Professional Development Meeting January 28, 2016 Minutes

Professional Development Meeting
January 28, 2016
I. Members in attendance: Steve Stevenson, Maria Ochoa, Parfait Mwamba, Kirti Reddy,
Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Cynthia Stubblebine, Katrin Field, Stacy Thompson, Michael Lai
Call to Order 2:11 pm
II. Approval of minutes
A. Minutes for 12/10 – Cindy moves to approve; Katrin seconds; minutes approved by
B. Minutes for 1/21 – Cindy moves to approve; Katrin seconds; Stacy, Steve, and Parfait
abstain; minutes approved by consensus
II1. 2016-2017 Flex Days
A. Convocation Day and College Day are planned for 8/15 and 8/16. Reminder – New
Employee Orientation(s) will need to be planned over the summer.
B. Discussion and analysis of instructional days for fall and spring semesters;
committee suggests one day for fall and one day for spring. Kirti mentions the
Chancellor’s desire for a common Flex Day with LPC. Committee suggests
identifying two potential dates and bringing them to the LPC Staff Development
committee to see if we can find a common Flex Day. Committee suggests Tuesday,
9/06/16 (following Labor Day holiday) and Tuesday, 2/21/17 (following Presidents’
Weekend holiday). Maria will follow up with the LPC committee.
IV. Funding Requests – second round
A. Katrin, Ken, and Rachael will meet to revise the form and evaluation rubric based on
feedback from the first round of funding requests.
B. Discussion: How should funding recipients share back their experiences? How does
the committee document that? How are the activities being funded shared with the
rest of the campus? Stacy suggests emailing out a list of the areas and funded
opportunities to the campus, as well as positing the list on the Professional
Development website. Another suggestion is to make clear that recipients are
required to “close the loop” and share back about their activity/opportunity;
approval of future funding requests will take into consideration whether or not the
recipient has done so. How do other colleges deal with reporting back? Perhaps we
can use that as inspiration for ourselves. Kirti suggests asking recipients to take a
“selfie” at their activity/opportunity, both as proof of attendance and to be part of a
slide show for future campus events, such as College Day.
V. Planning Spring Activities
A. People have been emailing the co-chairs with ideas and suggestions; Rachael will
bring a list to a future meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Rachael Tupper-Eoff
B. Software – Banner, SARS Anywhere, Outlook would all be great options. Shorter,
targeted sessions could bring larger audiences – run during College Hour, but from
~12:15 to ~12:45 to give people “travel time.”
VI. IEPI – Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative
A. Professional Development opportunities will be coming through this initiative after
our site visit
B. Site visit dates are still TBD; VP Walter is coordinating with the IEPI team.
Meeting adjourned 3:04 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Rachael Tupper-Eoff