Classified Senate 2011-12 AGENDA ITEMS

Classified Senate 2011-12
July 14 2011
Classified Senate
Governing Council
Yvonne Wu Craig
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Room 455
Executive Board: Yvonne Wu Craig, Gordon Watt, Ginger Ripplinger, Rosie Mogle,
Senators: Cheryl Sannebeck, Debra Kling, Nate Moore, Karen Metcalf, Stacy Moore, Trisha Avila
Representatives: Lisa Carlson, Katrin Field
Guests: Isabel Braunstein
Grant Development
Gordon Watt
Vice President
Chabot Computer Support
Ginger Ripplinger
Social Sciences
Rosie Mogle
Meeting called to order at 12:09 p.m. by Classified President Yvonne Wu Craig
Minutes for June and July are not available. June and July minutes will be presented for approval at the next meeting.
Minutes for May presented.
Motion to accept minutes as written by Cheryl Sannebeck
Motion Seconded by Rosie Mogle
-Motion Approved.
Administrative Services
Celia Barberena
College President
Catherine Powell
School of the Arts
Catherine Gentiluomo
No report at this time
No report at this time
No Secretary report – Ginger Ripplinger
No Treasurer’s report. Funds for Senate are in transit. – Rosie Mogle
Health & Natural Sciences
Debra Kling
Language Arts
Cheryl Sannebeck
Social Sciences
Bella Witt
SEIU representatives not in attendance
Yvonne relayed a message from union representative Gregory Correa, everything is Status Quo.
President’s Office
Nate Moore
Campus Safety
Tatiana Diaz
Gregory Correa
Maintenance & Operations
Trisha Avila
Financial Aid
Karen Metcalf
Stacey Moore
Sylvia Ramirez
Katrin Field
Chasity Whiteside
Language Arts
Christie Verarde
Social Science
Lisa Carlsen
Learning Skills
Rajinder Samra will no longer be a representative as he accepted a position at LPC.
Yvonne Wu Craig and Gordon Watt worked on recruitment to find new representatives.
The following names were presented for nomination:
Lisa Carlsen – Learning Skills
Chasity Whiteside – Science and Mathematics
Christie Verarde – Social Sciences
Katrin Field – Student Services/Assessment
Christie Verarde was in attendance. Christie has transferred from Las Positas College and is working for Social
Sciences in the Early Childhood Development program. Introductions of senators and representatives were made.
Debra Kling moved to approve the nomination and acceptance of Katrin Field, Chasity Whiteside, Christie Verarde
and Lisa Carlsen as Classified Senate Representatives.
Seconded by Gordon Watt.
-Motion passed.
Carlson Award Ballots were picked up and tallied. There were only two nominations. A total of six nominations were
submitted last year. Discussion opened on extending the deadline to get more entries. It was suggested that low
interest in the award was due to the fact that the announcement was made really late in the year. The new deadline is
August 1, 2011. The award will be initially given without a check as the award hasn’t been funded yet. The check will
be mailed as soon as it can be processed.
Yvonne Wu Craig will send out an e-mail announcement about the extended deadline. Gordon Watt will put the ballot
box out and post it to the Classified Senate website.
Fundraising Work Group
Lisa Carlsen, coordinator for fundraising, presented a list of ideas to raise funds. Funds are used for scholarships, classified
appreciation week, classified leadership conference, appreciation gifts and gift baskets to support other events. The group had a
discussion narrowing down the list and presenting new ideas.
New suggestions:
Dunking booth at college hour during club day
It was suggested that a dunking booth be sponsored at Homecoming
Candy grams sales on campus
The following fundraisers were agreed on:
Large fundraisers:
Dunking booth along with penny votes for who people would want to see dunked in water.
Candy gram sales
Small fundraisers:
Silent auction
Raffle baskets
Lisa Carlsen will bring a draft of the proposed fundraisers outlining the organization and staffing needed at the September 9th annual
Convocation/Flex Day Planning
Chabot Faculty Senate President Kathy Kelly has asked Classified Senate to participate in Convocation Day activities by recording
and presenting a college wide discussion on college issues. Kelly suggested that classified professionals break up into groups and
discuss open ended college wide issues.
Discussion opened on whether classified input would be brushed aside or held against staff. It was stated that there is an
atmosphere of distrust and bad feelings. Caution was advised on expressing opinions and feelings on issues. Discussion on
providing an agreement form that outlines “a safe place” to express ideas and opinions at the workshop. Concern was expressed
over discussion being kept in the room and not broadcast via e-mail. It was suggested that only those who sign the agreement could
participate. It was decided that clarification on whether this workshop is for staff only or staff/faculty mix was needed. Will this be on
college day or convocation day?
Discussion on surveying classified staff for their input on participation in this workshop. It was suggested that Survey Monkey should
be used to get a sense of how classified staff feel about participation in this activity. It was agreed that one question will be posed
with a variety of answers.
Suggested question wording by the group:
Faculty Senate has suggested that classified employees participate in an open discussion about salient issues that need
to be addressed. Would you be interested in participating in small discussion groups addressing issues from a staff
viewpoint, and resolutions of those issues within the Chabot College context?
No, due to: Fear of retribution, not interested/no opinion, shy/I don’t like speaking in groups, not available/too busy.
Would be willing to participate: if the activity included only classified staff? Small group?
Yes: I want to speak my mind; I would like to participate in a small group.
COMMENT BOX: If you can’t make the meeting, what are the most important issues and solutions that should be
addressed this year? Include any issues and include any solutions if you have any. Examples in parenthesis.
(Professional development, morale, communication, safety, shared governance, etc.)
Yvonne Wu Craig will get clarification from Kathy Kelly on whether this will be a mix of staff and faculty. What size groups? Will
faculty agree to contract for a “safe space”?
Debra Kling will develop the questions for the survey.
Committee Reports
College Budget Committee – Rosie Mogle reported that the College Budget Committee made its first run through of the
technology requests for the Bond. The Budget is $1.1 million. They currently have $1.6 million in requests.
The report on the bookstore was concluded and sent to the college president and the district. The report will be released to the
public after a decision is made.
Nate Moore suggested that everyone go to the bookstore to purchase Chabot apparel. July 22 is the deadline for 50th anniversary Tshirts and polo shirts.
District Budget Study Committee – Will start up in September.
It was decided that the SLO Committee be taken off the list since that committee is purely faculty-focused and that the Foundation
and Public Art committees be taken off the list as they are no longer meeting.
Gordon Watt reported that the annual retreat is on September 9th. There are tons of sodas available for the retreat.
Nate Moore reported that Campus Safety is looking into ceasing campus escort services in the fall due to staffing and budget
issues. Exceptions to the “no escort” rule will be decided on a case by case basis.
The alarm system is another area they are looking into. Sonitrol may be discontinued. Campus Safety is looking into fixing AMAG as
Report issues with alarms to dispatch and follow it up with an e-mail.
Parking permits will be issued in August. Summer permits will be honored for three days into the new semester. Send parking
permits lists to Nate Moore. Campus Safety would like to hear suggestions to improve the parking permit system. An online parking
permit system is being considered. It would be beneficial to have a centralized place to find out who has what permit.
Nate Moore requested that administrative assistants remind new instructors and staff to please make sure they make it to the
Campus Safety office for keys and key cards and provide contact numbers for Campus Safety. If they don’t have a code or don’t
remember their code, have them contact Campus Safety.
Yvonne Wu Craig encouraged everyone to communicate with our co-workers and to share important information gained in
committees. Many times Classified Senate personnel are the only consistent source for information on campus.
Meeting adjourned at 2:09 p.m.
Future Meeting Dates: August 19th, September 16, October 21, November 18, December 16, January 20, February 16, March 16, April 20, May 18,
and June 15.
Respectfully submitted by:
Classified Senate Secretary
Ginger Ripplinger
July 14, 2011