PRBC MINUTES February 26, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 pm, room 405 Attendees:

February 26, 2014
3:00 – 5:00 pm, room 405
Attendees: Noell Adams, Steve Stevenson, Tom Clark, Mike Sherburne, Andrew Pierson, Becky Plaza,
Chad McCane, Dillon Pieters, Donna Gibson, Kristin Land, Carolyn Arnold, ValJean Dale, Jeanne Wilson,
Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Mireille Giovanola, Jim Matthews, Kathy Kelley, Connie Willis, Bob Buell, Yvonne
Wu-Craig, Matt Kritscher, Trish Shannon, Susan Sperling, Deonne Kunkel, Sandra Genera, Ken Grace
Minutes Approved for 2/12/14
Good of the Order PRBC:
We still need Representatives from COOL & TECH Committees.
New Program Review Committee: Next meeting March 5, 2014 – Agenda: Module for
CurricuNet for program review electronically will be in room 405.
Still need a SLOAC Chair
Resolution passed - Crisis for SLO’s and SLOAC has reached a critical point for the college.
Positive action needs to happen now.
SLO Committee and Dean’s- (Tram has taken on the administrator role and is running the committee.)
The committee has identified what needs to be done to get Elumen up and running to identify
courses that have closed the loop and those that need to be closed. We are still in the planning
stages for long term data solutions. The committee will be looking at another data program next
Report on College Council- Kathy Kelley:
School will hire a temporary hourly Webmaster: Task for webmaster: All minutes for
committees need to be available for all public to see.
Accreditation- Jim Matthews
Jim presented new questions from the ACCJC Annual report:
# 23Effective practice to share with the field: Describe examples of effective and/or
innovative practices at your college for setting institution-set standards, evaluating
college or programmatic performance related to student achievement, and changes that
have happened in response to analyzing college or program performance (1,250 character
limit, approximately 250 words).
# 36 Please discuss alignment of student learning outcomes at your institution, from
institutional and course to program level. Describe your activities beyond crosswalking or
charting all outcomes to courses in a program (often called “mapping”), to analysis and
implementation of alignment in the planning of curriculum and delivery of instruction.
Discuss how the alignment effort has resulted in changes of expected outcomes and/or
how students’ programs of study have been clarified. Note whether the described
practices apply to all instructional programs at the college (1,250 character limit,
approximately 250 words).
# 37 Describe the various communication strategies at your college to share SLO
assessment results for usage by internal and external audiences. Explain how
communications take into account how the information is expected to influence the
behavior or decisions of particular audiences. Discuss how communication of student
learning outcomes assessment information and results impacts student behavior and
achievement (1,250 character limit, approximately 250 words).
#38Explain how dialog and reporting of SLO assessment results takes place at the
departmental and institutional levels. Note whether practices involve all programs at the
college. Illustrate how dialog and reporting impact program review, institutional
planning, resource allocation, and institutional effectiveness (1,250 character limit,
approximately 250 words).
#39 Please share with us two or three success stories about the impacts of SLO practices
on student learning, achievement, and institutional effectiveness. Describe the practices
which led to the success (1,250 character limit, approximately 250 words).
Jim is working with the deans, and committees to respond to these new requests for
information. This is all due by March 31st
Budget Committee Report –Connie Willis
We have not received budget planning information for 2014-2015 from district.
Halfway through 2013-2014 snapshot:
We do not have a consistent process for allocation of all of our funds. Some funds have
mandated uses such as Categorical funds, Triple SP Grants,DSPS, while others are governed by
local decisions: (International Students), C o-Curricular funds (½ Million), Student government (½
million), (11.5 Million), TAA grants. 90% of our budget is allocated to personnel.
Historically the Budget committee has allocated over 1 million dollars out of bond to cover
equipment purchases. Everything asked for in equipment for 2013-2014 was granted
(equipment & supplies). There is $500,000 in the Perkins Budget. The Budget committee could
use more details on the spreadsheet portion of program review.
A Possible Solution for determining categorical spending maybe to have the Deans determine
where it should be allocated.
Over the long term we need to protect bond money as much as possible, and we must plan for
the end of the bond.
Educational Master Plan:
The district is looking at assisting the colleges in the development of a new educational master
plan, both for the colleges and to create a district plan. Our Current Master Ed plan is good
through 2015.
Mission Statement - Jim Matthews:
College Council approved the Mission Statement and now it will be forwarded to the board. The
current structure & membership of college council is being looked at and being revised.
Dr. SperlingDespite problems we are on a roll in regards to hiring. We are screening for a new student life
director, an Administrative Assistant II position for the president & the foundation, hiring 9
Fulltime Faculty, a new Dean for SOTA, a Webmaster- (Temp Hourly), a new level 1 Student
Services Assistant for evening in student services & and a Financial Aid specialist.
If we have the opportunity to hire a 10th faculty position – I would like to hire a Learning
Assessment coordinator. We will be going out for a VP Student Services soon. We are looking to
fill the VP Academic Services now by going back to the hiring pool.
Misc. Conversation
Planning on campus and development of the Student Equity Plan. Look at AB 2558 for guidance
and new guidelines.
AB 2558- This bill would eliminate the Community College Faculty and
Staff Development Fund and instead establish the Community College
Professional Development Program. The bill would require any available
funding to be allocated, in accordance with rules and regulations
adopted by the board of governors, to community college districts that
provide professional development opportunities for both faculty and
staff. The bill would require community college districts receiving
this funding to include the employee's time used participating in the
Community College Professional Development Program in the employee's
contractually obligated hours. The bill would also make nonsubstantive
changes to these provisions.
Meeting Adjourned (4:44pm)