Planning, Review and Budget Council A G E N D A

Planning, Review and
Budget Council
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Room 405, bld. 400
3:00-5:00 PM
3:00-3:10 Welcome and Approval of April 6th Minutes
3:10-3:30 Discussion of Facilities Survey
3:30-4:00 Classified Senate’s response to the Joint Facility statement and
Strategic Plan Goal/Initiatives
4:00-4:30 Progress on the Strategic Plan: Fall 2015 Update – How is our newest cohort
Setting the goals for the institutional Effectiveness Indicators
Meeting Adjourned
Strategic Plan Goal:
“Increase the number of students that achieve their educational goal within a
reasonable time by clarifying pathways and providing more information and
support; ensure equitable outcomes amount student groups.”