Minutes of the CHAS Senate Members present October 21, 2013

Minutes of the CHAS Senate
October 21, 2013
3:30 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room, CAC
Members present: Brand (Communication Studies), Bullard (Music), Doely (Art), Edmister
(Communication Sciences & Disorders), Greenhalgh (Technology), Haack (Dean), Heinzel (Earth
Science), Hill (Philosophy & World Religions), Manfredi (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Morgan
(Physics and Science Education), Tamplin (Biology), Vanderwall (Languages & Literatures), Wood
Chair Heinzel called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.
1. Welcome
2. Announcements
a. Dean Haack: The university is moving toward an annual curriculum cycle. The first time
putting forward curriculum to the Regents is March 2015. This means departments will
need to put forward curriculum by about Spring Break of 2014.
b. Dean Haack: A group will meet with the President regarding his idea for the Bachelor of
Applied Science degree. The thought is that this would attract students who are
completing Associate Degrees in Applied Sciences that do not currently directly transfer
to UNI.
c. Dean Haack: There are a number of meet and confers happening between the
administration and United Faculty regarding health care, active scholar definition, etc.
d. Dean Haack: ITS wants to make faculty aware of software deals available to them. There
is also a QUALTRICS survey tool available for faculty doing survey work.
3. Hill moved to accept the September 30 minutes; Vanderwall seconded. The motion passed
4. Old business
a. CHAS Strategic Plan: Vanderwall stated that Languages and Literatures expressed no
substantive concern about the document. He further mentioned that faculty in the
department liked the idea of addressing certain areas each year. Wood (Mathematics)
stated that colleagues had somewhat the opposite reaction; engaging the strategic plan
as a document that guides specific work perhaps takes it outside of the purpose for
which it was written. Tamplin (Biology) noted that a faculty member would like more
emphasis on Goal 2 Objective 2; another would like more focus on financial aid; another
would like the word “science” added to Goal 2 Objective 3. Wood noted that because
many of the objectives are written in a vague manner, measuring success in achieving
the objectives might be very, very difficult. Brand (Communication Studies) noted that
his department had few comments, and sees other areas in need of senate focus. Doely
(Art) noted that his colleagues had no comment on this issue.
Vanderwall moved that the CHAS Senate approve of the draft of the strategic plan as
presented, with the inclusion of the word “science” in Goal 2 Objective 3. Wood
seconded the motion. Edmister asked whether the document be titled a “working draft”
to allow further editing; it seems to be the case that this is understood to be possible
without amending the title of the plan. The motion passed unanimously.
Manfredi asked whether or not a date is typically added to guide the time frame; Haack
noted that the plans are typically five-year documents, though we could agree that this
started up to two years ago. Manfredi moved that the document be considered to be
from 2013-2018; Vanderwall seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
b. Curriculum modifications
a. Chinese courses: Languages and Literatures proposes a change in credit hours
from 5 to “4 to 5” for Elementary Chinese I, Elementary Chinese II, and Intermediate
Chinese I. Vanderwall voted to approve the changes to these courses; Bullard
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
b. LANG 4740: A new course is proposed to replace LANG 4090 and TESOL 4740.
Vanderall moved to approve the new course; Greenhalgh seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
c. LANG 4750: The course is proposed to replace MEASRES 3150 and focus on specific
languages pedagogy and assessment. Vanderwall moved to approve the new course
pending approval by the appropriate College of Education senates; Bullard
seconded. Morgan voted against the motion; all other senators voted to approve.
The motion passed.
d. TESOL 3550: The new course Constructing Cross-Cultural Bridges is proposed
which will also serve as a LAC 6 Capstone course. Vanderwall moved to approve the
new course; Greenhalgh seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
e. TESOL 4750: The new course (which has been taught experimentally) meets
requirements for licensure. Vanderwall moved that the proposed course be
approved; Hill seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
f. TESOL 4760: This course has a proposed title and course description change.
Vanderwall moved that the proposed changes be approved; Bullard seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
g. CS 3730, 4550, 4620, 4740: 3730 is reduced to one hour, and is taken as a pre- or
co-requisite to the other three project courses. The other three courses now have
3730 listed as a co- or pre-requisite. Vanderwall moved to approve the proposed
changes to the four Computer Science courses (3730, 4550 4620, and 4740) as
offered; Manfredi seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
h. English BA: New courses were approved last curriculum cycle; the courses are now
being added as approved electives for the English BA program. Vanderwall moved
to accept the English BA motion as stated; Bullard seconded. The motion passed
c. Discussion of other old business, including the Reineke commencement resolution, was
tabled until the next meeting.
5. New business
a. No new business was discussed.
6. Vanderwall moved to adjourn; Bullard seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The senate adjourned at 4:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Morgan
CHAS Senate Secretary