Document 11404920

GEOGRAPHY COMPASS -­‐ URBAN FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? ● Fast publication, typically 8 weeks from acceptance of final, peer-­‐reviewed version ● a citable, peer-­‐reviewed article, with a permanent URL ● a wide, international audience through a global medium ● a free PDF offprint of your article ● your own profile page on the site ● free individual access to the site ● usage information of your article. In addition, you will receive free Wiley books of your choice to the value of £30/$50, if your manuscript is submitted by the agreed deadline. HOW WILL PEOPLE GET TO HEAR ABOUT MY ARTICLE? At Compass, we recognise that authors place an understandably high importance on getting exposure for their articles as they seek to disseminate their research, build up their profile and advance in their careers. Because of the broad scope of Compass, many more people will see your article than in a specialist research journal. Your article will be seen worldwide, by peers, researchers, teachers, and students both within your field and outside it. In addition, we have developed the following set of initiatives to ensure the widest possible dissemination: ●
All Compass abstracts are free, which means that search engines index them, so your article may be included in topic searches in Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc. (see our guidelines on ‘Optimizing your Abstract for Search Engines’ for what you can do to help with this). Compass articles will be included in the main abstracting and indexing services for the field. Your article will be included in electronic tables of contents sent to the thousands of registered users of Wiley Online Library, Wiley’s online journals system. Your article will be included in content alerts sent to registered users. For example, if a user creates a content alert about ‘deforestation’ or ‘Shakespeare and film’, and your article matches the topic, then it will be included. For selected, newsworthy articles, we will send press releases to the media. Articles are listed on the appropriate Section pages on each Compass home page, which drives up usage of those articles. Compass articles are registered with CrossRef which means that they have a permanent URL which facilitates linking to your article and citing it. CAN I INCLUDE MY OWN RESEARCH, OR DO I JUST HAVE TO SURVEY THE LITERATURE? Authors are encouraged to include insights from their own work, in addition to providing an overview of current thinking on the topic. But Compass does not publish pure primary research. It publishes review articles. Please see the Notes for Authors for more information and this advice on writing review essays. WHAT IS THE AUDIENCE FOR COMPASS? Potential readers include your peers, scholars in related areas, teachers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates – potentially from any part of the discipline. For this reason, it is important to avoid specialist jargon as most readers will not be experts in the topic. The style should be crisp and concise, and livelier than a research article. Unlike traditional reviews, authors are encouraged to take a position, which must be well-­‐argued and supported. HOW WILL PEOPLE FIND MY ARTICLE? ●
Compass is regularly crawled by Google All articles are registered with Crossref for citation linking. HOW WILL PEOPLE CITE MY ARTICLE? Users can download the citation in different formats. The citation also appears on the PDF version in the header at the top of the first page. WHO WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS MY ARTICLE? Everyone will be able to see the abstract. Users in subscribing libraries will be able to access the full text of the article. HOW DOES THE PEER REVIEWING WORK? The Section Editor will choose two Reviewers to comment on the piece. Reviewers have the option to disclose their identities. Everything is done electronically within ScholarOne Manuscripts, ensuring the fastest possible processing. The system will inform you of any comments which require the piece to be revised. Once the revisions have been made to the Editor’s satisfaction, the piece will go into production. WHAT ABOUT COPYRIGHT? We have a convenient process for signing your copyright transfer agreement electronically (eCTA) that will save you considerable time and effort. If your paper is accepted, the Author whom you flag as being the formal Corresponding Author for the paper will receive an e-­‐mail with a link to an online eCTA form. This will enable the Corresponding Author to complete the copyright form electronically within ScholarOne Manuscripts on behalf of all authors on the manuscript. You may preview the copyright terms and conditions here. DO I GET OFFPRINTS? You will be sent the final version of the article as a PDF file, which you are free to distribute to your colleagues and students as you wish, as long as it is for standard, recognised academic purposes. Selling copies of the article is not permitted. HOW LONG BEFORE MY ARTICLE IS PUBLISHED? This depends partly on you. Unlike conventional journals, we are not bound by the traditional issue format and articles are published continuously, as soon as they are ready. IF your manuscript is complete on submission (including the abstract and properly formatted bibliography) and IF you return your proofs promptly, we can publish the paper in 8 weeks from acceptance of the final, peer-­‐reviewed version. However, incomplete manuscripts cannot be processed and will incur delays. Likewise, the faster that you return your proofs, the sooner the article will be published. 