. There is a third scholarship that is supposed to be awarded to a student in a
Geography program. Since there is no such program at BU, we are in the process
of connecting the donors to EGG or Citizenship.
7. Departmental Committee and Other Reports
a. Professional Development – Observation Schedule (Dr. Pastore)
-Performance Review Reports must be completed and turned into the Dean’s office by
April 1st. Please try to schedule all observations to be completed and turned into Dr.
Pastore or Dr. Starmack by March 14th to allow time for processing. This includes three
narratives and two observations. If you are unable to schedule an observation before
March 14th, please complete the rest of the binder and submit that, and then hand in the
observation as soon as it is completed so it may be added to your binder before April 1st.
Supporting documents are not needed unless for tenure. Please provide 2 copies.
Faculty members up for Performance Review are: Mindy Andino, Mary Braccili, Nancy Bauer,
Denise Coy, George Croll, Diane Elliot, Richard Kovalesky, William Ramsey and William
b. Promotion – Dr. Starmack
- There are currently 2 full time temporary positions available for fall
- There will also be part time positions posted this summer for any adjunct faculty
- We have confirmed Mindy Andino for Full Time tenure-track for the Counseling and
College of Student Affairs position.
-If you want to meet with the University committee, they will be meeting this
Friday, February 28th, and next Friday, March 7th. If you are interested in attending, email the chairperson (Eric) to be placed on the agenda to speak to the committee.
Candidates will be ranked at the end of March/beginning of April.
c. Student ASCD – Dr. Pastore
- Event on March 26th for students - “How to Prepare for the Job Market While You are
an Undergraduate Student”. Dr. Pastore will send out an email with additional info to
share with students.
8. Open House: Saturday, March 1st – We are covered for volunteers.
9. General Education and TracDat (Dr. Feather)
-Need to evaluate the Gen Ed program (please refer to e-mail sent by Dr. Feather on
February 17th). This will be discussed at the next department meeting. The report is due
by May 10th. The pilot of MyCore ends this term – afterwards, will only need to evaluate
3 goals at a time each semester, cycling through once all goals have been covered
10. Merger Questions: A Discussion
-Social at Marley’s to be held immediately following department meeting.
-Future events to facilitate teambuilding between the two departments (lead by Quest) is
Wednesday, March 26th, 2p-4p and Monday, April 14th, 2p-4p. Attendance is encouraged
for tenure and tenure track faculty. It was noted that April 14th is the first night of
Passover, and that there may be concerns for those who observe the holiday.
-Both department chairs have met separately and together with consultants to discuss
11. Open Forum
-Chair Election Committee – Dr. Fereshteh is working with Dr. Starmack and Dr. Ginny
Bonomo (ECAE) as a committee to hold their first meeting. This is scheduled for
Wednesday, March 5th.
-Affinity Group – Mary Braccili announced that as of this past Saturday (2/22/14), there
is now a College of Education Affinity Group at Bloomsburg University. This is similar
to a regional group for BU alumni, and has the goal of getting more BU alumni back on
-University Committees – Annual Election coming soon – Dr. Starmack
-There are open positions for University committees. It is encouraged that faculty
attend to support other COE faculty members.
12. Adjournment – 3:30pm – Motioned by Nancy Bauer, Seconded by Dr. Ruffini.